It's always screaming in pain as they beat you. Liars crooks and thieves

Current events, politics, and more.
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Super Anti-Neocon
Super Anti-Neocon
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It's always screaming in pain as they beat you. Liars crooks and thieves

Post by Ry » Wed Feb 12, 2020 5:54 am

Democrats always yell racist as they bomb and starve minorities.
Republicans condemn welfare as they dish out corporate subsidies and protectionist trade policies.
Communists condemn greed as they demand free stuff.
Israel lies about Iran making nukes as they stole and made their own.
Israel wipes Palestine off the map as they cry lie about Iran doing that to Israel.
The DNC blames Russia for manipulating the election while....
Projection is the norm in politics.

It's always screaming in pain as they beat you. Liars crooks and thieves.
Get The Empire Unmasked here

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