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The new hit movie Vice, about Dick Cheney's rise to power

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2018 5:25 pm
by atlantaiconoclast
I saw this movie last night and was curious to see how much truth would make it into the movie. It had a very good opening weekend box office.

Here though are several obvious problems with the movie. Would love to see Ryan review this movie.

1) implied that Iraq War was for oil
2) named only three of the Jews (but did not point out their Jewish ethnicity) who lied us into war, Feith, Libby and Wolfowitz, though it did mention the Office of Special Plans
3) implied that Israel opposed the Iraq War simply because it did not join the coalition
4) did not show the stand down situation in which Cheney chose not to have the planes shot down. In fact, in the scene where Cheney was in the bunker on 9/11, it had him telling people around him that he would have the power to shoot down planes
5) Via pictures shown toward the end, not so subtly associated Alex Jones, with Cheney. Associated today's MAGA movement with Cheney.

Re: The new hit movie Vice, about Dick Cheney's rise to power

Posted: Thu Dec 27, 2018 1:46 am
by Ry
disgusting thanks for the summary now i dont have to watch it.

Re: The new hit movie Vice, about Dick Cheney's rise to power

Posted: Sat Jan 12, 2019 5:17 pm
by TheNaitch
I saw it. the movie was shit. Shouldnt be a big surprise. The director is Adam McKay. He's married to the Piven family who are hardcore israeli supporters and very tight with Ari Emanuel, brother of Rahm.