Liberals are psychologically damaged

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Liberals are psychologically damaged

Post by Ry » Tue May 18, 2021 3:40 am

Liberals are psychologically damaged. Learning that the systems has manipulated them into flogging the ghost of yester-year is a real eye opener. Like this racism witch hunt they are on only applies when there is no risk. inequalities of outcome still exist between blacks and everyone else in the US, oppression has to be the reason because the alternatives are either the racist are right (they aren't) or Liberals are wrong. (Bingo). Systemic Racism Is An Excused to Hide Failed Liberal Policies

I want them to see that these wars, the torture, and starvation matter. The only real tribalism is the partisan politics. Why is the racism towards American Indians, Arabs and yes to Whites too not seen as an issue? Because they are not voting blocks. You could not fine more blatant racism and Nazi-like behavior than how Israel treats Palestinians and African migrants. But opposing that has risk and consequences. Condemning slavery from the 19th century does not.

So much of their identity is in being anti-racist (only in a limited anti-white male way) but that really is only masking their own impulse to rebel in a safe channel, and soothing their own insecurities and paternalistic view about minorities under the guise of fighting Nazis. Their own moronic policies can't be to blame, no it's the racists that's why many minorities fail. You see if it's the not the racist then there are only two unacceptable options. 1 The races are actually different and minorities are inferior Or 2 Attitudes of entitlement, degenerate subcultures, and liberal policies aimed to 'help' are all detrimental to success.

It's the same reason the failures of socialism are always blamed on capitalist or it not there being true socialism enough. The alternative is them admitting they are wrong. And Like any effeminate ideology, admitting they are wrong is impossible. Thus evil white male capitalist have to be the explanation. Personal responsibility is not in the liberal vocabulary
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