Poo Fetish Billionaire Nygard was a lot like Epstein

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Poo Fetish Billionaire Nygard was a lot like Epstein

Post by Ry » Thu Jan 21, 2021 7:35 am

Comparing Epstein to Peter Nygard we find striking similarities between the two. The fact that their methods are so similar shows the frightening reality that these kind of pedophile rape rings have a well known structure and clientele. Jeffery Epstein was tapping into a preexisting network of the sick and famous for blackmailing purposes. So many Johns got caught up it was is an obvious trap because it was par for the course. These abnormal and shocking criminal behaviors are not so unusual. The donor class engages in every debauchery imaginable because until recently they could get away with it.

The most obvious similarity is the were both extremely rich pedophiles. But so were many of Epstein customers. Nygard however may have taken it to new heights of disgusting.

Epstein had properties in the Caribbean and a head office in New York as well as abroad. So did Nygard. Epstein bought himself an island and recruited girls to rape in New York, Paris, Palm Beach Florida and New Mexico. Nygard bought a corner on the Bahama’s recruited girls to rape in New York, Canada, and Miami Florida.

Epstein used front companies to bribe the police in Florida upon his first arrest. Nygard bribed police in the Bahamas and simply didn’t show up for court when he was subpoenaed.

Both men seem to have started in the 1980s, Nygard possible as early as 1977.

Both men liked young teenage girls. Nygard going as low as 14 and Epstein as low as 12 that we know of, however Nygard also raped many adults as well.

Both men used female recruiters to lure victims into their rape dens. Epsteins infamous Madam was Ghislaine Maxwell, Nygard according to lawsuits used Suelyn Medeiros.

Both men had modeling agencies that scouted and groomed girls. Epstein used Jean Luc Brunel of MC2 and Kerin Models. Nygard according to lawsuits, used Johnathan “Hebrew pimp” Baram of Warren and Baram Management which specializes in female Latino talent.

Both men trafficked girls for their associates.

Both men had egotistical pissing battles with other billionaires, Epstein with Donald Trump and Nygard with Louis Bacon. And both stemmed over property disputes.

And of COURSE both men knew and entertained Prince Andrew. I pray that he does another princely interview this time explaining how he was friends with Peter Nygard and went to visit him to break off the friendship but then stayed over night at his place in the Bahamas.

Both paid victims to mess with their heads and make them feel like they consented as well as making them both a victim and seemingly a prostitute. They were not prostitutes, because prostitution is a willing act between adults.

Epstein did rape women with sex toys and had orgies so did Nygard.
There are a few things that set Nygard apart from Epstein. It is a sad way to start a sentence with “Even Epstein didn’t…” So you know how bad it has to be if it was beyond his limits.

Nygard liked to drug girls and women and sodomize them. Apparently he also had a poo poo fetish and enjoyed being peed on. By all accounst even Epstein didn’t drug women and play with their dung. Some of the men of the Epstein map did similar things. Jean Luc Brunel, now in prison, was fond of drugging women and raping them and Adnan Khashoggi (uncle of Jamal Kashoggi) was down with the brown, the doo doo brown. Epstein’s massage turns sexual encounter with underage girls fetish while sick just seems a level below the twisted perversions of Peter Nygard who got off on humiliation, making women eat weird things like eye balls and fear factor level grotesque items, leaving them to awaken from a drug induced stupor nude with anal and vaginal pain. He even has his own children raped by a sex worker when they were teenagers, and two of them are suing him over it.

Finally some of these monsters are in Jail. If you are following the Epstein Map, the child raping monsters are falling 1 by 1. Keith Raniere of the Nexvim cult in in jail until he dies (sentenced to 120 years). Hollywood rape mogul Harvey Weinstein is finally in prison. Epstein was jailed and then murdered/suicided. Daughter of Israeli spy, Ghislaine Maxwell just spent her birthday and Christmas in prison with a trial set for July 12, 2021. Jean Luc Brunel a partner in crime with Maxwell and Epstein is sitting in prison in France. And now finally Peter Nygard who possibly raped more women than all the rapists in Canada combined,and abused his own children, is sitting in jail and as I predicted was not given bail yesterday. He does have a pushed back bail hearing on Jan 28th siting fears of Covid-19 as a reason the 79 year old cannot await trial in prison. However he is an obvious flight risk, he has nothing to lose and has skipped trials before. We will have to se if justice Shawn Greenberg will deny bail of if she will succumb to bribes.
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