10 Asian Hate /Racially motivated Parlor shooting/

The top whoppers that fell apart in 2021


10 Asian Hate /Racially motivated Parlor shooting/

Asian Hate was trending in the beginning of 2021. Apparently there was an epidemic of violence towards Asians. There wasn’t one. The crisis was created based on two incidents. In one a white guy got beat up after he attacked a Chinese woman in California. The context of why he did that was never given. Secondly a sex addict shot sex workers on the East coast some of his victims were Asia, some were not. This was good enough for CNN because the perpetrator was a white guy. His motive was clear though. He was not attacking people for being Asian. He was attacking people for giving happy endings, something he was addicted to participating in.

But there were some attacks on Asians mostly by Black people. This would hurt the image of BLM which CNN openly supports so they stopped talking about the story. Stop Asia Hate became a thing all over TikTok Facebook and Twitter and later Epic Games included it as a badge in Apex Legends, and the movie Venom had a line in it where Venom was on the stage saying Stop Asian Hate. This seemed really dated because by the time the movie was released the Asian hate wave story had already passed and been forgotten.

There was a racially motivated attack later in the year where a blacktivist ran over and killed white children in a Christmas parade. But what did CNN do? They lightened his skin in the stories about him and never brought up his black nationalism or prior convictions. He was also an admitted pedophile a video of which is still on Twitter of him bragging about pimping out a 15 year old girl, who he also got pregnant. Twitter doesn’t ban pedophiles it protects them.


9 Horsewhip gate

Based on nothing but a picture the media decided Haitian migrants were being whipped at the boarder. Headlines spoke of a grim reminder of history, referring to black slaves being whipped. No one claimed to have been hit with a whip or a rein, and no no one was. The photo is of long reins which are used to control the horses. Even after this was known the Biden admin decided it was bad optics so instead of just explaining the story, they apologized and banned horses! That is correct, the left’s answer for any problem is to ban something.


8 Ivermectin Hoax

It started with the Rollingstones magazine claiming that a hospital in Oklahoma was overwhelmed with people overdosing on Ivermectin. It was so bad they could not treat people with gunshot wounds they said. The entire story was simply made up. The Hospital in question had to call in and say none of this is true and not a single person has been admitted for using Ivermectin.


7 More Ivermectin Hoax

Doubling down on this was CNN using a filter on Joe Rogan to make him look more sickly and claiming that the Podcast star who has higher ratings than they do, had taken horse medication. That was an outright lie. Saying Ivermectin is only for horses because horses can take it is like saying milk is cat food because some people give it to cats. Horses take penicillin too so is that now not for people either?


6 Jussie Smollett

Although this started in 2019 it took until 2021 for there to be a trial. Jussie Smollett’s story was always too on the nose. Dave Chappelle had it right from the beginning, as did most people with common sense. But not those looking for a witch to burn. The Racial Grievence Industry kicked into high gear on places like MSNBC and CNN now nicknamed the (Children’s Nudes Network) where crocodile tears were flowing over Jussie’s outrageous story. He was beaten up in Chicago he said. And the attackers wore MAGA hats and yelling racial and homophobic slurs, dumped bleach on him and put a noose around his neck, a noose he decided to wear all the way home and still have on when the police arrived. Oh and of course they yelled, “this is MAGA country!” Riiiiight and then everybody slow clapped.

As it turned out the rope was bought not far away by two men Jussie had hired and paid. They bought the rope with a $100 bill that was part of the $3500 Jussie had paid them. These idiots were caught on film doing a dry run of the attack. There are also receipts from the store of all the props they bought. The crime scenario was that of some fantasy of a 12 year old antifa member’s idea of what racists are like. Even after the trial and all this evidence against him Jussie perjured himself by lying to the judge and the jury. He still won’t admit he staged the entire thing despite the men involved admitting it and them all being on film practicing it. Jussie has appealed. Obviously this man is that delusional or he just wants to stall time before he goes to jail.


5 BBC lie about Syrian gas attack
More on this here

This wasn’t the first lie about a gassing in Syria either. The truth about Syria can be seen here in this ANC documentary.


4 Kyle Rittenhouse

Kyle Rittenhouse did nothing wrong. The court agrees as did a unanimous jury. But if you put that on twitter your account would get banned. Liberals across the country who bothered to watch the trial were shocked so see that no, Kyle did not cross state lines with a gun. Kyle was not an active shooter and he did not chase after people or shoot any black people. But if you got all your news from highly censored social media or ABCNNBCBS News you would think he was a monster that went to a mostly peaceful protest to shoot up minorities. The reality was, Rittenhouse was already there as that is where he worked and some of his family lived. He was washing off graffiti from vandalized property. For two nights prior to the incident, a mob of BLM and ANITFA terrorists had destroyed blocks of territory and property setting most of it on fire. Not a single person had been arrested. They were reacting to an earlier police shooting of Jacob Blake who many wrongly believed was killed. He wasn’t, he also had a knife and was kidnapping a child.

A serial pedophile who was fresh out of the mental hospital prior to that he had been in jail for ten years for raping 5 year olds, Joseph Rosenbaum threatened to kill Kyle. Later in the night he was swinging a chain and setting things on fire. He spotted Kyle and yelled, on film, I’ll kill you mother fucker, followed by you won’t do shit (referring to Kyle’s gun). Well he fucked around and found out. After trying to run away from Rosenbaum who chased Kyle across two parking lots, Kyle pointed his gun at him. Rosenbaum kept coming and in his final moments was touching the gun. Kyle shot him dead. Just before this was happened Joshua Ziminski, an amateur porn ANTIFA member fired his own gun into the air. Following the death of the pedophile Kyle was hit with a rock which caused him to fall, a man Maurice Freeland, kicked him in the head another guy nicked named Skate or Die, Anthony Huber, started to hit him with a skateboard and tried to take his gun. He got shot. It turns out he was also a felon who liked to choke women. Lastly Gaige Gorsskreutz who was on probation for B&E pointed a gun that he was illegally in possession of, in Kyle’s face. Kyle blew the thug’s bicep off. At least 5 people attacked Kyle, 3 of them were shot and 2 of those were killed. At no point did Kyle attack anyone. This was self defense from a violent gang that was setting the city on fire.

It was all on film from multiple angles. This never should have even gone to trial and Kyle should not have been arrested. However he was and he spent 87 days in jail thanks to his inane and incompetent Qanon lawyer Lin Wood. He spent more time in jail than Iraq War serial liar Judith Miller who went to jail for 85 days for her role in the Plame Affair.


3 Russiagate

This one went on for years. Funny thing is the claims about trump being peed on by Russian prostitutes was actually true about Hunter Biden.


2 Hunter Laptop

During the 2020 presidential debates president Trump brought up Hunter Biden’s laptop. Joe Biden confidently responded that this was Russian disinformation and not true. He sited social media and 15 people in the Trump administration who agreed with him that it was disinfo. Well it wasn’t. Hunter lost not 1 but 3 different laptops. On these he is illegally using drugs seeing prostitutes including very very young ones, and making quid pro quo deals with foreign states.


1 January 6th

There were a series of lies about Jan 6th. Joe Biden called it a White supremacist insurrection. There was also a claim that a cop was beaten to death with a fire extinguisher. That didn’t happen. It was not an insurrection either as people were not even armed other than the FBI co-intel pro. And it certainly was not white supremacist. The rally was called “Stop the Steal”. People were there, whether you agree with them or not, to protest what they sincerely believe was voter fraud. They were not alone. Swing states with questionable votes that came in nearly exclusively by mail in the middle of the night with only one party observing, that all went for Biden, decided to send dual delegates to DC. They has signed opposition as according to the rules of a congressmen and a senator. In fact they had 50 congressmen. The vice president was to hear the inconsistencies they found and this was the first time mass media would not have control over the narrative. Anyone watching the house floor would get to heard why people were contesting the legitimacy of the election. And no not from kooks like Lin Wood and Syndney Powell but from actual adults. All of this was stopped shortly after Arizona started to have people speak. The states went alphabetically so this was the first swing state to speak. The capital trespassing which is all it was, disrupted the event. Congressmen curled up in the fetal position in fear. Social media made it forbidden to express any doubts about the election. This is in stark contrast to 2016 which blamed Hilary’s loss of Russia, a lie expressed all over social media and mass media for years and none of it was true.

Did I miss one? leave a comment and let me know. Also which of these was your #1?