My comments to Sibel and Horton

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My comments to Sibel and Horton

Post by Ry » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:19 am ... ryland.mp3
Sibel speaks again

Schmitz family is messed up its not just the IG its their whole family. Key word the name on Anti-neocons. Fred Feilding is also a lawyer for Blackwater and is counter suing the families of guys killed on a bridge in Fallujah and Feilding was also on the 911 commission. ... php?t=8942 more there

Remember Mary Kay Letourneau you know the woman who got pregnant after raping her 13 year old student? She is the sister of Joseph E. Schmitz who is a conservative lawyer, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense and executive with Blackwater USA. Their bother brother is John P. Schmitz who was George Bush’s White House counsel before being replaced by Fred Feilding (now Bush’s personal lawyer) who was on the 911 commission and is also a lawyer for Blackwater. Feilding is helping blackewater cover up why 4 of their men were burned and hung on a bridge in Fallujah. The families want to why it happened but Blackwater is not talking. John P. Schmitz was also involved with Iran Contra back when he was an aid for Bush the first, and he refused to testify to the Walsh Commission. What a messed up family.

So we have a rapist, a inspector general who is the executive of a secretive mercenary group and a the former White House counsel who was replaced by a Blackwater lawyer who just so happened to also be on the 911 commission and is George Bush’s personal lawyer as well. The Schmitz’s father John G. Schmitz was a Senator and congressman from California. He was famous for his right-wing views and occasional racist and homophobic remarks. His public career was ended when it was revealed that he had an affair and fathered two illegitimate children. He got in trouble after his 13 month old son (of his mistress) was found with hair wrapped around his penis. I think that explains why his other legitimate children are so messed up. Just to get in this guys head, he bought the house of his hero Joseph McCarthy (Who I call a modern version of witch trial like fear mentality for the insanely religious).

Jeb Bush married a Mexican woman named Columba. Columba’s sister is married to John P. Schmitz, Jeb Bush and John P. Schmitz are brother in laws. John and Joseph were both law clerks. Joseph was a clerk for the Neocon James Buckley the brother of the famous neocon William F. Buckley founder of the Neocon magazine the National Review. The loop goes on and on see my report in the link above its really unbelievable and I really wish we had a functional media to expose this. Dyncorp caught with sex slaves, Bush’s brothers caught with hookers, his spiritual advisor caught with a male hooker and drug user, Libby writing about underage animal rape, Abramoff paying for sex trips,… Jeb and Berezovsky which ties ito Rich and the CLintons Hillary and her lesibian friends bla bla bla To skip ahead

Grossman is a spy for Israel. BJA was investigating the ATC aka the offshoot of AIPAC. One of the spies for a nuclear facility was Cipel of New Jersey who was sleeping with the governor. He was working for “MEGA” his handler was Kushner who later went to jail for another reason and whose son owns the New York Observer.

Kush set up another honey trap this time for his own sister’s husband and thats what got him time. He got replaced by S.M. who was involved with the Russian Oligarchs long story. I did a long radio show about it and went over MEGA too.

Anytime the roads goes over to Israel congress and the media shuts up about it, name one counter example thank you I rest my case.

Sibel give up on the Democrats. BOTH parties could careless. Go to the Japanese media. Give up on the US and the UK. Give it to Fujita Yukihisa of the JDP. It will be on TV here tomorrow.

Scott publish the IG report and get it to me!

ONP and the OSP with the OVP is a nest of Israeli moles. To answer your question the IPAC trial has been moved 8 times and then suspended indefinitely.
April 20th 2006
May 23rd 2006
August 7th 2006
October 7th 2006
June 4th 2007
September 19th 2007
January 16th, 2008
April 29th 2008
March 20 2008

If you want to know. Kill the messenger was also featured on And was played in Japan in Nara twice (done by myself).
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Post by Ed » Mon Jun 16, 2008 4:54 pm

ah it's so frustrating, there's so much dirt out there on the MIC but no one is paying attention. it's mind boggling how much they get away with.
our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter.


Post by anti-premillennialist » Mon Jun 16, 2008 6:20 pm

you should do a chalk board video on this.

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Post by Ry » Mon Jun 16, 2008 7:03 pm

good idea
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Post by general hoke » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:10 pm

how the hell do you keep track of all of this?

oh we are boycotting the virginian pilot newspaper. it pisses me off too much to go into why.
It's an can't close the beach without massive economic damage.
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Post by NoApartheid » Mon Jun 16, 2008 8:50 pm

Someone prepare the guards and Grand Juries to arrest this son of a bitch and drag him screaming!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NPR: Joseph Schmidtz is the vice chairman of Blackwater and he had been the Pentagon's Inspector General. So he's kind of connected to both the private and government worlds. Is he very politically connected?

JS: Joseph Schmidtz was Pentagon Inspector General at a time when the war contractor bonanza was just exploding. His job, effectively, was to police the largest war contractor bonanza in history. He was forced to resign under fire from Democrats and Republicans alike, accusing him of not doing his job. And then he turns around and takes a job with one of the most successful of those war contractors, Blackwater USA. Joseph Schmidtz is a committed Christian activist. He himself is the one who brags of his membership in the military Order of Malta, the Christian militia dating back to the first Crusade. And if you read through his speeches from when he was Inspector General, he absolutely adored Donald Rumsfeld. He gave a speech one time in which he went on and on about Rumsfeld's career as a wrestler! So this was a guy who was very close. He was a devoted Republican disciple. He was very close to the Bush administration. And now he's in a leadership position at Blackwater USA.

NPR: Another highly-placed person in Blackwater is Cofer Black. What's his position in Blackwater and where was he before that?

JS: Cofer Black is a vice chairman and he's perhaps one of the most famous spies in US history. Cofer Black was a thirty year veteran of the CIA when he came to Blackwater in February of 2005. This was a man whom Osama bin Laden had marked for death in the Sudan in the 1990's when Black was a CIA operative there. Cofer Black was also the man who caught Carlos the Jackal, at the time the most famed international terrorist. He caught him in Sudan. Black went on for decades to serve in the CIA. When 9/11 happened, he was the coordinator of the CIA's counterterrorism center and the man tasked with beginning the hunt for bin Laden. On September 13, 2001, he's in the White House situation room throwing papers on the ground, explaining to President Bush how he's going to drop in Special Forces units throughout Afghanistan. He would talk in these terms: "We're going to put their heads on spikes. We're gonna have flies crawling across their eyeballs." He talked about chopping bin Laden's head off with a machete so they'd have the DNA and know it was him. He actually promised President Bush that he'd bring Osama bin Laden's head back from Afghanistan in a box on dry ice! Of course that didn't happen. So Cofer Black was one of the key players in the war on terror, one of the key players in the escalated use of the extraordinary rendition program. And now he's one of the key players at Blackwater USA and recently announced that he had formed his own private intelligence company. These guys are really on the cutting edge of private military, private security, private intelligence. And so Blackwater has really stacked its deck with veteran spies, veteran government officials and very influential officials. ... _usa_.html

Same exact guys who worked to guard the BAKU-CEYHAN railway... Independent media reports verify they were attacking everyone to guard the Baku project from hell.

So then.................WHERE ARE THEY NOW!????

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Post by Ry » Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:53 pm

No Apartied go to the sex scandal blackmail section and read by top post on this.

Gen Hoke I never buy that News Paper anyway. But make apost in the activist section and we will do a video. Look like we got the beach to open again by constantly calling in. See we have numbers they just have money.
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Post by NoApartheid » Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:57 am

Again its like I had said these people are trying to build an entire kingdom over there and they are total idiots aka brainwashed.

But they're brainwashed in bigotry, except for maybe Russert though when he died I think Russert was still partly Zionist.

Here is what they said about Joseph Schmitz(Turk) and the one called Erik Prince regarding the creation of the Blackwater USA Army

"The century now drawing to a close has been the greatest century of missionary expansion in Christian history. We pray and we believe that this expansion has prepared the way for yet greater missionary endeavor in the first century of the Third Millennium. The two communities in world Christianity that are most evangelistically assertive and most rapidly growing are Evangelicals and Catholics."

Prince's relationship to what Scahill calls the "Theocon" movement is not marginal. Prince himself writes about this relationship and it's importance, particularly with the mission of Blackwater. Prince says "Everybody carries guns, just like the Prophet Jeremiah rebuilding the temple in Israel - a sword in one hand and a trowel in the other."

Rebuilding the totality of the Kingdom of Israel for their private money interests by carrying guns that the prophet told them too?

So they're totally out of their-minds Zionists in the end, but does that mean the whole Blackwater must be vanquished?

Or are some of them good guys who have just been fully brainwashed by the bullshit that the Israelis told them and the Talmud?

Its a great group of questions we have to analyze because most christains are quickly turning against Zionism..........

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Post by Ry » Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:09 am

Dude Rssert was completely ZIonist. He got up on 911 and had all the facts about jet feul and stell already he was where they announce mushroom cloud he put an attack on Paul he was alway always always siding with Israel.

He also played down skull and bone by acting like it was a joke with both kerry and Bush. And he lied for Libby
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Post by NoApartheid » Tue Jun 17, 2008 4:58 am

I do know he thanked Ron Paul for giving him insight and praised his credentials he also said "Be safe out there" clearly knowing what he was saying....

All I know is that even though Russert was a zionist he seemed to be wavering on whatever he was supporting, so I just wonder if alot of these idiot christains aren't just brainwashed by israeli propaganda. It says all this wild bullshit about temples and so on inside the talmud but most zionists are aethiests.

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