A Okay. Large, stony. He had a king size bed with posts on it. There was a large door, I think it’s called a door, where you put your clothes. There was an adjacent bathroom with a more stony look, giant tub.

Q What color was the paint on the wall?

A It was stone.

Q What color was the bedspread?

A White.

Q What color were the sheets?

A White.

Q And you saw Ghislaine Maxwell have sexual contact with an unknown, unnamed female in that room, correct?

A Absolutely.

Q All right. When were you there that you saw this happen?

A This happened on so many occasions. The island was a place where orgies were a constant thing that took place. And again, it’s impossible to know how many. And, like I said, it wasn’t just Jeffrey’s room. It was outside and, you know. It was —

Q What sexual contact did you observe Ghislaine Maxwell have with a female by the pool at an orgy on the U.S. Virgin Islands?

A Well, there was quite a few girls and it was — excuse me, if I’m saying this in an inexplicit way, but I don’t know how else to say it. So if you don’t understand, please let me know — girl-on-girl action. So there was a lot of — what’s the word for it? Licking, licking vaginas, breasts.

Unredacted Exhibit 2 from 2015 here

Note page 202 starts Virginia’s story of meeting Epstein and Ghislaine and the sick things they did to her. Jump to chapter 4 for their first meeting. Billionaire Playboy Club
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