Anachotropism is moronic

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Anachotropism is moronic

Post by Ry » Fri Jul 09, 2021 7:20 am

To that Andrew guy
That Andrew guy needs to stick to engineering because he has zero grasp of history or philosophy.

Founding fathers made a monarchy? Jefferson got rid of all inland taxes, killed the central bank, and paid off the national debt up until the Louisiana purchase which was not even half of what he had paid down and obviously was multitudes more valuable than what he paid for it. It allowed Napoleon to destroy the US's economic rivals. He also ended the transatlantic slave trade which decimated both Europe and African economies because Africa was selling so many slaves and Europe was selling finished goods to Africa despots. Jefferson also forbid expanding slavery into the North West Territories and attempted to have slavery phased out in Virginia by 1800 which would have happened if they had adopted his state constitution. How in the fuck can this not be seen as increasing human liberty and downsizing the power of government? Ah bc he uses the words power and wealth interchangeably.

It doesn't work like that. Libertarians are concerned with the power to preserve inalienable rights, free trade and preventing the government from using the public treasury to favor select commercial interests. Having a treasury is not the problem. Using it for corporate welfare, wars, and foreign aid is the problem.

Regan and JFK both lowered tax rates yet increased tax revenues because with lower taxes there were total businesses. If wealth increases because of the EXCHANGE of increased economic liberties or just personal liberties like being able to smoke weed for recreation than so be it. The point is to incentives a system to maximize liberty. Government is supposed to be the referee not a coach.

The left is against hierarchy bc they identify with the inferior class. People with no talent or skill like antifa, want wealth to be distributed not earned. Democrats simply figured out how to buy votes by pandering to demographic and corporate greed under the guise of equality. Republicans are in love with military power and usually muh Jesus.

Libertarians are driven by an actual ideology and philosophy of liberty, not simply a strategy of how to manipulate people into voting for their faction so it can use the power to enrich it's members.
The masses are not philosophic so this appeal doesn't work and manipulation does. That's why libertarians lose. The only reason Jefferson and a string of presidents up until 1856 could win was because voting was restricted to land owning whites males of good moral character and education IE the bar was set high enough to avoid the plague of the lowest common denominator.

Jefferson's Republic got rid of all inland taxes, killed the central bank, and retired the national debt. The battle was to to prevent the federal government from using the public treasury to enrich select commercial interest. At no point did people question the existence of borders or ponder about the morality of abandoning children.

This online mob calling themselves Libertarian who think anyone supporting the state doing anything is a "stateist" are a bunch of LARPing anarchist. Limited government is not no government at all. We have courts, a post office, public works, borders, as well as states rights and inalienable rights.

Liberty simply means maintaining those rights and not allowing the government to engage in protectionist policies be it by taxes, regulation or prohibition.

The moment groups learned they could vote themselves money the system was dead. The Lincoln model of liberalism is what we have been suffering under since 1865. Demographic and corporate pandering is socialism aka state redistribution of wealth
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Re: Anachotropism is moronic

Post by candlecat2 » Tue Jul 13, 2021 2:13 am

I will always be a peasant at heart. Gonna change my level several times because I can't manage my money. But if I could manage my money, I would always pay for highest level and buy the calendar and all the maps and one coffecup. Because you need to be paid for what you're worth. But living month to month, maybe Jesus will help me manage my finances or maybe since he isn't real. Then you really just got a peasant at heart. All do whatever I can.
Peasant at

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