Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

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Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by atlantaiconoclast » Mon Dec 14, 2015 12:02 am

I said "so few," even though I personally have never known any Muslims who cared enough to learn the truth about 9/11. I have shared info with a few, but there was never any followup interest shown. I would like to hear some answers to this question. I don't know about the rest of you, but I am frustrated by the failure of the Muslim communities in the West to show even an interest in 9/11 Truth. There is this monstrous blood libel around their necks, and yet somehow, they don't see any point to challenging it? I just don't get it. At the risk of sounding like a bigot, is there something about Islam that dulls critical thinking skills? Or are most Muslims from ethnicities with lower average IQs or something? I am trying to understand this. What do you guys think? I have heard people say that Muslims are too afraid. Sure that explains part of this phenomenon, but wouldn't there still be a significant number of Muslims who wouldn't be too afraid to speak out, all else being equal?

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by Drew J » Mon Dec 14, 2015 2:17 am

Muslims get enough grief for being Muslims. They don't need to be associated with "gun nuts" "Jew haters" and "pesky constitutionalists." They don't want to be viewed as trying to cover up the truly guilty ones out of a sense of duty to those who also share in the religion of Islam by the mainstream.
Buck the neocons. Fuck 'em too.

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by TheNaitch » Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:16 am

Im a Muslim. The real issue in the community is fear. Fear of not integrating, fear of backlash and fear of ridicule.

You have to understand that majority of Muslims in the West are still 1st generation immigrants. Meaning the first challenge is to fit into the west while having your parents pressure you still uphold some back home traditions. Most Muslim parents that come here want their kids to get educated and rise up through the ranks and get enough social cred to make a difference. The Jewish model. But truth is that is almost impossible today with the power structures in place today (NOT talking about white privilege). If you start to question official narratives and raise doubts about issues you probably wont be a prime candidate in the profession you are pursuing. The same is true for anyone pursuing advancements in their career/profession but, there is more pressure when your immigrant parents keep telling you about how they struggled and fought to get to the west so you could have a future and your out there in the streets yelling about 9/11 was an inside job.

The truth is most Muslims want to believe you and get some pressure off themselves. But, most of them will not rock the boat in order to fulfill their parents wishes or to get ahead. They will choose the "go along to get along" rather than ask fundamental questions about official narratives.

Even when I talk to other Muslims about 9/11, JFK or any other controverial topics they usually give me this look:


Its not that most of them dont understand, they either are not ready for it or dont have the balls accept the facts yet. This might change down the line but, its the sitution right now.

The second issue is that Muslims generally follow the left in the west because, they dont overtly call for muslim destruction like the right (although the left has caused as many if not more muslim death). This drives me nuts. The left will only give you credibility if you believe in the mainstream or official narritives. Fucking ridiculous.

The last issue is that when is comes to alt journalism you never know when it will turn on you. If you were a muslim infowars fan and you were baited in a while because they would interview hamid gul or george galloway from time to time, then all of the sudden this comes out:

You might repudiate the whole movement all together if you are not educated enough.

Either way its not an excuse for Muslims to be silent on these issues.
Last edited by TheNaitch on Mon Dec 14, 2015 9:32 am, edited 2 times in total.

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by atlantaiconoclast » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:31 am

Thanks Guys for your responses. What you wrote makes sense. I am especially grateful to the Naitch for his willingness to respond with such thought and detail. When I was a grad student fairly recently, Norman Finkelstein came to campus to speak at a forum sponsored by Student for Justice in Palestine. Initially, the Muslim Law Student Association was helping to sponsor his trip, but at the last minute, they dropped out. The leader of it even issued some bizarre statement condemning Finkelstein's "anti Semitism." I lost so much respect for organized Islam then. But I do need to be sensitive to the fear Muslims experience. Still, I have suffered for having the courage to speak out, and I guess I expect others to be willing to as well.

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by TheNaitch » Mon Dec 14, 2015 10:43 am

Thanks Man.

Ya thats just self preservation. Odds are that someone in the power structure threatened their funding or cut a deal with the head of that association.

Still a totally pussy move.

I dealt a lot with muslim student associations (MSA). The problem is with most of them is that the people who wind up running them are amateur student politicians themselves. They will cut deals to keep up their funding or to improve their image. They wont take a stand unless they benefit. Its the reason Palestinians had to break off and form their own association.

No need to be that sensitive. Muslims need to be pushed to understand that going along with bullshit narratives to try to effect change is as bad as bullshitting themselves. If muslims really want to survive in the west they need to confront lies that they know are lies. There is no need to be scared of being called crazy by leftist journos.

In fact before 9/11 there was a big truth movement in the muslim world. We were starting to address the NWO (whatever you want to call it). Then after 9/11 the more popular muslim scholars pushing the issues tucked their tail and went into full apology mode.

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by Muckraker33 » Tue Dec 15, 2015 10:54 am

Amin, thank you Naitch.

I'm also Muslim, and I actually have blazed my own trail due to the way I feel mainstream Islam has negatively evolved over the past several centuries. Bear in mind also, that here in the US (and also in Europe) you will find the highest population of radical Salafi nutjobs among Muslims. They have a history of sucking up/selling out to Israel. Granted, they have their own agenda, but not only is it stupid and morally repugnant, it seems to have been an utter failure so far, judging by their track record the last few hundred years. Their ilk are like the Reptilian tin foil hat wearers of Islam to me, lol.

Furthermore, there are several things about my personal beliefs that definitely conflict with mainstream views; particularly, my refusal to slut-shame, my condemnation of collective punishment (statism)and general disdain for war, condemnation of hadith/fiqh/sharia and "halal" idolatry. These things are the result of centuries of well poisoning......

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by TheNaitch » Wed Dec 16, 2015 4:12 pm

Salams to you Muckraker33 and all others on this board.

I know the salafi scourge all too well. Where I grew up the area that suddenly became infested with salafis. Around 1996 salafi influence was everywhere. It was a loud fast growing movement. All backed with Saudi money. There were men who were completely illiterate then 6 months later became a salafi preacher with a saudi paid apartment , car, living expenses etc. The saudis even offered to build a new multi million dollar mosque in our area as long as we allowed their people to be the imams and leaders. A Faustian deal if there was one.

Funny thing is that one of the craziest and most influential salafis I grew up with turned out to be a RCMP operative. He setup one of my friends in a sting operation:

http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/ottawa/kh ... -1.2740135" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

my friend got out. His cousin was not so lucky. It was one of the big reasons that I have a hard time believing any mainstream news narratives about terrorism or terrorist cells.

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by Muckraker33 » Thu Dec 31, 2015 10:50 am

OMG, don't even get me started....I've seen salafis actually threatening their personal rivals with false reports to the FBI just because they have different beliefs about a particular historical figure/Islamic scholar. How dare someone threaten their confirmatory bias? And they don't even see anything wrong with it. It is very obviously all about the mental instability and fragile ego of these morons on a personal level, and nothing more. And the US loves this crap because they make these fuckholes the paragon of "islamic reasoning"

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by haarp » Fri Jan 01, 2016 11:48 am

Most muzzies don't care.
We possess several hundred atomic warheads and rockets and can launch them at targets in all directions, perhaps even at Rome. Most European capitals are targets for our air force…. We have the capability to take the world down with us. And I can assure you that that will happen before Israel goes under.

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Re: Why are there so few Muslim/Arab folks into 9/11 Truth?

Post by Muckraker33 » Tue Jan 05, 2016 1:06 pm

I often wonder if they have sort of a widespread Stockholm syndrome......or is the money just too good?? The ignorance too blissful?

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