Serial child rapist, Ghislaine Maxwell, applied for bail for the fourth time this time offering $28.5 million. She was for the fourth time, denied.

Maxwell has no remorse and denies all wrong doing. She will blame Epstein for everything and her defense seems to consist of getting a charlatan like Elizabeth Loftus to act as an expert on false memories to say all of Maxwell’s victims are liars. Elizabeth Loftus also testified in defense for the now jail Hollywood rapist Harvey Weinstein, also Iraq War architect Lewis “scooter” Lebowitz, Iran Contra architect Oliver North and the infamous serial killed Ted Bundy. Elizabeth Loftus is a childless divorced woman who grew up in a Jewish family in Bel Air, California. The false memory argument is going to have a hard time with the multiple victims and Ghislaine’s own emails to her cohorts talking about recruiting little girls, the photographic evidence with her and Virginia Roberts with Prince Andrew as well as her emails with Jeffery Epstein.

Annie Farmer who was raped on Zero Ranch, is one of the 4 victims prosecuting Ghislaine. Her sister Maria was also raped by Jeffery Epstein and Ghislaine on Les Wexner properties in Ohio. Wexner essentially gave Epstein a mansion in New York, where perverts like Zionist Prime Minister Ehud Barak, Prince Andrew, and Bill ‘blot out the sun’ Gates would visit him for pedophile tourism. Alan ‘I kept my underwear on’ Dershowitz although a routine lawyer for pedophiles, will not be defending Ghislaine.