Wheeler dumpster death and '07 nuke diversion

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Wheeler dumpster death and '07 nuke diversion

Post by Tatarewicz » Mon Jan 10, 2011 4:41 am

Dumpster death of Washington insider Wheeler and the nuke missile diversion

What the "news" is not telling you is -

Wheeler was the assistant to the Secretary of the Air Force in the George W. Bush Administration. It was the Secretary of the Air Force who discovered that Richard Cheney had set up an alternative chain of command to the nuclear weapons wing of the AF. In the process, six minutemen missiles armed with nuclear warheads were secretly transported from Minot AFB to Barksdale AFB. The later is the chief staging base for the Middle East war. The alarm system for the weapons was deactivated for the transport, something that not even the base commander could authorize. The orders had to have come from above. Many point to Cheney. Before the warheads could be flown via B-52 to the Iraq/Iran theater, the Secretary of the Air Force ordered the stand-down of all B-52 flights. When he discovered the alternative chain of command to Cheney, he fired all military personnel who were involved. Cheney was said to have been livid. The Secretary ordered an investigation of what the AF press release called an oversight, and 70 enlisted men and 5 officers were removed from the Minot nuclear system.

At the same time, people involved began to die mysteriously. Wheeler is only the latest casualty.

For more background, read here: http://www.counterpunch.org/li...

There was not much point in using nukes in Iraq or Afghanistan. So the more likely scenario was that the Bush-Cheney neocon gang got instructions from the Israel lobby to scalp some missiles from America's stockpile to secretly augment Israel's arsenal. Wheeler, being privy to this plot, would not be the kind of guy Organized Jewry would want around in case a grand jury was summoned to investigate the nuke diversion/theft.


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Re: Wheeler dumpster death and '07 nuke diversion

Post by Ry » Mon Jan 10, 2011 8:06 am

and THAT is exactly what this AZ shooter is distracting people from. I think you were going to post to a Lindorff article but the link ended in li...

the wisper is he might have made access to the accidental bio weapons leak that has been killing all these fish and birds. There is also footage of him wandering around a mall aimlessly out of his gord. I don't know if Cheney's men wanted to kill him seems like they wouldn't have waited until now to do it.

"The cover story was that the cruise missiles were flown to Barksdale for decommissioning. However, conventional cruise missiles are sent to Davis-Monthan Air Force base in Tucson, Arizona for decommissioning while nuclear missiles, according to the former 2nd Bomb Wing official, are sent to Kirtland Air Force Base in New Mexico. The nuclear warheads are sent to either Sandia National Laboratories or Pantex in Texas for disposal. Barksdale plays no part in the missile decommissioning process. Barksdale is, however, a major deployment base for Middle East air operations. It has been discovered that there were a series of security 'incidents' directed by what amounts to a renegade nuclear chain-of-command that permitted five or six nuclear 5 to 150 kiloton thermonuclear weapons to remain outside of legitimate control for some 36 hours, resulting in a rare Bent Spear nuclear incident report that quickly reached the Oval Office. The rogue nuclear chain-of-command starts at the White House office of Vice President Dick Cheney, with significant influence from Cheney's Chief of Staff David Addington, and extends to Air Force Secretary Michael Wynne, and further to the Air Force Chief of Staff General T. Michael Moseley."
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