I’m gonna go over names and dates again, but I wanna set the stage with this. And I want everyone to really think about this. Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t the first or the last. But here we had a couple backed by the Israeli state who were known by multiple billionaires, heads of state, bankers, hedge fund managers, senators, governors and Hollywood producers. All of these people knew what they were up to, modeling agents even helped procure girls for the operation. They created an international pedophile rape ring with a massage parlor theme. Rather than stopping this, these men and women decided to participate in it instead.

They got immunity after abetting him. His lawyers and financiers are wrapped up with the ADL the World Jewish Congress, UJA and Israeli affiliate groups. Maxwell’s dad was an Israeli intelligence asset. His co-rapist are the whose who of Zionist including 3 Israeli prime ministers and 1 president. And we are supposed to sit there and act like we don’t notice.

Wexner, Bronfman, Rothschild, Maxwell, this isn’t a Presbyterian problem. It is not the Chicoms.

Of course the same people who are serial child rapists can also support the genocidal maniacs dropping bombs on apartments full of civilians. Smushing babies under concrete is self-defense in the mind of the deranged.

Of course, Smashing babies under concrete is not self defense. It’s psychotic.

Pointing out how genocide is wrong, is not antisemitic. It’s normal.

Dershowitz lies about Hamas rapes that didn’t happen and denies the Epstein rapes that did happen.

Their accusations are confessions