Christmas, Hidden History WARNING SPOILER

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Christmas, Hidden History WARNING SPOILER

Post by Ry » Wed Dec 20, 2006 2:20 am


Christmas has a complicated history. The modern Christmas (Christ’s mass or Xmas X(Chi) being the first letter of Χριστός or Christ. ) is a mixture of different religions and traditions from multiple countries. The Santa Claus mythology was added very recently and the most modern characterization was as recent as 1931. Old Saint Nick morphed from a Nick/Woden fusion flying on a white horse into a chubby cheerful red and white sporting grand father figure with flying reindeer. But there really isn't a debate about Santa being a myth. The real issue is with the other guy who shares the holiday as his supposed birthday and that's Jesus. And he's just as mythical. Everyone knows that the Santa character and 90% of the Christmas rituals were adopted from Pagans into Christianity. So we're going to address the other myths first but if you wanna know about Santa just skip on down to the red part.

One of the roots of Christmas was the Roman holiday called Saturnalia this was a celebration for the god Saturn from whom we also get the word Saturday and for Safari Jews (Sabbath day). Saturn’s name means (sower) one who sows, as in sowing seeds or the famous phrase. "you reap what you sow.”

Thus Saturn was of course the Harvest god. During the time of winter festival which was December 17th, the holiday (probably because it was so fun) was lengthened to become from December 17-24th. On this week the Romans had feasts, exchanged presents, shut down business, drank, gambled, sang, and sometimes got naked. And that is not an exaggeration. The reason it stopped on December 24th is because on December 25th, now Christmas, they had another festival, “Dies Natalis Solis Invicti,” "the birthday of the unconquered sun." On this day they worshiped several different solar deities. This matches the perceived motions of the stars, where the sun appears to stop declining for three days and then reverse directions ascending higher each new day.

The story goes that there was a prophecy that said Saturn's son would over throw him. So Saturn ate all of his male children to try and prevent this. However his wife Uranus hid one child on an island and gave her husband a stone wrapped in cloth and allowed him to believe it was the baby. Saturn ate the rock while his son Jupiter secretly grew up on the island and then over threw his father. This is a lot like the River in a Basket story of Moses and the Pharaoh. The Pharaoh supposedly killed all the first born male children because of a prophecy which said he would be over thrown, Moses grew up in the Pharaoh's home raised by his daughter thus making him like a grand son to the Pharaoh. He was a first born who escaped death by his mother hiding him. Later Moses escaped that and grew up to turn on and defeated the pharaoh’s sorcerers in magical contests and free his people (The Hebrews) from slavery. (this is drenched in fiction).

Of course Moses turning staff into snakes, by magic, in a contest with the sorcerers, as it is written in the bible, is not accurate. There was a medical practice done by doctors who may have seems like wizards as in ancient civilizations, many cures were attributed to spiritual powers. The practice preformed by these men was that of removing a poisonous parasite still found in Africa today. The parasite is a worm and it had to be carefully removed by slowly twirling it around a stick. You could not just yank it out because it the worm broke it would poison the host. Men who could perform this task often hung a sign outside their workplace of a worm or snake twirled around a stick. Or they would walk with a staff that had a snake’s picture carved on it or even the top of the staff carved into the head of a snake. (Note that the biological distinctions between snakes and worms were void at the time).

This later became morphed into the Caduceus Image which is still used today as a medical symbol. Later wings would be added to the symbol on the top with snakes below as they were the symbols of the upper and lower kingdoms of Egypt, a falcon and a cobra. The Caduceus was a symbol of the sorcerers or occultists' magic, like people who could cure illnesses. Alchemy which became chemistry was also associated with Magic. Ironically, early Science and Religion were much one in the same.

Apparently, Moses new the same trick as the best magicians proving that he had equal or greater “spiritual” powers. Obviously they did not literally change wood into snakes. In all likelihood there wasn't even a contest, the entire story is just made up. Now of course according to history, Moses did not free the Hebrew slaves. The Hebrews may have had a leader at a later date but much of the Moses story is total fiction. The Biblical Moses is a fictional character (if you define him by those story sets) the actual Moses who they are attributing these stories to was a military leader. But then again if you define the word "Moses" as a person who did all these biblical stories then Moses didn't exist because, no such things happened and thus no person did them.

It's just a myth copied from earlier myths.
According to Exodus the Egyptian pharaoh decided that all the newborn Hebrew sons should be tossed in the Nile. When Moses was born his mother beat pharaoh to it and placed the toddler in a basket of papyrus made tight with dirt and pitch and tossed the basket in the Nile herself. He was then found and adopted by the pharaoh’s daughter (Ex 1-10).

An identical story
On a clay tablet a thousand years older, dated ca 2300 BC, there is an identical story telling how the high priestess in the city of Azupia by the Euphrates gave birth to a son in secret since she as high priestess was supposed to live in chastity. She put her newborn son in a basket made tight with dirt and pitch, and placed it into the river (Euphrates). The child was found by Aqqi, the water bearer, and grew up to be a great king. The name of this child was Sargon (the true king) and he was one of the most important and influential Sumerian rulers and conquerors. His reign lasted for 56 years (2382-2327 BC) and the myth of his birth and childhood was read in the schools of Mesopotamia and was widely known, - obviously also for the authors of the Bible
In reality, or history, it was actually King Cyrus of Persia who set the Hebrew people free from slavery and way later than the dates said in the Moses myth. Cyrus was a Persian king who sacked the city of Babylon (now Baghdad) the capital of the Babylonian empire. This is also mentioned in the book of Hebrew in the Bible, which is a bit newer and much less ridiculous than the books of Geniuses and Exodus.

The Babylonian people were delighted about this because they were serving a very unpopular king Nabonidus who was worshiping the moon god Sin instead of the more popular Harvest God Marduk (the dragon). Marduk’s temple is of course the famous Tower of Babel which King Nebuchadnezzar II expanded on with Assyrian writing thus making it have two languages.

Nebuchadnezzar was also the King who created one of the wonders of the world the Hanging Gardens. And he conquered Judah and destroyed temples in Jerusalem. So naturally the Bible vilifies him and created the myth about the Tower of Babel trying to reach Heaven and the Hebrew god punishing men for it by scattering them all over the earth and creating different languages. Of course that’s Judeo-Christian mythology not history or reality.

It was Cyrus the Great who with the combined strength of Persia and Media who took Babylon without resistance while the unpopular Nabonidus was away. The Persian king did not believe in slavery and it was he who set the Hebrews free in Palestine. They did not gather up and walk out of Egypt right through the Red Sea and no Egyptians were chasing them. And no one wondered around in the desert for 40 years! (Ex 16,35). Obviously that should be commonsense.

As some of you know, the Jesus myth is copied from earlier sun god myths from Egypt and India. Namely the stories of Horus and Krishna. For example both Christ and Krishna had virgin births from a woman and the divine. Both were called the son of god,. Both had a last supper and both died and were resurrected. However the Krishna story is 332 years older than the claim of Jesus. Now the crucifixions were very different. Kristna was wounded in the foot by an arrow (like the Achilles myth) and then pinned to a tree. Acts 5:30 and 10:39 and 13:29 of the Bible as well as 1 Peter 2:24 and Galatians 3:13 refer to Christ hanging on a tree.

This is interesting to me because Achilles was also a half human and the son of Thetis who it was prophesied would have a son who would overthrow Zeus if he married her. Zeus (Greek) of course became Jupiter (Roman). Thus Achilles is Jupiter/Moses/Krishna/Jesus. Believers in reincarnation would have a field day with this, but it is much more likely that the same lies/half-truths/myths just get re-told. Zeus backed off from courting Thetis and she ended up with Prometheus (the bringer of light also known as Lucifer). Zeus or Prometheus (there is a debate) made man out of clay in godlike images and then Prometheus gave man "fire" wisdom. Then as punishment for Prometheus/Lucifer giving fire to man Zeus would then punish men by making them labor and have pains (much like the garden of Eden story). Later Old Zeus gave a special wedding gift to mankind. He gave it to a woman named Pandora, it was a box... Oh how like the Old Testament god Zeus is.

Horus was also born of the virgin Isis-Meri on December 25th in a cave/manger with his birth being announced by a star in the East and attended by three wise men. (Note that to Egyptians gods could be living men, they really believed the pharaohs were gods) Both Horace and Jesus were crucified between two thieves. Both walked on water. Horus was called KRST or the anointed one. Etc etc and Hebrews who became the Jews a sect of whom later created Christianity (a form of Judaism where the messiah is believed to have come and is open to all ethnicities rather than being intrinsically exclusive to a arbitrary ethnicity –which is it is genetically unscientific) close their prayers with Amen (the Egyptian sky god who became the “breath of life” used in the creation stories of man).

Even the 'Jewish' political nation/bloodline, and I am not getting into that, gets its name from a trinity of gods. Three Egyptian gods, Isis, Ra, and El became Israel. (Mother, Father, and of the sun and a generic word for god's name (El) Exodus 6:3 God calls himself El Shaddai, it is still in any older Bible, but the newer ones replace his name with Lord or The Lord.

The land of course was Philistine/Canaan aka Palestine under the Babylonian empire, but that’s a tangent. It was never Israel. Israel is just the new name of a man (Jacob) who was awarded this new name after winning a wrestling match with an angel. Again this is fiction but people believe it. You can't just make up a story and declare a land that actually already belongs and is inhabited by people as your own by pointing to a fictional book you wrote and claiming it as real history. But that's what has been done.

Allegedly, God promised this land to his people and then the term Israel became the New name of Jacob (Genesis 32:28) and the Israelites were of his bloodline and the Promised land was to be just for them. This later changed to become not the Israelites but the Jews and Jews were people of multiple origins who might believe they have a common bloodline based on the fictional works but in reality, they do not and basically are anyone gullible enough who believes in the religion of Judaism thus Whites, Blacks, Hebrews, or whoever can be Jewish believers. But only Hebrews could be Israelites. Of course they would argue about this. Moderate Jews would say anyone can be Jewish and Zionist Jews cling to the ancient fascist ethnic claims.

December 25th is a special day in the year for astronomers/astrologers. It is the time of the winter solstice where the sun in farthest from the equatorial plane and on the horizon it seems to stand still for three days before changing directions and rising in the sky again thus being “reborn” and later bringing spring and summer. Now if you care, on the modern calendar this day is actually around December 21-22 maybe you can catch it next year.

Totally separate from the mythological mess in the South were a separate set of religions in Northern Europe who also had a late December winter calibration, after all they were all looking at the same sky, called Yule. This is when people set Yule logs on fire in honor of Thor the thunder god who would later became a marvel comic book character because of his unchallenged coolness among all the gods people have invented. Seriously, the Nordic myths (religions same thing) arguably have the best and most entertaining creation stories with the Greeks taking a close second place. I recommend you dig into it. Sometimes I think religions were like the old-school soap operas and pro-wrestling dramas of the day.

Now as you know the Christian armies ended up winning and then converting the youth (by force and torture) of the Pagans to some form of Christianity, only later to disagree about minor things divided into sects and killed each other again for 300 years. Thus the Scandinavian traditions had a large impact of Christmas because they were the last to be conquered. (Until the Native Americans who further influenced [for the better] Christianity again).

To better convert the Pagans it was a strategic must to assimilate their holidays. In fact if you want to know where the typical portrait of the Aryan Jesus came from look no further Apollonius of Tyana whose white face and features were copied to appeal more to the Northern converts.

Never mind that long hair being a direct contradiction with Corinthians 11:14 not like anyone actually reads their religious texts anymore anyway. We no longer teach history in schools, it's too controversial with the money making myths. Also If Christ came from Krishna, Krishna was Black (or Dark Indian) that is what his name means.

It is from this Pagan root that you will get the stories about elves, and putting an evergreen inside your house and topping it with a goddess (or star) which later became an “angel” even though according to the Bible all angels are men and according to reality "angel" is the Latin word angelus, which came from Greek ἄγγελος, ángelos, meaning "messenger." Angel came from the Greek word for messenger and probably got it wings the same way as the US postal service (who deliver messages) did, which would come from Greek messenger-god Hermes who had little wings on his feet and sometimes back. Apparently the evergreen tradition was old enough to bother the Jews of the Old Testament who wrote about Christmas trees (which apparently god didn't like because they were of a different religion)
"Thus saith the Lord, Learn not the way of the heathen, and be not dismayed at the signs of heaven; for the heathen are dismayed at them. For the customs of the people are vain: for one cutteth a tree out of the forest, the work of the hands of the workman, with the axe. They deck it with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers, that it move not. . . . They are altogether brutish and foolish." (Jeremiah 10:2-8 )
-show that to your fundamentalist Christians.

But what about the Santa Claus story? Well believe it or not several myths about the myth have been made up to explain this story. Truth be known the modern figure of Santa in the Red and White with the beard etc came from the American company Coca-Cola. However the figure is much older than that. His name is Dutch, Sancte Claus. He is a combination of the Catholic St. Nicholas and a couple of poets in New York. But we’ll get to that next time. The physical depiction of him came from Coca-cola based on the famous poem "Twas the Night Before Christmas."

Quick Origin of Santa Claus

"a. Nicholas was born in Parara, Turkey in 270 CE and later became Bishop of Myra. He died in 345 CE on December 6th. He was only named a saint in the 19th century.

b. Nicholas was among the most senior bishops who convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE and created the New Testament. The text they produced portrayed Jews as “the children of the devil”[11] who sentenced Jesus to death.

c. In 1087, a group of sailors who idolized Nicholas moved his bones from Turkey to a sanctuary in Bari, Italy. There Nicholas supplanted a female boon-giving deity called The Grandmother, or Pasqua Epiphania, who used to fill the children's stockings with her gifts. The Grandmother was ousted from her shrine at Bari, which became the center of the Nicholas cult. Members of this group gave each other gifts during a pageant they conducted annually on the anniversary of Nicholas’ death, December 6.

d. The Nicholas cult spread north until it was adopted by German and Celtic pagans. These groups worshiped a pantheon led by Woden –their chief god and the father of Thor, Balder, and Tiw. Woden had a long, white beard and rode a horse through the heavens one evening each Autumn. When Nicholas merged with Woden, he shed his Mediterranean appearance, grew a beard, mounted a flying horse, rescheduled his flight for December, and donned heavy winter clothing.

e. In a bid for pagan adherents in Northern Europe, the Catholic Church adopted the Nicholas cult and taught that he did (and they should) distribute gifts on December 25th instead of December 6th.

f. In 1809, the novelist Washington Irving (most famous his The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote a satire of Dutch culture entitled Knickerbocker History. The satire refers several times to the white bearded, flying-horse riding Saint Nicholas using his Dutch name, Santa Claus.

g. Dr. Clement Moore, a professor at Union Seminary, read Knickerbocker History, and in 1822 he published a poem based on the character Santa Claus: “Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse. The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in the hope that Saint Nicholas soon would be there…” Moore innovated by portraying a Santa with eight reindeer who descended through chimneys.

h. The Bavarian illustrator Thomas Nast almost completed the modern picture of Santa Claus. From 1862 through 1886, based on Moore’s poem, Nast drew more than 2,200 cartoon images of Santa for Harper’s Weekly. Before Nast, Saint Nicholas had been pictured as everything from a stern looking bishop to a gnome-like figure in a frock. Nast also gave Santa a home at the North Pole, his workshop filled with elves, and his list of the good and bad children of the world. All Santa was missing was his red outfit.

i. In 1931, the Coca Cola Corporation contracted the Swedish commercial artist Haddon Sundblom to create a coke-drinking Santa. Sundblom modeled his Santa on his friend Lou Prentice, chosen for his cheerful, chubby face. The corporation insisted that Santa’s fur-trimmed suit be bright, Coca Cola red. And Santa was born – a blend of Christian crusader, pagan god, and commercial idol."[/
b]"source for the red text

And now to kick a dead horse please watch this about
Christianity and Sun worship.

Code: Select all


This film was made a good two years before Zeigeist and by the same folks.

It's long but worth it. I am not advocating the stance on drugs just the history. If people knew the roots of religion, I think religions would die. Well most people can not even find some countries on the map much less know a thing about them. I think our educational system purposely dumbs people down.

Gods do not die; they just morph into new stories like a bad game of Telephone. Conquered people already have their own state myths so in order to control them you have to embrace their myths and use them or incorporate your own myths into them. That is what religion does. It controls people and concentrates their wealth to finances armies. Even today the Christian Churches in America have 4-8 billion dollars each invested in defense companies involved in the Israeli Palestinian conflict. Jerusalem has been a religious-military-industrial-complex cash cow for a very very long time.

The Romans saw the advantage of Monotheism to Polytheism as they saw the advantage (in war) of an emperor instead of a republic. Polytheism has the problem of dividing the wealth among the different temples and thus dividing the power and clout of different areas (like the Greek City States). Monotheism also bestowed full power to god's appointed authorities (the kings) and did away with the senate. The Romans copied a very powerful monotheistic religion, Judaism. However they had to get rid of the ethnic ties of Judaism being only for Israelites. Thus through the Krishna story they created a sacrificial figure who could serve to open up the monotheistic Judaism to ALL people (including Italians) through the Christ figure. Also the afterlife story was better than the original Greek/Roman one where only well to do's got to go to Mt. Olympus. Christianity spent a great deal of time creating "for the poor" stories to covert the herd and turn them against the senate.

A Caesar knew where his army came from and where the power was and that was in ruling the masses. Give them bread and circuses...From there on it became a campaign of kill, convert, and collect. Today the Vatican church has its own bank, its own gold deposits (much of it stolen by murder from the Americas) and over a trillion dollars worth in assets and capital. It has its own small country. The more deadly wing however is the Protestants and the age of TV preachers. They are aligned with the Zionist movement of fundamentalists Jews and Protestants who are willing to try and create conditions for Armageddon.

See also my satirical report Santa verses Jesus. ….Winner Santa.
Last edited by Ry on Sat Dec 22, 2007 11:08 pm, edited 9 times in total.

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Post by gervs » Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:22 am

the Romans had feast, exchanged presents, shut down business, drank, gambled, sang, and sometimes got naked.
That's my kind of party. Good read, and I especially liked the Quote from Jeremiah 10:2-8 because I did not know that, and just another proof of hypocritical morons lol. Gotta love christianity.

Just an FYI, the closing bracket after the 8 in your quote created a "cool" smiley face so you only see 10.2-8).

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Re: Christimas, Hidden History WARNING SPOLIER

Post by ledskof » Wed Dec 20, 2006 9:43 am

Ry wrote:It is the time of the winter solstice where the sun in farthest from the earth...
Just for accuracy... It's actually the time of year that the sun is farthest form the equatorial plane. Meaning that if you extend a plane out from the earth's equator, the sun will be farthest off the plane. Since the earths axis is tilted in regards to it's orbit around the sun, the sun's position in regards to the equator changes through the year giving us the solstices and the equinoxes (and the seasons). The solstices being the days when the sun has reached the maximum distance from the equator either southward or northward, and the equinoxes being the days that the sun is directly over the equator as it relatively moves northward or southward to cross it. Thus the correlation of the earth's hemispheric opposite seasons and these important dates as the seasons are based on sunlight direction modified by the earth's axis tilt. The winter solstice falls on the same day as the summer solstice for the opposite hemisphere and the vernal equinox falls on the same day as the autumnal equinox for the opposite hemisphere.

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Good read indead.

Post by krayzgerman » Wed Dec 20, 2006 11:16 am

A little further in-depth explanation of Xmas, I finally understand why it called Xmas. The smiley be mistake or not seemed to be a cool "what now Christians!" effect or at least that’s how it read to me. Damn the US, I have to unlearn and relearn history all over again. :x
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Post by Ry » Wed Dec 20, 2006 8:23 pm

yeh ledskof I know. I was saying what the people of the time in Rome thought.
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Post by islamic-s » Thu Dec 21, 2006 4:32 am

the only thing i disagree on is jesus
(pbuh) being a myth

just because christianity is messed up , jesus cannot get the blame for it ,sence the bible was actually put together 200 years or so after jesus and most of his closest men had already passed away .

look at this name .issa which is how it is pronounced in arabic ,ive read many articles regarding books written in india and as far as china ,regarding a great man that had been there ,this mans name in some is actually issa ,in some names very close to it .

lets get this stright , the bible has no clue what jesus was doing or where he was ,from the time he left ,until his return. when did he return to jerusalem ,i think around the age of thirty .

here's my thing on this , the jews were waiting for the messiah . now in aramiac the language jesus spoke its pronounced masheya .

aramiac and arabic are very simliar languages ,many words are alike .
the word masheya would actually mean a person whos on the move , going some where , traveling n so on ..

i truly belive ,jesus played a major role in the teachings of many eastern religions , again they found ancient books speaks about a man with that same name . im talking about the arabic name of issa , not the english name of jesus.

he didnt only take part in the christianity ,even though he never authorized it . he played a major role in spreading spirituality across the asian nation .

look at the planet and all its population , about 2/3 of it know of a man named jesus , or issa .

can u say the same thing about any other man with such not only popularity but also faith in ??

any man?

it makes sence on why islam teachs ,jesus is returning to unify humanity .

look at muslims who all belive in issa or jesus with out needing a qout from the bible or any christian book .

one billion muslims belive in issa or jesus regardless what any church has to say about the subject .

plain and simple ,
they use jesus for their desires ,when jesus returns , jesus will look at those people and then turn his back on them and tells them YOUR NOT MY PEOPLE . makes sence why he would do that .
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Post by Dissent » Thu Dec 21, 2006 11:10 am


Cheers to RY!
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Post by gervs » Thu Dec 21, 2006 1:33 pm

I've heard that Jesus was even preaching atheism, saying to beleive in your own morals and what not.

While on the subject of xmas, this shop owner has more muslim costomers than Christians in Iran, the video is french though. ... tiens.html
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Post by islamic-s » Fri Dec 22, 2006 1:00 am

gervs wrote:I've heard that Jesus was even preaching atheism, saying to beleive in your own morals and what not.

While on the subject of xmas, this shop owner has more muslim costomers than Christians in Iran, the video is french though. ... tiens.html
muslims ,chirstians and jews always lived well together . whenever a problem occured between the them is europian intervention .
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Abraham Lincoln

In the Quran, God has said:

“God does not forbid you from showing kindness and dealing justly with those who have not fought you about religion and have not driven you out of your homes. God loves JUST actions.” (_Quran 60:8_)

To kill an innocent life it is as if you killed humanity ,to save an innocent life is as if you saved humanity ... the blessed Quran...

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Post by Ry » Fri Dec 22, 2006 4:15 am

the only thing i disagree on is jesus
(pbuh) being a myth

just because christianity is messed up , jesus cannot get the blame for it ,sence the bible was actually put together 200 years or so after jesus and most of his closest men had already passed away .
I am not blaming Jesus for his followers. I don't think Jesus even existed and based on history real history based of evidence not bullshit religious history, Jeus is a fictional character.

Ever hear Saturn's story how the prophecy was his child wold overthrow him so he ate all his children but his wife hid one away and fed him a rock racpped in blankets and the one who got away grew up to be Jupiter (Zeus) and overthrew him. Sound familiar to a certain first born son myth and Moses being put in a Basket on the river to be saved then growing up to free "his" people?

Yes it is all absloute crap.
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