CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

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CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by dicktater » Thu Apr 18, 2013 12:45 pm

CISPA Goes to The Floor for a Vote, Privacy Amendments Blocked
April 17, 2013

Yesterday, the US House prepared for the debate on the privacy-invading "cybersecurity" bill called CISPA, the Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act. The rules committee hearing was the last stop before the bill is voted on by the full House.

In the hearing, Rep. Mike Rogers (R-MI) was questioned about the core problems in the bill, like the broad immunity and new corporate spying powers. In response, he characterized users who oppose CISPA as "14 year olds” tweeting in a basement. ... ts-blocked" onclick=";return false;

The Boston Marathon bombing has its own "Patriot Act" lined up
April 16-17, 2013

The bombing at the Boston Marathon has provided an impetus for the passage in the House of Representatives of the controversial Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA), which has been likened to a "Patriot Act for the Internet" by the bill's opponents. The bill, which has the strong support of House Intelligence Committee chairman Mike Rogers (R-MI) and the ranking member, Dutch Ruppersberger (called the congressman from the National Security Agency), authorizes information technology companies like Google, Twitter, Facebook, Yahoo, E-Bay, Amazon, Microsoft and others to share in real time massive amounts of personal data -- referred to as "cyber-threat" data in the bill -- with U.S. intelligence agencies.

The Obama White House had been under intense pressure from civil liberties groups and a few Internet companies like Mozilla to veto CISPA because of the bill's lack of privacy oversight controls. However, Boston may have changed the entire dynamic, especially if the perpetrator or perpetrators are discovered to have used the Internet to plan the bombing attack. Initial White House opposition to CISPA appears to be evaporating and the Senate, which was poised to block the bill, also appears to be having second thoughts.

In the months after 9/11, the Congress passed and President George W Bush quickly signed the USA PATRIOT Act, which emaciated many constitutional rights enshrined by the First, Fourth, and Fifth Amendments to the Constitution. No hearings were held on the bill and Congress was too pre-occupied with the anthrax mailings to seriously debate the bill's draconian provisions. Like CISPA, the provisions of the PATRIOT Act languished in the Department of Justice and congressional committees before 9/11 hastened its passage. The full House is expected to vote on CISPA this week amid an increase in security on Capitol Hill in the wake of the Boston bombings.

The aftermath of the Boston Marathon bombings has seen a massive attack on "conspiracy" websites by the corporate media. These attacks on independent media play into the hands of CISPA supporters who argue that the personal details, including passwords, log-in data, browsing data, and financial information, on activists who use the web to spread their non-conformist messages should be stored in massive government databases for the ultimate purpose of curtailing their access to the Internet. Moreover, companies are granted liability protection from aggrieved customers who believe their privacy has been violated.

Critics of CISPA cite the new massive NSA data warehouse in Bluffdale, Utah as the ultimate repository for data gathered pursuant to CISPA. NSA insiders have told WMR that the Bluffdale facility, which is the size of two football fields, cost $2 billion, and can store a yottabyte of data (a million billion gigabytes) is designed to monitor all transactional data on the Internet, as well as all forms of messaging, including tweets, e-mail, instant messages and text messages." onclick=";return false;

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Re: CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by dicktater » Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:05 pm

Rep Mike Rogers Claims that Opponents to CISPA are 14 Year Olds" onclick=";return false;

It's not just for breakfast any more.

"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental
opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a
distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every
change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic
plan of reducing [a people] to slavery."

~~ Thomas Jefferson

"Power kills, absolute power kills absolutely. The more power a government has, the more it can arbitrarily make war on others and murder foreign and domestic subjects. The more that government is constrained and diffused, the less tendency there is for them to commit genocide."
~~ Art Crino

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Re: CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by Ry » Thu Apr 18, 2013 2:26 pm

it passed the house
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Re: CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by dicktater » Thu Apr 18, 2013 9:39 pm

If this stuff continues at the current rate, everybody will be immune from prosecution soon.

It's not just for breakfast any more.

"Single acts of tyranny may be ascribed to the accidental
opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a
distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every
change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic
plan of reducing [a people] to slavery."

~~ Thomas Jefferson

"Power kills, absolute power kills absolutely. The more power a government has, the more it can arbitrarily make war on others and murder foreign and domestic subjects. The more that government is constrained and diffused, the less tendency there is for them to commit genocide."
~~ Art Crino

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Re: CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by Halfcrazedhoser » Fri Apr 19, 2013 12:15 pm

Except us of course.
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Re: CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by Germanic Fox » Fri Apr 19, 2013 1:52 pm

Something tells me even with this it ill die.... Just cause to many people are awake already! I think we are now at the point were revolt is on every politicians mind so all some working for has to do is delay it long enough for people to hear about it and politicians will sundenly all reverse course!
If Jews never ever have anyone among thier kind contemplates conspiracy against the public good then it as much of a stange fact as if everyone of them was doing it!

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Re: CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by Phys » Fri Apr 19, 2013 4:21 pm

Ry wrote:it passed the house
Of course it passed in the house, was there a doubt?
It has nothing to do with the bombing in Boston. It has to do with the corporation of the United States of America. The Republican house passed it last year too. The Senate opposed the measure last year and will likely block it this year. Obama has already talked about veto'ing the bill if it makes it to his desk.

The govt doesnt need a bill to get information about you. If you are a "person of interest", they already have your ass under watch. The FBI/CIA just has to find a palatable way to present the infomation to the public once it goes public if it ever does.

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Re: CISPA: The Boston Marathon bombing "Patriot Act"?

Post by Nasr » Wed Apr 24, 2013 11:23 am

CISPA has barely anything to do with the bombings... the only thing Dzhokhar was doing on internet was Twittering about cows and calves.
Also, I agree on the title of this topic. CISPA can very well be associated with the Patriot Act.
I'm not from the U.S. so I'm not aware of all the laws that are being passed there, though.
Greetings from the Netherlands

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