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new member

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 6:18 pm
by candlecat2
Hello hello hello. Peasant here. Need to say just got in and a big hello. Where's the newbie board? Came by the way of Attwood

Re: new member. Post 2

Posted: Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:57 pm
by candlecat2
I watched the towers fall from a the day room tv of a nursing home with the residents.
I have stayed clear of 911 discussion. I'm a clean slate. But a slow reader.
I have been on the red pill since BNT.
Hahaha. I'm funny but really thankful to be here. It was real hard to get registered in. Got in the door tho

membership Paladin

Posted: Mon Jun 14, 2021 8:34 pm
by candlecat2
I see there were views so let me run this by someone. So I can access all the ANC videos? I got a goal of being Paladin as long as I could. There is a membership section on discord rather than general that I can post on too? I don't have any money right now but I cancelling a lot of other memberships so I think I will be able to next Thursday. I am going to delete this account because I want my name on Discord to match or maybe not. Who cares. Just upgrade to Paladin and get more access. Trying to figure this out in the next couple of weeks. Yeah, I don't know yet what to do. :D :) :( :o :? 8) :lol: :x :oops: :P

Re: new member

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:00 am
by candlecat2
Hello candlecat2,
How are you? Been gone for a minute? Was worried about you! :mrgreen: :arrow: :oops: :!: :nerd: :wink:

Re: new member

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:05 am
by candlecat2
Cali England
Oh, oh, my rainbow frogs,,

did you finally write uncle Ted!
I know that seeing scanned letters and envelopes of those who have written before, well, so what's with that? :shrug: :grr: :red: :blink: :D :x :( :( :? 8) :lol: :arrow: :idea: :wink: :nerd: :puke:

From Cali England

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 1:17 am
by candlecat2
Listen, my wipers stopped working in a thunderstorm just past Osage Lake area. Had to pull off while then back on just past Lebanon and storm kicked back up so stayed at a rest area in Conway. There were posters up giving a number to report human trafficking. Put adverts for ancreport around and tried to make a 30 second video of it but took several takes but then couldn't upload. So the wink didn't make sense. But loved route 66 rest area and was happy for all the rain so I could stop there. I wonder if putting the adverts on outside stand . It has a newspaper for truckers. Take a stapler next time too. I want to go to all of them. :idea: :!: :!: :x :D :( :( :twisted: :| :shrug:

Forget for a moment the Alamo- remember the First Amendment

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 5:18 pm
by candlecat2
Editorial in Harrison Daily Times 7/13/21 by Austin American Statesman (Texas)

Silencing journalist and scholars, chasing dessent from the public square, distorting history to serve an ideological narrative- it's the stuff of autocrats, and now, the reprehensive behavior of Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick.

Texans of all stripes should be deeply troubled by Patrick's announcement last week that he used his authority, as the state's No. 2 elected official, to cancel a virtual panel discussion he didn't like at the bullock Texas State History Museum, a public institution supported in part by taxpayer dollars.
The topic was a new book about the Alamo, but that is beside the point. It's not the lieutenant governor's job to decide which ideas can be shared and debated at a public forum. it's not his job to tell Texans what to think.

The book at the heart of this controversy, "Forget the Alamo,," casts a critical eye on Texas' founding fathers, suggesting their desire to keep slaves helped fuel their push for independence from Mexico, which opposed slavery. That account- supported by decades of scholarship, largely by Latino historians whose work deserves greater public recognition- runs counter to the simplistic tale that generations of Texas students have learned in schools, the story celebrating the white heroes of the Alamo while largely ignoring the contributions of Tejano allies and the thorny role of slavery.

The well-documented book is not, as Patrick alleged on Twitter a "fact-free rewriting of TX history." And it's not solely about history. The book of Bryan Burrough, Chris Tomlinson and Jason Stanford also probes the present day politics around the storytelling of the Alamo, suggesting Patrick used "manufactured outrage" over the Alamo restoration plan to undercut Land Commissioner George P. Bush, whom he viewed as a political rival.

Patrick's push to cancel the book discussion went beyond preserving an idealized narrative of Texas' founding fathers. it silenced an examination of Patrick's own efforts to capitalize on that narrative= efforts that could cost Texas taxpayers hundreds of millions of dollars if Patrick follows through on his pledge for sizable state funding for an Alamo museum, housing what the book's authors argue is a collection of Alamo memorabilia of dubious authenticity.

For months now we've heard Republicans gripes about "cancel culture," a catchall condemnation for everything from the repackaging of Mr. Potato Head to the efforts of social media companies to reduce the spread of conspiracy theories. Simmering with faux outrage, republicans have appeared on TV, penned guest columns and fired off fundraising emails- absurdly complained to the masses that they were being muzzled.

But what Patrick gave us last week was a textbook case of real censorship, a clear case of the government stifling free speech. Patrick abused his authority as a member of the state Preservation Board to cancel an event as a public intuition because he disagreed with the message. The only silver lining is that Patrick's effort backfired spectacularly, drawing national attention to the topic and driving book sales through the roof. The publisher, according to one of the authority, has ordered two more printings.

Forget, for a moment, the Alamo. Remember, instead, the First Amendment. Remember that it was the first enumeration of the Americans protected rights for a reason: The free exchange of ideas, even difficult or unpopular ones, is the oxygen that keeps democracy alive. We cannot govern ourselves if our government leaders dictate what fact what's not, which can discussed and what's forbidden.
And yet our state leaders keep trying. last month Gov. Greg Abbott signed a bill creating the "1836 Project," a thinly disguised propaganda campaign about 'why Texas became so exceptional in the first place." he also singed a bill limiting the ways that race and current events can be discussed in public schools, tapping into the ginned-up debate over critical race theory- a topic he's urged lawmakers to revisit in the special session, alongside the supposed censorship of conservatives on social media.

Abbott and GOP lawmakers alive repeatedly tried to curtain an honest, nuanced examination of our state's history, opting for indoctrination over discourse. This, on tope of a barrage of bills last session in which the Legislature tried to dictate a range of decisions, from personal medical care to police funding levels, that Texans and local communities should be free to make for themselves. Enough already. Patrick is free to disagree with the authors of any book. Better yet, he's free to challenge the authors to explain and defend their findings, Either way Texas deserve to have discussion. The Lieutenant governor has no right to shut it down.

From Cali England

Posted: Tue Jul 13, 2021 6:09 pm
by candlecat2
I don't have any idea what that editorial is all about. I am not able to keep up with my unstable internet here and the inability to save drafts.

Forget about it. Just want to be able to read my local newspaper without feeling in my gut that it's all lies. Like the phrase of "chasing dissent from the public square" Modern day meaning referring to Ryan Dawson who says "can't get my head above water"?

The article isn't about what it seems to be about but I don't know what it is about. Do I have no frame of reference? I am very agitated. Ryan Dawson said to believe the opposite... so how does that apply here? oh rainbow frogs, oh rainbow frogs..... no pop pop.

o :o :o :o :o :o

WTF ???

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:20 am
by candlecat2
So Brian wants to know what the world are you are up to on discord.

I want to know what the fuck you are doing writing that open letter to ANC. He doesn't even want that film on ANC and possible not even his name associated with it. And you are all up in your feelings?

Stop it. You already said all that needs to be said. You are a peasant.

WTF right back at you

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2021 10:57 am
by candlecat2
Write about something you know about... or think you know about.

He asked what you think about what happened on BNT. Just run it by Cali Diamond first so there is no ill will.

And write that article about "Kodak Moments"

Stop messaging Child of Bodem with all your incoherent rambling. Someone gives you one compliment......
