Blame it on Ukraine..yeah yeah.

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Blame it on Ukraine..yeah yeah.

Post by Ry » Tue Jul 19, 2022 6:48 pm

Blame it on Ukraine..yeah yeah.

Like Milli Vanilli hit song (Blame it on the Rain) this narrative too is a fraud. Ukraine is a disaster but this hyper inflation and the shortages were kicked off long before that war started. It certainly isn’t not helping matters, but the bulk of the economic implosion is because of two things: the policies in the covid-19 hysteria and the cult of going Green. Let’s talk about the second one today.

The Green cultist are sabotaging the future of the country to profiteer from green tech that the government both subsidizes and forces people to use. It’s nothing but welfare with an environmental theme. Olaf Scholz’s days are numbered. For no nation has committed national suicide in the name of green harder than Germany. They cut off their nuclear power and closed down pipelines that they had already paid for. But hey Germany can die at the alter of ESG. It is worth it for the planet or something.

Green and climate change are the biggest taxpayer-funded swindles since too-big-to-fail banker bailouts, with estimates for the cost for Biden’s green agenda ranging up to $10 trillion.

Larry Fink the CEO of Blackrock, which has a finger in every pie, including Twitter, Truist Bank, and many others usually in tandem with Vanguard, is a money manager. People have the misgiving that Blackrock and Vanguard own the largest shares of nearly anything that has stocks. They do not. What they do is manage the money of the investors who do own the stocks. One sure fire way to make good investments is simple insider trading. The most popular form of that, is by milking the teat of government. So who are the investors? Well Mostly Microsoft, Apple, Alphabet Inc. Notice anything there? No wonder they went after Parler.

As the MIC has been exposed, more and more, the old model of profiteering from weapons stocks and then creating the pretext for a war or conflict has become a bit too public.

The more popular gambit is to attach oneself to the beneficiaries of other forms of government welfare. Going green has been a wonderful theme to use to push for subsidies and then of course for groups like Blackrock and Vanguard to manage investments in those same companies. They call it ESG or Environmental, Social and Governance.

Larry Fink’s job is to get investors into equity funds. There isn’t a bigger or better draw than the ESG market because it is backed by government and its tax collections.

“US renewables stocks have outperformed the S&P 500 by around 200 percentage points since the start of 2020 (+218% vs. +21%). Among ESG investments, renewables companies are the most exposed to the transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy across various industry verticals, such as solar, energy storage, electric vehicles, and cleaner fuels. US renewables performance has been particularly strong during the past few months around the US elections.” -Goldman

Hate the rising gas prices? This clip from the 2020 debate should really sink in now. The ‘moderator’ didn’t even wnat us to hear it. Biden’s Build Back Better green agenda is about woke Democrat investors. They found an excuse to loot the public purse under the name of fighting climate change. Half the Democrat nominees in 2020 were claiming the Earth only had 12 years left to exist. And that this was our WWII.

This price increase in ESG is not coming from earnings it is coming from new investment. There is a massive bubble being made. And it will pop because going green doesn’t work.

As stated in the book “The Separation of Business and State” what we have here is, another game investment parasites attached to corporate welfare queens who are paid by the government who steals the money from you or simply prints it. The entire thing is dressed up in a do-gooder theme, but it is always about profiteering. It has gone too far. the Green policies are going to be the ruin of Europe first. That ship might be too late to turn around. The US and Canada are next, unless something is done which at this point does not seem likely.
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