You can clearly see the government and the media condemning the trucker movement. The left is as far up Big Pharma’s butt as it is Big tech’s. Remember when liberals hated corporations and stood up for the working class? Now they hate truckers and side with the state for mandates to enrich pharmaceutical companies. Woke media agrees. Unvaccinated are a threat to authority. It’s only through force and censorship that the left can push it’s anti science world view about gender, the environment, energy. It’s only through monopoly the left can deny inflation, claim voter ID is racist and racially redistribute wealth under the guise of equity. It’s only by total media control creating a false panic the left can demonize and then flirt with a war against Russia. This is the panic party. Global pandemic, global warming, open borders, uncheckable mail in votes, all backed either by the panic of death or accusations of racism unless you comply. In fact in early covid San Fran had hug a Chinese day during the outbreak of a new disease just to prove you weren’t xenophobic since the disease originated in China.

These people would feed themselves to zombies if zombies were some type of ethnic minority. A leftest would rather be eaten than labeled by an ism. So great is there need for group think and fear of being separated from the herd. Authority is everything. Fact check, put the stamp of approval or the blue check mark on what we are allowed to think officially. The leftist mind is one of constant fear and a need to control others. It’s a party of resentment that gains validation and satisfaction by condemning others.

The holier than thou attitude is from an inferiority complex thus the need to virtue single on behalf of those they “perceive” as being inferiority. They want to identify with the groups oppression bc they feel weak themselves. The only way a loser can feel strong is to stand above others under the guise of helping them. By helping minorities they place themselves above them, remove their agency. If there is no oppression they lose their purpose, a desperate need to feel superior.