Few people know that according to Jewish law, LBJ was himself Jewish.  His mother was Rebekah Baines, thus Johnson’s middle name. She was Jewish. Her mother was Ruth Ament Huffman, and her mother was Mary Elizabeth Perrin all of whom were Jewish.  Perrin’s husband was John S. Huffman whose mother was  Suzanne Ament, thus Ruth’s Middle name. Ament was a German Jew.  The  Huffman’s settled in Fredrick Maryland and from there went to Kentucky  and finally Texas. The Jewish times brags ” The line of Jewish mothers  can be traced back three generations in Lyndon Johnson’s family tree.  “There is little doubt that he was Jewish.”

well his Aunt was a member of the ZOA. No wonder he didn’t want to register them as a foreign agent…

JFK and Israel becoming any more clear people? Get me the time and I will make a film that prove it with overkill.