Afghanistan 2021

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Afghanistan 2021

Post by Rio » Mon Aug 16, 2021 9:57 am

Dan Crenshaw is a piece of shit. AM talk radio is running clips of him question why we were in Afghanistan all those years and answers himself by saying that they were there preventing another 9/11.

Koshervatives are going apeshit on Twitter right now and some of the takes are actually good for once.

Anyone else got any thoughts on Afghanistan?

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Re: Afghanistan 2021

Post by Dragon88 » Mon Aug 16, 2021 11:27 pm

Strange times we live in these days where people lose their minds and burn cities when a loser, coked out drug dealer is murdered by some shitty cop. But when the government launches a 20-year pointless war in the middle of Asia killing and raping innocent civilians, sending American soldiers to die, and wasting 2 trillions of dollars along the way, people are just silent. No protest, no fucking nothing. All this because supposedly we had to take down the Taliban who were aiding Al-Qaeda and Osama Bin Laden. I don't believe any of this. Ever since I was aware of the lies of "Iraq has weapons of mass destruction" I stopped believing in the government. And I think they know this, which is probably why Trump got elected. Because so many people are waking up to the lies of politicians.

All this is just so scary. I don't know what to think anymore. All I can do is vote, but if the system has been rigged for decades, then what?

Afghanistan was a shit show. God knows what will follow now?

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Re: Afghanistan 2021

Post by Ry » Wed Aug 25, 2021 9:14 am

In an old Hagaar the Horrible cartoon, two vikings were in front of a burning village. One viking was telling another viking, "how many times do I tell you? It's pillage THEN burn!"

Someone needs to teach Joe Biden, you move out the civilians THEN the army. If you move the troops first the enemy will take all your civil infrastructure personnel.

The war in Afghanistan was always pointless and needed to end. Having a withdraw is not the problem. It's HOW they did the withdraw. How much of a bumbling-in-chief does one have to be to not even know how to conduct a withdraw? The soldiers are the first in and the last out.

Biden is trying to make the argument about the withdraw or not withdraw paradigm. If you don't protect all those people you set up for twenty years on the final days then what was the point of being there at all? Biden after all supported the war for 20 years and when the Trump team made a deal and was trying to end the war, the corporate press put out yet another Russian Propaganda story which claimed that Putin had placed a bounty on the heads of Americans in Afghanistan, thus if Trump pulled out he would be doing Russia’s bidding. These Neocons and their Radical Left allies cannot drum up a good lie. Now both are beside themselves and angry with Biden. But Biden’s own son was hit hard buy the opioid epidemic created by guarding the poppy fields in Afghanistan. And the US is moving towards a greater conflict with Iran. With the giant inflationary spending Biden has planned it was good to cut the budget somewhere.

So although the US did pillage Afghanistan for 20 years, murdered people, and wasted at least 2 trillion in profiteering rings and Biden completely botched the withdraw so bad there is footage of people falling off the undercarriage of a plane, and the Taliban now controls all the roads leading to the airport, this is still the best things if not the only correct thing the Biden regime has done. They had to stop the sink hole in Afghanistan. From his own party’s perspective, it is a disaster because the puppet government they left in place didn’t even last a day. They assumed the forces they were training would continue to rule and the heroine trade would still thrive.

One great thing about Neocons, is that they are always wrong. So inadvertently, the Biden mafia has effectively ended the Opioid epidemic and no longer has a puppet government to prop up thus saving the US enormous funds. They did the right thing for the wrong reasons by overestimating themselves. For once their ignorance has been serendipitous.

Once again Ron Paul called it long ago
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Re: Afghanistan 2021

Post by Madness222 » Thu Sep 09, 2021 3:53 pm

I’ve been trying to get my head around what’s going to happen from here.... at the risk of sounding like a wanker here it goes :)

I was doing some digging earlier as I had this brain wave about what countries were taking Afghan refugees and who wasn’t. My thought process went towards how easy it would be to get terrorist types into a country disguised as refugees.... anyway turns out I’m not a genius that came up with this theory, Russia said it & so have a heap of other people. however doesn’t mean that won’t happen it’s plausible....

Australia is taking 3000 refugees which is the least amount of any other country, strict borders here, but that doesn’t really mean shit as our grubberment is run be flip lord pedos & nothing they say can be trusted. Not one thing.

But funnelling militants into western countries is a golden ticket for them through refugee program isn’t it? Attacks on western countries gives the green light to start that war again.... back to the poppy fields and so on...... Surely, there is another war on the cards for financial gain since their banking system is failing them?? What are they gonna do for coin? Would the elites set up in Australia? Australia is showing compliance with some agenda that’s for sure, is it Afghan connected or just our grubberment failing into line with the elites for something else?

What I do know is there is troops coming here, the leaders know it most definitely, their behaviours have changed massively since G7 and for what is a guess....

do I sound like I’ve smoked too much weed? 😂 I can take the constructive criticism I’ve got my big girl boots on!!!! LOL

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Re: Afghanistan 2021

Post by Rio » Tue Oct 05, 2021 10:58 am

What other countries that don't have a Caucasian minority are allowing refugees into their countries?

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