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Posted: Tue Nov 07, 2006 11:25 pm
by Ry
This supports my Theory as well.

None of the security cameras recorded any of the hijackers on 911. All the airports involved were in the security hands of Israel under a Dutch front.

Posted: Fri Nov 10, 2006 9:24 pm
by prophet
Security Systems
Who had influence over the security systems at airports and air traffic control, and how could they have been compromised or controlled?

Many people point out that Marvin Bush:

"was a principal in a company called Securacom that provided security for the World Trade Center, United Airlines, and Dulles International Airport."

There were many people involved with Securacom, but only Marvin Bush is singled out. The evidence shows that Larry Silverstein was in direct control of the security.

The people who blame Marvin Bush are trying to divert attention away from Zionists and onto the Bush family. Don't make excuses for these people; don't assume they are naive. This is deliberate deception. ... p2006.html

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:21 am
by Ry
Some of them are deliberate deception some of them just heard the partical news delivered to them and ran with it. Also Bush's family is Zionist. So either way its in the hands of Zioonists.

Posted: Sat Nov 11, 2006 1:43 am
aaron.mann wrote:yeah it's about like that. for sure.

i can't believe how many video's i've seen pulled from google / youtube lately, it's rediculous.
Google owns youtube now.

Posted: Mon Nov 20, 2006 10:02 pm
by Redelicious
Well I print out things like this from this site so that I can have a physical backup. I remeber when Ry's old sites were deleted after mentioned that they would bomb London on 7/7.

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 4:25 am
by Ry

Code: Select all

911 and Israel<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" src=""     enableJavaScript="false"                                    allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal"  height="60" width="145" autostart="false" loop="false" width="0" height="0"> <noembed> <bgsound src="" loop="false"> </noembed> </embed> 
<a href=""target="_blank"><h2>Follow along right here</a>
911, Iraq, PNAC all roads lead to Israel.mp3

911 and Israel<embed allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" enableJSURL="false" src="" enableJavaScript="false" allowScriptAccess="never" allowNetworking="internal" height="60" width="145" autostart="false" loop="false" width="0" height="0"> <noembed> <bgsound src="" loop="false"> </noembed> </embed>
<a href="viewtopic.php?t=1388"target="_blank"><h2>Follow along right here</a>

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:18 pm
by Ry
The Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co. moved their North American headquarters from the 16th floor of the WTC to Norfolk, Virginia, one week before the 9/11 attacks. The Israeli government owns 49 percent of the company. Virginian-Pilot, 9/4/2001

Interesting isn't it?

Posted: Tue Dec 19, 2006 7:25 pm
by Dissent
Ry wrote:The Zim-American Israeli Shipping Co. moved their North American headquarters from the 16th floor of the WTC to Norfolk, Virginia, one week before the 9/11 attacks. The Israeli government owns 49 percent of the company. Virginian-Pilot, 9/4/2001

Interesting isn't it?
Very Interesting... also note.
One year later, a Zim ship is impounded while attempting to ship Israeli military equipment to Iran; it is speculated that this is done with the knowledge of Israel. [Agence France-Presse, 3/29/2002]
Why does that company sound so familiar?? Are they involved in Logistics in Iraq?

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2006 1:50 am
by Ry
the bottom of the first 911 post was cut off after adding videos that is why it says [color=cyan it used to read

New Information Press caught in a huge lie about another Hijacker. Ziad Al Jarrah was recently (October 2006) shown in a video tape dated 2000-2001 with a full beard yet we have pictures of him all through out the same year clean shaven

Posted: Tue Jan 02, 2007 6:36 pm
by SupaDupa
This was my friend's response to what I told him about your paper. It's a bunch of bullshit:

"first of all, i went to the anti-neocon website and i read the post on the "zionist theory". i find it funny that you criticize people who dont think for themselves while you repeat word-for-word exactly what the original poster wrote. very hypocritical, just like him. he criticizes the media and the gov't for reporting selective information and events while he only presents bits and pieces of events and supposed "evidence". none of his arguments make any coherent sense. the only thing that the website has convinced me of is that its sole purpose is to spread confusion and feed off of ignorance. all it does is flood the reader with random bits of evidence, names, events, places, and unwarranted accusations. he also doesn't actually prove or explain any of his arguments. all he says is "i will prove this later on". he goes off on random tangents and changes subjects just when he should be explaining his reasoning. his arguments are very poorly constructed and not logical. all it sounds like is poorly disguised anti-semitism because all of his arguments end up accusing the evil "zionists" or israel of being evil and anyone who suppports them. that website is 100% propaganda. none of it is substantiated and any evidence provided is obscure and one-sided. anyone can show pictures of people who were blown up and shot to death. images like that are on both sides and don't mean jack shit when you are trying to make an effective argument. this guy is a bum. he doesn't have a shred of credibility. he is taking advantage of anyone who is desperate to point fingers at either the government or the jews. this is how the holocaust started, by pointing fingers and blaming judaism.

the whole foundation of the zionist theory is flawed. he claims that the gov't censors the media so that nothing that israel does is reported to us. that is BS. i hear bad reports from both sides. and the fact that israel has nukes is no secret, nor is the military occupation in palestine. this stuff has been going on for almost 50 years. even if i granted him that the media keeps quiet about irael's doings, the rest of his argument doesn't make sense. if iraq was such a huge threat to israel and we make so much money off of their military, it would have made a hell of a lot more sense and would have been 10x more profitable for israel to invade iraq, not us. israel has been in constant war with various nations for 50 years, they have one of the best militaries on earth and they could have easily wiped iraq off the face of the earth much faster than we could have. they are much less bogged down with bureaucracy and they could have ended the war a long time ago. we also would have made a killing off of selling them military equipment and weapons. this guy also does not give specifics on how the zionist theory proves that 9/11 was a conspiracy. again, a flood of too much incomplete information can fool a lot of ignorant people and make them feel informed. like i said, thats the purpose of this website. there is no evidence against this theory because there is no evidence to begin with! it can be shot down with pure reasoning and logic. none of it adds up. throwing out arbitrary numbers and listing atrocities doesnt make an argument, you should know that. explanation, links, coherency, credibility, sources, and sound reasoning are essential; pretty much everything that this guy lacks. it is also extremely ambiguous. contradictions and hipocrasy are everywhere on this site.
i haven't seen a shred of evidence proving that all media branches are owned by military corporations. that is extremely presumptuous. and just randomly saying that we used nuclear weapons in the gulf war doesn't mean shit to me. define nuclear weapons. what kind, when, where, why, what magnitude, how? you can't have an intelligent conversation without defining key terms, and not just deontatively. the specifics that i listed above are essesential. send me the link to the video of mk-77 use. i want to see it. name five countries that haven't violated a UN resolution or ban. give one example of when the U.N. has actually done something about it. its not surprising that a weapon like this would be used. the U.N. is a wasteful body. it is completely superficial and powerless. very few doctrines passed by the U.N. are enforceable. does it really surprise you that this happened? we own the fucking U.N. the U.N. doesn't matter. and actually, the gitmo and abu graib controversies do threaten the war effort. unpopular wars are very difficult to wage, especially when the gov't isn't nearly as powerful as you think. these controversies have made the war unpopular not only here at home, but in iraq, england, and countless other allied and enemy nations. you cant say that they dont matter.
the guy who wrote that post on the website is either very smart, or very stupid. if he is smart, then he has accomplished exactly what he has set out to do: fool the masses with fancy words and millions of bits of information and pointed the blame to zionism and its supporters. if he is stupid, then he doesn't know how to make a coherent argument and has absolutely no credibility and is just another pathetic loser living in his parents basement, probably unemployed, and desperate for attention. he probably thinks that anarchy is "cool" and doesn't know jack shit about the real world. there's my response, lets hear yours."

I pretty much got my answer covered but any help would be greatly appriciated in answering this, especially if it came from you Ry.