The reason the birthrate is in decline is simple and it’s not feminism or hoeflation.

1 birth control
2 this pampered generation lacks the ability for responsibility or discipline. Children are an enormous responsibility. People decide not to have them because the correctly assess that they couldn’t take care of them and would be a shitty parent. Grown people today can’t even show up on time consistently. We have perpetual childhood with broken people trying to club and bar scene into their 50s.

They feel inadequate and lack achievement because they are comparing their social success to a unrealistic Hollywood/Music video life style that doesn’t exist.

They can’t “settle down” until they achieve this impossible fantasy.

Anyone out til 4am has holes in their heart they are trying to fill.

They are victims of their own excessive expectations created by media, be it from pornography, baller life or dancing half naked on a yacht. They think the hyper exaggerated is achievable and they are lesser than if they fall short. Dissatisfied people keep chasing ghosts.

They will never be ready for kids because it means they have to grow up. Children were never a plan they are a consequence of people having sex. Now that they can choose to prevent pregnancy they will. Almost no one wanted children they wanted sex and children are a by product. We have gamed biology so that we get the fun part and not the responsible part