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Prince Andrew WILL face sex assault lawsuit in US

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 8:49 am
by James101
- By Ryan Dawson|January 12, 2022|Report|0 Comments ... uit-in-us/

Nothing will happen. All the media attached to the DARPA/BlackRock/Vanguard Advertising Monopoly (the globalist Corporate Propaganda network Brands and all their little Guys Grifting on the numbers scraps in the alternative media) will say this and say that and nothing will happen.

You'll see. Just imaging what would happen to RY, and Jones and Whitney and James Corbett and Icke and all the rest of the alternative media if the Controlling Global Narrative tanks in a big way ?


Re: Prince Andrew WILL face sex assault lawsuit in US

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 9:22 am
by James101
Look, people have to start somewhere to temporarily change things in the world, to try tweak out a better deal for themselves and families at the low end of the eternal socioeconomic hierarchy ...I get that, but with all the talking going on, as always, from the media Owner's manufactured left and right paradigm (me vs you) and their Advertiser Gate-keepers, the Global serving Majority will never understand that the Global Ruling Minority have always been at total war with them and always will be, and they always win by the eternal rules of natural law.

So what the fuck is Ryan trying to do? Sell Democracy and financial freedumb for the masses... hope (greater survival opportunity) lol. Exposing the Global Criminal Ruling Minority again and again

7.5 Billion unwashed useless eaters Ryan. You better hope they don't rise as one...unless you are very temporarily leading the charge.

Re: Prince Andrew WILL face sex assault lawsuit in US

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:11 am
by James101
I just don't know what the so-called Alternative Truth-media are trying to change in the minds of the masses, and how they are trying to accomplish this "change"

The greatest truths in current history

Nicolaus Copernicus...we all know that now. Blah

Isaac Newton ...Yaya!

Charles Darwin ...Spot on (Social Darwinism little later, Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion leaked...Blah)

More Recently:

New Theories on the Origin of Life with Dr. Eric Smith
Jul 10, 2015
The McCloskey Speaker Series features Dr. Eric Smith, professor at the Earth-Life Science Institute in Tokyo and the Santa Fe Institute. For most of the 20th century, complex biological views of evolution have been central to the way scientists think about the origin of life. But progress over the past 40 years in such fields as ocean exploration, microbiology, and planetary science has come together to suggest that life's origin may have been built on a core chemical blueprint. Dr. Smith argues that we need a new understanding of the nature of life, in which the dominant, Darwinian view of a “struggle for existence” comes second, and life at its core came about as a necessary layer of our maturing planet.

Eric Smith began scientific work in high-energy physics, with Bachelor degrees in math and physics from Caltech, and a Ph.D. from the University of Texas in 1993. His work moved increasingly into topics in complex systems, during appointments in the University of Texas and the Los Alamos National Laboratories, culminating in eleven years spent at the Santa Fe Institute. At SFI he began parallel threads of work in non-equilibrium thermodynamics, economics and finance, and the history of human languages, and began studying the geochemistry, biochemistry, and evolution of the earliest life. He is currently a professor and Principle Investigator of the Earth-Life Science Institute in Tokyo, and external professor at SFI. His goal is to understand the origin and nature of the living state through the many windows that science provides on it: the physical, geochemical, biochemical, ecological, and evolutionary.

So I just don't understand what Ryan and the real alt media are trying to do to make the world better for the masses? For Himself and his fam...sure....I get it.

Is Ryan just pissed off becos he is not as rich as Alex Jones and David Icke from the ridiculous shit they are selling...Or has Ryan a unique angle to try waking up the masses?...See above.

Re: Prince Andrew WILL face sex assault lawsuit in US

Posted: Thu Jan 13, 2022 10:39 am
by James101
Most with an IQ over 70 get that Andrew and all his pals in the ruling "Jewish"/Khazar Mafia (European Gold Monopolists) are total psychopaths. The Global Ruling Minority have always been criminals and always will be when gauged by their media infused delusional Cultural Morals, values and Norms of most National Entities across the western civilised world; and the only thing that keeps them in-check within their own order is extortion.

But burning down the Global Ruling Class's voice...their control of the narrative/media. Man, I don't know. What then?

Re: Prince Andrew WILL face sex assault lawsuit in US

Posted: Thu Apr 14, 2022 6:03 am
by Ry
He could get brought up in the Peter Nygard trial too