Why 911 still matters

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Why 911 still matters

Post by Ry » Fri Aug 19, 2011 7:31 pm

911 why it's still important and still important to question
by Ryan Dawson

There is a bit of a stigma about questioning the events of 911. This arises from a rather loud mouth 911 kook movement which ranges in its speculations from missiles on up to space aliens, which people do not want to be associated with. The other skepticism just comes from authoritarian types who either can't believe the US would allow/involve itself in attacking its own people, or they can't believe a covert operation is even possible, which is more naive between those two positions you can decide. It is not wacky or unpatriotic to question the events surrounding 911. Moreover it is even more important to understand what the event of 911 led to: the ongoing bloody wars, erosion of civil liberties, and the growth of a security state. All of which have come with a heavy price tag morally and financially and have contributed to the US's massive debt and perhaps to the future collapse of the dollar itself.

It's hard to know where to start on 911 there are so many things wrong with the "we got attacked out of the blue because they hate us for our freedoms" ignorance. Lying about why someone would want to attack the US is bad enough but then listen to the story of Who allegedly attacked the US. The media said it was done by 19 Muslims guys who conveniently left us a list with their names and plans on it, on their final hour (at least in the final version of the events) as well as not one but two magical unburned passports (one discovered near ground Zero by a NY police Chief Bernard Kerik, who is currently in jail for fraud) the other from flight 93 of hijacker Ziad al-Jarrah whose first cousin Ali al-Jarrah was later busted in Lebanon as a spy for Israel. They also left a nice neat paper trail complete with qurran's left at strip clubs and bars by the devout Muslims... Some will say the list was left for their fame, only that doesn't make sense because officially the list of names was in the luggage of Atta who was taking it on his final flight and just by chance his bag happened to not get checked in on its connection flight. Best of all their leader Usama bin Laden who the US intelligence agencies went out of their way to botch chances at apprehending, was said to be hiding in Afghanistan, a target of the US well before 911, over pipelines. In fact he US had already setup invasion drills prior to 911. "Usama" whose name quickly became Osama (maybe to remove the USA at the front of it) was said to be in a high tech cave in Afghanistan plotting the next moves of Al Qaeda. The high tech caves which Secretary of defense Donald Rumsfeld said there were many of and the Pentagon drew up cartoons for didn't actually exist. In 2011 Obama announced the US found killed Osama bin Laden in Pakistan, no photos were released, and his body was dumped into the ocean.

There was pre-written legislation ready to pass, and when it looked like it might not work, there was an anthrax attack to help push it along. This was initially blamed on Al Qaeda who oddly even though "they hate us for our freedoms" decided to rope Israel into the mix as well by declaring "Death to America death to Israel" and just in case you forgot is was Muslims from 911 they also wrote Allah is great and 09-11-01 as well.
Which is funny because it would later be the Israeli security forces claiming to have witnessed a transfer of anthrax from Iraqis to Al Qaeda at a meeting in Prague, which was impossible since neither Iraq nor Al Qaeda had anthrax and there wasn't even a meeting in Prague. How does one witness a transfer of something at a meeting that didn't take place between tow parties that didn't have it? The target choices of the military grade, made in the USA anthrax were interesting as well: the two senators against the patriot act, Patrick Leahy the judiciary chair in a position to block it, the other Tom Daschle the senate majority leader also calling to investigate 911, were sent lethal spores where as warmongering Fox News and Judith Miller and WMD liar were sent hoax anthrax. The locations of the sending were also suspicious as they mimicked Al Qaeda's cell locations in Florida and New Jersey before reports of where they where were public. Despite all these holes in the anthrax story it gets far worse. A letter written to the DOJ jumped the gun trying to frame someone for the attacks, the problem being it was mailed two days after the first anthrax had been sent but long before any of the letters had been opened or reported on.

Worst of all even though by December on 2001 the FBI knew it was looking at domestic terrorism, the anthrax myth persisted about Iraq and Colin Powell used this scare tactic in his speech to the UN as evidence of WMDs in Iraq, saying they could produce anthrax and kill thousands. Speaking about mobile weapons labs, a lie echoed by a now convicted criminal Judith Miller who spent 85 days in jail over the Plame/Libby affair, Powell said to the UN while holding a mock vile of Anthrax:

Text source

Vice President Dick Cheney also continued this lie on Meet the Press March 16, 2003 re-stating the same propaganda.

The FBI ordered the ames strained destroyed, and then went on a wild goose chase through different suspects who had been pegged by the ADL and ultimately landed on a guy Bruce Ivins who has an odd suicide overdosing on Tylenol. (Later evidence shows he could not have made the anthrax from his lab.)Dr Perry Mikesell also a prior suspect also had a strange suicide. More on the anthrax case here. Also a timeline Video here.

Safire, Miller, Schmitt, and Sky news had a variety of lies about chemical and biological and even nuclear weapons in Iraq, all baseless but all getting MSM attention. (mobile labs, weapons under the palaces, Iraq able to hit the UK in 45 mins with chemical weapons, etc) And these lies would be bolstered by DOD officials, Perle, Fieth and Wolfowitz all three war profiteers. There even a special office created in the DOD specifically with the task of generating a war with Iraq. This same office was busted spying for Israel, however the trail dates for that were moved 9 times and eventually tossed out as the list of criminal accomplices grew so large it threatened too many government officials, the highest in the land. The narrative was set and the US was one yellowcake away from another 911 fueled war.

Of course the congress caved on the Patriot Act, and both wars. And a commission was finally set up to deal with investigating what happened on and prior to 911. This Commission was a see through joke and the victims families of 911 have never been satisfied with it. Most disturbingly was the commissions treatment of WTC 7 which collapsed straight down in the same manner as the other trade towers, only it had not been hit by a plane. The commission did not even bother to report on this at all. Someone at the pentagon surely didn't mind as it was missing trillions of dollars and the SEC in B7 was physically destroyed simultaneously with the financial wing of the pentagon and ONI investigators. 911 families were so distraught about the non-investigation they even raised their own money to create an television ad about it. But no answers have come. No one was fired at the FAA, NORAD, FBI, NSA, CIA, with all the obvious screw ups, but there sure were a lot of promotions.

A great number of Americans have suspicions. And this is rightly so. This is a government that lied openly and unapologetically about Iraq, sold nation building there as a cake walk. The rationales flip flops from saving the Kurds to invading inspectors (all untrue) and sold nation building in Afghanistan on such notions as women's rights, and spreading democracy. In reality the US installed a puppet in Afghanistan and the first legislation passed was to agree the US with it's Saudi Partner Bin Laden construction, could build long sought after pipelines and reopen the heroin drug trade important for financing off the books operations in the same manner as Iran Contra did from Cocaine.

It's been nothing but lie upon lie upon lie from 911 to now, so why would anyone trust the mass media's government talking points on 911 after the obvious non-investigation and how perfectly it was used to strip civil liberties and increase government power and post cold war MIC spending. We have info showing elements in the NSA and FBI either made notorious screw ups or were in on it. We also have evidence of foreknowledge, impossibilities in the hijacker narrative, and monstrous financial connection tracing back to Saudi Arabia and Pakistan. Most damning of all Israelis were busted not only lying about the anthrax, but being arrested on 911 in two separate occasions. One was in a van spotted filming the first plane hitting and celebrating the attack, the other in a truck packed with explosives! The men were discovered to be working for the Mossad, and the owner of their front company Dominik Suter (and his wife) fled to Israel. The Polish and Italian transcripts of the FBI's suspect list include his name. But there has been a massive white wash. Furthermore reports from eyewitnesses, police and firemen, about secondary explosions in the WTC, even reports of explosive devices being found, as well as the fact there entire subway was filled with smoke and lobbies of the WTC 1 & 2 were blown in before the WTC collapse, almost instantaneously with the plane hitting far above the base, have been ignored. They were on TV live and then never revisited. This is why people question 911.

So what really happened? ... Answer

Certainly the "they lied to create wars" part is solidly defended. But they lied about 911 too is harder for some people to swallow. Why? Probably because of the tainted stain on the subject from jonestown types and twoofers. Don't let them put you off to it. People still say stupid things about JFK as well. But the fact remains JFK was shot from the front, it's on film and indisputable, thus there must have been at least one shooter in front of him and that could not have been Oswald, thus there is a conspiracy. The problem is, in trying to research JFK you will get lost in the sea of lunacy "theories" and perhaps give up on the matter. Sadly that is was is happening with 911 as well. People go to look at it and get lost in the ether of stupid that is out there. There are many who just cannot admit the Israeli role in 911. And there is the opposite too who blame nearly everything on Israel forgetting the US's own major role. Some of the other junk out there is not worth mentioning. Most focus on what didn't happen rather than what did, and leave out the larger picture of the wars, anthrax, and DHS aftermath. The above video links it all together showing who had the means motives and ability to cover it up. It's up to you to review it and push this to the top so that a grounded rational factual face of 911 truth can prevail and hopefully lead to action. Law Suits need to be made. People need to be on trial and classified info needs to become public. Otherwise, they got away with it and ruined America in the process.
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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by Ry » Sun Aug 21, 2011 6:46 pm

bump I still have a lot of sourcing to do and images to add but I have not had the time yet to do it. I'm also working on explaining why the US invaded Afghanistan, the real reasons and putting it all into the big picture.

I'm going to come back to source more of this all later. You guys have seen me do it before already in the past. SO I'll just post this now and let you read it. The goal is to write about 911 but not too long and try to push the main points out in far less than three hours like I did in WBD.
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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by Int'l man of mystery » Mon Aug 22, 2011 10:21 am

I think the most appropriate place to start on 9/11, is with the official story, and demostrating how it is not only impossible, but deceitful as well. Only when this is accomplished, should the focus move onto the real perpetrators and their real motives behind it.

The last thing that should be focused on, are the specifics of how exactly it was accomplished. The only time this should be addressed is after everything else has been addressed. By avoiding the "how" until the very end, you avoid the kooks, and their arguments, thus preventing them from distracting from the main point.

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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by blackbird » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:04 am

Int'l man of mystery writes:
"I think the most appropriate place to start on 9/11, is with the official story, and demostrating how it is not only impossible, but deceitful as well. Only when this is accomplished, should the focus move onto the real perpetrators and their real motives behind it."
I like this idea.

It reminds me of my path to unlocking those shackles on my own brain when it came to the "Official" story of the "The Holocuast(TM)".

It was when I saw someone take ALL the points of the "Official" narrative and put them all together (the human skin lampshades, the bars of human soap, the mattresses stuffed with human hair, the human pelvis ashtray, the tattoo skin collection, the shrunken heads, the gas chambers disguised as showers, the electrified floors, the "machines for sucking out all the air", the diesel engine from a captured Soviet Sub to create carbon monoxide, etc.) . . .

. . and then had each of those "facts" systematically, logically, and scientifically picked apart that I finally had to accept that I had "fallen for it".

So, to take the "Official Narrative" on a time-line and include ALL those "BIG LIE" components that made this such a good "made for TV movie" script (the inflight cell phone calls, the "found" hijacker passports, the collapse of the buildings at free fall speed, the Anthrax, etc) . . .

. . . and then tear each of these "facts" of the "Official" story down systematically, logically, and scientifically to show that these "facts" are in fact nothing but emotionally charged "LIES" designed to manipulate and misdirect.

Then like any crime, address who had the MOTIVE, the MEANS, and the OPPORTUNITY?

Then ask "Cui bono? Who benefitted?"

Without that low level fear and shock emotional component that everyone had on 9-11, the absurdity of these claims becomes quickly obvious. The hypnotic trance of "suggestion" gives way to REASON.

I am looking forward to this next film project. 8)


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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by Ry » Mon Aug 22, 2011 11:18 am

It was when I saw someone take ALL the points of the "Official" narrative and put them all together
who would that be? :roll:

Next film project is already here.
See http://www.warbydeception.com" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false; there are thumbnails there with condensed clips and they both have a little bit if new footage. My goal is to have all the chapters up by 911.
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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by blackbird » Mon Aug 22, 2011 12:26 pm

Ry writes:
It was when I saw someone take ALL the points of the "Official" narrative and put them all together
who would that be? :roll:
Well, for me it kinda went down like this:

1 - Holcaust (TM) happened just like my teachers and the the media said with the systematic elimination of those poor poor poor European Jews by those mean ol' Master Race Nazis. . . and anyone who doesn't agree with this is crazy or an anti-Semite and should not be listened to and should be ridiculed and ostracized from the company of "right thinking" people.

2 - Hmmm, however "TRUTH needs no law to protect it" . . . people should not be locked up in jail or fined just because they think differently. The Ernst Zundel trial of 1985 was WRONG . . . but the trial of 1988 was just pure EVIL. . . Meanwhile, what the hell are those "poor poor poor European Jews" doing in Israel to the Palestinians???

3 - 9-11, 2001 .. . Hmmm, it is obvious to all of us "back stage" that 9-11 was an Israeli MOSSAD operation . .. but when I point that out people freak out and call me an "anti-Semite" for daring to point the finger at those "poor poor poor European Jews" struggling to have a home in Israel after being "unjustly" persecuted for all those years in all those countries.

4 - 2009 . .. Oh, great, now they are going after Bishop Williamson . . . but everything he said made so much sense. Hmmm, it looks like I really need to invest the time to study what really happened during and after World War II . .. now that I'm jobless, homeless and living out of my car after being blacklisted by BushCo, I have lots of time to research this for myself.

5 - Hello "Denier Bud"!!! . . . :o . . . then :nerd: . .. then :grr:

"Holocaust Denial Videos"
http://www.holocaustdenialvideos.com/" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

If only YouTube wouldn't censor your videos faster than I can watch them. . .
Buchenwald - A Dumb Dumb Portrayal of Evil - The liberation of Buchenwald presented an opportunity for a Psyche Warfare operation meant to denazify the Germans via atrocity stories. But it 'blew back' into USA media which is why Americans remember growing up hearing stories of human skin lampshades. 22 episodes. 2 hours 22 min.
Wow!!! Let's watch that AGAIN!!! and AGAIN!!! . . . and AGAIN!!!!

Hey, there's another one!!!
One Third Of The Holocaust - Explains how Treblinka, Sobibor, and Belzec were not death camps, thereby debunking 1/3 of the holocaust. Asks questions like, "Would the Germans have really put a fence made out of tree branches around a deathcamp?" Answer: "Uh, no, that's silly." Banned at Youtube. 30 episodes. 4 hours 15 min.
6 - "Son Of A Bitch!!! It's a crummy commercial!!!!" . . . . :evil: :evil: :evil:

(link to video - approx. 2 minutes)
"Be Sure To Drink Your Ovaltine"
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zdA__2tKoIU" onclick="window.open(this.href);return false;

7 - Anyone else see this? Hey, that Ryan Dawson fellow seems to be pretty spot on . .. maybe I should stop "lurking" on his "Anti-NeoCons" site and actually set up an account.

8 - Coolness, Mr. Dawson is amazing in his ability to "boil down" these very long "Denier Bud" documentaries to make them more "Newbie Friendly" . . .

. . . we need that if we are ever going to break this "psychological death grip" the Zionists have over the minds of the general population and get to the core of 9-11 TRUTH!!!

9 - "peace"

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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by PlutoCharon » Mon Aug 22, 2011 6:54 pm

“But all I did was tell the truth.” – Marge Simpson

“Of course you did. But there’s the truth . . . and the truth!” – Lionel Hutz


The truth hides in plain sight. You don't have to know where to look for it, you just have to have the desire to look for it.

There are no 'real' coincidences and 9/11 was full of an awful lot of (convenient) coincidences. It is frustrating that in 2011 over half the country still buys the OS. That people don't care when they really should care because the effects are still being felt today.

History is defined by propaganda and lies. Has history ever been successfully revised? They were still pushing the Columbus narrative back when I went to school in the 80s even though the Norse 'discovery' was pretty well-established by then. Only recently does it get mentioned as a footnote and god forbid anybody ever bring up the fact that America was already populated and nobody 'discovered' it with evidence of 'visitors' going back 1,000+ years. I don't know if the Cherokee/Muslim connection has any truth to it, but what I've read is certainly very interesting. Just because nobody is talking about it doesn't mean there aren't elements of truth. One name that pops up an awful lot when questioning established history is Doug Weller. He is a likely disinfo agent that might not even be a real person. He appears to be active 24/7 and has been going at it at least since the early 90s on Usenet (and now loves Wikipedia). He knows all the tricks, just like Jim Fetzer. These disinfoists are like robots and clearly show signs of psychopathy.

9/11 reminds me of the Truman Show. The Zionist/Neocon masterminds were not meant to be discovered. The 'truth' (lies) has been established and as long as the ruling class remains in power they aren't going to change it. The evidence for what really happened on 9/11 is strong. As circumstantial as it may be, when you put all the peaces together in context of the Bush-era neocon's prior agendas and the wars that followed afterwards, it paints a picture that can make even skeptics use critical thinking when analyzing 9/11.

The internet wasn't there during the aftermath of JKF's assassination. It's been nearly half a century so it doesn't really matter to most people. 9/11 matters. It's the 10th anniversary in less than three weeks so expect the MSM to go crazy further pushing the OS and the Internet to be full of disinfo trolls.

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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by Rod Hemmington » Tue Aug 23, 2011 10:53 am

What is it that matters about 9/11? I think that would be the only focus that has a chance of jarring the me-me-me complacency of the american public. It is the symbolic value of 9/11 that influences what little idealistic consciousness they possess.

Take a page out of the propagandists' playbook and pound home the statistical irrelevance of 9/11. Take the percentage of the US population that died on 9/11--maybe better yet, the percentage that died in the US in 2010 due to terrorist attack--and compare that to the percentage that died due to, I don't know, peanut allergies, lightning strikes, farming, fishing, etc. The percentage of the US population that died on 9/11 is about 0.001% (i.e. 3000/300,000,000). It is the equivalence to common threats that will create the jarring perspective necessary to elicit a "hey, wait a minute" obstruction to the, now-conditioned, knee-jerk perception in the average american of "9/11".

The average american is NOT susceptible to a litany of facts and logical reasoning. Going that route, you'll always be preaching to the choir. They see scientific statements of fact as possible tricks, since they are not scientists; logical reasoning, similarly, is not their pervue--and they know it! They naturally trust only their experience of the world. That is where they feel "certainty". That is their compass.

In order to hold the interest, attention of the average american, you'll have to appeal to emotion through the back door. The patriotic symbolism of 9/11 is deeply entrenched and mentally well-guarded. A frontal assault will elicit all manner of emotional, mental, and possibly even physical defenses. Your project is...ambitious.
Last edited by Rod Hemmington on Thu Aug 25, 2011 6:30 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by Ry » Wed Aug 24, 2011 10:45 pm

working on a video version of this.
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Re: Why 911 still matters

Post by Ry » Wed Aug 31, 2011 9:53 pm

video ready in a few minutes
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