I will never make a long movie again

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I will never make a long movie again

Post by Ry » Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:40 pm

The lack of reaction to war by deception compared to my other films and writings is very disturbing. Rather than asking for an investigation in 911 I did one myself. And it's solid. I makes me really wonder about gate keepers.

I think Egypt is rightly keeping off WRH. Which is fine that worth it if we can get rid of a dictator. But I do not know why rense and icke and the rest of them have ignored this film. It makes me regret dumping years of my life into making it. I could have been out playing in Japan. 3 videos I made in less than ten minutes got thousands of hits and good exposre in the pasy two days but the one that took years to make that answers how bombs were put in the towers on 911 gets zero attention. I am very disheartened. This is why people are unmotivated to do the leg work it takes to create something brilliant. Because unless you're bud with those who have their finger on the tap for alt media, you might as well be talking to a wall.
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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by Apricot » Thu Feb 03, 2011 9:47 pm

Don't be disheartened Ryan, it will get going and pick up just all eyes are on Egypt right now. The work you've done is great. Your film is unique and solid and the truth isn't going to die, it's only going to spread. Great work Ry. Thank you.
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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by Ry » Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:02 pm

I will never make a large film like that again.
I did see it got 2k views here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kRldipxN4iE and 1k here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CP5JfKPoIl4
and 2k here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CoUAaWv1L0U
where someone else swiped it and uploaded it. What assholes. I spent years making that and some dipshits just scoop it up and promote it on their own site. At least some of them linked to my main site one didn't even do that much.

It's just i have it on revenue sharing on my site and it won't go over 500 people because it's a new name. Youtube won't allow my rys2sense name to break the time barrier. BUt it's getting thousands of views on plagiarist pages. It's not fair it would have gone super nova on rys2sense but that name is not allowed by youtube to have over 15 minutes because of zionist flaggers.

This is why there is no way in hell I am putting the extras online. People seem to think it's ok just to copy work. That is because they don't understand what working is. People put my book online too and that is why i didn't write another one. Why does it have to be free just because it's about politics. It's not free for me to make it. I have to take time off from work and away from my family to produce it. I get nothing out of it. I don't even get recognition for making it.
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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by Doronjo » Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:07 pm

Yep, I'm sure it'll pick up. Its rock-solid and there is just nothing out there like it.

That it is being ignored by people like Icke and Rense only exposes them for what they really are.

So hang in there and keep up the great work, but make sure you also enjoy yourself; too much of this will just make you angry. Today is a beautiful sunny day, go outside and play with your boy.
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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by Ry » Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:21 pm

Yep I'm going to take him to Nara Koen. Feed some deer. By the way we should meet sometime grab a beer. I work in Shinsaibashi if you're ever in the Umeda Namba area.

oh I feel sorry for whoever I get in jujitsu tonight.
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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by Doronjo » Thu Feb 03, 2011 10:31 pm

Yeah, you do look quite upset in your new avatar. Take it easy at jujitsu tonight, don't kill anyone; and don't hit any deer!

Nara's nice, I've been there once, many years ago. Chatting over beer would be great. I work just west of Tokyo. I'll get in touch if/when I go out in your parts.

Speaking of work...gotta go
"When people learn to identify the source and nature of these influences swirling around them, it is sufficient. Let the American people once understand that it is not natural degeneracy but calculated subversion that inflicts us, and they are safe. The explanation is the cure." -- Henry Ford, 1922

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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by mrbheem » Fri Feb 04, 2011 2:51 am

if you opened up even one persons eyes it was worth your time

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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by Bender » Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:19 am

Ry, as I stated earlier, I downloaded your film and watched every second of it.
The part at the very end about the elevators is crucial and very to the point because in high buildings such as the twin towers the elevators are the backbone of the construction. The higher the building the more massive the elevator construction (thick walls, enforced metal beams and so on). A plane crashing into the building at the the top would never dissolve such a construction. It can't happen. So, elevators out of service for months, yeah, thats when things start to get fishy. To blow away an elevator shaft you need explosive that are powerful enough to blast through walls feet thick. Not inches. Feet. These explosive made for blasting through enforced cement would pulverize anything else. Just turn it to dust. Desks, chairs, office walls, ponies and elepants.

Keep at it. I respect your choice not to make long films but keep at the 10 minutes ones for most people have the attention span of a monkey jerking of on a electric chair.
Just a few tips. You did an extremely good and coherent job. No change of debunking anything you said, showed, demonstrated. Though, you should think about chopping it up in, well, 25 minute chunks. This way you could omit references (like; this for later or I'll keep it short). Of course, since I do and did my own digging most of the stuff I already know so it was just a short sitdown-and-watch for me.

You did a great job which will be referenced a lot, so don't worry about recognition. Besides, the egypt revolt IS massive. Everything is in the balance whether the egyptians make it. If they do things will start to unravel in a neckbreaking speed and you'll be swept up in the aftermath.
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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by Ry » Fri Feb 04, 2011 3:23 am

I'll keep at it. I think I'll actually put the Holocaust vid up next. I am going to re-do some parts on that. I just had some idiot post on the holocaust thread go read it it's funny. And I can use that as a case example of common stupidity and trash that in a video as well.
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Re: I will never make a long movie again

Post by fallenpattern » Fri Feb 04, 2011 6:26 am

I mean If one person watches it and spreads the truth to 10 other people, its worth it seriously. I mean you are a hero of our time and I admire each and every second you put in your work.
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