911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel

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Post by SupaDupa » Wed Jan 03, 2007 5:15 pm

Ry any response?

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Post by Zulfiqar » Thu Jan 04, 2007 6:16 am

Ry wrote:The Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co. moved their North American headquarters from the 16th floor of the WTC to Norfolk, Virginia, one week before the 9/11 attacks. The Israeli government owns 49 percent of the company. Virginian-Pilot, 9/4/2001

Interesting isn't it?
IrrigatedPancake wrote:Uhoh, nobody tell the terrorists where to find the building where we store the economy.

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Post by ledskof » Thu Jan 04, 2007 11:58 am

he criticizes the media and the gov't for reporting selective information and events while he only presents bits and pieces of events and supposed "evidence". none of his arguments make any coherent sense.

Does he have an example? "Coherent sense" is obviously a statement stating his opinion. *He* is "spreading confusion and feeding off of ignorance" by not posting examples and explaining his argument against them. This is also known as "not having a valid argument and being a closed minded fool".
the only thing that the website has convinced me of is that its sole purpose is to spread confusion and feed off of ignorance. all it does is flood the reader with random bits of evidence, names, events, places, and unwarranted accusations. he also doesn't actually prove or explain any of his arguments.
Redundant. Provide examples.
all he says is "i will prove this later on".
Here he is lying to continue his closed minded approach.
he goes off on random tangents and changes subjects just when he should be explaining his reasoning. his arguments are very poorly constructed and not logical.
Redundant. Provide examples.

all it sounds like is poorly disguised anti-semitism because all of his arguments end up accusing the evil "zionists" or israel of being evil and anyone who suppports them.
He might have a learning disorder. Ryan, I feel, has made it clear that he is not attacking the people of Israel. He is talking about the people who are using Israel. Your friend is either extremely ignorant, closed minded, and/or intentionally being difficult.
that website is 100% propaganda. none of it is substantiated and any evidence provided is obscure and one-sided.
Redundant. Seriously, how many times does this guy need to repeat himself? Talk about fucking propaganda, if you say it 3 times and it doesn't brainwash someone, try maybe 14 or so more times?
anyone can show pictures of people who were blown up and shot to death. images like that are on both sides and don't mean jack shit when you are trying to make an effective argument.
this guy is a bum. he doesn't have a shred of credibility. he is taking advantage of anyone who is desperate to point fingers at either the government or the jews. this is how the holocaust started, by pointing fingers and blaming judaism.
He is also ignorant of history. That isn't how the holocaust started. That isn't even what we are are taught in public schools.
the whole foundation of the zionist theory is flawed. he claims that the gov't censors the media so that nothing that israel does is reported to us.
Can he show a US big media example that shows that there is an Israeli occupation of palestine? Better yet, does he or does he not believe there is an Israeli occupation of palestine? Because if all he has to say is "no I don't" the he could basically be parroting what the US big media has taught him. See how nice and circular that is?
that is BS. i hear bad reports from both sides. and the fact that israel has nukes is no secret, nor is the military occupation in palestine. this stuff has been going on for almost 50 years.
Oh well great then. Would you mind showing some examples?
even if i granted him that the media keeps quiet about irael's doings, the rest of his argument doesn't make sense. if iraq was such a huge threat to israel and we make so much money off of their military,
Who makes money off whose military?
they have one of the best militaries on earth and they could have easily wiped iraq off the face of the earth much faster than we could have.
Ah. Now he sounds like the normal Israel fanboys that I run into talking about how tough the Israelis are and how great and worthy they are. Dumb bastard.
they are much less bogged down with bureaucracy and they could have ended the war a long time ago.
Need detail on this as it is basically an opinionated assumption.

we also would have made a killing off of selling them military equipment and weapons.
Yes we could make a killing off of such a thing, but instead we not only give them military equipment and weapons straight out, but we also give them the money to buy military equipment and weapons.
this guy also does not give specifics on how the zionist theory proves that 9/11 was a conspiracy.
This makes absolutely zero sense. What in the fuck is he talking about? This is the kind of utter nonsense that someone says when they are very closed minded.
again, a flood of too much incomplete information can fool a lot of ignorant people and make them feel informed. like i said, thats the purpose of this website. there is no evidence against this theory because there is no evidence to begin with!
LOL. At least he's persistent in his redundancies.

it can be shot down with pure reasoning and logic.
Let's hear it.
none of it adds up. throwing out arbitrary numbers and listing atrocities doesnt make an argument,
Eww. Example please? (cough cough redundancy)
you should know that. explanation, links, coherency, credibility, sources, and sound reasoning are essential; pretty much everything that this guy lacks.
Can he give an example of where this is not being done?
it is also extremely ambiguous. contradictions and hipocrasy are everywhere on this site.

i haven't seen a shred of evidence proving that all media branches are owned by military corporations.
False and misleading. Who said that the media branches are owned by military corporations? Again, can he possibly give an example of another one of his false accusations?
that is extremely presumptuous. and just randomly saying that we used nuclear weapons in the gulf war doesn't mean shit to me. define nuclear weapons. what kind, when, where, why, what magnitude, how?
I did. DU is a nuclear weapon. It results in nuclear fallout. It was used pretty much all over Iraq. This isn't in the mainstream media but it is in random newspapers and smaller media outlets.
you can't have an intelligent conversation without defining key terms, and not just
Practice what you preach retard.
the specifics that i listed above are essesential. send me the link to the video of mk-77 use.
Lol can he send me some videos that disproves everything in Ryan's articles? Not to mention that proves everything the MSM says?

Here is an article about the MK77
http://news.independent.co.uk/uk/politi ... 226119.ece

But oh no it's not from CCN.com so it's got to be a lie right?
i want to see it. name five countries that haven't violated a UN resolution or ban.
I don't thnk it's necessary for me to go google 5 countries who haven't violated the UN. That's fine if you want to say the UN is useless. I don't like the UN either. But when it comes time to argue about Iraq or some other country you better not turn the fuck around and start saying "but but Iraq violated a UN resolution!!!!" cause I'm really getting tired of you fucking morons doing this.
give one example of when the U.N. has actually done something about it.
LOL. The UN doesn't do anything to countries for *not* violating UN resolutions.
the gitmo and abu graib controversies do threaten the war effort. unpopular wars are very difficult to wage, especially when the gov't isn't nearly as powerful as you think. these controversies have made the war unpopular not only here at home, but in iraq, england, and countless other allied and enemy nations. you cant say that they dont matter.
What is your point? Who on this site said "they dont matter". And what exactly are you talking about not mattering?
fool the masses with fancy words and millions of bits of information and pointed the blame to zionism and its supporters.
I'm always entertained when someone explains investigation this way. I still to this day haven't had a chance to use this type of response in court to see if the judge will say "damn you're right, you're completely innocent, this was all just one big conspiracy theory waged against you!"
if he is stupid, then he doesn't know how to make a coherent argument and has absolutely no credibility and is just another pathetic loser living in his parents basement, probably unemployed, and desperate for attention. he probably thinks that anarchy is "cool" and doesn't know jack shit about the real world. there's my response, lets hear yours."
Lol. could it be anymore clear what is wrong with this person? He's closed minded and hateful. He doesn't like what he's reading so he's name calling and blathering on about bullshit. He pounds the same shit over and over but never gives an example of what he is bullshitting about.

As soon as someone starts throwing that "living in a basement in his parents house bullshit" it's pretty clear that they are an ignorant fool.

Sometimes you have to repeat the propaganda for it to really sink in.
Last edited by ledskof on Thu Feb 15, 2007 9:54 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ry » Fri Jan 05, 2007 6:57 am

all it sounds like is poorly disguised anti-semitism because all of his arguments end up accusing the evil "zionists" or israel of being evil and anyone who suppports them.
Anti-Semitism is when a person is prejudice towards Jews. Israel is not the Jews. Israel is a nation and Zionism is aploitical philosophy which I have said over and over is most not jewish and is financed by Christian churches.
that is BS. i hear bad reports from both sides. and the fact that israel has nukes is no secret, nor is the military occupation in palestine. this stuff has been going on for almost 50 years.
What crap HA HA HA. Israel's own PM admitted they have nukes. And for this idiot to deny that there is an occupation is mind blowing.

By the way thre govertnment does not run the Media, the MIC does and they also run the government.
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Post by Ry » Tue Feb 20, 2007 6:15 pm

With all the recent questions being asked about the lies that led us to war one question is still being ignored: what does 9/11 have to do with the US invasion of Iraq. The answer is not what you have been told; the illogical claim that 9/11 changed everything and it caused the US to change the way they dealt with potential threats. The real connection here is that 9/11 gave the men who wanted to invade Iraq so badly that they lied to the world in order to do it, the political and popular support to go ahead with their radical agenda.

The one question that becomes more relevant, less controversial and more important as the lies that led us to war are brought to light is this: who benefited from the events of 9/11 and how did they benefit?

Just as the members of the Project for a New American Century stated in their manifesto they needed a new Pearl Harbor in order to get the popular support for their radical agenda and they got that new Pearl Harbor on 9/11/2001. Imagine that; the very men who were in positions to prevent, permit or conduct the attacks of 9/11/2001 were the very people who had their wish granted at the moment the first plane hit the WTC.

Another obvious benefit of 9/11 is the open ended financial jackpot delivered to the military industrial complex and to the energy industry; both of which are interwoven with the members of the Bush/PNAC administration. These people have received untold and virtually unlimited financial profits as a result of the events of 9/11. The independent researchers have uncovered mountains of evidence indicating inside (American) complicity in the events of 9/11 yet many people refuse to believe them based on one premise; they refuse to believe that Americans would hurt other Americans. If this were true we would not need prisons. We would not have a Mafia. Greed alone has been the driving force that has caused man to kill man on a massive scale. Greed has been the driving force behind the murders of spouses, children, parents and total strangers. What makes you think that greed alone is not a good enough reason for war profiteers, who as a livelihood deal in death, to sacrifice a few thousand strangers so that they can reap unlimited fortune? That alone could alone serve as motive for taking part in the horrific events of 9/11/2001.

Nothing corrupts the human soul more than greed, but greed was not the only potential motivating factor for conducting such an event. The Project for a New American Century’s entire reason for being hinged on such an event. A huge part of that agenda was the invasion of Iraq. The invasion of Iraq was made possible only by the events of 9/11. To date we have not even heard a theory put forth on how Muslim extremists have, or would have benefited from those events. They had nothing to gain and from what we have witnessed as the world turned against the Muslim people, they had everything to lose. We have seen a great deal of “EVIDENCE” indicating, at the very least that many actions were taken by operatives within the Bush/PNAC administration to paralyze procedures that were in place to prevent and/or address an attack of that nature. Even more “EVIDENCE” has been uncovered that indicates a far greater level of involvement by insiders.

What we have here is a group of men (PNAC) who had a plan. The plan included invading Iraq. They openly admitted that this would not be possible without an event like 9/11. (They used the term “new Pearl Harbor” but you can obviously see the connection.) They were in key positions to ensure that events of 9/11 take place, either by conducting them or by permitting them to play out. Now they are being exposed for the lies they told about Iraq that permitted them to invade a nation and kill 10s if not 100s of thousands of people including 2000 Americans.


I ask all people to examine the motive/benefit/evidence links between the events of 9/11 and the members of the Bush administration who were involved with the Project for a New American Century. These links become more defined and understandable as each lie related to the invasion of Iraq is exposed. Think about it
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Post by Ry » Mon Mar 19, 2007 12:44 am

myspace deleted my 911 reality group wow that didn't last very long. No reason was given of course.

so go join Magic Bunnies its a new group about fans of cough cough magic bunnies.

Amazing what is allowed on myspace yet you can't say the "I" word b/c some moron will always think you are syaig the "J" word. and see you can rip on christians all day trust me because I do it but you can not talk about a certain group of people.
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Post by Ry » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:31 pm

Ok the link from the video bumped people to the main page because this page was being flooded. go back to page one from here and you can read the report on Iraq and 911.
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Post by Ry » Sun Mar 25, 2007 9:46 pm

We KNOW they lied about Iraq and we KNOW who made the fabrications. We KNOW what country they have dual citizenship with and which same country has been caught spying on the US (though unreported by the MSM) twice both before and after 911. We KNOW the Mossad lived next door to said hijackers and was caught filming and celebrating the WTC attacks. Connect the dots. 911, Iraq, and PNAC Where do all the Roads lead? No not the nwo/illuminati/pope/lizards it leads to ISRAEL. and ISAREL is going to start WWIII and attack Iran, Syria and Lebanon. If we don't do something.

You konw WHAT happened on 911
<object width="425" height="350"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/yIgoXQWiSlM"></param><param name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/yIgoXQWiSlM" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="350"></embed></object>

Now learn WHO did it and how. And it is the same people who are behind the Iraq War and the coming attack on Iran.

<embed style="width:400px; height:326px;" id="VideoPlayback" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" src="http://video.google.com/googleplayer.sw ... 7218&hl=en" flashvars=""> </embed>
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Post by Calm » Mon Mar 26, 2007 12:58 am

You need to edit your presentation and correct the spelling of the word "foreign" when detailing the events of the yellow-cake trip.

I'm not complaining .... it is just that I thought you would want to put your best foot forward when creating a presentation such as this.


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Post by Ry » Mon Mar 26, 2007 4:14 am

yeh i know I also left an "e" off of Palestine one time. I have been working on it today. I didn't know it would take off so fast.
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