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family separation for law breaking illegals.

Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 12:55 pm
by Ry
All this sudden winning about the illegal migrant children stuck in detention centers. No one cared until there were pictures. There is an easy solution to that. Don't bring your children with you when you try to illegally cross the border and then get arrested. I'd never do that to my children. Hey guys lets to try to sneak into China dont worry if daddy gets arrested I'm sure the Chinese border patrol will just let me go because after all I brought kids. I have even heard the lame argument that well the US originated as a genocidal colony how dare they want borders now. Remind me again why the population of Mexico speaks Spanish.

None of these Assad must go warmongering virtue signaling Liberals gave or give a hoot about all the kids Obama blew up on Yemen, Libya, Iraq, Syria Pakistan of Afghanistan. nor do they seem to care as Trump continues all of the above to a lesser scale. They did give him much praise two time, the two times he hit Syria with cruise missiles. They were out of their minds when he went to a peace summit with North Korea. Of course two weeks before when he said he was cancelling it they went nuts on Trump for not having the meeting.

This is the most partisan press I have ever seen in my lifetime.

Finally and perhaps the dumbest "argument" I have seen has been that breaking the law is ok after all slavery used to be legal and a number of other bad things. Yeah OK based on that lets just not have any laws. Admit that you just want open borders. Just admit it Liberals.