On Jan 27, 2021 I had video removed made in October of 2016 “Ryan Dawson on Zionism and the Jewish Lobby” in the video I criticized a country and a lobby not an ethnic group. The video was made Before the 2019 rule change and 5 YEARS before it got removed. Far more than 30 or 90 days had passed since it was made. But this and other videos made years ago suddenly removed on Jan 27 and 28th depending on the timezone of 2021. A Greg Felton video was made in 2018 two years after the first video and three years before it suddenly got removed. Note that I had 3512 videos. Neither of these videos got a strike however because they were made before 2019. They also did not engage in hate Speech, they were just political videos that someone didn’t like. 19 minutes before midnight I got a email on Jan 28 giving me a WARNING for the video called Palestinian Peace Offer. It said “Because it’s the first time, this is just a warning. If it happens again, your channel will get a strike and you won’t be able to do things like upload, post, or live stream for 1 week.” However within the same mint 11:41pm a second email came saying my channel had been removed. no strikes were given and there was no chance to do appeals. I didn’t even see the warning until after the channel had been removed so I could not appeal that either.