Imagine being shocked that Hillary Clinton lied

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Ryan Dawson

Finally years too late, Hillary is under fire for concocting Russia-gate. Not only did she project her and Biden’s own crimes onto Trump, she and DNC operatives used their lies to have his campaign spied on and to sabotage any relations the incoming president could make with Russia. There was no hotline to Russia. There was one from Biden to Ukraine though. There was no secret blackmail about being peed on by Russian hookers unless we are talking about Hunter Biden. There was no quid pro quo deals made with Ukraine which Trump was impeached for, but there are for Joe Biden and it’s all recorded. The media didn’t care. Biden brags about it. The press and social media covered up the Hunter laptop scandal, the Biden family’s ties to communist China and oligarchs in Ukraine. But they chased around Trump over accusations that Hillary simply made up. Of course these people profited off their own son’s death from cancer.

That’s not all she lied about. How about moderate rebels in Syria? That was a cover for aiding al-Qeada! How about Assad gassed his own people? That was also covering for Al Qaeda. Documents show Hillary as secretary of state along with John Kerry who replaced her, planned from the beginning of the conflict they created in Syria, to arm and finance the Salafist groups in Syria.

This created terrorist attacks in Europe and Africa as well as a refugee crisis, on top of the devastating war in Syria. Do you know who opposed al Qaeda? Russia and Iran.

Do you know who eventually decided to at least be neutral in Syria and stopped aiding all the rebel groups? Donald Trump.

She lied about WMD in Iraq and so did Biden. That’s one that is usually pinned on Bush the lessor or by the more astute on the OSP and Israeli cabal that created the myth of Iraq giving Al Qaeda anthrax. But the Democrat leadership and the press all supported the war and each prewar lie. Hillary, Biden and Kerry all voted for the war in Iraq. They all voted to finance the war too even after admitting there was no UN violation or nuclear program.

She lied about Bengazi. She blamed the revolt on a reaction to a YouTube video. They were gun running weapons from Libya to Syria. Of course she and the media lied about the entire Libyan war. They made slavery great again in North Africa and once again the ones benefiting the most from Hillary’s foreign policy were Al Qaeda.

So yes, she lied about Russia. They didn’t hack the 2016 election or hold a hotline to Trump through Alfa Bank. They are still lying about Russia. We could see a world war in Ukraine basically over a pipeline, if enough people fall for the war propaganda being spearheaded by CNN, the DNC’s central propaganda mouth piece. You’re not even allowed to question the 2020 election. But as you can see the media an criminal DNC are more than willing to collude together on a bullshit narrative. Social media has shown from Covid to hunter’s laptop to Rittenhouse that it will ban anyone deemed to engage in wrong think aka against the woke narrative.

But will any of these serial lying psychopaths see the inside of a prison? Is Fauci going to jail for lying about gain of function research? Did anyone lose their job for lying about Iraq, Libya or Syria? Why would lying about Ukraine or Russia or Iran be any different? There are never any consequences. Do we need to call on the Truckers? Maybe that’s what it takes. Stop consumerism in it’s tracks…literally. Because they are not listening to anything else.

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