“Nothing in this joint resolution may be construed to influence or disrupt any military operations and cooperation with Israel” notice in order to pass the war powers act for Yemen they make an exception for all things Israel.

From investigate311 ” Just watched your vid with Adam Green. That dude, The Last American Vagabond, just black-pilled that whole stream. I clicked on his channel and he has a huge following, but the guy is dumb as hell. “The Al Qaeda loophole” LMAO. This is what he was talking about: “remove United States Armed Forces from hostilities in or affecting the Republic of Yemen, except United States Armed Forces engaged in operations directed at al Qaeda or associated forces” For a guy with his following, he is uneducated as hell. We CANT use the WPR to remove forces from Yemen that are operating under the AUMF….Jesus christ. It’s black-pilled motherfuckers like him that are splitting support for fantastic bills that would prevent 10,000s of Yemeni kids from starving to death. ”