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Re: Time line in the Middle East

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:19 pm
by Phys
Ry wrote:<div><span class="postbody"><span style="font-size: 18px; line-height: normal;">Time line of the Middle East from 1954 to Now</span> <br><br><br>I could have started this from before WWI with James Balfour and Lord Rothchild, but to save time I have just skipped up to the more modern stuff. If you want some of the earlier history go <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?p=23613#23613" target="_blank">here</a> <br><br>Ry's <span style="font-weight: bold;">Time Line of the Middle East</span> and <br><br>1953 Operation Ajax (see below) <br><br>1954 the <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">Lavon affair</a>. Israeli mossad agents bomb American and British targets in Egypt and try to blame it on the Egyptians. One bombers Philip Natanson's bomb went off prematurely in his pocket lighting him on fire. By searching his house it was discovered that the bombings were a false flag operation. Israel's Defense Minister Pinhas Lavon is forced to resign in 63 six years after the event, however his signature <a class="postlink" href=" ... affair.htm" target="_blank">had been forged</a> on a document by Zionist Colonel Benyamin Givli and his spy ring. <br><br>1967 The Six Day War. Israel preemptively attacks Egypt bombing airports with the claim that Egyptian forces were building up on the Israeli border. An intelligence ship in the area the American USS Liberty could have proven otherwise, but it was bombed by Israel. Israel steals the Gaza Strip, the Sinai Peninsula, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights. <br><br><a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">The USS Liberty was attacked by unmarked Israeli planes</a> for three hours but they failed to sink it. Survivors have their lives threatened if they even talk about it. First Israel blames the attack on Egypt. Then they are forced to retract and say that they mistakenly attacked a US ship for three hours with unmarked planes thinking it was an Egyptian ship. This is the second time Israel attacked the US and tried to blame it on Egypt.
Video about the USS Liberty
<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=" ... 2471&hl=en" flashvars=""> </embed>

<br><br>The UN unanimously passes the <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">UN resolution 242</a> requirering Israel to return the occupied territories taken by force during the war Israel started. Israel ignores this. <br><br>1973 Yom Kippur War. Egypt and Syria strike back and regain control over their stolen territories. And Another UN resolution the same as 242 is passed which Israel ignores by building Settlements (racial colonies) into Palestine. The moment Egyptian troops left Palestine Israel re-occupied it and began building its colonies. The UN passes 338 calling for a cease fire. <br><br>1973 LBJ dies <br><br>1973 US sends Israel 2.2 billion dollars (during the Yom Kippur War) <br><br>1973 OPEC raises gass prices 130% causing an oil shortage in the US (as a direct response to Israel's war and the US giving them aid) <br><br>Israel gets 90% of its oil from it7s stolen territory and from Iran while Iran is under the CIA installed US puppet Shah <br><br>1974-now US created co-economic dependentcy with Saudi Arabia vai Bin Laden contruction, US firms and the IMF. (this was to break OPEC) (<a class="postlink" href="http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... e15830.htm" target="_blank">here is how it was done</a>) <br><br>1975 Vietnam war ends. <br><br></span>1976 Israeli Shin Bet stages a false flag hijacking to blame on the PLO. <br><a class="postlink" href=" ... jack01.xml" target="_blank">Israeli agents 'helped Entebbe hijackers'</a> (This story broke June 2007)<br><span class="postbody"><br>1978 Anwar Sadat the president of Egypt and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin sign the camp David accords. <br><br>1979 Israel withdraws from Sinia <br><br>February 1979 Shah is forced to take a "vacation" to Egypt never to return to Iran. <br><br>April 1979 Ayatollah Khomeini leads Iran into a Theocratic Republic. <br><br>July 1979 Saddam <a class="postlink" href=" ... saddam.htm" target="_blank">installed as President</a> of Iraq coming back from Egypt where he had been exiled (for attempting a coup). The CIA brings him back to Iraq. <br><br>1979 the US lost power over Iran. Khomeini nationalizes Iran's Oil. <br><br>1979 Iran takes 63 US hostages <br><br>December 25th 1979 <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">Russia invades Afghanistan</a> <br><br>CIA <a class="postlink" href=" ... shbin.html" target="_blank">financed</a> Osama Bin Laden to fight the Soviets. 1979-1988 May 15th <br><br>1980 Start of Iraq Iran War. (Just a year after the US lost control over Iran and installed Saddam in Iraq "to fight communists" the typical rationalization.) <br><br>1981 American Hostages in Iran are released <br><br>1981 Anwar Sadat President of Egypt is assasinated. The Fatwa order to kill him was pinned on Omar Abdel-Rahman later convicted for the WTC bombing in 93. (He was a double agent for Israel) <br><br>1981 With Anwar out of the way, Israel steps up its Settlements in Palestine <br><br>1982 Israel invaded Lebanon with US support. This was based on <span style="font-style: italic;">terrorist</span> attacks from Lebanon (yeh well now I say maybe) Israel targets civilians and and is so brutal that they receive world wide criticism aside from the US of course. Hezbaollah is established as a response to the invasion. Israel occupies Southern Lebanon. <br><br>1985 largely because of Hezbollah, Israel withdraws part of its forces from occupied Lebanon. <br><br>1986 Israeli Mossad <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">plants radio transmitter</a> in Lybia broadcasting false reports tricking Reagan into bombing Lybia. The MSM was completely behind it and never explained it. <br><br>1986 <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">Jonathon Pollard</a> the Israeli spy is sentence to life in prison. <br><br>1980-1988 Iraq and Iran have a war where the US sells weapons to both sides. <br><br>Iraq gets chemical weapons (from Rumsfeld) from the US and uses them on Iran and on the Kurds. <br><br>rewind 1986 the heart of Iran contra affair (Iran needs these arms because of the war with Iraq whose leader isSaddam installed by the CIA and who has gotten chemical weapons from the US. <br><br>1990-91 US war on Iraq <br>The US used false testimony. Posing as Nayirah, a little girl gave heart-wrenching story of the Iraqis ripping babies out of incubators, a story that was repeated from three months by the US media. "Nayirah" was Kuwait royalty. She was the daughter of Saud Nasir al-Sabah, Kuwait's Ambassador to the US and she <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">fabricated the entire thing</a>. <br><br>The US also used false reports of a build up of troops on the Saudi Arabian border. But <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">Russian satellite photos</a> of the area, on the same day Bush Sr. was making his claims, as reported in the St. Peteresburg Times showed no build up. <br><br>1992 Neocons launch DPG papers <br><br>1993 Oslo accords are signed by Israel and the PLO (the was and still is the best solution IF Israel would actually obey it) <br><br>1993 The <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">ADL is caught spying</a> on the US for Israel (this is a huge and highly unreported story all by itself) <br><br>1993 The First WTC bombing occurs. <br><br>El Sayyid Nosair was fingered in the bombing plot and also for the killing of the founder of the JDL Meir Kahane the man you coined the phrase "never again" and "Greater Israel". It was one of Meir Kahane's Zionist followers who shot up 29 people in a Mosque thus starting the Intifata. Nosair was not convicted of shooting Kahane because nobody saw him pull the trigger and he did not buy the gun. <br><br>Emad A. Salem. of the FBI supplied the useful idiots with explosives which he thought were fakes and to protect himself he recorded 100s of conversations with the FBI. The media spent the whole year on the OJ trial. <br><br></span> <table align="center" border="0" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1" width="90%">..><tr><td><span class="genmed"><b>Quote:</b></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">Salem, initially believing that this was to be a sting operation, claimed that the FBI's original plan was for Salem to supply the conspirators with a harmless powder instead of actual explosive to build their bomb, but that the FBI chose to use him for other purposes instead. [4] He secretly recorded hundreds of hours of telephone conversations with his FBI handlers; reported by Ralph Blumenthal in the New York Times, Oct. 28, 1993, secton A,Page 1.</td></tr>..></table><span class="postbody">-wiki <br><br>1993 Bush Sr. <a class="postlink" href=" ... ardon.html" target="_blank">pardons</a> six Iran contra criminals. Including Elliot Abrams <br><br>1996 Neocons (Wolfowitz and Libby) write letters to Clinton about DPG <br>Clinton says no. Suddenly the Intern scandal is released. <br><br>1996-7 ISBC papers given to Israeli PM <br><br>1997 PNAC papers released (same authors and rhetoric as all the other papers) <br><br>2000 <a class="postlink" href=" ... 89,00.html" target="_blank">Rumsfeld sells</a> North Korea two light water nuclear reactors. <br><br>2000 Israel spy ring (the art students, pentrates the US) They peddle Ecstasy (as finance) and they spy on military bases and federal buildings. <br><br>Nov 2000 Bush steals the election <br><br>Jan 2001 Bush is sworn in as President <br><br>Feb 2001 Bush and Blair <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">bomb</a> Baghdad (for no fly zone violations)... <br><br>Septemebr 2001 <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=1388" target="_blank">False flag attack on America</a> blamed on Afghanistan and Iraq <br><br>Septemebr 2001 police arrest Israeli Mossad agents filming and cheering the 911 attack. The Israelis worked for a fake moving company with a false address. Their van has a hit with bomb sniffing dogs and one man is carrying $4,700 stuffed in a sock. The owner of the front flees to Israel. The FBI releases the Israelis and the evidence linking them to the attacks is Classified. <br><br>December 2001 Fox removes the Israeli Art students story from its website because of pressure from the ADL (yes the organization caught spying on the US in 93) <br><br>October 2001-now Afghanistan attacked and occupied. Opium sky rockets (as Finance) and the CIA expands its secret prison/torture system. <br><br>Novemeber 2001 Israel spy ring busted which dated back pre-911 with Israel spying on Federal building and the Israeli Mossad living next door to Suadi cells accused of being the 911 hijackers. The one MSM report about it was yanked from Fox news and deleted from their websites. <br><br>March 2003-now Iraq invaded and occupied (based on fake intelligence that came from the Israeli dual citizens who wrote the DGP, PNAC, and ISCB papers. <br><br>October 2003 Rusian Oligarch Mikhail Khodorkovsky (formerly the richest man in the world) of Yukos oil arrested and jailed. Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Berezovsky fless Russia. <br><br>Summer 2003 AIPAC is busted spying on the US for Israel through a mole in the DOD who worked for the same cabal out of Prele and Feith's office which met with Israeli generals. The mole Larry Franklin was a member of the OSP and was in Italy with Michael Ledeen when they passed off the Niger forgeries to the British. <br><br>July (June) 2003 Libby leaks Plame's covert identity (thus blowing BJA operations for nonproliferation) to journalists <br><br>2004 AIPAC officials (who were fired) set to go on trial <br>Libby (indicted) also busted in the Plame affair is set to go on trial but both have their trial dates move to 2007. <br><br>2006 Ships sent to Iran <br><br>2006 Libby trial bumped to 2007 (it has finally happened) <br><br>2006 AIPAC trial bumped 5 times to currently June 2007 <br><br>2007 Carriers sent to Iran, attempt made to put more troops in Iraq. <br><br>2007 Jan-Feb Libby has his trial. <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">Libby found guity on 4 of the 5 charges</a>. <br><br>2001-2007 Israel makes us false stories about Iran <br>ADL makes up yellow stars story. Bush uses Nuclear weapons scare tactics. WMD myths are traceable to Feith's office. Wolfowitz even admits it in Vanity Fair. <br><br>Before September 2007 unless the AIPAC trial is moved again there will be an airstrike on Iran. <br><br><br>------------------------- <br><br>Why is the US really in Iraq and Who brought us there? <br><br>The Defense planning and Guidance papers written by Wolfowitz and Libby which later became the core doctrine of the PNAC think tank openly states 'America's' objective.. The papers state that the US should become a global ruling power and world policeman. The goal is to knock out any military or economic rival by taking over key resources such as oil. After WWII, the US found itself in a unique position America was the new World super power and along with Russia, they were the only country to possess the nuclear bomb. <br><br>Replacing the British as the dominate power; the US took to the Middle East. British petroleum (BP) had been kicked out of Iran. In 1954, the US used the newly formed CIA to create a coup d'etat. The covert plan was called operation Ajax. The democratically elected Mohammed Mossadeq was replaced by the Shah of Iran who, in exchange for placing him in power, awarded the US with military bases in Iran and 50% of Iran's oil assets. The US was aggressively trying to topple what would become the OPEC nations which are where the majority of the world's oil is located. Because of the threat of Russia the US could not openly invade as they had in Korea (which did not turn out very well). The US had to attack the Middle East indirectly. The method they chose was by using Israel. The US completely supported the Zionist factions in Israel. <br><br>By aiding and arm the fascists states of Israel to the teeth the US insured the sale of arms to Middle Eastern nations which were bought by selling oil. Israel would use US weapons and attack every single one of its neighbors and seize territory from Egypt, Palestine, Syria, and Lebanon. In the 1954 Israel attempted a false flag attack against Egypt called the <a class="postlink" href=" ... 0Hirst.htm" target="_blank">Lavon affair</a>. The plot was foiled. But 13 years later they would start the 1967 war with claims that Arab troops were building up on their borders, never minding the fact that Israel already illegally occupied Palestine as soon as the Egyptian troops had left. Israel launched a preemptive strike on Egypt's airforce. Israel took the Golden Heights, Gaza, the West Bank and Sinai. As part of the Peace treaty the UN pass resolution 242 to return the land taken by force from a war that Israel physically started. Israel openly ignores it and can do so because of the US. <br><br>During this war Israel would attack the US intelligence ship: the USS Liberty with unmarked planes and attempt to blame it on Egypt. The plot was foiled again but rather than admitting that they attacked a US ship in another false flag operation the Israelis claimed that they accidentally attacked a well marked US ship for three hours in unmarked planes, the LBJ the president at the time accepted it as he and his Texas oil tycoons had overlapping interest with Israel and had planned the false flag attack together. This game was working until 1973 with the out break of the Yon Kippur War. Israel having ignored UN resolution 242 is attacked by Egypt and Syria to reclaim their stolen land. In 1979 Israel would comply with 242 but only for a year and a half. In 1981 Anwar al-Sadat the president of Egypt is assassinated and Israel rapidly increases "Settlements" (aka ethnic colonies of Zealots) into Palestine. The following Year Israel would invade Lebanon. <br><br>It was during the Yon Kippur War that Israel became the first country <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?p=20190#20190" target="_blank">ever to use DU</a> (depleted Uranium) Israel also has a <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">history of using radiation poisoning</a> to kill Sephardic Jews in a dubious deceptive ring-worm test where Sephardic children were purposely give high doses of radiation to kill them. Nixon and the US congress gave Israel 2.2 billion for the war that Israel had started. The OPEC nations not enjoying the belligerent Israeli neighbor decided to raise the price of oil by 130% to punish the Americans. <br><br>That worked and the 1973 war ended. Although the US controlled 50% of Iran's oil assets Israel was getting 90% of its oil from Iran through the US puppet shah. However in 1979 all that would change. When OPEC cut off the oil to America the US saw its weakness and utter dependence on oil. The largest threat where the largest oil reserves were located was Saudi Arabia. The US decided to use its IMF banking and loans scams that it had used to create neocolonialism in Central America on the Saudis. <br><br>The secret government, the corpotocracy which actually rules America went straight to work. Corporations came to the House of Saud offering to "modernize" Saudi Arabia and build cities out of the dessert. In exchange for overly priced contracts the US would assure that the royals in Saudi Arabia would remain in power. The Saudis sold out. Massive government contracts went out to the US corporations to build infrastructure as well as to some of the House of Saud's own such as the Bin Laden construction. A relationship formed there between the Bin Ladens and the Bush family who involved in the banking business. Everybody cashed in on this project. Buying stock in defense or construction is a for sure deal when you know that there are government contracts coming. <br><br>So private equity firms like Carlyle sprang up to invest in what Kissinger of Trireme called 'guaranteed speculation' otherwise known as insider trading. By creating this economic co-dependency the US assured that the largest block in OPEC the Sauds would never again withhold their oil. Saudi oil revenue was used to pay off the debts of the loans given to US and select royal family related Saudi companies. <br><br>The US was however about to lose control of Iran. In 1979 the people of Iran forced the Shah to take permanent vacation to Egypt never to return to Iran. The new government immediately cut off the oil flowing to Israel. The US could not invade Iran but they could begin a proxy war. So in that same year Saddam Hussein who had been exiled to Egypt for attempting to kill the new president in Iraq, was assisted by the CIA to return and create a coup. <br><br>Once in power Saddam went to war with Iran a war that lasted from 1980 to 1988 where 2 million people were killed. During that time the US sent Saddam chemical weapons which were used on both Iran and on the Kurdish population in Iraq. Also while Iraq was tied up with Iran, the Israelis preemptively bombed an Iraq nuclear facility. Iraq was not in a position to counter and Israel was selling weapons to Iran. They wanted to balance the two powers out enough to destroy one another. Iran need water which Iraq can control as the major river flow through Iraq. <br><br>Also in 1979, as a response to this war Iran captured 63 US Americans and held them hostage. In response, the US put an embargo on Iran refusing to buy oil. They could get all the oil they wanted from the Saudis. At was at this time that the Israeli Mossad sent in Marc Rich to procure oil from Iran and sell it to third parties at lucrative prices. Russia invaded Afghanistan and of course the US's good ally the Saudis were ready to fight the "atheist" communists. Russia could see the move the US was making in Pakistan. This is a whole different issue but when the British partitioned East and West Pakistan from India the US heavily armed Pakistan in order to create an arms race which was profitable to the MIC and to gain an ally to further in-circle the USSR. <br><br>In 1983 the early years of the War, with Iraq and Iran tied up and Saudi Arabia firmly in the palm of the US, the Israelis invaded Lebanon jointly with the US. But a newly formed opposition group Hezbollah made a well placed truck bomb that killed over 800 Americans. This angered the American public who could not even see why the US was even there and Reagan pulled the US out of the war however Israel still occupied southern Lebanon. <br><br>Now in the East starting from the 50 to the 70s the US was involved in The Korean War and then the Vietnam War (a huge war for profiteering) but those topics I believe have been discussed enough by many books and programs. It is the history of the Middle East which is severely lacking. The US also set up the LDP in Japan using the CIA and the Japanese Mafia. Every country in Central America dealt with either US military intervention, assassinations by the CIA and the school of the Americas, and IMF EHM scams as did Indonesia and much of the Caribbean. But to save time I am just narrowing this down to the Middle East. <br><br>In order to secure its own economy the US assured that the Saudis would sell oil in dollars. The US was using every method available to bankrupt the Soviet Union. <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=4260" target="_blank">I have written the long history of Russia and the Oligarchs already</a>. Once Russia was removed form the picture as a military rival the US could move to the more quickly on the second stage of the plan and that was to stop any emerging economic rivals. In 1991 with the fall of the Soviet Union the US invaded Iraq based on false testimony from the daughter of an ambassador from Kuwait. During the Gulf War one may have noticed that the US was based in Saudi Arabia and Israel and the scud missiles were aimed at those two countries. Maybe now you have a better understand why. <br><br>Saddam saw what was going on. He created a (on paper) Secular Iraq, something necessary given all of its rival religious sects. He was talking about a united Arab States. When he spoke of breaking the petrol-dollar he was invaded. Saddam was the CIA's own boy so he knew their tricks. He had many body doubles and avoided assassination. He would not accept the <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=4701" target="_blank">IMF deals</a>, and opted to use Iraq's oil revenue to benefit his own people; he also greatly pocketed his own portion for himself. <br><br>Having had his army destroyed the US figured they could offer the IMF deal again. But Saddam still said no. This is a man who during the invasion dumped his oil into the Sea and set it on fire as if to say if I can not have it no one will. So rather than getting over priced infrastructure in exchange for oil the terms of surrender for Saddam was to totally disarm all WMDs and allow US inspectors in the country, until such a time that Iraq disarmed they would be traded oil for food. You see the last targets the US military hit in the first Gulf War were water treatment facilities and everything that anything to do with agriculture. The US sanctions were so strict that Iraq would be selling its oil to buy less than enough food. Saddam had to give food out in rations. Over 500,000 thousand Iraqis died, most of them children because of the US sanctions. <br><br>During this time the US has set up a puppet in Egypt and had been paying the country off on behalf of Israel. Egypt received the second largest amount of US aid after Israel who gets more than a third of all of the US's aid. This is because the so called aid sent to Israel has special earmarks. 75% of the money (roughly 3 billion a year in direct aid) must be recycled right back into select US defense companies which these Zionist politicians invest it. Israel acts as a <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=1348" target="_blank">cash cow</a> for the America-MIC which is hardly even American anymore considering how many of the companies and banks involved are multi-national. In 1997, however Turkey took the lead in US aid (aside from Israel which is a given). So what happened in 1997 in Turkey? Well first off Zionist in the DOD like Dougals Feith who I am going to tare to shreds in a bit, (his DOD office was the headquarters of the OSP) created investment firms in Turkey where he was the sole share holder! But that economic mess must be dealt with later. In 1997 the Turks were ethically cleansing the Kurds a large portion of whom would try to flee to Iraq. Turk killed 100 times as many Kurds as Saddam and all with the abundant aid for the US. Later when the Second Gulf War began an interesting bill would be proposed to pay for the war the reconstruction and two irrelevant aid packages worth billions which went to Israel and Turkey. Also the power of the purse was moved from congress to the DOD who in essence got a blank check which they did not disclose who all got how much and then later somehow misplaced billions… So let just skip 911 and Afghanistan for now and get to the war with Iraq. <br><br>I will show you who fabricated evidence to bring the US and UK into a war. You now know why Iraq was targeted, the US wants no emerging economic rivals and if the US has its hand on the oil tap in Iraq and Saudi Arabia they will only need to smash up Iran in order to hold a virtual monopoly and bring Europe and Japan to their knees. You can see clearly in the aftermath of the war that the US companies moved in and began tossing out no-bid contracts to companies with open business ties politicians and their spouses, to build infrastructure they had paid other defense companies which were invested in by the same people as well as Christian churches, (a huge method of money laundering) to destroy. They basically paid themselves twice, once to bomb everything (including the use of illegal weapons like MK77 and DU) and once to build it up again. The companies of course got the money long before any results. And Iraq was thrown in to an easily predictable civil war. <br><br>We will then work backwards from the Pre-War BS in Iraq to 911 the dirtiest secret of all. I have that portion already written out <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=1388" target="_blank">here. 911, Iraq, PNAC all roads lead to Israel and the Zionist moles</a>. <br><br><br>--------- <br><br>The OSP's Larry Franklin was with Ledeen when they brought the Niger forgeries to Washington. Yes the same Larry Franklin who got busted spying for AIPAC. Let me remind you that the OSP under Feith's office int he DOD had been seeing Israeli generals. Israeli moles in the DOD created the pretext for the War in Iraq which other Zionists had written policy papers about and had already <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">tried to convince Clinton</a> to carry out while he wa sin office. After the Mossad rigged 911 they could steer the US into whatever they wanted. We have total proof that the War in Iraq was based on lies, not mistakes but conscious lies. We have absolute proof that the bulk of these lies came out of the OSP in the DOD from a bunch of Jewish guys who had dual citizenship with Israel most of whom already had rap sheets from Iran Contra, and wrote multiple policy papers and thinktank paper detailing exactly how this war has been carried out including setting up the INC with Amad Chalabi. Add to that that Israel has been caught up in two different spy rings, the <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">art students</a> affair as well as the <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=994&start=28" target="_blank">AIPAC spy ring</a> which we KNOW was using Franklin who was in the OSP which made up the lies about Iraq. Add to that the Zionist Lobbyist Abramoff bribing congress. <br><br>It was the Mossad that was busted on 911 filming the event and working for a fake moving company. Why was the Mossad surrounding Saudi Hijacker cells? They were working together obviously. <br>In Hollywood Florida the Mossad (fake art students) lived right next door to 4 of the said hijackers including the said ringleader Atta. Zim-American Israeli Shipping Company moved out of the WTC on April 3 of 2001 and forfeited a $50,000 lease cancellation penalty. At least two employees from Odigo and Israeli company, got warning about 911 prior to the attack. <br><br>The Washington Times the same paper an only one to report on the 1980s Boystwon Franklin cover up reported the day before 911 that the Army School of Advanced Military Studies had said of the Mossad that they were "<span style="font-style: italic;">Wildcard. Ruthless and cunning. Has capability to target US forces and make it look like a Palestinian/Arab act</span>". <br><br>Sep 6th bomb sniffing dogs are removed from the towers and on Sep 9-10 security <a class="postlink" href="" target="_blank">cameras are turned</a> off in the South tower as the New York Port Authority "upgraded internet cables..." Sep 10th Atta visits the 107th floor of the South tower. We know because the FBI has credit card receipts showing he was there (or at least someone with his credit card). However the 911 commission report shows that Atta was in Boston and drove to Maine on that day. This is not the first time that Atta was in <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=2536" target="_blank">two</a> places at once. <br><br>Remember now that miraculous claim that after 911 somehow <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?p=23372#23372" target="_blank">Atta's passport</a> (one he had reported stolen in 1999) <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?p=23372#23372" target="_blank">was found close to ground zero</a>. Apparently it fell from the plane unburned (in a fire that was supposed to weaken steel enough to collapse skyscraper) and landed on the ground for the FBI to find, also Atta apparently left a list of the 19 hijacker in his bag in a hotel room....pppssssh Riiiiiiight. I think we know who was really on the 107th floor planting a GSP guidance system, and it was not Atta, it was the Mossad. And I think we know who planted the Atta passport for the FBI to find as well as the very convenient list of the 19 hijackers (some of who turned up alive) in the hotel. <br><br>Israel is all over this from top to bottom. We are going to go to war with Iran soon because of Israel and the Israelis will re-attack Lebanon. To know more about <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=1388" target="_blank">Israel and Iraq and 911 and PNAC go here</a> <- <span style="color: cyan;">I highly recommend reading that link.</span> <br><br><br>Something else I that must be mention is something you might be wondering. Where is all of this in the Mass media and in the school system? The Media is a corporation and an arm of the state. Please see <a class="postlink" href="viewtopic.php?t=2847" target="_blank">this, to learn how the media really works</a>. If they can cover up a 40 year long occupation of Palestine from the American public yet convince some of them that Y2K or the SARS/Bird Flu is going to kill them all then they control and cover up 911 and the history of the Middle East with ease.</span></div>

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=" ... 9946&hl=en" flashvars=""> </embed>

So what do we do?

The solution is that supports is to elect this man

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src=" ... 4048&hl=en" flashvars=""> </embed>

Ron Paul for president.
-Ryan Dawson
WRH thank you for linking to our site over the years and thank you for having me on the radio show.
Yeah, I did miss it here. I think by the time I got here(in this section) it was covered up. Damn, I wish I would have read this long ago. You connect the dots great and very clear too. The problem is most wont read all of it. I have cited this in several other spots.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 6:21 pm
by Phys
Damn, that wasnt quoted in the way I wanted.

I would just refference new readers to the first page on this topic.

Posted: Sun Jun 03, 2007 7:43 pm
by adam1
Would that quote work as html though?

Posted: Mon Jun 04, 2007 1:45 am
by Ry
If you want to link to it just put

Code: Select all
that is the address.

Code: Select all

<a href="">Ry's Time Line of the Middle East, a long list of False flags</a>

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 1:46 am
by Ry

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:08 am
by general hoke
the time line on Israel is very helpful, send it to newspapers fuck the big ones try small city newspapers it is better than nothing. the it in a place like seattle or perhaps a Hawaiian paper. it is better than nothing and all they can do is ignore it but if you send that time line to 50 newspapers one of them will run it and if it hits the AP it will reach 1oo,s of thousands.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 10:37 am
by Ian
Thanks for the bump on this, Ry. Wonderful piece of work!

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:08 am
by Ry
How was the video? It sticks to the text until I got tired of reading it. lol.

Posted: Thu Jan 03, 2008 11:41 am
by k
This is superb. If I had a million, I would make a documentary using archive footage and interviews.

Posted: Fri Jan 18, 2008 11:50 pm
by Ry