my letter to vaush

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my letter to vaush

Post by Ry » Sat Apr 11, 2020 1:25 am

That appears to be someone who took the video I made right after Trump murdered Solemani and nearly started a war with Iran, and clipped it.  I said very clearly multiple times that I am talking about Racist Jews, Zionist, or Jewish supremacist not "The Jews." Do not let other people speak for me. And you really ought to ask where something came from when you can see its obviously been edited. They clipped it after I said from these racist-Jews for the third time and cut it before saying again that these are Zioinst. They omitted the first 3:45 seconds and then they erased everything after 4:22 seconds. The sentence following what you saw is "there is a Group of Jews we call them Zionist shorthand for Jewish supremacists, that is pushing ethnic nepotism ethnic land grabs and unapologetic racist foreign policy and apartheid, shoots children and drags the US into it." This is the full video see for yourself. It is irresponsible of you to make such a major accusation about someone who you do not know at all. The proper thing to do would be to say, I kinda recognized that name, if you do, but i dont know anything about that guy. Doing a lazy search or worse having fans feed you information without bothering to verify it is unprofessional. You cannot just declare to tens of thousands of listeners that someone is a white supremacist, who you don't know, all flippantly as if that doesn't have any consequences on the person you are smearing. I have never advocated for white supremacy or an ethno state or any of that crap. It would also be against my own interests. But you were so sure of yourself without knowing anything. And you ought to set it straight. I am definately anti-Zionist but in no sane universe is that = NeoNazi. I am also a Libertarian which you scoffed at. I wrote the book, The Separation of Business and State, which you would probably agree with much of more than you'd disagree.

Prejudice, ethnic nepotism, religious bigotry, and racism can rightly be pointed out when some groups engage in it but not others. Judaism which is not a race, is just as fair game for criticism as Christianity or Islam. I certainly have spent more time dissecting Christianity esp the End Earther interpretations of it, and Islam esp the Wahhabi interpretations of that. Creating a religion of US and THEM that under the Zionist interpretation is biologically based (so is the caste system in Hinduism) is nothing but racism dressed up with a halo. It is self ostracizing and all it ever does is create a backlash for all people of Jewish identity as a result. (I do not believe Jews are a race) I'm not advocating Hitler being elected, I am explaining it. I argue with Nazi types and white racist all the time. I took about 3hrs in a row of morons on kill stream trying to argue race realism with me. My channel has been erased for arguing with them because the bots on youtube can not tell the difference between advocating stupid shit and arguing against it.  These people try to take over my chat all the time with their muh bell curve crap and FBI crime statistics. Neocons did act as the driving force for a war in Iraq and that was because of their identification an loyalty towards the state of Israel which is to them not to me but to them a Jewish state which to them is a biological category. In reality it is mainly Europeans with a religious identity based on descent which became a religion of its own as the ethnic component overtook even the scripture. The appeal of victim-hood status was more important than thousands of years of theological work. There are even "Atheist Jews" which is an oxymoron unless one understands that being a Jew is the religion. There are zero biological ties to the ancient Hebrews. So it is this odd clique based on conversion to a faith that is now based on heredity by a large portion of its tenets. That is self contradictory but religion and Identitariasm has never had a problem with ignoring logical consistency. One could make the case the Holocaust nearly killed Judaism as now being linked to the group that suffered out weighs what the meaning of Jewish used to be for centuries. The other flack I get from Zionist is being a holocaust "denier". That is totally false. I even got revisionists to change sides through debate. I am demonized just for talking to these people though. There are wild exaggerations that go in both directions about the holocaust and in the days where nuance is dead, I am called both anti-Semitic as well as anti-white for not swallowing poop diamonds on one side and no gassing at all on the other. I am also not anti-white. To me that is as stupid as claiming opposition to North Korea is anti-Asian. Totally ridiculous. Nazis are not a race, they were a political party. Likewise just as Jewish supremacists do terrible things in the present it is the fault of racism not race.

Anti-degenerate, well i dont believe is the serialization of children. I also dont believe in circumcision. I dont know what else they can be referring to. I could really careless what adults do so long as it is with and only with other consenting adults. Whatever people are super chatting to you about me is probably to try to get you to bite because they just want to see you get wrecked.
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Re: my letter to vaush

Post by candlecat2 » Fri Jul 16, 2021 9:59 am

Wow. Rereading x 5.

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Re: my letter to vaush

Post by Ry » Thu Aug 05, 2021 11:54 pm

He is scared. His excuse is we dont have on racist then he platforms Richard Spencer
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Re: my letter to vaush

Post by candlecat2 » Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:07 am

I remember all kinds of white nationalist sites and now I can't find any. The white nationalist that I knew were in prison. I am thinking of writing one just to find out how that info gets circulated. My ex was in a gang and he told me about the lack of evidence for the Holocaust. He would say that it was told to him 'at church'. I just realized maybe I could contact one of his brothers.
No one around here knows what I am talking about. I want to talk to someone face to face.
But what happen to those sites? It was only four or five years ago. I know you are not racist. But that is where I heard this from before. I didn't believe them. I was wrong.
I know this is a strange email. Just wondering.

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Re: my letter to vaush

Post by candlecat2 » Sat Aug 14, 2021 5:12 am

I listened for a bit on a video of you talking to some idiot that thought you were CIA. You seemed entertained and I would never give that person any of my time. I realize that you go anywhere and everywhere. I heard you explain before. But good grief. How can you stand it sometimes?
By the way, I listened to you a year before I joined. I held on for many months, because of that word "Zionist". I heard a preacher give thanks at a Christmas dinner party few years back. He started the prayer 'oh sons and daughters of zion'. And l held on to that word. I get it well enough for now. I am listening. I appreciate all your hard work Ryan Dawson.

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