David Duke interviewed on CNN, MSNBC

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Post by sarsura57 » Fri Dec 15, 2006 12:38 pm

aucuneconnerie wrote:Surely Duke must realize that his appearance poisons any conversation or conference he sticks his nose into. Why does he do it? Why does he make himself the news? What's up with that?

He stole the entire US news cycle on the event when a far more insightful minute-thirty-quick-and-dirty would have been the orthodox jewish participation. It could have helped put the word zionism into the news cycle without its loaded connotation.

Ok, so he was invited, I understand. He should have had the wisdom to understand what his presence brought to the table. He's not known for holocaust revisionism; he's not an historian. ...
yeah, he should've atleast mentioned the Orthodox Jews...thats all I'm saying. He kinda kept all the attention on himself. If he knew what he was doing, or actually wanted something positive to come out of it, he would have atleast mentioned them, that's all

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Post by Ry » Fri Dec 15, 2006 9:25 pm

Anyone could destroy Blitzer, they just finally let a non-zionist on TV. Unfortunately it was David Duke.

I wish I could get on CNN. I would absolutely ruin them. I like what Duke said. I wish he had mentioned the AIPAC spy ring since Blitzer worked for them. He should had asked him pointedly and made him admit it, "were you an AIPAC employee?" Also you dont have to be Jewish to be a Zionist but Duke was smart not to say anything about Christians since they are like 88% of Amreica. But he could have said how the MIC has overlapping interests with Zionism.
Last edited by Ry on Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:31 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Mr. Goyim » Sat Dec 16, 2006 12:50 am

thats not the point, the point is the racist fuck doesnt care about palestine at all. he hates " sand niggers" just like he hates " niggers" or " jew bastards"

it doesnt matter to duke, if it did he'd defend the palestinians which he has yet to do

So you've actually read My Awakening? It sure doesn't sound like it, otherwise you'd realize that there most certainly are IQ differences between races. Whether or not that is the reason for higher crime rates could be somewhat debated, but the crime rates amongst blacks are WAY higher than any other group. Sorry pal, but the truth is not what you see in the news! Zionist's push liberalism, feminism AND multiculturalism as a way to dilute other genes, except their own.

I honestly don't care who is smarter, but to sit here and scream "racist" and "kkk" is just as pathetic as Blitzer and CNN.

Yep, they did put Duke on so that they could discredit the conference and they certainly tried AND FAILED.

David Duke made the mistake of being in the Klan, but he also admits that. Duke is simply not afraid to tell the truth about Liberal multicultural attitudes and agendas, which have aided the destruction of United States.

It does not matter what nationality you are, everyone has the basic human right to be amongst their familiar peoples. It is like an extension of your family and David Duke is for preservation of ALL cultures, not JUST whites.

Do you also believe whites are inherently racist like CNN tells you?

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Post by Mr. Goyim » Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:20 pm

wake up, of course i dont believe CNN's bullshit, and like i said where has he mentioned the palestinians???? show me that and i'll respect him more, he only cares about preserving HIS race
Well he actually mentioned the Palestinians in his speech at the Holocaust conference the other day for one example. Do you respect him more?

"Let me say from the outset that I am no disloyal American, I love my country and my people, but I know that the Zionist extremists lead my country to catastrophe in the Mideast and elsewhere around the world. I know that the Palestinian people, the Lebanese people, even the American people have been sacrificed on the altar of the Holocaust. It is the chronic media and government playing of the Holocaust that has blinded our eyes to new holocausts and new outrages."

and Again

"Isn’t it sensible to think that this disparity is because of the strong Jewish influence in Western media from the entertainment establishment of Hollywood to the news media centered in New York and across the European world? Revisionists suggest that an exaggeration and saturation of the Holocaust has been essential to establishment and support of the Zionist state in Israel and that it offers a psychological excuse for the large scale ethnic cleansing, repression, torture and genocide against the Palestinian people."

read his book " my awakening" he's a christian first off, and secondly he thinks that african americans came from a seperate group and are subhuman to whites. he's a nationalist white power guy, i agree he tore blitzer a new one, but still the media did a good job at discrediting him by repeating he was a former kkk member
If you don't buy into Liberal propaganda then why condemn Nationalism? I stronger sense of Nationalism is what America needs right about now. If everyone weren't such Liberal sellouts this world would not have been duped into denying mother nature!

I do agree Duke needs to drop some of his associations, like Stormfront which is Zionist controlled. Try posting truth about George Bush's homosexual blackmailing or stuff about Zionist/Nazi collaboration... the really deep stuff and you will be banned.

He should also quit associating with the groups you mentioned, whether they have been misrepresented in the media or not, those groups don't have a good rep and will not strengthen his image.

Why should he? It is somebody else's business, and if he has no affinity for the palestinians he doesn't have any reason to fight for them.

For example, why aren't you fighting for transgendered cripples? Because you have no reason to as you don't care about them.
Exactly, David Duke SHOULD fight for European Americans. It only makes natural sense. VeganTim, why don't you fight for your ethnic group? I would have respect for that as should most people!

David Duke fights for his people, unfortunalely they happen to be White and in today's society that is a sin. If David Duke were a black, asian, or mexican man he would be praised and glorified to no end.

side note: Interestingly the black civil rights movement was completely controlled by Jews in the past, which also demonstrates why MLK Jr. is still praised in the media despite the disgusting truth about him.

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Post by Dissent » Mon Dec 18, 2006 10:49 pm

Blizter got OWNED!
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Post by sangre_de_soldado » Tue Dec 19, 2006 12:57 am

Iconoclast wrote:
sangre_de_soldado wrote:
Iconoclast wrote:
Killing illegals would be an excellent solution to the problem of illegal immigration. It would be, essentially a grassroots solution to it as it would make the existing illegals run out and the ones who want to come here not come.

I'm an amoral , but it's purely pragmatic.
Or we could work to expose the problems within this society and the lies this government crafts about illegal immigration. Any top capitalist society like U.S is going to need the cheapest labor possible to exist as the most powerful and the media does a good job of changing the focus.

Capitalism is the real problem.
Yes lets everyone in in a happy little socialist paradise
Actually I don't believe in socialism. I believe all government systems are corrupt except for the system of the Khaliphate.

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Post by sangre_de_soldado » Sun Dec 24, 2006 12:52 am

Ty wrote:David Duke was a leader of the the first ist group in the U.S...I think that says it all and he doesn't denounce them!
You're wrong the first terrorist group in the U.S were the puritans which savagely massacred Native Americans and used religious text to justify it, furthering thier support from thier common people.

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Post by Ry » Sun Dec 24, 2006 1:41 am



David Duke is still a racist he thinks his enthicity is genetically better than others. He is just like the Zionist only he replaces Jews with Whites as his axism and he would not go so far as just shooting children like the zionists do, however he is a races or at least he was very racist.

I was so glad though that he said the media was zionist occupied. It felt so good to hear that even from him.

I personally do not think races have different IQs and its not because of liberal brainwashing. I hate liberalism and I think Americans in general are too sensitive about prejudices, its on everyones mind 24/7.

I have been around the world and I can tell you there are dumb asses and smart people in every race. The largest contributer to stupidity and low IQ in my opinion is Religion. The UK has higher IQs than White Alabama ect because of culture and religion.

I would bet you that Muslims have higher IQ than Christians and Jews have higher IQs than both and Atheists (like the Japanese or Atheist Americans) would have higher than all of the above. And not because they are asian ect, it's because they werte not given a mind numbing poison that is religion as children.
According to a study by Paul Bell, published in the Mensa Magazine in 2002, there seems to be an inverse correlation between intelligence and religious belief. Analyzing 43 studies carried out since 1927, Bell finds that all but four reported such a connection, concluding that "the higher one's intelligence or education level, the less one is likely to be religious or hold 'beliefs' of any kind." A survey published in Nature confirms that belief in a personal god or afterlife is at an all time low among the members of the National Academy of Science, only 7.0% of which believed in a personal god as compared to more than 85% of the US general population
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Post by sangre_de_soldado » Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:24 am

Ty wrote:
sangre_de_soldado wrote:
Ty wrote:David Duke was a leader of the the first ist group in the U.S...I think that says it all and he doesn't denounce them!
You're wrong the first terrorist group in the U.S were the puritans which savagely massacred Native Americans and used religious text to justify it, furthering thier support from thier common people.
I'm proven wrong, but Duke is still an .

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Post by Iconoclast » Sun Dec 24, 2006 2:46 am

Since intelligence (g) has a correlation of about .70 with genetics, we can infer that religion does not cause low intelligence, but low intelligence causes religion.
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