Tulsi needs to come out against open borders. Tulsi could simply state that branding Americans as racist or xenophobic for not wanting to expand the welfare state internationally by extending benefits to illegals, is preposterous. It spits in the face of working class people of all races. It is negatively affecting the economy. It is a back hand to people coming legally. And it is also not an all or nothing decision.

The best way to help the poor or curb poverty is not to relocate them. Stop engaging in activities that create poverty in the first place. Such as warfare, predatory lending, and protectionist markets that through tariffs or other means limit competition on market goods.

The rest are domestic issues: lower tax rates on small businesses, enforce antitrust laws, deregulate utilities to lower the cost of living, and prosecute white collar crimes when banks and speculators try to game the system. Of course there is always plenty of government waste to cut.

Other ways for us to lower the cost of living as well as massive debts would be to lower the costs of education and healthcare. One quick way is to get rid of the Department of Education. The DOE has made tens of billions of dollars by borrowing at a low rate and then loaning at a higher rate to students. All loans are guaranteed and are extremely hard to discharge through bankruptcy which only increases moral hazard. The increase of lose credit does the same thing it did for the housing market. Take the debt or you can’t buy a good home. Take the debt or you can’t have a good education. See if everyone is guaranteed a loan for school or a mortgage, then the price goes up. People not taking the risking loans get priced out of the market. This is why credit is supposed to be judicious and the lender should face consequences if the loan isn’t paid. The Department of Ed has found a social security like ponzy scheme. There are always new students. There is always an incoming Freshmen class to burden with new debts. So what if those in debt pay slowly or can’t pay, enough are paying and enough new debts are created to make the gambit worth doing. In trying to provide access to education, in trying to make education affordable for all, the government has done the opposite. It is no affordable for no one. There are also diminishing returns. People want an education but decide that its better to forgo on that because they would be paying it off for the never few decades.

The cost of medical school, law school, engineering and so on create a hidden higher cost in health, law, engineering and so on. What we need is less government not more. Stop pointless wars for MIC profits. Wars are corporate welfare with violence. Stop predatory lending especially to students. Lead by example not by economic and military threats. Controls the borders or create failed cities, welfare, i.e. not working, doesn’t work.

Expanding the welfare state is cultural and financial suicide. we cannot relocate poverty. An influx of unskilled labor drives down wages, increases cost for public schooling, drains social benefits, and statistically comes with more problems with violent crime, drugs in particular, and higher cost for real estate. More people mean more competition in the housing market starting on the lower end. The nation might as well inject itself with parasites. Mass migration is not helping anyone. Fix the problem where they live. There is a perfectly legal way to immigrate to the US, there is no excuse for illegal entries. Quit calling them dreamers. These are able bodied people with the ability to work. These are not war refugees. They are simply bringing third world ideas into the first world. Well the US cannot bring them up it can only bring itself down. The US’s wealth and success is predicated by a work ethic and culture of a particular nature that upholds the values of capitalism and Western philosophies. Entitlement is not one of these values.