for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

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for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by Ry » Sat Apr 03, 2010 11:02 pm

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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by neoConSlayer » Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:32 pm

very informative, watched parts yesterday and today. i knew some of the info but definitely didnt know all of it. definitely recommend watching the whole thing.
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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by 600ccdevil » Sun Apr 04, 2010 5:56 pm

I'd never heard any of this stuff before the video. It was very interesting. Is this guy trustworthy? I don't see how he couldn't be since everything he was saying was directly from the holocaust sources.
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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by Gixxer » Sun Apr 04, 2010 11:17 pm

Is there any possibility the hatred towards modern day Israel is clouding some people judgment? I mean I just cannot see how the holocaust was not real. I think this video so far ( 10 minutes into) is quite stupid as well, the Billy Wilder claim is utter bullshit. in 1945 he was only 39, the guy he claims to be Wilder looks a tad older then 39 wouldn't you say?

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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by Gixxer » Mon Apr 05, 2010 12:32 am

Tim wrote:
Gixxer wrote:Is there any possibility the hatred towards modern day Israel is clouding some people judgment? I mean I just cannot see how the holocaust was not real. I think this video so far ( 10 minutes into) is quite stupid as well, the Billy Wilder claim is utter bullshit. in 1945 he was only 39, the guy he claims to be Wilder looks a tad older then 39 wouldn't you say?
Have you read this book yet?


No one is 'denying' the holocaust, they're denying 6,000,000 Jews were gassed and murdered. It's like questioning the 9/11 official story, only in Europe you can be imprisoned for it.

so it's a numbers thing? how many Jews do you think actually died then? Why would the forces that be feel the need to bring the number up to 6 million?

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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by neoConSlayer » Mon Apr 05, 2010 1:15 am

Gixxer wrote:
Tim wrote:
Gixxer wrote:Is there any possibility the hatred towards modern day Israel is clouding some people judgment? I mean I just cannot see how the holocaust was not real. I think this video so far ( 10 minutes into) is quite stupid as well, the Billy Wilder claim is utter bullshit. in 1945 he was only 39, the guy he claims to be Wilder looks a tad older then 39 wouldn't you say?
Have you read this book yet?


No one is 'denying' the holocaust, they're denying 6,000,000 Jews were gassed and murdered. It's like questioning the 9/11 official story, only in Europe you can be imprisoned for it.

so it's a numbers thing? how many Jews do you think actually died then? Why would the forces that be feel the need to bring the number up to 6 million?
because if it isn't 6 million (which is completely unrealistic, there weren't even 6 million jews in europe, probably not even worldwide, if 6 million were killed there'd be no jews left. the number was bloated from approx 200,000. Image

that is a HUGE disparity. if it was "only" ~200,000 its much harder to shame everyone in the world to allow israel to get away with killing a multitude more palestinians and practically anyone that isn't jewish in the name of the holy 6 million figure that is tossed around with no evidence to support it whatsoever. the more they embellish the truth the more clouded judgement becomes when our natural sympathies kick in. (well normal for anyone that isn't a zionist, they are completely devoid of sympathy)

looks like the same person did another video called "1/3 the holocaust" that is 4 hours also on google video: ... 2325317179#

ignore the tags having alex jones and david icke in there, no idea what thats all about.
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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by Ry » Mon Apr 05, 2010 8:29 am

I went to the guy's site and saw every video.
It's very convincing. A lot of war time propaganda lingered on as fact after the war. And the media never cleared it up.

We already know that rumors like jewish soap, lampshades and shrunken heads were all lies. They were created by American psych ops teams. What is interesting in that is they realy shot themselves in the foot there because "witnesses" still claim to have seen these things being made and they could not have seen such things because they were not made. They've also had to admit that there were no electric floors and they've had to get rid of gas chamber claims in several camps. And after 1989 when the Russians finally shared the information they were forced to drop the figure of 4 million jews killed at Auschwitz to 1.1 million. That's all considered staple, even by holocaust believers. However that drops the 6 million figure down to 3 million. Also 5 million non-Jews were killed in the camps and I assume it would drop that figure as well.

Then there is a matter of the gas chamber at Auschwitz. It was an air raid bunker. They reconstructed it to be a gas chamber. But they will claim it was a gas chamber then a bunker and then a chamber again. Really then why is it under the earth?

It seems that most of these people died of starvation near the very end of the war because of allied bombings. Also the reason for entering the was was because Poland was invaded and occupied. AT the end of the war Poland was still invaded and occupied by communist Russia under Stalin. A new justification was need for the allies on why they were fighting. Thus the holocaust myth began. They also really brush over the American camps for the Japanese and they don't mention the camps they put Germans in after the war in Germany where 900,000 people died form disease.

Without the Holocaust story how do the allies justify WWII? What had Germany done that the allies had not done 100 fold? The British really did starve to death 3.5 million people in Bengal. America really is founded on the genocide of practically the entire continent. There is a reason West Africa and Australia speak French and English and it's not from studying.

I like how the person in the film uses the John McCain Ron Paul clip. McCain blames isolationism for WWII and Hitler. Unbelievable , he blames isolationist for WWII and not Hitlers own militarism. And neglects to related that as a reaction to allied militarism of the past in WWI which Hitler fought it. .
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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by apocryphal » Mon Apr 05, 2010 11:56 am

the issue of the Holocaust is clouded because the entire issue of contemporary history, especially in regards to WWII, is perpetually in flux. The more time that has passed the better the chance that the truth will out, as political agendas, and affiliations will have shifted and possibly eroded.

Take for example the issues surrounding the "violation jewish rights" in Germany in 1933 that brought about the worldwide boycott on German goods.

Then there was the propaganda and associated BS surrounding the 1936 Olympics. Least of all the hypocrisy within America about the treatment of Black athletes.
After concerns about the safety of Black athletes in Nazi Germany were put to rest by the International Olympic Committee, most African American newspapers opposed a boycott of the 1936 Olympics. Black journalists often underscored the hypocrisy of pro-boycotters who did not first address the problem of discrimination against Black athletes in the United States. Writers for such papers as The Philadelphia Tribune and The Chicago Defender argued that athletic victories by Blacks would undermine Nazi racial views of “Aryan” supremacy and foster a new sense of Black pride at home.

In the end, 18 African Americans — 16 men and 2 women — went to Berlin, triple the number who had competed for the United States in the 1932 Los Angeles Games. That all of these athletes came from predominantly white universities demonstrated to many Black journalists the inferiority of training equipment and facilities at black colleges where the vast majority of African American students were educated in the 1930s.
And lastly, there was the effect on the American Jewry, of German propaganda, during the WWI period. This propaganda was primarily Anti-Russian in nature, but when Germany began it's anti-Jewish positions the American Jewish Community likely felt betrayed, and wanted to strike back in whatever way they could.
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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by Rio » Mon Apr 05, 2010 9:49 pm

I've watched both of these, and I'd recommend the David Cole for newbies. Don't forget the JDL harrassed him so bad that he basically retracted all of his claims about Auschwitz, but you can't take something like that back.

1/3 of the Holocaust is too deep for the average person, plus that guy's voice is kinda weird.

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Re: for anyone who believes the official 6 million holocaust tal

Post by neoConSlayer » Mon Apr 05, 2010 10:33 pm

Rio wrote:I've watched both of these, and I'd recommend the David Cole for newbies. Don't forget the JDL harrassed him so bad that he basically retracted all of his claims about Auschwitz, but you can't take something like that back.

1/3 of the Holocaust is too deep for the average person, plus that guy's voice is kinda weird.
agreed his voice is weird, but you really can't argue with his complete evisceration of the "history" of 1/3 of the entire thing. unreal. the cremation part was very enlightening. it most certainly is too deep for your average joe, i had trouble making it through 4 hours because that is a long time to watch one movie, and a LOT of information to take in. you cant go into viewing either movies with anything but an open mind or you wont learn anything.
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