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Post by Ry » Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:17 pm

I am not claiming the one and only truth. I am saying that we favor theories with the most evidence.

I am only pointing out obvious myths. For starters the 4,000 jews myth. I wa sin college when 911 happened. I was the head of a Palestinian organization at the college and I heard the myth about the 4,000 Jews that DAY in Virginia. This was before the J-post report. That means that that information was planted. Also plenty of Jews did die in the WTC attacks and there is no proof showing the 4,000 figure. Now only one Israeli died in the attack a guy on one of the planes. Howevere that is a totally different claim.

Space lizards. please.

A missile hit the pentagon. Really where is the motive? where is the evidence? Lack of evidence is not evidence. Where is the plane? Where are the people who were on it? Why did people SEE a plane headed toward the pentagon and never fly away from it? Loose Chnage said NOTHING about Israel. I find it more than questionable that AOL promoted a movie about 911 and that the Pentagon Strike video went around so fast (who made that video by the way). How could Loose Change Ignore the Israeli spy ring? HOw could they nbot link Iraq to 911 and tell who lied us into Iraq? They spent all this time saying how a hijacker could not fly the plane into the pentagon and then said the BBC showed the hijackers were still alive. Well if the hijackers were not flying the plane then what/who was? and if it was remote control as I am going to prove later, then it could hit the pentagon. If you know you need to make it at least look like a plne was hijacked and flown into a building then why NOT use a plane. It would be absoultely stupid to hit it with a missile which look and leaves marks nothing like a plane. The hole that LC shows in the whole in the back reinforced ring of the pentagon.

The illuminati please go here I let people debate it for over a year.

Got a rebuttle for the video then Go for it. Going to whine about theories that don't use evidence ...why?

Explain WHO put the bombs in the towers.

I do not see how it can be any more obvious when the Mossad worked for a front moving company which was caught filming the event and that same moving company was in the towers on the days of the power outage. The Mossad also lived next to the Suadi Cells and was Spying on the US. Please. They were moving something alright. They were moving bombs into the towers.

It was not Queen Elizabeth a alein or a Gemanic Death cult. It was a bunch of Military Industrial complex feeding Neocons Christian and Jewish Zionists.

Oh yeah and peak oil. go here.
I, by FAR, resent the Daryl-Bradford-Smith-crowd the most because their tactics suck. And calling everybody an idiot is that tactic.
Well DBS called me a dark minion and I hate that guys guts. They have made videos about me smearing me. However calling a person who believes in human morphing lizrads an idiot really is not a stretch and it doesn't matter what DBS says. That guy didn:t have a clue two years ago. If you follow the illunminati or lizard stuff then I think you are a fool yes. Ther eis no reason we have to tollerate that crap. That stuff is what keeps many knowledgable people from speaking out about 911. Also I speak about 911 in Japan and I will get laughed at in the beginning because they will ask if I believe in aliens or occult groups etc and I have to waste time explaining that bullshit away before I can even start on anything.

You want to know who finances the wars? it is not the devil. Its Protestant Christian Churches from America and Europe.

These are just the Portestant Churches who have considered divestment, putting morals over profits. Other Protestants sects are not even listed.

Billions invested in the Israeli occupation

Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) 8 BILLION

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is slated to meet in Birmingham, Alabama in June 2006 to vote on the next step in its controversial divestment process, and it is still unclear what direction it will take. A special committee appointed by PCUSA to investigate the issues told representatives from a coalition of Jewish organizations in January 2006 that they did not expect their work to be finished in time for the national conference in June.

Meanwhile, dozens of resolutions -- called overtures in church terminology -- have been debated across the United States by local PCUSA synods or chapters offering proposals on whether PCUSA should proceed with its divestment campaign, or whether the movement should delay or abandon divestment as its strategy.

The controversy first erupted in July 2004, when the PCUSA General Assembly voted to divest from companies doing business with Israel. The Church's investment portfolio has $8 billion in holdings. The vote, passed by 431-62, calls on the "Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee (MRTI) to initiate a process of phased, selective divestment in multinational corporations operating in Israel." Through an internal process, the PCUSA later added an additional focus on companies that might support violence against Israelis. The PCUSA's Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) identified four companies that work with Israel (Caterpillar, ITT, Motorola, and United Technologies Corporation). They also identified one company for its alleged actions that involve support for terrorism (Citigroup). The MRTI committee has stated that it will not move for the sale of any of these stocks.

Despite the Presbyterian divestment initiative, many church leaders and people in the pews across the country have strongly and vocally disagreed with the Church's proposal to divest from Israel. See: What They Are Saying: Statements by Church Leaders on Divestment

Episcopal/Anglican Church (ECUSA) £4 BILLION

In fall 2004, the Episcopal Church announced that it would likely conduct a yearlong examination of whether or not the Church should divest its holdings from companies doing business in Israel. In an October 1 statement, Episcopal Bishop Christopher Epting, the church's ecumenical director, and the Rev. Brian Grieves, director of its peace and justice division announced that the investigation will look into what investments are "appropriate with companies that contribute to the ongoing (Israeli) Occupation (of Palestinian territories), especially in the areas of home demolitions, settlement building and the separation wall."

However, after a period of review and consultation, including meetings with national Jewish agencies, the ECUSA announced it had removed divestment from consideration.

I did not discover what every church gives, only the ones who plan on divesting. You can bet with certainty that other Churches such as the Baptist gross much higher and give/invest far more into Israel. I hope you are begining to see how the Christian wing of tax free money feeds into the milittary industrial complex. This is also why the Israeli lobby which demands the conflict continue gets so much money. Christians do more than support Israel with their mouths. Christiani institutions have their lips firmly around the entired sticky buttocks of the Zionist fascist.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

The ELCA, at its Church-wide Assembly in summer 2005 considered and rejected a divestment resolution, instead adopting a "positive investment" policy to foster peace and cooperation in the region. This approach stresses an investment of "advocacy, volunteer work, and financial resources in those who share in the quest for peace with justice."

United Church of Christ (UCC)

The UCC, at its General Synod, also in summer 2005, considered and rejected a divestment resolution. A "positive investment" substitute was passed out of committee. However, a last minute "compromise" was moved and adopted that included both "positive investment" and an endorsement of divestment. The resolution did not initiate any divestment process, though, and UCC leaders have stated that none is planned.

United Methodist Church (UMC)

The UMC has continued to defer any action on divestment. Two local regions adopted resolutions in support of divestment. National leaders, however, have expressed their opposition to any similar action on behalf of the UMC.

Methodist ~$8 billion

It seems the Methodist are making moves to divest from Israel.
Methodist Conference sets new rules for ethical investment in Israel and Palestine.
The Methodist Conference has voted for the Church to draw up guidelines on how to engage with corporations or activities that support illegal Israeli activity in the West Bank or Gaza strip companies, with disinvestments as the ultimate sanction
“We cannot turn a blind eye to this suffering,” he said. “I believe we should not invest in companies that involve themselves in activities that defy UN resolutions.” -June 2006source

Two United Methodist gatherings (In Virginia) urge selective divestment from Israel

Church of England £2.3 Billion (pounds not dollars) and that is just in ONE company!

On February 6, 2006, the Church of England's General Synod overwhelmingly voted to divest from companies whose products are used by Israel in the Palestinian territories. The Synod backed a call by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem to divest from "companies profiting from the illegal occupation," such as Caterpillar. The Church described its support for divestment as "morally responsible investment". The divestment vote was spearheaded by radical Anglicans, among them Bishop John Gladwin, who maintains a close association with the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem.

The current Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, voted in favor of the divestment motion. His predecessor, Lord Carey, spoke forcefully against divestment and declared himself "ashamed to be an Anglican" after the vote was passed.

One month after the Synod vote, which is not binding, the Church's Ethical Investment Advisory Group announced that it would not withdraw its investment in Caterpillar (worth 2.3 million Pounds), since it could find "no compelling evidence" of the company's involvement in the abuse of human rights. In response, anti-Israel activists in the Church have urged individual parishes to withdraw monies from the Church's Central Board of Finance

Learn more about Divestments and the Christian role in it here
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Post by Phys » Sun Mar 11, 2007 9:33 pm

Rys2sense wrote:I am not claiming the one and only truth. I am saying that we favor theories with the most evidence.

I am only pointing out obvious myths. For starters the 4,000 jews myth. I wa sin college when 911 happened. I was the head of a Palestinian organization at the college and I heard the myth about the 4,000 Jews that DAY in Virginia. This was before the J-post report. That means that that information was planted. Also plenty of Jews did die in the WTC attacks and there is no proof showing the 4,000 figure. Now only one Israeli died in the attack a guy on one of the planes. Howevere that is a totally different claim.

Space lizards. please.

A missile hit the pentagon. Really where is the motive? where is the evidence? Lack of evidence is not evidence. Where is the plane? Where are the people who were on it? Why did people SEE a plane headed toward the pentagon and never fly away from it? Loose Chnage said NOTHING about Israel. I find it more than questionable that AOL promoted a movie about 911 and that the Pentagon Strike video went around so fast (who made that video by the way). How could Loose Change Ignore the Israeli spy ring? HOw could they nbot link Iraq to 911 and tell who lied us into Iraq? They spent all this time saying how a hijacker could not fly the plane into the pentagon and then said the BBC showed the hijackers were still alive. Well if the hijackers were not flying the plane then what/who was? and if it was remote control as I am going to prove later, then it could hit the pentagon. If you know you need to make it at least look like a plne was hijacked and flown into a building then why NOT use a plane. It would be absoultely stupid to hit it with a missile which look and leaves marks nothing like a plane. The hole that LC shows in the whole in the back reinforced ring of the pentagon.

The illuminati please go here I let people debate it for over a year.

Got a rebuttle for the video then Go for it. Going to whine about theories that don't use evidence ...why?

Explain WHO put the bombs in the towers.

I do not see how it can be any more obvious when the Mossad worked for a front moving company which was caught filming the event and that same moving company was in the towers on the days of the power outage. The Mossad also lived next to the Suadi Cells and was Spying on the US. Please. They were moving something alright. They were moving bombs into the towers.

It was not Queen Elizabeth a alein or a Gemanic Death cult. It was a bunch of Military Industrial complex feeding Neocons Christian and Jewish Zionists.

Oh yeah and peak oil. go here.
I, by FAR, resent the Daryl-Bradford-Smith-crowd the most because their tactics suck. And calling everybody an idiot is that tactic.
Well DBS called me a dark minion and I hate that guys guts. They have made videos about me smearing me. However calling a person who believes in human morphing lizrads an idiot really is not a stretch and it doesn't matter what DBS says. That guy didn:t have a clue two years ago. If you follow the illunminati or lizard stuff then I think you are a fool yes. Ther eis no reason we have to tollerate that crap. That stuff is what keeps many knowledgable people from speaking out about 911. Also I speak about 911 in Japan and I will get laughed at in the beginning because they will ask if I believe in aliens or occult groups etc and I have to waste time explaining that bullshit away before I can even start on anything.

You want to know who finances the wars? it is not the devil. Its Protestant Christian Churches from America and Europe.

These are just the Portestant Churches who have considered divestment, putting morals over profits. Other Protestants sects are not even listed.

Billions invested in the Israeli occupation

Presbyterian Church USA (PCUSA) 8 BILLION

The General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) is slated to meet in Birmingham, Alabama in June 2006 to vote on the next step in its controversial divestment process, and it is still unclear what direction it will take. A special committee appointed by PCUSA to investigate the issues told representatives from a coalition of Jewish organizations in January 2006 that they did not expect their work to be finished in time for the national conference in June.

Meanwhile, dozens of resolutions -- called overtures in church terminology -- have been debated across the United States by local PCUSA synods or chapters offering proposals on whether PCUSA should proceed with its divestment campaign, or whether the movement should delay or abandon divestment as its strategy.

The controversy first erupted in July 2004, when the PCUSA General Assembly voted to divest from companies doing business with Israel. The Church's investment portfolio has $8 billion in holdings. The vote, passed by 431-62, calls on the "Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee (MRTI) to initiate a process of phased, selective divestment in multinational corporations operating in Israel." Through an internal process, the PCUSA later added an additional focus on companies that might support violence against Israelis. The PCUSA's Committee on Mission Responsibility Through Investment (MRTI) identified four companies that work with Israel (Caterpillar, ITT, Motorola, and United Technologies Corporation). They also identified one company for its alleged actions that involve support for terrorism (Citigroup). The MRTI committee has stated that it will not move for the sale of any of these stocks.

Despite the Presbyterian divestment initiative, many church leaders and people in the pews across the country have strongly and vocally disagreed with the Church's proposal to divest from Israel. See: What They Are Saying: Statements by Church Leaders on Divestment

Episcopal/Anglican Church (ECUSA) £4 BILLION

In fall 2004, the Episcopal Church announced that it would likely conduct a yearlong examination of whether or not the Church should divest its holdings from companies doing business in Israel. In an October 1 statement, Episcopal Bishop Christopher Epting, the church's ecumenical director, and the Rev. Brian Grieves, director of its peace and justice division announced that the investigation will look into what investments are "appropriate with companies that contribute to the ongoing (Israeli) Occupation (of Palestinian territories), especially in the areas of home demolitions, settlement building and the separation wall."

However, after a period of review and consultation, including meetings with national Jewish agencies, the ECUSA announced it had removed divestment from consideration.

I did not discover what every church gives, only the ones who plan on divesting. You can bet with certainty that other Churches such as the Baptist gross much higher and give/invest far more into Israel. I hope you are begining to see how the Christian wing of tax free money feeds into the milittary industrial complex. This is also why the Israeli lobby which demands the conflict continue gets so much money. Christians do more than support Israel with their mouths. Christiani institutions have their lips firmly around the entired sticky buttocks of the Zionist fascist.

Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA)

The ELCA, at its Church-wide Assembly in summer 2005 considered and rejected a divestment resolution, instead adopting a "positive investment" policy to foster peace and cooperation in the region. This approach stresses an investment of "advocacy, volunteer work, and financial resources in those who share in the quest for peace with justice."

United Church of Christ (UCC)

The UCC, at its General Synod, also in summer 2005, considered and rejected a divestment resolution. A "positive investment" substitute was passed out of committee. However, a last minute "compromise" was moved and adopted that included both "positive investment" and an endorsement of divestment. The resolution did not initiate any divestment process, though, and UCC leaders have stated that none is planned.

United Methodist Church (UMC)

The UMC has continued to defer any action on divestment. Two local regions adopted resolutions in support of divestment. National leaders, however, have expressed their opposition to any similar action on behalf of the UMC.

Methodist ~$8 billion

It seems the Methodist are making moves to divest from Israel.
Methodist Conference sets new rules for ethical investment in Israel and Palestine.
The Methodist Conference has voted for the Church to draw up guidelines on how to engage with corporations or activities that support illegal Israeli activity in the West Bank or Gaza strip companies, with disinvestments as the ultimate sanction
“We cannot turn a blind eye to this suffering,” he said. “I believe we should not invest in companies that involve themselves in activities that defy UN resolutions.” -June 2006source

Two United Methodist gatherings (In Virginia) urge selective divestment from Israel

Church of England £2.3 Billion (pounds not dollars) and that is just in ONE company!

On February 6, 2006, the Church of England's General Synod overwhelmingly voted to divest from companies whose products are used by Israel in the Palestinian territories. The Synod backed a call by the Episcopal Church in Jerusalem to divest from "companies profiting from the illegal occupation," such as Caterpillar. The Church described its support for divestment as "morally responsible investment". The divestment vote was spearheaded by radical Anglicans, among them Bishop John Gladwin, who maintains a close association with the Sabeel Ecumenical Liberation Theology Center in Jerusalem.

The current Archbishop of Canterbury, Rowan Williams, voted in favor of the divestment motion. His predecessor, Lord Carey, spoke forcefully against divestment and declared himself "ashamed to be an Anglican" after the vote was passed.

One month after the Synod vote, which is not binding, the Church's Ethical Investment Advisory Group announced that it would not withdraw its investment in Caterpillar (worth 2.3 million Pounds), since it could find "no compelling evidence" of the company's involvement in the abuse of human rights. In response, anti-Israel activists in the Church have urged individual parishes to withdraw monies from the Church's Central Board of Finance

Learn more about Divestments and the Christian role in it here

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Post by Ry » Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:46 am

you know the youtube video that slanders me is still up yet I can not post a video opposing the use of Depleted Uranium on children. I wil go over bandwidth this month because of this movie too.
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Post by MonkeyZerg » Mon Mar 12, 2007 5:56 pm


Great video. Will try to screen it to the local 911 truth crowd, who so far have relied on Alex Jones and LC for their info (unfortunately).

If you work on this, it could become something BIG. (eg sorry I don't wanna be annoying, but some typing errors, etc, could be fixed as new releases are made)

It's funny how Ry and others can produce hard research implicating Zionists/Israel in 911/Iraq, but this is censored on google/youtube. Meanwhile all sorts of videos circulate everywhere and the 'NWO/Lizards/Catholics/etc' don't exert their power to censor them.

(Ry, you should look into the new ownership of youtube by google, the founders/owners of both. I heard that they recently moved their head offices to Israel! If this is true, then google may be owned/directed by Zionists, thus the censorship).

Kinda tells you something?

Also, who's funding/promoting LC? Why do they get the media attention and movie deals? Why aren't the powers that be suppressing them?
Ah yes, they don't offer evidence of the core players, and mix it with discreditable theories.

Hopefully they'll change that by their 'final cut'. Try advising them Ry. We'll see.

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Post by Ry » Mon Mar 12, 2007 11:56 pm

I have talked to people who work with them since they will not talk to me directly. I was nice to them in the beginning and just said you left out XY and Z. And I sent their little messengers back to them with what I had to say. And they blocked some of their messengers. I assumes oh tey are like 20 year old normal guys and they just missed a lot of things. The first movie was just a copy of movies already out there plus the pentagon strike video crap. I saw nothing original. So I decided oh these guys need to steal some more shit. Well I will give it to them if they will put it in the final movie. I know damn well that I will not be given credit. That is why they talk to me through third parties. They can say they never talked to me now. But I seriously doubt the final cut will be anything but more of the same.

Mail this video to their myspaces. They cant block all of you :)
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9-11 Video that DOES include Israel

Post by Eratosthenes_2008 » Tue Mar 13, 2007 4:05 am

I saw the post on myspace, & of course had to repost them. I watched both the bulletins, & I hope you don't mind? I went & put it on myspace page blog.

The blog just links to this page, the forum, & has the video of it.
Great job. (if you don't like , I'll remove it?)
Though some symbols, owls, & pyramid images would of been a great audition. j/k But some of us still actually do read.

Some, a few, chat host in the chatrooms on WinMX let me post links to it, also. Maybe you could convert one to Divx, instead of wmv, since the buffer time is long. or Avi, mpeg, etc.. I'd like to see them on youtube, but it would be great to have this video on google video, to link to. Have it linked on websites, & pages. &

Next film you do will have more on the Mossad, & the dancing Israeli's ?!? L8Rr man NICE VIDEO
TC Ry -

"To initiate a war of not only an international crime, it is the supreme international crime, differing only from other war crimes in that it contains within itself the accumulated evil of the whole." - International Military Tribunal at Nuremberg, Germany - 1946

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Post by Ry » Tue Mar 13, 2007 5:16 am

you tube and google will not play it. I have tried.
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Post by Ry » Sat Mar 17, 2007 4:26 am

i made it longer and cut the size to 180 from 300megs
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Post by Eric » Wed Mar 21, 2007 7:30 am

Great job Ry.

It was a bit tough to get through the part with poor sound quality. I hope you get a new mic soon (buy his book people, I did). And if you decide to fix typos and you want someone to proofread I can help with that.

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Post by Ry » Wed Mar 21, 2007 8:26 am

I hear the sound fine on my end. I am wondering if people have their bases turned way up on their cpu as a lot of people do. My voice is low and it will not come out right if that is the case.
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