Jan 6th Protest agianst the Swamp

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Jan 6th Protest agianst the Swamp

Post by Ry » Thu Jan 07, 2021 5:00 am

The people feel disenfranchised and ignored. Evidence for fraud was complied and no judge would even bother looking at it. The entire mass media and social media were anti Trump. We had the first presidential debates ever where foreign policy discussion wasn't allowed. That's bc Biden is a warmonger and his base can't defend those positions. Obama had a black pass. They were putting out false poles, suppressed information on Hunter Biden and lied about Trump every day. Charlottesville, Muslim ban, etc Harris brought up each lie in her debate. Biden denied Ukraine and said Hunters laptop was Russian disinformation. Trump said we'd have a vaccine in 2020 and we did. Everything Biden and Harris said was false. The only way they got away with all this is because the establishment media was completely on their side.

Listen to me, the mass MEDIA is the problem. Without fixing that nothing can ever change.

99% of the people there didn't storm the capital. The people who did wanted to tell congress directly to investigate the fraud because they feel like they've been ignored. Not a single judge even looked at the case. You can not claim evidence that has been gathered is all false without even looking to see what it is.

They cut these people off from courts and social media and called them maggots on TV. Hitting the capital was predictable.

They have no voice. Voiceless people with no media will pull stunts to be heard. Everyone lies about them and they are not allowed to speak. Far left policies are promoted on social media and opposition is not allowed, it's censored. How can one claim there is no evidence of fraud when they refuse to look at the evidence that has been gathered?

They let antifa terrorists attack their businesses and then Biden denied they exist. We watched after midnight voting with no observers or paper trail be used to select Biden when he was behind by millions. Every grievance the public attempted to make was censored.
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