911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel

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Post by mike_ca » Tue Oct 02, 2007 8:54 pm

Ry wrote:they will just remove it again.

we have done this back and forth like 6 times.
What do you mean that you've done this 6x and that it's always removed, which is what I interpret from what you say? If it's been removed that many times, then was this at ancreport.com/forum where the video was posted and deleted by third parties, or ... what, exactly? If not at ancreport.com/forum, then, and assuming that you have adequate disk space for video downloads, you could grab a download of videos that should be kept up for people to view; although I also assume that you must surely be aware of this, the method for getting downloads of videos that require a special url for downloading. I forget what that url or method precisely is, but have it bookmarked somewhere in my MANY bookmarks.

Anyway, the Israeli spies story is important, but what to precisely make of this is not to be left to [only] what seems to be apparent, the half-hearted sort of efforts being very worthless and too often worse than that. Some [real] digging to determine the whole truth of this has not been and therefore still needs to be done; and some people know the whole truth but do not expect them to come out and publicly state what the whole is or consists of; like, f.e., the Cheney-Bush administration most surely knows the whole truth about the attacks of Sept. 11 2001, but these people definitely do not wish to do more or better than to LIE, quite the CONSTANT theme with them.

The Israelis are involved, but what the 100% truth of the whole is has not been determined. We only know what the govt has allowed to be told to the public, and we damn well (should) know that we cannot trust the govt; but people treat the little we have been provided on the Israeli spies story as if it's entirely the whole truth of the matter. Quite an oddity in human nature is this; and calling it an oddity is being polite.

People need to make up their damn minds; either they trust the govt and quite fully so, or they don't, and when they or we do not, then everything the govt says, allows to be said, has other parties say (so that the govt does not at first seem to be involved in the news telling), etc., this must always be questioned and therefore investigated; very carefully and as thoroughly as possible.

To judge based on appearances is to be stupid; and a lot of humans like being that way, but ... YUCK!. And the cultists of "oh, it's Israel, it's all Israel's fault, Israel is solely to blame for the corruption of the U.S. govt, Israel is solely responsible for the U.S. launching wars of totally criminal aggression on the world (as if this is something of new theme for the U.S.), Israel is responsible for all of the criminal U.S. govt warring (much of it covertly) on African countries, etc., etc., natural resources corporations are not to be faulted in this, it's all Israel's fault and therefore the fault of the Israeli lobby and all of the insane Zionists, it's ALL THEIR FAULT and not of any other (and actually more powerful) parties"; etc.

All of that crap is CULT bs; just a bunch of cultists who can't integrally stick with the fact that govt cannot be trusted, and that, unfortunately, also means the "news" media; certainly not with the govt we presently have, not with the Congress and Senate we presently have, not with the presently and long puppet UNSC that we have, not with the extremely criminal NATO, not with ..., etc., etc., etc.

Such people criticise religion but have their own cult "religion", and not a healthy and integral cult is this.

Israel is involved and there's no doubt about this; but we definitely do NOT have the whole truth of the WHOLE matter(s). Anyone who pretends to know and present the whole truth when they do NOT is LIAR. So intelligently healthy people do NOT pretend to know the whole truth about anything, not until they know that they can prove that they do have this in their possession, and then do so, present the whole truth, whenever it is asked for. NONE of the bla blamers of Israel, only, present anything really substantial for PROOF; it's all based on mere appearances and hearsay, at most. All who cannot present the whole truth in critically verifiable and supported terms are to be not wholly ignored, but nonetheless very much; they are to be taken with considerable grains of salt, some consideration, but without treating them like cultist idiots may do and which is as if speaking the Gospel Truth and nothing but the whole truth ... about anything and everything they ever say.

Want to be slave? The above is one way.

I have plenty of additional articles to post links for and with respect to the FACT that BIG OIL is VERY INVOLVED, and why anyone who considers him or her self seriously knowledgeable, expert on the present GWoT, all while ignoring or pretending to ignore these well enough known facts about the strong presence of big oil, now this is just another matter of suspect nature in the whole of what the GWoT consists of, the so-called "story tellers" about the GWoT.

And the GWoT did NOT start with 9-11, which is only a step in the overall process; neither a start nor a milestone, but only (painfully, tragically, but still only) a step subsequent to ... long enough after the REAL start. And that is well argued to be WWII, when the U.S. became the world's sole superpower, and the arguments for this are rather irrefutably sound, but while we can also argue that the (first) start is further back. Some well argue that the initial start is with the ending of the Cold War; others well argue that it's with WWII; yet others also well argue that the start was even much further back and that all of U.S. history, the genocidal Euro-conquest and -domination of North America is the start.

They are all RIGHT, too. All of those events, periods, wars, histories are illustrative of periods and events that quite long foretold of the GWoT of today. What we have today is NO sudden change of current or flow, or theme; it's continuation and spread of what already existed, "just" another step in what commenced LONG, centuries ago with Euro-SCHMUCKS coming to the West.

Note that I said 'Euro', not 'Israelo'; although there is some relationship, historically, and variably, including drastic variations in terms of the relationship, which [true] Christians did not sustain, but while we can equally say that [true] Jews also never sustained, for neither group supports injustices of any kind.

Complicated world, eh? Yeah, it IS; and then we have atheists of not neutral and critically objective, analytical character coming along to provide refreshing views on the world, life, all that is, we also and unfortunately have the cultist fools among so-called atheists, and they, like among the rest of us, lend bad, negative images of the groups they profess to belong to, only it is always false profession; there's always lying involved, one way or another. Many American "athiests", f.e., pretend that they have even half a clue as to what athiests worldwide believe and say, and it's all another LIE; for there are athiests who don't believe in any particular God, but who have nonetheless added that they do believe that there is MORE, that there's more than only the temporal. A LOT of American if not Western athiests don't know but awfully little about what brilliant athiests have said, and I know very little of all of what the said, but know that minimally some of it was VERY sound, it was honest, was definitely understandable, etc.

Humanity is NO simple "black and white picture" in any sense; every individual bears his and her own consequences on our world. While two or more people may speak as if having the same views, etc., doing a little digging will reveal that by far most of these people still vary; not just physically, but in terms of views, beliefs, intellectual ability, etc. Two people can say the same thing while one is wittingly lying and the other is just ignorant; both will appear to be liars, if the lie of the witting liar is discovered, but only that person will be liar, the other only being ignorant and without recognizing that he or she is of ignorant creatures. ETC.

WE NEED PROOF; and that's besides for religious beliefs, which are not matter of temporal order. We need proof about what's claimed with respect to temporal events, laws, etc.; what's not of the temporal order being a distinct matter.

What's going on is not a simple. There's complexity, a major mess of it, and it is to be intelligently expected. History tells us to be so expecting.

After all, take just one entity alone, like the RCC, Roman Catholic Church, f.e. Definitely NOT all members think the same way, believe the same way or things (except on the surface, in mere appearance), have the same morals or ethics, etc., etc.; there's plenty of serious or strong variation within this one entity's scope of religious membership. Another single entity is the U.S.A., and its singularity is also not single at all, but we can theoretically consider it as a single entity that works with other single entities; only, that's just mere appearance, for, undeneath, there are "workings" that are NOT obvious at all and which the govts or entities will not admit to, for these "workings" are top secret, and because they are extremely and entirely criminal.

The Israeli spies story is one that I not often but sometimes refer to, but I'll never treat it as if it is example of Israel being BOSS, for Israel is not. Well, or but, even if Israel is NOT top boss, it does possess around 400 nukes and no sane leader of any country would want to risk having the [psychopathic]ally mad leadership of Israel start launching any of these damn nukes; and that Israeli leadership might actually be insane enough to do this, maybe it would (certainly not trustworthy is it, anyway).

It's the U.S. govt's fault, although also that of the extremely weak and too corrupt UNSC and corrupt NATO govts, that Israel was capable of becoming such a nuke-capable force. Even if the U.S. govt leadership was somewhat, variably Zionist in all of this, Americans still need to be held accountable for their crimes against the world, as well as against their own fellow citizens and non-citizen residents or immigrants. And Americans have several centuries to account for!!

The Israeli spies story, the involvement of the psychopathic Israeli leadership, Israeli lobbies in the U.S. and other countries, such as the one in Canada, this is all part of the whole truth; but it does not represent the whole. There is definitely more.

There's a LOT of strong proof of Big Oil's involvement; but there's more than only these two factions, for there are other Big Natural Resources predators too. F.e., we have natural resources corporations in Canada that welcome the war on Afghanistan because of the rich mining available there; and we have a lot of mining predators lusting for capturing or seizing control of resources in Africa; besides the fact that we also have those wanting to capture Canada's and Mexico's rich natural resources.

NONE of that has anything to do with Israel, Israelis, Israeli lobbies, etc., although some of these people are among the many natural resources profiteers too. Evil intermixes with evil; NOT with good.

Even a young child capable of abstract thinking can realise that Israel is definitely not to fault except when considering Israel's specific crimes and that Israel's leadership, if they wanted to, could stop these crimes. When we do this, we then must include the allied criminality of Israel's protectors, so the U.S., NATO, and the UNSC; and the ICC, the Intl Criminal Court or Intl Court of Crimes, this criminal court falsely posing as if really a court against real crimes, anyway.

The whole truth is nothing less than "we are MIRED in one HELL on earth major f*cking MESS of criminals of the state "leadership" order!" sort of situation. No terrorist group compares to what we're up against, unless we consider that these criminal govts are terrorist groups alright, and the most powerful, most powerfully armed and manned of all. That's fitting perspective; definitely fits with or matches reality.

Most other terrorist groups are only people seeking reparations based on grievances that are based in or on reality, as opposed to fantasy and greed. Fantasy, hellbent kind, is what the state terrorists are about; extremely insane, hellbent fantasy is what these hellbent imperialists, etc., have in their minds and are trying to apply and impose on ALL of humanity.

Thankfully, we have state leaders like Russian President Vladimir Putin, Hugo Chavez (who should cease siding with the wholly criminal, bogus war on drugs), and others. They have their flaws, but we also all do.

Do you think that Blackwater USA, this [HELL]-[BENT] or -[BOUND] organization of HELL's MAKING, really works for Israel and because of Israel? If you do, then you are FOOL; BW just loves murdering and making big MONEY. BW will work for any party willing to pay big bucks. It definitely will; it mostly consists of people who are insane, psychopathic and sociopathic en masse (totally in some cases), murderers, etc.; as long as the $$$ is provided. They'll murder or assassinate anyone if the price is "right". They'll even do that for the payor, if he or she is suicidal and the price is "right".

For sick people, money talks and life walks ... the PLANK, goes to the guillotine, lynch pad, etc.

It's all Israel's, Israeli leadership's, Israeli lobbies', and Zionists' fault; HA HA HA HA HA HA HA ..... BS! Talk about escapism from RESPONSIBILITY and reality, which telling half-truths is in part about, escapism! To blame only Israel, the Israeli leadership, lobbies and Zionists, is to be based on half-truth, and that, when wittingly done, is to be LIAR.

I have NO reason to lie about any of this, and will not pretend to know what I do not know; what I'll do is present critical analysis on what pundits claim to be true and untrue. I'll call on them to provide PROOF, and the pundits who are pro-Israel, ..., as well as those who are anti-Israel, ..., they're all the SAME; NONE OF THEM PROVIDE PROOF, not even arguments that bear any nature to be believed.

All who pretend that "it's all Israel's" fault are LIARS, and, hopefully for them, damn ignorant about this. If they're not ignorant, then they're traitors, which definitely is 'faux pas' and 'faut pas' matter, that is, a false step and a step to never be undertaken, a must never do matter or thing; unless willing to die in and because of the process and LIE.

True patriots can help see to termination of traitors, eh. I have no sympathy for traitors, anyway.

Well, that's where cultists prefer to be, in escapism. They don't want to make the effort required to perform [thorough] evaluation of reality; they cultishly pick out their subset targets and then claim that that is all there is to reality, grosso modo, i.e., roughly speaking.

LITVINENKO? He's INSIGNIFICANT; gone bye-bye, and should be a story left to the past. The world has far better things to do than to linger of what happened to him, thank you very much.

I find Craig Murray's article very interesting in terms of international drug trafficking, of heroin, but NOT because of Murray's mention of Ru. Pres. Vladimir Putin knowing the municipal and regional politicians supposedly profiting from this illegal trafficking; instead, liking the article because of what it reveals in terms of the national and international drug wars being hellbent bogus, criminal, far worse than consumption of and addiction to natural drugs could ever be or become.

That does provide a plausible reason for why Litvinenko was assassinated, if he knew about this illegal tafficking [and] was against it, which Murray claims was ... reality.

It also fits strongly with what the war of criminal aggression on former Yugoslave President Slobodan Milosevic and the Kosovo region was about; both cases involving so-called Muslims and operations of the U.S. CIA, etc., NATO, and etc. They, the leaders of all of this bs would be much more likely to have Litvinenko assassinated, than Pres. Putin would; they're all aiming for eventual targeting of Russia's very rich natural resources TOO.

We have all of this militarised economic warfare going on, in addition to the only political, so-far non-militarised, like with the NAU and SPP; North American Union, and Security and elitists' Prosperity Protocol, i.e, program, i.e., Partnership, f.e. The U.S., NATO and UNSC can't just come out and launch or side with military war on Canada and Mexico, so the harmful, damaging, .., but still softer approach is employed.

But, heh, if you believe the blamers of Israel, then it's also responsible for all of the hell wrought on African countries, and the now NAU and SPP; and if you believe that, then you're one HELL of a f*cking either idiot or LIAR. Either way, you'd be one HELL of a fool to be rid of, in terms of societal health anyway.


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Post by mike_ca » Tue Oct 02, 2007 9:29 pm

arowak_carib wrote:In response to Ry. WWII never ended for the US.
True, and WWII made such that the U.S. govt became the sole superpower, and I've already posted enough links to very good articles and a downloadable book (by Dr J. Coleman) on this, but while these are only a small subset of all texts written and posted about the U.S. govt never having ceased since WWII, and that it's [a] commencement to the GWoT of today. The GWoT, in any case, whether it actually started with the Cold War, or WWII, or WWI, or earlier, it definitely did not start with 9-11, which was only an instrumental step, "stepping stone", catalytic event, but NOT start, which it definitely was not. 9-11 is no more than a step in the overal process that had long enough before started and in evolving terms.

The U.S. never ceased since WWII is TRUE; only it is also reflective of rather all of U.S. history, centuries of it, too. And we can take this to reach further back, to before the Ruros first came to the West, to begin with, too.

It's not been over, done away with for MANY centuries, and it's not to be expected to be over anytime soon; [unfortunately]. WE DO NOT have the power to stop this evil process. I wish we did, but won't dwell with such wishes, for they're not going to come to fruition.

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Post by Ry » Wed Oct 03, 2007 3:38 am

Well I did host it on Rys2sense and within two days someone flooded it over 78 thousand times and I went over bandwidth. So I had to take it off or I could not run the site. We had to shut down last February for like 15 days.
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Thanks for Article Rys

Post by Photo Realism » Tue Oct 09, 2007 12:09 pm

Truth and Honesty =
End of Israel's Terrorism, Apartheid, Killing Sprees of Innocent Indigenous People in M.E. and Peace in M.E.

Here's hoping that more exposure to Israel's crimes and terrorism leads to peace in M.E. and the entire planet for that matter.

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Post by Ry » Thu Oct 11, 2007 7:36 am

The MIC (Grumman, Boeing, Lockheed etc) and the defense dapartment are on in the same. My flow chart video will be coming very soon.
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Post by Ry » Thu Oct 18, 2007 1:24 am


This is now up in one clean long blog on the hub site. COmments can still be made here.
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Post by Ry » Wed Oct 24, 2007 11:08 pm

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This is just an extension to the paper 911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel if you have not read that yet do so here

PNAC'S co-founders are William Kristol and Robert Kagan.(CFR) Now Kagan is the most active writer in PNAC. He and both his brothers were part of the team that compiled the modern Mien Kampf Rebuilding America's defenses... Kagan writes for Kristol's Weekly Standard and cracked out more propaganda than anyone. The majority of the let's Bomb Iraq rhetoric from PNAC which was identical to the pre-invasion excuses (lies) that Zionists in the media later used in it's pre-invasion blitz, was written by Robert Kagan. Here is a guy who wrote speeches for George P. Shultz the former Secretary of State who was part of the attempted cover up of Iran Contra. Shultz also worked for LBJ. He is the former President of Bechtel. Bechtel is second only to Haliburton KBR in terms of war profiteering contracts. Shultz is still currently a board member of both Bechtel and its subsidiarity Fremont (formerly called Bechtel Investments). And you know who has tens of millions invested in Fremont? The Bin Laden Family.

Back to Kagan. Kagan is a member of the Aspen Institute. (Something Libby wrote to jailed Judith Miller about in code. Remember the leaves turning out West in Aspen bit) Now the Aspen Institute was founded by Walter Paecke and his nephew William Nitze is currently a Chair and on the Board of Trustees for the Aspen Institute. William Nitze is the son of Paul Nitze who used to be the Secretary of the Navy from 63-67 and then Assistant Secretary of Defense. He pushed for an infamous bit of foreign policy called Operation Northwoods! This was a plan to crash drone airplanes supposedly full of Americans into buildings and blame it on Cuba.

So this nut's son on the board of trustees and serves as a Chair for the Aspen Institute which his uncle founded and the co-founder of the Project for a New American Century, which also promoted false flags propaganda, and the principle writer of the lies that we know were regurgitated by the press to start a war with Iraq, is also a member. And Kagan is not the only one at Aspen either. Remember that it was Kagan, Libby, and Wolfowitz who compiled the PNAC paper which spoke of the need for a New Pearl Harbor and outlined a plan of Straussian imperialism where the ends justify the means. Do you want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes?

The Aspen Institute has something it calls the "Round Table" bastradizing the term from the fairytales, the Roundtable reads like a whose who of Neocons, Lynne Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle etc... Perle (the Prince of Darkness) was the Defense Dapartment's chairman of the DPB Defense Policy Board which obviously advocated war with Iraq. Serving with Perle on the DPG was fellow PNAC member Christopher Williams who is also a member of the Aspen Institute with Kagan.

On the Board of Trustees with Nitze is Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, as well as Michael Powell the former FCC director and son of former Secretary of state and mouth piece for Libby Colin Powell. Most notably on the BOT is Billionaire Michael Eisner who at the time of the Iraq war was the CEO of Disney which owns ABC. On Disney's board of directors sits John E. Bryson who also happens to be on the board of directors of Boeing which invested $20 billion into Richard Perle's equity firm. Boeing then is offered a deal worth $30 billion (May 2003) to supply the empire with 100 military tanker planes. The deal was approved by Pete Aldrige Jr on his very last day in office as the Chief weapons buyer at the pentagon. On top of that Perle's Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee consisted an MIC check list with ultra Neocons like Herny Kissinger and Kagan's and Betchel's good buddy George P. Shultz as well as yet another Aspen Institute Strategy group member Eliot Cohen. Cohen, a professor and director at the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University. Guess who they named that after.... Paul Nitze, the Northwoods man. Sick isn't. Oh there is a lot more but it's just over kill.

I can talk till I am blue in the face but it doesn't matter. We got people too interested in chasing down some Illuminati Jesuit masonic weather controlling German death cult to pay attention to facts we can prove and real people with names and positions we can deal with. I know there are certain people that want to make money and sell Armageddons hype Orwellian videos but I just don't see the point in the sensationalism, it is bad enough how it really is. 911 was an Israeli false flag and the Iraq war was a Zionist/MIC sell that used 911 as a launching pad. I mean the same psychos who wrote about false flags in the past and each pre-war lies were the ones selling the war and who were on the 911 commission.

I have to talk about the hijackers for a minute. I cross referenced reports from the FBI's own account of the 19 alleged hijackers and a report from Mike Rivero on the living hijackers with a peice on the Israeli spy ring by Justin Raimondo. As it turns out at least 7 hijackers are still alive and were victims of identity theft (8 if you include Atta which I do as I will explain) now I would increase that number to ten. After 911 the official story from ABCNNBCBS FOX was that hijackers were in cells in Florida and New Jersey. Now it came out early by Raimondo and many researchers that Israeli agents were living next door to the said hijackers in Florida including the supposed ring leader Mohamed Atta. (who apparently can tellaport). It is also know that the Mossad agents busted in a white van in New York worked for a Mossad front Urban Moving Systems which was raided by police who took more than 12 computer hard drives.

Well the Mossad front (whose own fled back to Israel) was located in Weehawken New Jersey just across the water from NYC. At least three of the said Hijackers in 911 lived in Fort Lee New Jersey, Salem Alhazmi, his older brother Nawaf and Hani Hanjour. Fort Lee NJ is less than 3 miles from the Weehawken address. Hani Hanjour was supposed to be the pilot who crashed flight 77 into the pentagon. Here is where it drops down to a Scooby Doo level dectection story. Salem Alhazmi was said to have shared a room with Hanjour in Fort Lee. Early on it was reported by the MSM that Salem was caught on security camera footage at Dullas airport (guess who ran security there) as he was stopped after setting off a metal detector and searched. That is VERY interesting becaise Salem Alhazmi is still alive and works in Saudi Arabia. We know for a fact that he is alive the BBC interviewed him and it was reported in British papers. He said his passport and identity had been stolen 3 year prior when he was in Egypt further more the man has never even been the the United States!

So just who was rooming with Hanjour and who was on the film at Dullas? It doesn't make sense. And if Hanjour's roomate was a frame why shouldn't believe that evidence trail left to finger Hanjour was not also a frame as well as Salem's brother Nawaf? That would make it 10 of the 19 hijackers who could not have been part of 911. However the Israeli mossad was working just a couple miles away and in Florida it was not even that far. So who is fond of stealing passports? The Mossad. I ask you to recall the story of Zev Brakan. Who worked next to the hijacker cells in NJ and FL? The Mossad. Who sent the anthrax letters and from where? They came from New Jersey and we know at least who acquired the Anthrax if not who mailed it, a Zioist American Philip Zack who tried to frame an Egyptian. Funny Atta was also Egyptian. The USS Liberty attack was initially blamed on Egypt. The Lavon affair was blamed on Egypt. And the FBI tried to frame an Egyptian for the first WTC bombing but he recorded their conversation telling him he was only part of a drill. Wow sounds like 7/7 doesn't it. For the record I predicted 7/7 three days prior and mysteriously my websites were deleted.

So we have over 200 Israelis busted in a "Art Student" spy ring and 12 computers, a Mossad celebration busted up by police on 911, who were filming the whole thing. A group of Zionist move in quickly with the pre-written Patriot Act and the creation of the department of Homeland Security, PNAC members on the 911 commission, a dual citizen cabal in the DoD that lied us into war and all this transparent mythology about the 19 hijackers. One might ask why did the Mossad frame people who were alive and why didn't they at least try to kill all of them before their pasties turned up alive. Ha they didn't even worry about it. Israel enjoys total immunity from the US media and they know it. Just look at this recent attack on a "nuclear" site in Syria which didn't even exist. The press is not going to say anything. Israel already build racial colonies in Palestine and they get away with that. They murdered Hariri as I pointed out in ironclad fashion in the Lebanon documentary and they got away with that. They definitely knowingly attacked an American ship the USS Liberty and they got away with that. Its been 40 years since then and the truth can't make it past websites and foreign media. It is a nightmare.

Please see my full report 911 Iraq PNAC All Roads Lead to Israel -the 2007 Updated version here

Digg this.

Let me tell you what needs to happen. Everywhere these men go they need to be confronted. Anywhere they try to speak you stand up and say, “We know about PNAC and Israel! You are part of the 911 cover up. What about the All Roads Document?. If you mention the “All Roads” Document these Neocons are going to pee in their pants. They are aware of it, and they hope that you aren’t.

And now to change the mood and make you feel good. Ron Paul and the message of freedom is taking off.

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Post by Ricky » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:17 am

<br /><p><span class="postbody">Ryan Dawson <span style="font-size: 24px; line-height: normal"><span style="font-weight: bold">911, Iraq, PNAC , All roads lead to Israel</span></span> <br /><img src="http://myspace-175.vo.llnwd.net/00594/5 ... 3175_m.jpg" border="0" /> </span></p><p><span class="postbody">Some people, when they hear the word "conspiracy" start thinking of a tinfoil hat crowd and invoke images of space aliens, paranoia, or a variety of cults and nonsense. Well there are a lot of wacky conspiracies about many things but that does not mean that conspiracies don't or can't happen. For example, the Iran Contra Affair was a massive government conspiracy hidden from the press and public for years. It happened in my life time and it involved billions of dollars and multiple countries. It has since been admitted to but many of the people involved did not get into trouble. They were given presidential pardons either by Bush Sr. or Bill Clinton. Most of them still have jobs and are working in the government right now! That is a fact. The CIA and Mossad have gotten away with countless covert operations and false flags. There are too many to name. So for those who think a covert operation or conspiracy can't happen, you need to open a history book, or at the very least start doing some online research. To just reject conspiracies as a whole just because there are some kooks who think the moon landing was fake or Elvis or Tu Pac are still alive etc is not a reason to just reject the concept all together. I have had people tell me conspiracies never work and that they can't be done because someone always snitches. Well that argument just does not float in reality. There are way too many counter examples of successful conspiracies and Hoaxes. </span></p><span class="postbody"><p><br />What really happened on 911? Poll after poll the majority of Americans believe that the official story of 911 is false and that the government is part of a cover up. (Compare that to Fox News Viewers who staggeringly still blieve in the lies of Saddam being linked to 911 even after the president and vice president admitted that there wa sno conneciton.) There seem to be four main 911 theories, one from the main stream press and the 911 commission and others from researchers who bothered to look at things like physical evidence, the paper trail, and the money trail. I have a fifth theory which unifies the war in Iraq with the cabal that planned 911. The 4 theories briefly go as follows. </p><p>1 <span style="font-weight: bold">Is the official story.</span> <br />We got caught with our pants down and terrorists did 911. And the wars in the Middle East are part of the greater war on terrorism. <br /><br />2 <span style="font-weight: bold">The incompetence excuse</span> <br />There was information available about the coming attacks but because of our incompetence we failed to see it. Terrorists attacked the US. And the wars in the Middle East were based on mistakes (more incompetence) but now we got to stay. <br /><br />3 <span style="font-weight: bold">They let it happen</span> <br />They knew full well about the coming 911 attacks but allowed it to happen in order to use it as a pretext to go to war with Iraq and Afghanistan as it was in military and corporate interests (particularly oil) to do so. <br /><br />4 <span style="font-weight: bold">They made it happen</span>. (They meaning just vaguely the Bush Admin) -AKA 911 was in inside Job.<br />The Bush government either helped protect the terrorists or simply used them as patsies, and assisted the plane crashes effects with bombs placed inside the towers prior to 911. The wars in the Middle East were about oil. (a problem with this theory is its vagueness. People in this camp will call for an independent investigation. That's not going to happen and I think there are enough facts available for us to do our own research. [Which I have done]) Another problem with this group is their associations with other irrelevant cult like propositions that do nothing but discredit the rest of it. This will be discussed at the end of this document. <br /><br />The "911 was an inside job camps" then say the evidence must land you somewhere between 3 and 4 with more research dropping you firmly on number 4. Let me now throw in a 5th scenario <br /><br />5 <span style="font-weight: bold">The Neocons Made it happen with the assistance of a foreign government</span>, the same government where PNAC's papers were first written, and the same foreign nation who we have caught spies from who have been stealing secrets from the US about Iran, and who made up the shadow government of the OSP which is who cherry picked and fabricated the lies told about Iraq in order to start that war. The Wars in the Middle East were for separate reasons, Afghanistan was about a few pipelines as noted but more so about controlling large quantities of un-tapped uranium (a reason for both the Russian and US invasions) and secondly for controlling opium as the CIA uses drug money to fund it's off the book black operations such as the now known massive secret prison systems, (torture camps and human medical/scientific testing). Location-wise Afghanistan is coupled with other color coded revolutions to circle China and Russia with US bases and puppets, (add to that the lesser known negotiations with Japan to allow nuclear subs into the Japanese Sea [pointed at China] in exchange for moving troops from Okinawa to Guam). The main goal however, which the PNAC think tank states, is to keep the eye on the pie: Iran, which Afghanistan and Iraq both boarder. The invasion of Iraq was to solve Israel's oil crisis and stop the threat of a secular Middle East which would become a true economic player and was a threat to the aggressive state of Israel. <br /><br />The evidence if it was ALL being stated, especially pertaining to the war in Iraq, would land you in scenario 5. To better understand the Iraq War and why the US invaded go <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=5291" target="_blank">here</a>. <-<span style="color: cyan">I highly recommend seeing that link after you finish reading this.</span> This <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewt ... 9390#29390" target="_blank">timeline</a> may help beginners as well. <br /><br />911 was the Mossad. But that is not an Israeli intelligence agency per say it is a terrorist agency for the military industrial complex which feeds off of the hatred of the bigots and useful idiots concentrated in Israel. The US and Israel are not really different countries in a way. The US and Israeli agencies and their Neocon governments work for their own interests and those interests are guided by a racist, political ideology mixed up with a fascist version of a religion and Straussian philosophy. There is a total disconnect between the people of America (the sane ones) and the government. US foreign policy works for Likud Israeli interests first second and third. This is because the Zionists and MIC have overlapping financial interests. But most of all the press is Zionist. There is no war greater right now than the information war. Nothing would fix things faster than taking back the media or totally discrediting the corrupt lying fear mongering war cheerleaders we have now. <br /><br />A lot of people have written about and shown the problems with official 911 story. There is the demolition of <a href="http://www.wtc7.net/" target="_blank">building number 7</a>, there are the firemen's reports that the fires were almost out, there are numerous reports of secondary explosions etc. Because it has been said on radio and more so because people have made films about it, many people can recite the arguments for the inside job in their sleep. Fire burns buildings; it does not burn on the top of one for an hour or so and then blow it up in a matter of ten seconds, completely destroying everything including the foundations and leaving molten steal in the basements weeks after the event. It is physically impossible. <br /><br />But what has been hidden from you and the dots which have not been connected in any 911 films is the Israeli connection. 911 has been hit with heavy disinformation. This tactic worked well for Area 51 a secretive base that was wasting trillions of dollars. Because of disinformation and a lot of idiots, if anyone said a thing about area 51 it was unfairly linked to everything from space creatures to crop circles. Currently in 911 "truth" there is disinfo spanning from Bavarian death cults, to a black pope, to lasers from outer space. Do not associate any of that nonsense with what I am saying. <br /><br />911 was an inside job which was part of a larger plan for perpetual war hatched in Israel. Understand that Israel is not Jewish people OK please get that through your warped heads. Israel is a violent nation that engages in false flag operations routinely and serves the interests of the MIC not any particular ethnicity. For a long time during the Cold War, Israel was the medium the MIC used to bully the Middle East indirectly and increase arms sales across the board. 911 and the recent wars in the Middle East were carefully planned attacks carried out by a faction of Zionist Neocons and the Israeli Mossad. The policy papers that acted as propaganda for the war were written by Dual Citizens with Israel. The equity firms profiting from the Iraq War like Carlyle and Trireme and the law firms processing contracts like Feith and Zell, the Anthrax attack, and the anthrax attack speech, the <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8815" target="_blank">PNAC documents</a>, the DPG the lies from journalists about Iraq's WMD are all connected back to the same Zionist cabal in the DOD and office of the vice president. Just think back to the propaganda about Iraq before the war and then go read what PNAC <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8815" target="_blank">was writing</a> in the 90s. <br /><br />On top of that the Niger forgeries, which are Clear concrete proof to show that these men were consciously lying, have still not been reported in the Main Stream media. There is no surprise there, they can't even admit that Israel has Nukes, or any information about multiple spy-rings Spies (Pollard, Art Students, AIPAC, ADL, too many to even name. ) The Niger-gate scandal as well as (the mini-AIPAC) the ATC's dealings with the MIC were covered up by Lewis Libby leaking information about a BJA CIA agent to the press. He leaked it to exactly the same warmongering trash journalists who had been lying about WMD in Iraq from the start. <br /><br />Also the INC and Chalabi who served as "sources" for these yellow journalists were suggested as replacements to Saddam as far back as the mid 90s by none other than Wolfowitz and Libby. Further more AIPAC the largest Israeli lobby was caught red handed (Rosen & Weissman) spying on the US about Iraq and Iran through moles (Larry Franklin, Gilon) inside the very same offices that were meeting with Israeli generals. (Feith and Perle). Not only was the lobby caught spying but a Zionist lobbyist (Jack Abramoff) was busted bribing congress. [and possibly<span class="postbody"></span><a href="../../anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?t=8942" target="_blank"> blackmailing</a> them]. Then in a story that was pulled from FOX News, there was another separate massive Israeli spy ring that had agents living next door to the said hijackers of 911. (Israeli Art students) and on top of that the Mossad with its front (Urban Moving systems) was busted filming 911 and cheering. <br /><br />The 911 commission comprised of a PNAC member, John Lehman, Bush's current Lawyer who is also a lawyer for Blackwater Fred Feilding, and Hollinger BOD member with Perle and Kissinger, James R. Thompson as well as other dubious characters. They did not even address the collapse of Building 7 which the BBC reported fell before it had even fallen. The DoD and the Military industrial complex are not separate they are one in the same. </p><p>The 911 investigation was a farce it was on a Scooby Doo level for a detective story. Oh look we magically found a passport of a lead hijacker the same one who we will later lie about (a week later) and connect with Saddam by using a fabricated story claiming that he met an anonymous Iraqi in Prague. <br /><br />Much of the 911 cover up which the MSM just repeated was done by Popular Mechanics a magazine whose editor was B. Chertoff, Michael Chertoff's cousin. Michael Chertoff of course author of the pre-written Patriot Act quickly became the head of Joe Lieberman and Arlen Spector's new creation the department of Homeland security. Note that the Patriot Act was passed while congress was under the duress of anthrax attacks which turned out to be from a Jewish American Zionist and the speech that Colin Powell read to the UN was written by Lewis Libby. Were it not for this attack the Act as well as the Department of Homeland Security may not have passed, at least not so quickly. They already had these documents previously written before 911 just waiting for it to happen. Also the US was alreadyin place to invade Afghanistan before 911 happened.</p><p>Central banks with the MIC are controlling the show right now. They're the current cash cow to feed off of Zionism. The Defense department is a corporation, one that was missing trillions of dollars and admitted this the day before 911. The secretary for Policy (Richard Perle, Trireme inc, Hollinger, Boeing) The Army Secretary (Thomas White Enron) The Navy Secretary (Gordon England General Dynamics) The Air force secretary (James Roche Northrop Grumman) all acted in their own personal interests. The Office of Special Plans' Douglas Feith and Paul Wolfowitz were also Northrop Grumman employees. To better understand how the MIC works See this <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4701" target="_blank">The USSA</a> a quick look at how the US kills for commercial interests and does not practice the free market principles it pretends to profess. <-very good write up, one of my better ones. <br /><br />These same criminals were involved with Hoffman and Britannia aviation flight schools run by Christian Zionists where hijackers who were seen in <span class="postbody"><a href="../../anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?t=2536" target="_blank">two places at once</a> like Mohamed Atta who was also spotted on Abramoff's casino ships. The hijackers just so happen to live next door to an uncovered Israeli spy ring. The flight schools were a false trail easily gobbled up by the left to show incompotence while at the same time reinforcing the idea that there were Muslim hijackers. The said hijackers myth falls apart when 20% of them turn up to STILL BE ALIVE. So if there were no hijackers then the official story is false and then that means the flight school information was also disinformation created to frame patsies and given that Israelis lived next door/with to these agents who were making as much noise as possible and went as far as leaving behind a list with their names on it to be found, means they were actually Mossad. Then seperate Mossad agents get caught on 911 and the information connecting them is classified. <br /><br />This is not some illuminati, it is not the Catholic Church, there was no missile hitting the pentagon, it is not Jews in general or America in general, it is not just "THE government," it is definitely not lasers from space or human morphing lizards. That kind of outright crap is the same kind of discrediting disinfo that was leaked out to mask Area 51 a real formerly secret military base that spent trillions on new toys for the military but was covered up by nonsense about UFOs and aliens with big eyes that were featured on unsolved mysteries and now can be found on T-shirts. <br /><br />911 was a classic false flag operation by the country which can do no wrong in the eyes of the media and would have nothing to fear from the press or an investigation because they have already been getting away with brutal murder for 38 years while sucking billions of dollars from the US the whole time. [even after attacking a US ship.] <br /><br />Israel was behind 911, the war in Iraq (though that overlaps with oil interests and many other things) and they are the driving force behind a war with Iran and Syria. PNAC's rebuilding America's defenses which mentioned the need for a new Pearl Harbor like attack, was based on the Israel Clean Break papers and written by Lewis Libby the lawyer for the Mossad Agent </span><span class="postbody"></span><a href="../../anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?t=5142" target="_blank">Marc Rich</a><span class="postbody"> who was involved in Iran Contra and the "privatization" of Russia, a regular mafia thug who got a pardon from Bill Clinton. Also in Iran Contra was Elliot Abrams who got a pardon from Bush's father. <br /><br />The players behind what went down are not secret, they do everything openly. It is almost like they want to be caught as if they are bragging about it. If people can ignore the disinfo and focus on real people which we have plenty of actual documentation for as to being behind 911, and the following wars then we can expose these crooks and let the consequences fall on them however they may. <br /><br />So who did it? To answer this question one should first ask, "who had the power to cover it up?" Who would have the power to censor the media and have total confidence that they could censor the media given an event this size? One look at the non-coverage of Israel's illegal occupation of Palestine should give you one answer. Nowhere, in the US televised media, do they even mention that there is an occupation. This massive conflict, which one would assume would be impossible to conceal, is totally shielded from the American public. The Occupation is missing from the news and they purposely paint the distorted picture that Israel just defends itself from crazy suicide bombers. This is not something they can hide, or even debate about, the occupation is visible,</span> you can go visit it, and it is widely covered in media outside the US, but you will never ever hear Israel's crimes even mentioned. There is no news of the <a href="http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... _video.htm" target="_blank">Jewish-Only</a> racial colonies that the US calls "Settlements" and "Neighborhoods" reported on Fox, ABCNNBCBS which is really one net work that tells the same stories often in the same order. I will explain why in the media section. <br /><br />Also there has been no reporting on the second Israeli spy-ring, none, zero, and the first <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2185" target="_blank">spy ring uncovered</a> was yanked from Fox News. </p><div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shoc ... n=6,0,40,0" width="425" height="353"><param name="width" value="425" /><param name="height" value="353" /><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/JWpWc_suPWo&rel=1" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="353" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/JWpWc_suPWo&rel=1" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></div><br /><br />Even though it is an open secret to the rest of the world, in the US there has been no mention of Israel's secretly built nuclear weapons. The list goes on... the faction that has nothing to fear from the US media and who could cover up something as huge as 911 or larger are the Zionists of Israel and their allies in the US government and press who all profit through the MIC and investments from fringe element religious organizations who are rewarded with air-time. <br /><br />One should also look at the list of congressmen on the AIPAC lobby's "<a href="http://www.wrmea.com/html/aipac.htm" target="_blank">payroll</a>" and then look at the astonishing <a href="http://www.capitaleye.org/abramoff_recips.asp?sort=N" target="_blank">number</a> who we know had connections the Zionist lobbyist and criminal Jack Abramoff. (who is deeply connected to the Israeli Mossad and 911 as I will show you later). <br /><br />The second question one should ask, is 'what did 911 serve'? The answer to that is very simple. The aftermath of 911 led to two different wars, and we all know how 911 was falsely attached to the justifications for America's wars. Almost <a href="http://www.zogby.com/NEWS/ReadNews.dbm?ID=1075" target="_blank">90% of US troops</a> in Iraq think that Saddam had a role in 911 and that the war was revenge for it. That level of total ignorance is mind-blowing. War, of course, is good for select businesses and central banks because wars are debt generators. Iraq was not a threat to the US. They were a threat to Israel, and the same case can be said about Iran. We know who really wants these wars. <br /><br />There can be no doubt that the press consciously distorted information leading up to the wars, and that they never made any clear pronouncements about how they had been wrong about their lies, with the Weapons of Mass Destruction myth being a clear stinging example. There are people in the US who still believe that Iraq had WMDs or that they <a href="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/artic ... E_ID=36463" target="_blank">moved</a> them to Syria <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=409" target="_blank">lol</a>. If you want to know who planned 911 then a good place to look would be who do we know planned and then lied about Iraq? (also who has been lying the most about Iran) Who championed the disinformation? Where were the lies coming from? And when was this war really planned and where? The answered to all of those questions are sadly the same. Israel and American Zionists. And that is a fact we can prove. </span><p><span class="postbody">If you want to know who the Neocons are that orchestrated 911 then you should look at some of their other messes. We will start with PNAC and then jump and work backwards from the War in Iraq to 911.</span><span class="postbody"> The myths told by the media prior to the war in Iraq had been written out in PNAC papers form the 1990s</span></p><p><strong>Iraq War Planned Long Before 911</strong> </p><div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shoc ... n=6,0,40,0" width="425" height="350"><param name="width" value="425" /><param name="height" value="350" /><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/inyCkCvqRO0" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/inyCkCvqRO0" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></div><p>As soon as puppet Bush got into office, his handlers went to work actualizing their long pushed-for plans for Iraq.</p><p>I pointed out in my <a href="http://search.barnesandnoble.com/bookse ... 1">book</a> that Bush and Blair <a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0, ... ml">bombed Baghdad</a> 27 days after Bush was sworn into office. This was well before 911 and had nothing to do with “stopping terrorism.”</p><p><strong><em>Iraq had nothing to do with 911</em>.</strong></p><p>Many of us already know who had been calling for war with Iraq - and who had written the rhetoric about WMD etc. Every pre-war lie was a PNAC talking point. All of it was written in PNAC papers in the 90s by the same authors who peddled their lies to the media during the run up to the war. These same people made up the Israeli cabal that wrote a IASPS paper [an Israeli group] called the <a href="http://www.iasps.org/strategic9/strat9.htm"><em>Afghan Vortex</em></a>, which called for war in Afghanistan as well as the need for a “new Pearl Harbor. “</p><p>I wrote about this earlier, <a href="../../anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?t=8815">here</a>. It is worth reposting.</p><p>Want to know why I drive the point home that the PNAC and the war in Iraq came from the same cabal? Let’s just look back at some of their policy papers. These quotes are in their own words, from their own website.</p><p><strong>These authors, who wrote Israeli policy papers stating the same things, wrote exactly what became the pre-invasion script to Iraq.</strong></p><p><strong>1)</strong> <a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqc ... r.htm">The PNAC letter to President Clinton in 1998</a><span> </span></p><p><em>“The policy of “containment” of Saddam Hussein has been steadily eroding over the past several months. As recent events have demonstrated, we can no longer depend on our partners in the Gulf War coalition to continue to uphold the sanctions or to punish Saddam when he blocks or evades UN inspections. Our ability to ensure that Saddam Hussein is not producing weapons of mass destruction, therefore, has substantially diminished. Even if full inspections were eventually to resume, which now seems highly unlikely, experience has shown that it is difficult if not impossible to monitor Iraq’s chemical and biological weapons production. The lengthy period during which the inspectors will have been unable to enter many Iraqi facilities has made it even less likely that they will be able to uncover all of Saddam’s secrets. As a result, in the not-too-distant future we will be unable to determine with any reasonable level of confidence whether Iraq does or does not possess such weapons.” </em></p><p><em>“Such uncertainty will, by itself, have a seriously destabilizing effect on the entire Middle East. It hardly needs to be added that if Saddam does acquire the capability to deliver weapons of mass destruction, as he is almost certain to do if we continue along the present course, the safety of American troops in the region, of our friends and allies like Israel and the moderate Arab states, and a significant portion of the world’s supply of oil will all be put at hazard. As you have rightly declared, Mr. President, the security of the world in the first part of the 21st century will be determined largely by how we handle this threat.”</em>-1998 Abrams and Perle.</p><p>Is that not verbatim what was used as propaganda in 2002-3 for the pretext to invade Iraq? They even used the same catch phrases: “weapons of mass destruction” and “avoiding inspectors,” which were lies. However, the Israelis were unable to get their war until they could also attach the myth of Saddam’s men meeting with Al Qaeda. William Safire, who received a Guardian of Zion award, wrote this up and then Cheney and Rice (etc) repeated it on TV over and over again.</p><p><strong>2) </strong><font size="2">From the PNAC paper, <a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/Attac ... .pdf">“How to attack Iraq”</a></font></p><p><em><font size="2">“CIA director George Tenet said last January that Iraq already had the “technological expertise” to produce biological weapons “in a matter of weeks.” <span style="color: red">(lie</span>) And according to former U. N. weapons inspector Scott Ritter, Saddam needs only six months without inspectors looking over his shoulder to build those weapons and deploy them on missiles capable of reaching Israel and other targets in the Middle East.</font>”</em></p><p>Yes, Saddam had missiles that could reach Israel. Israel also had missiles that can reach Iraq. The inspectors were removed after they were caught <a href="http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/2002 ... ">doubling as spies for the US</a> and that is a fact that Scott Ritter pointed out on CNN crossfire back in 2003.</p><p><strong>3) </strong>Paul Wolfowitz made a <span class="postbody"><a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqsep1898.htm" target="_blank">Statement before the US House National Security Committee</a> </span><span class="postbody"></span>It calls for war with Iraq. He also wrote <span class="postbody"><a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraq_pdf_01.pdf" target="_blank">this</a></span> letter (1999) claiming that the bloodlust for Iraq was not partisan because a couple of democrats (you might recognize them) Joe Lieberman and John Kerry also agreed with their position. Wow that IS interesting a Vice presidential and a presidential hopeful just so happen to be those two Democrats. Well Wolfowizt was right about something. It was not partisan because both parties are one party on foreign affairs and both parties wanted war. It is still that way. </p><p><strong>4</strong>) <span class="postbody"><a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/Edito ... b.2_98.pdf" target="_blank">Saddam's Impending Victory</a> </span><span class="postbody"></span><span class="postbody"></span>-1998 -Robert Kagan</p><p>This one goes compared Saddam to Hitler and talks about weapons of mass destruction saying the lid is about to come off and calls Saddam's palaces the "so-called presidential palaces--" Doesn't that sound familar? It is the same lie that we got later from Judith Miller (<span class="postbody"><a href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.h ... A9679C8B63" target="_blank">Dec 20th 2001 NYT</a> </span><span class="postbody"><a href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.h ... A9679C8B63" target="_blank"></a></span>) who said she learned of secret WMD labs hidden under the presidential palaces from "an Iraqi defector" later in the INC to be. That is about as accurate of reporting as when Fox wants to insert their own rhetoric and quotes as a "source" their infamous line of "Some people say". </p><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman"></font><p align="left"><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman"><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman" size="2"><em>"For Saddam, whose conventional military strength had been decimated in 1991 and could not be restored for many years, weapons of mass destruction provided the quickest, surest, and indeed, the only route back to strategic dominance in the Middle East. As Rolf Ekeus, the former head of UNSCOM, the U.N.’s weapons-monitoring operation, said last year, weapons of mass destruction “make the difference between Iraq’s being a regional power and a major international power.” Finding and destroying Saddam’s ability to produce weapons of mass destruction, therefore, was an essential part of guaranteeing that Saddam could not again threaten neighboring states. The U.N. effort to rid Iraq of such weapons capabilities was supposed to put the lid on Saddam’s grand strategic ambitions. Today the lid is about to come off. Saddam Hussein, weak, isolated, and impoverished as he is, has decided to take his big gamble. The crisis he set off last October when he blocked U.N. inspectors came to a head last week when Iraqi deputy prime minister <font face="Aldine721BT-Roman">Tariq Aziz told UNSCOM chief Richard Butler that a number of sites in Iraq—the so-called presidential palaces—would remain off-limits for two more months at least. Saddam Hussein also issued an ultimatum last week calling for the U.N. to wrap up its inspections by May and lift the sanctions</font></em>.</font></font></p><p align="left"><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman"><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman" size="2"><strong>5)</strong> </font><font size="2"><span class="postbody"></span></font></font><span class="postbody"><a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraq_pdf_02.pdf" target="_blank">Speaking of Iraq</a> </span><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman"><font size="2"><span class="postbody"></span></font><span class="postbody"></span><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman" size="2">The Neocon Robert Kagan wrote an op-ed in the Washington Times. </font><font size="1"><font size="2">You can read this on your own time. It basically staes how certain they are of Saddam producing Weapons of Mass Destruction. Bla bla bla same old song and dance that you heard in 2002-3 just before the war.</font> </font></font></p><p><strong>6)</strong> From the PNAC paper, <a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraq- ... ">“Bombing Iraq Isn’t Enough. “</a></p><p><em>“Saddam Hussein must go. This imperative may seem too simple for some experts and too daunting for the Clinton Administration. But if the United States is committed, as the President said in his State of the Union Message, to insuring that the Iraqi leader never again uses weapons of mass destruction, the only way to achieve that goal is to remove Mr. Hussein and his regime from power. Any policy short of that will fail.”</em></p><p><em>“Mr. Hussein has obviously thought through this scenario, and he likes his chances. That is why he provoked the present crisis, fully aware that it could lead to American bombing strikes. He has survived them before, and he is confident he can survive them again. They will not succeed in forcing him to abandon his efforts to obtain weapons of mass destruction. The only way to remove the threat of those weapons is to remove him, and that means using air power and ground forces, and finishing the task left undone in 1991?</em></p><p>Anyone who cannot see that the Iraq war was carried out and planned by this cabal of dual citizen Israelis must be a fool. They wrote verbatim the pre-war hype <em>five years before the war.</em> These same people later faked the evidence and used their moles in the media to repeat the garbage they’d already been writing in the PNAC. However, until born-again Zionist Christian Bush, no one was stupid enough to listen.</p><p><strong>All these “let’s bomb Iraq” papers came from as early as 1998.</strong></p><p><strong>6)</strong> <a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/defen ... .pdf">This one</a> was written on July 30 of 2001, just a month and 12 days before 9/11. It has a big fat picture of Usama Bin Laden on it (they were propping up that patsy early).</p><p><em>“For Bin Laden’s “sleepers”—agents already outside of Afghanistan awaiting the right moment to strike an American target—the situation is probably little better.” </em></p><p>The lies about Iraq and 911 are all inside PNAC papers. The authors are the same people who created and covered up the Niger forgeries. They were involved in an Israeli spy scandal (which STILL has not seen a trial) and at least two of them (John Lehman and James Thompson) were on the 911 commission!</p><p>This same lying Israeli cabal was behind the PNAC papers, as well as the lies about Iraq and 911 (when the Mossad was caught filming the towers and living next door to said hijackers). Over 200 Israeli spies were busted in the largest spy ring ever to be carried out on American soil. After 911, Israel was caught spying on the US <em>again</em> - through a Department of Defense (DOD) employee who worked out of an office that met with Israeli generals and was run by Douglas Feith. Feith is a war profiteer whose company, Feith & Zell is partners with Israeli Settler Marc Zell. This law firm got to delegate reconstruction projects in Iraq.</p><p><strong>5)</strong> <a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/Rebui ... .pdf">This one takes the cake though</a>. It came from Wolfowitz, the Kagans, Lewis Libby, who at that time was with Dechert Price & Rhoads. (pgs 63 and 79 are especially relevant)</p><p>Update: Adam Pearlman (”Al Qaeda” spokesman who faked Bin Laden Tapes) is the grandson of Carl Pearlman, who is on the Board of Directors for the Anti Defamation League (a Zionist organization with <a href="http://www.counterpunch.org/adlspies.html">spies in the US</a> who also support Apartheid states).</p><p>For those who need to SEE the lies about WMD that the mainstream media and Neocons repeated over and over (which the PNAC wrote the script for), please watch this video:</p><div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shoc ... n=6,0,40,0" width="425" height="350"><param name="width" value="425" /><param name="height" value="350" /><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/EYI7JXGqd0o" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/EYI7JXGqd0o" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></div><p>These lies were told by embedded Zionist journalists who worked with the Administration's PNAC members. For example the lie that the lead hijacker in 911 Mohamed repeated by Willaim Safire of the New York Times (May 9, 2002) came from Gary Schmitt who wrote it in 2001 (for PNAC in the Weekly Standard run by William Kristol the chairman of PNAC). The story was leaked to Reuters on September 18, 2001 just seven days after the attacks. Wow they knew about the lead hijacker as well as a meeting that never took place all within seven days. Reminds me of the BBC report on Iraq that was plegerized from a college student in Florida. This Atta meet with Iraqi officilas lie was repeated by Dick Cheney on national television Dec 9th 2001. He later denied this despite being on tape saying it. </p><p> </p><div><a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/Schmi ... iv><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shoc ... n=6,0,40,0" width="425" height="355"><param name="width" value="425" /><param name="height" value="355" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/B0Odd429CsA&rel=1" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="355" wmode="transparent" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/B0Odd429CsA&re ... a></div>By the way he also calls the Czech Republic by the old name of Czechslovokia. I can't believe he is the Vice President. Anyway one would think if they had a report (that they read) out of a country that they would at least know the correct name of that country. He didn't. Bush is still more embarrassing though. <p><font size="1"><font size="2"><font size="1"><em>Schmitt wrote "<font size="2">S</font><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman" size="2">HORTLY BEFORE </font></em><font face="Aldine721BT-Roman"><em><font size="2">getting on aplane to fly to New Jersey from Europe in June 2000, Mohamed Atta, the lead hijacker of the first jet airliner to slam into the World Trade Center and, apparently, the lead conspirator in the attacks of September 11, met with a senior Iraqi intelligence official. This was no chance encounter. Rather than take a flight from Germany, where he had been living, Atta traveled to Prague, almost certainly for the purpose of meeting there with Iraqi intelligence operativeAhmed Samir Ahani</font>."-</em></font></font></font></font><span class="postbody"><a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/Schmitt-102901.pdf" target="_blank">source</a></span><span class="postbody"></span></p><p>Essentially this was a complete lie designed to connect Iraq to Al Qaeda and the 911 attacks. It was false, yet all the networks ABCNNBCBS FOX repeated it anyway because it had been in the NY Times. The source for the Times "reporters" were members of the INC (Iraqi Nation Congress) such as Chalabi a man convicted of bank fruad and the person who Wolfowitz had suggested should lead the INC back in the 1990s when he wrote to then President Clinton about regime change. William Safire who made the bogus report was awarded a Guardian of Zion award in 2005 for his defense of Zionism and Israel. He also got a presidential medal of Freedom from Bush in 2006. It's their way of saying good job. What the Neocons were doing is planting stories from known false sources on willing journalists and then quoting them as sources for what was in reality their own lies to begin with. The triangle was the OSP told INC what to say and then the journalist claimed them as sources and then the pentagon quoted the journalists. </p><p>Also working with William Safire at the New York Times was Judith Miller. She made up the lies about <a href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.h ... B63"><span class="postbody"></span></a><a href="http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.h ... A9649C8B63" target="_blank">aluminum tubes</a> (which physically would not even work anyway) being used as centrafuses in Iraq's alleged nuclear program. She was also the journalist that spread the story about Saddam having weapons of mass destruction hidden under his palaces or in mobile trucks. Lewis Libby who I will talk about in a bit, also promoted the mobile weapons labs myth as well as the myths about Iraq's Anthrax. It turns out they didn't have any. Libby wrote the Anthrax speech that Collin Powel read like a sucker to the UN. Every claim was false. This was also an attempt to link 911 to Iraq by claiming that the anthrax attacks that followed 911 may have come from Iraq. They did not. They actually came from Dr. Philip Zack who the FBI has on tape stealing anthrax from a lab in Fort Detrick MD which he had been fired from for his racist antics to an Egyptian employee who he had tried to frame. Judith Miller it would be revealed was also one of the journalists who Libby leaked the name of Valerie Plame to in order to blow the cover of the CIA agent as well as her entire team using the front company of Brewster Jennings & Associates. The reason for that as I will get into later was to cover up more lies and fabrications about yellowcake uranium coming from Niger as well as massive profiteering by the ATC a MIC lobby involving all these same players. </p><p><span class="postbody">PNAC'S co-founders are William Kristol and Robert Kagan.(CFR) Now Kagan is the most active writer in PNAC. He and both his brothers were part of the team that compiled the modern <em>Mein Kampf</em> Rebuilding America's defenses... Kagan writes for Kristol's Weekly Standard and cranked out more propaganda than anyone. The majority of the let's Bomb Iraq rhetoric from PNAC which was identical to the pre-invasion excuses (lies) that Zionists in the media later used in it's pre-invasion blitz, was written by Robert Kagan. Here is a guy who wrote speeches for George P. Shultz the former Secretary of State who was part of the attempted cover up of Iran Contra. Shultz also worked for LBJ. He is the former President of Bechtel. Bechtel is second only to Haliburton KBR in terms of war profiteering contracts. Shultz is still currently a board member of both Bechtel and its subsidiarity Fremont (formerly called Bechtel Investments). And you know who has tens of millions invested in Fremont? The Bin Laden Family. <br /><br />Back to Kagan. Kagan is a member of the Aspen Institute. (Something Libby wrote to jailed Judith Miller about in code. Remember the leaves turning out West in Aspen bit) Now the Aspen Institute was founded by Walter Paepcke and his nephew William Nitze is currently a Chair and on the Board of Trustees for the Aspen Institute. William Nitze is the son of Paul Nitze who used to be the Secretary of the Navy from 63-67 and then Assistant Secretary of Defense. He pushed for an infamous bit of foreign policy called Operation Northwoods! This was a plan to crash drone airplanes supposedly full of Americans into buildings and blame it on Cuba. <br /><br />So this nut's son on the board of trustees and serves as a Chair for the Aspen Institute which his uncle founded and the co-founder of the Project for a New American Century, which also promoted false flags propaganda, and the principle writer of the lies that we know were regurgitated by the press to start a war with Iraq, is also a member. And Kagan is not the only one at Aspen either. Remember that it was Kagan, Libby, and Wolfowitz who compiled the PNAC paper which spoke of the need for a New Pearl Harbor and outlined a plan of Straussian imperialism where the ends justify the means. Do you want to know how deep the rabbit hole goes? <br /><br />The Aspen Institute has something it calls the "Round Table" bastradizing the term from the fairytales, the Roundtable reads like a whose who of Neocons, Lynne Cheney, Paul Wolfowitz, Richard Perle etc... Perle (the Prince of Darkness) was the Defense Dapartment's chairman of the DPB Defense Policy Board which obviously advocated war with Iraq. Serving with Perle on the DPG was fellow PNAC member Christopher Williams who is also a member of the Aspen Institute with Kagan. <br /><br />On the Board of Trustees with Nitze is Clinton's Secretary of State Madeleine Albright, as well as Michael Powell the former FCC director and son of former Secretary of state and mouth piece for Libby Colin Powell. Most notably on the BOT is Billionaire Michael Eisner who at the time of the Iraq war was the CEO of Disney which owns ABC. On Disney's board of directors sits John E. Bryson who also happens to be on the board of directors of Boeing which invested $20 billion into Richard Perle's equity firm. Boeing then is offered a deal worth $30 billion (May 2003) to supply the empire with 100 military tanker plane. The deal was approved by Pete Aldrige Jr on his very last day in office as the Chief weapons buyer at the pentagon. On top of that Perle's Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee consisted an MIC check list with ultra Neocons like Herny Kissinger and Kagan's and Betchel's good buddy George P. Shultz as well as yet another Aspen Institute Strategy group member Eliot Cohen. Cohen, a professor and director at the <span style="font-weight: bold">Paul H. Nitze</span> School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University. Guess who they named that after.... Paul Nitze, the Northwoods man. Sick isn't. Oh there is a lot more but it's just over kill. <br /><br />I can talk till I am blue in the face but it doesn't matter. We got people too interested in chasing down some Illuminati Jesuit masonic weather controlling German death cult to pay attention to facts we can prove and real people with names and positions we can deal with. I know there are certain people that want to make money and sell Armageddons hype Orwellian videos but I just don't see the point in the sensationalism, it is bad enough how it really is. 911 was an Israeli false flag and the Iraq war was a Zionist/MIC sell that used 911 as a launching pad. I mean the same psychos who wrote about false flags in the past and each pre-war lies were the ones selling the war and who were on the 911 commission. <br /></span><span class="postbody"><br /><br />Some <a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... 8192753501" target="_blank">911 films</a> have even been misleading, mentioning PNAC without telling the origins and then dropping some big names like Cheney and Rumsfeld who actually didn't write one word of any of the PNAC papers. But I will leave that for the <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1326" target="_blank">disinformation</a> section. Don't get me wrong, those two guys are the scum of the earth, but let's be clear on who did what. Cheney had a central role in abetting the Mossad by personally having the authority to command NORAD moved to his position prior to 911, so that he could personally make NORAD stand down and assure that the planes hit their targets. And yes a plane DID hit the pentagon. I don't want to argue here about that or get accused of dividing the movement, but you can see that <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1441" target="_blank">here</a>. This really should not be where our focus is as we already have much stronger evidence about the WTC towers. <span style="font-style: italic">There is no motive to use a missile, why not just drop the plane? And before you say pilots could not make that kind of flight, let me remind you many of the said hijackers were found <span style="text-decoration: underline">alive</span>. So that part of the argument is pointless. They were never on those planes, they were flown by <a href="http://www.newsgateway.ca/9_11_aircraft ... ntrol_.htm" target="_blank">remote control</a> via ultra Zionist Dov S. Zakheim. (another PNAC founder)</span> <br /><br />A lot of people know about PNAC, but very few people have taken a hard look at its origins. PNAC was a spin off from the American Enterprise Institute, and 100% of the members are Zionists. People have also gotten confused between the actual authors and people who just <span style="font-weight: bold">signed</span> their letters. Rumsfeld for example is not part of the special in-group as its chairman William Kristol revealed, ironically on the <a href="http://prisonplanet.com/articles/april2 ... olbert.htm" target="_blank">Colbert report</a>. PNAC was co-authored by the same people who have been caught lying about the Iraq War's pre-invasion intelligence. We are talking about only around 38 people who helped fabricate evidence and pass it off to the president and journalists (and in some cases fake journalists like Gannon). PNAC's ideas and statements stem from Israeli policy papers. And PNAC's papers are comprised by Israeli citizens who are connected to every major Zionists group on earth. </span><span class="topictitle"></span><a href="../../anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?t=4966&highlight=roberts">Paul Craig Roberts: Agrees with me about Israel</a>. As do many others now. http://www.ancreport.com/forum/mp3/clips_0003.wma <br /><span class="postbody"><br />In fact, PNAC's papers were written by the very <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4246" target="_blank">same</a> people who wrote Israeli policy papers and hold dual citizenship with Israel. The war in Iraq and control over energy resources ect is all lined out in Israel's <a href="http://www.iasps.org/strat1.htm" target="_blank">A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm</a>" which was written by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. That is just one of many papers this little blood for money cabal cranked out. The IASPS (Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Science) also wrote a paper called the <a href="http://www.iasps.org/strategic9/strat9.htm" target="_blank">Afghan Vortex</a> a year before the invasion. Note also that the US had troops already in place set to invade Afghanistan before 911. <br /><br />One principle PNAC author was Paul Wolofawitz. In 1992 Paul Wolfowitz wrote the Defense Planning Guidance, with his former Student Lewis Libby: <br /><br /></span></p><span class="postbody"></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">The foreign strategy of the US must be "unapologetic, idealistic, assertive and well funded. America must not only be the world's policeman or its sheriff, it must be its beacon and guide Our first objective is to prevent the re-emergence of a new rival. This is a dominant consideration underlying the new regional defense strategy and requires that we endeavor to prevent any hostile power from dominating a region whose resources would, under consolidated control, be sufficient to generate global power. These regions include Western Europe, East Asia, the territory of the former Soviet Union, and Southwest Asia There are three additional aspects to this objective: First the U.S must show the leadership necessary to establish and protect a new order that holds the promise of convincing potential competitors that they need not aspire to a greater role or pursue a more aggressive posture to protect their legitimate interests. Second, in the non-defense areas, we must account sufficiently for the interests of the advanced industrial nations to discourage them from challenging our leadership or seeking to overturn the established political and economic order. Finally, we must maintain the mechanisms for deterring potential competitors from even aspiring to a larger regional or global role." </td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody"><br /><img src="http://ancreport.com/forum/images/wolfowitzp.jpg" border="0" /> <br /><br /></span><span class="topictitle"><a href="viewtopic.php?t=6196">Paul Wolfowitz</a></span><span class="gensmall"></span><span class="postbody"> (a dual citizen with Israel who has a sister living there) is now the retired head of the World Bank, (appointed by Bush) was formerly the Director of Policy Planning in the Defense Department. Like Perle, he was also a "Scoop" Jackson Democrat and worked for Jackson in the 70s. Paul is CFR, a Bilderberg member, part of the Trilateral Commission and the American Enterprise Institute (the parent of PNAC) Paul was a principle PNAC author and he openly admitted in Vanity Fair magazine that they settled on WMD as the excuse to use to get a war with Iraq. <br /><br /></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">For bureaucratic reasons, we settled on one issue, weapons of mass destruction, because it was the one reason everyone could agree on</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span class="postbody">-May 2003 Vanity Fair <br /><br />"we" Settled on WMDs.... who is "we" could it be the Zionist cabal that had been writing about the desire for a war with Iraq and who set up the <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Office_of_Special_Plans" target="_blank">OSP</a>? he is also admitting that they were just inventing reasons for war to present to the public. <br /><br />The Weapons of Mass Destruction claim is important because it was the legal reason for the invasion. If they were complying with UN resolution 1441 then the US did not have grounds to invade. <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=854" target="_blank">please go here and listen to my Feb 10th radio interview which outlines more background on that as well as the sanctions which helped starve half a million people.</a> Allow that statistic to sink in. 500,000 people mostly children starved to death. Can you comprehend the horror of that? It gets worse, but that is an extra tangent for now. <br /><br />Paul Wolfowitz presented an <a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/iraqclintonletter.htm" target="_blank">open letter</a> to Bill Clinton on January 26, 1998 where the opening lines clearly state the desire to go to war with Iraq. "<a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Wolfowitz" target="_blank">Wolfowitz urged Clinton to recognize a provisional [Iraqi] government headed by the Iraqi National Congress under Chalabi</a>." Wow sound familiar? This would is what would later become PNAC's doctrine and US foreign policy. <br /><br />Later in 2000 PNAC released what is normally referred to as the document more of you are familiar with which is commonly but mistakenly just called "PNAC" and that was PNAC's magnum opus, the paper, "<a href="http://www.newamericancentury.org/Rebui ... fenses.pdf" target="_blank">Rebuilding America's Defenses: Strategies, Forces and Resources for a New Century</a>" This is the paper stating the infamous lines about the need for a New Pearl Harbor... P63 or P51 depending on the pdf you have. The bulk of the document however is about going to war with Iraq. It reiterates what this same dirty cabal had written for Israel's Prime Minister (1996) Benjamin Netanyahu. </span></p><p><span class="postbody">When Israeli intelligence on Iraq had been rejected by the CIA Wolfowitz created his own "Team B" to go over it and work scientifically backwards, that is start with a conclusion and then set out to prove it by any means possible including just lying. Now Wolfowitz did not do this on his own, Lewis Libby, Douglas Feith and Richard Perle and others who have recently resigned and or are or have been caught up in criminal activity in the past, all took part. Please see the real list of <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2914" target="_blank">PNAC's authors</a> <br /><br /><br /><img src="http://ancreport.com/forum/images/richardperle_2.jpg" border="0" /> <br /><br />Interestingly, </span><a href="viewtopic.php?t=6192">Ricahrd Perle</a><span class="postbody"> and Wolfowitz both worked as aides to senator Henry "Scoop" Jackson. In 1970 while working for Jackson (A Democrat!) Perle was charged with two heinous acts, spying for the state of Israel and leaking information about the CIA in regards to its nuclear deterrent program, to Russia. Now keep that in mind because it is very important. It's the very same things that have happening with AIPAC and the Plame Affair from under Perle and Feith's offices. Perle is even part of the tax-exempt <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Henry_Jackson_Society" target="_blank">Henry Jackson Society</a>. He is a trustee for the UACC (</span> U.S.-Azerbaijin Chamber of Commerce) <span class="postbody">which worked with Blackwater to get troops in to Azerbaijan using the loop hole that they were not troops but "body gards."</span></p><p>Boieng invested 20 Million in Trireme run by Richard Perle which was apporoved by Aldridge on his last day at the pentagon just before he took a job with Lockheed Martain. Jermy Scahill wrote:</p><p>"The contract was approved by President Bush's cheif weapons buyer at the Pentagon, Edward C. "Pete" Aldridge Jr., who just happened to be the former president of McDonnell Douglas Electronic Systems which later became part of Boeing. Alderidge approved the deal on his last day at the Pentagon before taking a job with weapons manufacture Lockheed Martain. The deal would go down "as the most significant defense procurement mismanagement in contemporary history," in the words of Senate Armed Service Committee Chair John Warner, resulting in a cancellation of the contract, amid widespread allegations of cronyism. Former Air Force procurement officer Darleen Druyun went to prison as did a Boeing repreisenative, while Air Force Secratary James Roche resigned."-p317 BLackwater The Rise of the World's Most powerful Mercenary Army. </p><p><span class="postbody">Perle is the nastiest of the nasty. In my mind he is The worst Neocon of them all. He has appropriately earned the nickname "The Prince of Darkness." Perle along with Douglas Feith and David Wurmser, (all three of them got jobs in the US defense department, Perle and Fieth have had to resign) authored the Israel's "A Clean Break: A New Strategy for Securing the Realm." <br /><br /></span></p><span class="postbody"></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">Israel can shape its strategic environment, in cooperation with Turkey and Jordan, by weakening, containing, and even rolling back Syria. <span style="font-weight: bold">This effort can focus on removing Saddam Hussein from power in Iraq an important Israeli strategic objective in its own right </span>as a means of foiling Syria's regional ambitions.</td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody">-Israel's A <a href="http://www.iasps.org/strat1.htm" target="_blank">Clean Break</a>:A New Strategy for Securing the Realm by Richard Perle and Douglas Feith. <span style="font-style: italic">(<span style="font-size: 10px; line-height: normal">under the heading "Moving to a Traditional Balance of Power Strategy</span>"</span> <br /><br />Now all of us that pay any attention to facts, know that <span style="font-weight: bold">Iraq had nothing to do with 911</span>, so just why were we invading them and who cooked up the <span style="font-style: italic">intelligence</span> to justify it? And who openly wrote about it before we did it? And who was in the US Department of Defense creating groups like the OSP? The Zionist Israeli Firsters that is who. And we have plenty of irrefutable evidence to prove it. But that's not all, it goes even deeper and gets even more obvious. <br /><br />While speaking to Wolf Blitzer from CNN, a former AIPAC employee, Perle said of Semour Hersh, the Pulitzer Prize winning journalist who exposed the My Lai massacre of Vietnam and later with the help of Joe Darby, broke the story about the Abu Ghraib torture scandal, "Sy Hersh is the closest thing American journalism has to a terrorist, frankly." And Perle is the author of at least 4 different IASPS papers. <br /><br /></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">On March 17, 2003, veteran investigative reporter Seymour Hersh reported in the New Yorker that Perle used his position as chairman of the DPB to solicit $100 million for his security-oriented investment firm,-Trireme, which was his own personal version of the Carlyle Group. But unlike the principals at Carlyle, who at least had the decency to wait until they left government service to cash in on their connections, Perle was attempting to capitalize while still serving as an official adviser to Secretary of; Defense Donald Rumsfeld.</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span class="postbody">-<a href="http://www.thirdworldtraveler.com/Corpo ... HMOWD.html" target="_blank">source, 5th paragraph.</a> <span style="font-size: 10px; line-height: normal"><span style="font-style: italic">although, I recommend reading all of it.</span></span> <br /><br />Perle helped create <img src="http://ancreport.com/forum/images/Trireme.jpg" border="0" /> The Trireme firm which has tens of millions dollars worth of investments from Boeing a smentioned above. Boeing's board of directors comprises people like John Biggs, John E. Bryson, Linda Z. Cook, and William M. Daley who also sit on the BOD of major banks and mass media conglomerates. For more on that mess see <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2847" target="_blank">this</a>. Perle was on the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee from 1987 to 2004 and his advice was always the same, build and upgrade more weapons. He served as an Advisor to Israel and of course advised them to "buy" (AKA used their earmarked aid on) from MIC companies that Perle profits from. Trireme which collects from venture capitalist also set up by Perle's partner at Hollinger Inc, Henry Kissinger. Unsurprisingly, Holliger of which Kissinger and Perle sit on the board of directors invested in Trireme. Who else was on the BOD of Hollinger Inc? None other than James Thompson III who served on the 911 commission. Hollinger is a mass media conglomerate with paper such as the Jersalem Post. It was the J Post that put out the myth of the 4,000 Jews not showing up for work on 911. This was a total strawman designed to be easliy debunked and take a focus off of Israel as well as ensnare critics with the lable of </span><span class="postbody">anti-Semitism. I was at college when 911 happened and I heard this 4,000 Jews nonsense the very same day before it was even in the J-Post. I was the head of a Palestinian Solidarity group and I had people reporting this to me. I rejected it as nonsense because there was no proof. But someone must have been working very hard to put that discrediting disinfo out there if I could hear about it within 24 hours in a college in Virginia.

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Last edited by Ricky on Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:23 am, edited 1 time in total.
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Post by Ricky » Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:22 am

</span></p><p><span class="postbody">In the run up to the war in Iraq, there was a lot of disinformation. Once again most people know what the lies were concerning the WMDs, the Al Qaeda accusations, the <a href="http://transcripts.cnn.com/TRANSCRIPTS/ ... le.00.html" target="_blank">mushroom cloud scare tactics</a>, (notice once again how the neocons chose to have Neo-Condi make that loaded fear mongering statement with Wolf Blitzer, from CNN, a former AIPAC employee.) "liberating" the Kurds, (now look at this <a href="http://www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/ ... 63,00.html" target="_blank">Bush offers to bomb Kurds</a> ) and lastly the joke of democracy building, which have all been shown to be falsehoods or failures. I picked each of these reasons apart in my book, but I think by now they should be pretty self evident. <br /><br />What people do not seem to know is <span style="font-weight: bold">who</span> made these fabrications. They assume it was just "Bush" and the vague term "the administration," or worse yet the new world order/illuminati/criminal elements in the government. Those vague kind of term really don't say a thing and are left open enough to be interpreted to mean almost anything. Well yes it was people in the administration, but who? Well let's break it down. AIPAC and the OSP were the two Zionist factions in the government who spoon fed the lies about Iraq which Bush was looking for to the administration to justify an invasion. <a href="http://www.amconmag.com/2004_01_19/article1.html" target="_blank">Lt. Col. Karen Kwiatkowski</a> explains how military officers' opinions were dismissed or even punished by the civilian cabal brought in from the American Enterprise Institute, (the Parent of PNAC). <br /><br /></span></p><span class="postbody"></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">...But in fact, my outspokenness was probably never noticed because civilian professionals and military officers were largely invisible. We were easily replaceable and dispensable, not part of the team brought in from the American Enterprise Institute, the Center for Security Policy, and the Washington Institute for Near East Affairs</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span class="postbody"><br /><br />The Israelis were visiting the DOD without having to sign in and going straight to Feith's office where the secretive OSP was headed. The same office Lawrence (Larry) Franklin worked for who was sentenced to 12 years in jail for spying for AIPAC the thug like Israeli lobby, who we have learned <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewt ... 0140#20140" target="_blank">Rep. Jane Harman (D-Calif.)</a> used AIPAC to help bribe her position as the highest ranking Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee. And whose aid has been suspended thus far for leaking the National Intelligence Estimate on Iraq to the New York Times the same paper Libby leaked classified information to through <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=550" target="_blank">Judith Miller</a>. Of course another <a href="http://www.antiwar.com/orig/jfrank.php?articleid=6157" target="_blank">Israeli firster</a> Nancy Pelosi is set to replace Harman and she has already stated she would <a href="http://www.kxnet.com/getArticle.asp?ArticleId=57635" target="_blank">block</a> attempts to impeach Bush. <br /><br />Kwiatkowski <a href="http://www.amconmag.com/2004_01_19/article1.html" target="_blank">continues</a>. <br />In early winter, an incident occurred that was seared into my memory. A coworker and I were suddenly directed to go down to the Mall entrance to pick up some Israeli generals. Post-9/11 rules required one escort for every three visitors, and there were six or seven of them waiting. The Navy lieutenant commander and I hustled down. Before we could apologize for the delay, the leader of the pack surged ahead, his colleagues in close formation, leaving us to double-time behind the group as they sped to Undersecretary Feith's office on the fourth floor. Two thoughts crossed our minds: are we following close enough to get credit for escorting them, and do they really know where they are going? We did get credit, and they did know. Once in Feith's waiting room, the leader continued at speed to Feith's closed door. An alert secretary saw this coming and had leapt from her desk to block the door. Mr. Feith has a visitor. It will only be a few more minutes.� The leader craned his neck to look around the secretary's head as he demanded, Who is in there with him? <br /><br />Why were Israeli generals visiting a secretive group in the DOD under the office of the Clean Break authors (as well as PNAC) Feith and Perle where a Spy for the Israeli lobby AIPAC was caught spying on the US? (and trial dates for the rest of it have been bumped up 7 times and growing daily.) <br /><br /><br />One of the most important scandals in the administration which is finally had its trial Jan 2007, is the <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=645" target="_blank">Plame outing</a> and <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=453" target="_blank">Niger forgeries</a>. The Plame Affair involves Lewis Libby, Wolfowitz former student and PNAC author. Now Libby did not go on trial for the Niger forgeries that back story was left out but he did go to trial and got convicted for four of the five charges against him and Bush just commuted his sentence. Libby we discovered got his orders from higher up. Libby of course was part of the Office of Special Plans. Libby's scandal is complex, please see the above links and listen to my radio interviews <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=854" target="_blank">1 and 3</a> to get into it further. </span></p><p><span class="postbody">In Libby's trial the mask of the media and just how deep its relationships with government officials is was really exposed. Of course there was Judith Miller who had to sit in jail for 85 days before Libby cracked and confessed. She was from the New York Times writing lies about Iraq as explained above, there was also Tim Russert of NBC, Mathew Cooper of Time, and Robert Novak of CNN. Interestingly CNN's head anchor Blitzer was an AIPAC employee the Israeli lobby who has officials on trial for spying on the US out of the office of Douglas Fieth </span><span class="postbody">through Larry Franklin who was at the SISMI meeting with Ledeen and his Iran Contra goons when the Niger forgery documents (which Plame's team could possibly reveal as false and even trace given that Plame's husband Joe Wilson had already stated the claims were false) were passed down via the British to Bush's speeches. </span></p><p><span class="postbody"><img src="http://www.cbc.ca/gfx/pix/libby_lewis051028.jpg" border="0" /> <br /><br />Lewis "Scooter" </span><span class="topictitle"><a href="viewtopic.php?t=6195">Libby</a></span><span class="gensmall"></span><span class="postbody"> was Dick Cheney's Chief of Staff (now resigned after his indictment (which I <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=165" target="_blank">predicted</a> long before it happened). He was also a presidential adviser. Libby was a lawyer for 15 years for the billionaire "commodities trader" Marc Rich, a fugitive that Bill Clinton <a href="http://www.worldnetdaily.com/news/artic ... E_ID=21489" target="_blank">gave a pardon</a> to the last hour he was in Office as President. Libby is also among the Republican perverts crowd writing fictional books about underage Japanese girls getting forcefully raped by a bear in a cage, among other disgusting things I see no point in repeating. This kind of work actually fit perfectly with his client Marc Rich if you know about <a href="http://www.rense.com/general7/Rich.htm" target="_blank"><span style="font-style: italic">him</span></a>. That story is rather interesting and it's in my book, but that's too big a tangent for now. Seriously, there is something deeply wrong with these people. </span></p><p><span class="postbody">Remember that Libby was a PNAC author of Rebuilding America's Defenses, lies about anthrax, lies about WMDs, leaked information about the CIA, was a lawyer for the Mossad and a Iran Contra agent, was Cheney's right hand man and after all that he just got his sentence commuted by Bush. That decision was supported by all the Republican primary contenders other than Ron Paul. It was as if the administration just gave him a green light to do whatever he needed to do to create a case for a war and whatever he needed to do to cover their tracks. They told him you just break whatever laws you want and the President will protect you. </span></p><p>The case is we have yet another predominate PNAC author who was central in creating the war with Iraq by using the same lies that were <font face="Arial" size="2">undeniably written by this same group years prior to 911.</font> </p><p>Let's pause from PNAC for a bit and analyse some different "funny business." </p><p>Why was Jack<span class="postbody"><font color="#000000"><span style="color: green"> Abramoff, the Zionist criminal lobbyist, </span></font><span style="color: green"><font color="#000000"><a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3155" target="_blank">paying for congressmen's trips to visit the sex slavery</a> market. We know other high ranking Republicans knew about Mark Foley for months yet they did nothing. I smell something Much deeper at work here</font>.</span> Could Israel be blackmailing closet gay politicians? Yes.<span style="color: green"><br /><br /></span></span></p><p>After <a href="http://www.wmtw.com/news/14132630/detail.html" target="_blank">John David R. Atchison</a> tried to have sex with a five year old on the heels of story of Senator <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=8493" target="_blank">Larry Craig</a> trying to elicit homosexual sex in a men's airport bathroom, which followed the sicko <a href="http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Kf2sw5VVj_Y" target="_blank">Mark Foley</a> sending sexually explicit e-mails to a 16 year old page boy, describing how the 16 year old cums, and of course let's not forget <a href="http://www.counterpunch.org/madsen08142004.html" target="_blank">Governor McGreevey</a> sleeping with an Israeli national, I decided that it is time people take a look at the perverted sexual nature of Bush Administration Syndicate in general for they are one messed up sexually dysfunctional family. Please see <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewt ... 7639#47639" target="_blank">this</a> for a better break down of the Evangelists, the flight schools used in 911, the Bushs and <a href="http://abcnews.go.com/WNT/Investigation/story?id=647725" target="_blank">Abramoff</a> who arranged trips for congressmen to islands known from sex slavery. <br /><br />When one understands how deep the Mossad was in 911 and the flight schools and how Atta was spotted on Abramoff casino ships things start to break down with the religious right and how easily blackmailed these men can be with Israel almost literally holding them by the short hairs. <br /><br /><img src="http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/e ... OAE%29.jpg" border="0" /> <br />Let's start with <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=3818" target="_blank">Ted Haggard</a>. he was the Holy Roller caught using crystalmeth and sleeping with a male prostitute was George Bush's spiritual adviser and according to a documentary by Richard Dawkins, claimed on tape that he talked to the president about once a week on the phone. Now let's add Karl Rove Karl (mc) Rove was Bush's former Key adviser hired Jeff Gannon a male prostitute through a fake media front they created, Talon News. <br /><img src="http://img.scoop.co.nz/stories/images/0 ... 2074b.jpeg" border="0" /> <br />Gannon referenced referenced internal government memos regarding the Plame affair before they were public. Remember that one of the leakers in the Plame Affair aside from Libby was Karl Rove. So Two Bush advisers are or cavort with male hookers and his brother Neil was caught with <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/3240756.stm" target="_blank">prostitutes in Asia</a> and his brother Jeb Bush with drug smugglers and is the brother-in-law to family convicted of rape and the bizzar case of sexual molestation of a baby. What is wrong with these people? Speaking of the other Plame-gate leaker, Lewis Libby, he wrote a book about underage Japanese girls not only being raped by men but also a bear. These private mercenary groups like Blackwater (which Feilding is a lawyer for and Joseph Schmitz is an executive) and <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewt ... 0287#60287" target="_blank">Dyncorp</a> have been busted in the targeting of civilians and yes human trafficking. Congress and the Senate continue to grant them money anyway but then again our congressmen and Senators are caught up in plenty of their own pervert sex scandals. Just what do these men DO down at the Grove? Reminds me of the <a href="http://www.francesfarmersrevenge.com/st ... /boystown/" target="_blank">Franklin Credit Union affair</a>. <br /><br /><img src="http://ancreport.com/forum/images/wtpage1small.gif" border="0" /> <br /><br />Remember <span style="color: orange">Mary Kay Letourneau</span> you know the woman who got pregnant after raping her 13 year old student? She is the sister of <span style="color: orange">Joseph E. Schmitz</span> who is a conservative lawyer, former Inspector General of the Department of Defense and executive with Blackwater USA. It was Joseph Schmitz who undoubtably just turned a blind eye to the various profiteering rings in the DoD and the countless abuses of Bremer's <font face="Arial" size="2">butchering</font> of Iraq and immunities granted to mercenary/terrorist groups engaged in war crimes there. His other brother is <span style="color: orange">John P. Schmitz</span> who was George Bush's White House counsel before being replaced by <span style="color: orange">Fred Feilding</span> (now Bush's personal lawyer) who was on the 911 commission and is also a lawyer for Blackwater. Feilding is helping blackewater cover up why 4 of their men were burned and hung on a bridge in Fallujah. The families want to why it happened but Blackwater is not talking. John P. Schmitz was also involved with Iran Contra back when he was an aid for Bush the first, and he refused to testify to the Walsh Commission. What a messed up family. <br /><br />So we have a rapist, a inspector general who is the executive of a secretive mercenary group and a the former White House counsel who was replaced by a Blackwater lawyer who just so happened to also be on the 911 and is George Bush's personal lawyer as well. The Schmitz's family father another 'John' <span style="color: orange">John G. Schmitz</span> was a Senator and congressman from California. He was famous for his right-wing views and occasional racist and homophobic remarks. His public career was ended when it was revealed that he had an affair and fathered two illegitimate children. He got in trouble after his 13 month old son (of his mistress) was found with hair wrapped around his penis. I think that explains why his other legitimate children are so messed up. Just to get in this guys head, he bought the house of his hero Joseph McCarthy (Who I call a modern version of witch trial like fear mentality for the insanely religious). </p><p>Brother of Geroge Bush, Jeb Bush married a woman named Columba. Columba’s sister is married to <span style="color: orange">John P. Schmitz.</span> Jeb Bush and John P. Schmitz are brother in laws. John and Joseph were both law clerks. Joseph was a clerk for the Neocon James Buckley the brother of the famous neocn William F. Buckley founder of the Neocon magazine the National Review. More connection to the media and the government.<br /><br />So it is not really shocking given the sexually dysfunctional/criminal background of this hollyroller family that they would be involved with Abramoff and Jeb and Hoffman who are people involved with the drug trade, bizzar sex affairs and top Christian evangelist. No one they run a private army that shoot civilians enjoys torture especially sexual torture and make a game out of running cars off the road in Iraq.</p><p>have a look at this <a href="http://www.conspiracyplanet.com/channel ... 823&page=2" target="_blank">source</a>. Abramoff was a Zionist lobbyist busted <a href="http://www.citizen.org/congress/delay/a ... m?ID=14223" target="_blank">paying for trips</a> for congressmen to visit the Mandarin Islands [such as <span style="color: orange">Delay</span>]. I HAD a youtube video about that but it has been censored. There are some sketchy things there involving child prostitution. </p><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">"Dick and Betsy DeVos donate huge sums of money to Republican candidates and causes. In the 2004 cycle, the couple ranked fifth among the highest political donors with $981,846 to Republicans. In fact, from 1990 through 2006, the couple donated $2,491,270 to Republicans with only $1,000 going to Democrats back in 1992."</td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody">-<a href="http://intellibriefs.blogspot.com/2007/ ... -firm.html" target="_blank">source</a> <br /></span><p>What you can see hear is that part of the financial base for these kooks are the very same people getting employed by the Department of Homeland Security of Lieberman and Spector which was created a long with the pre-written Patriot Act during the duress of anthrax attacks on the congress. Why are the PNAC Neocons so tied to private militaries as well as defense contractors? Boeing and Blackwater to Perle, Northrop Grunman to Wolfowitz and <span class="topictitle"><a href="viewtopic.php?t=6193">Douglas Feith</a></span><span class="gensmall"></span> who is their attorney.<span class="postbody"><span style="color: green"></span> Feith is also the managing attorney for the law firm Feith and Zell based in Israel also served as a contracting firm dealing with the lucrative no-bids coming out of Iraq,naturally they hooked up their friends. His partner Marc Zell is an Israeli Settler, so obviously a die hard Zionist with no love for Iraq.</span></p><p>I am not the only one talk about this Cabal. </p><p><span class="postbody">Andreas von Bulow the former German Defense Minister said on the Alex Jones show <a href="http://www.prisonplanet.tv/audio/200406vonbuelow.htm" target="_blank">April 21, 2006</a> that this false flag operation [911] had to be carried out by a very small group of people. Alex asked him 100? 40? He said less than that. Right after the second break (<span style="font-size: 9px; line-height: normal">which on the QuickTime bar would be right in line with Andreas von Bulow's right ear</span>) Alex talks about the picture getting more clear as the truth about the wars come out. He then talks about the 25 Neocons who wrote PNAC were in high positions in the DOD and white house, and Andreas von Bulow says "sure and part of them wrote the government program for Benjamin Netanyahu... (Former Prime Minister of Israel). Alex goes on to say who could have done this? Bulow says it was not the CIA and Alex jumps in saying your talking about black ops. Then Alex says we know only a MAJOR STATE could have carried this out. Andreas says it must have been done from high up and it had to be done by a few people. Alex says would you say 100-200, AVB says less, Alex asks, "50 people?" And AVB says less. Maybe Alex can not say it was the Zionists on the air. But he sure was hinting at it. </span></p><p><span class="postbody"><div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shoc ... n=6,0,40,0" width="425" height="350"><param name="width" value="425" /><param name="height" value="350" /><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/DCSJbuopxhU" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/DCSJbuopxhU" wmode="transparent"></embed></object><span class="postbody"><br /><br />Well I have just been telling you who the Neocons who wrote PNAC and were embedded in the DOD were. They are the Zionist cabal. Their aim is to increase the wealth and power of the MIC and the flag ship of the MIC right now is Israel. <br /><br />Bush and his merry band of sadistic Zionists would like to blame shift the responsibility of the WMDs myths to the CIA. Well as evil and corrupt as the CIA is, it is not that sloppy. Bush did not just get "mistaken intelligence" or make "miscalculations" he explicitly asked for fabrications. <br /><br />Here is the concrete proof that they lied. One of Bush's claims about Iraq was that Saddam was trying to acquire yellow-cake uranium from Africa. This rhetoric was further laced in fear by Neo-condelsleeza Rice saying we could not let the smoking gun be a mushroom cloud. What outrageous audacity, (they are even re-using the same fear-mongering excuses to attack Iran) they were dead wrong as George Tenet (head of the CIA at the time of 911) would later have to admit. <br /><br />Well the document that Bush based this claim on was a fake! How do we know? Because the signature on it was forged! How do we know? Because the forgers put down the wrong person's name! The Foreign minister from Niger, the country they were claiming Saddam was gathering uranium from, who supposedly signed it had been out of power since 1989! Allele Elhadj Habibou was not in power at the time of the supposed signature. Look <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=453" target="_blank">here</a> I have the primary documents and a summary. <br /><br /></span></div></span></p><span class="postbody"></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">In a letter from the President of Niger a reference is made to the constitution of May 12, 1965 -- but the constitution is dated August 9, 1999; <br /><br />Another letter purports to be signed by Niger's foreign minister, but bears the signature of Allele Elhadj Habibou, the minister between 1988-89; <br /><br />An obsolete letterhead is used, including the wrong symbol for the presidency, and references to state bodies such as the Supreme Military Council and the Council for National Reconciliation are incompatible with the letter's date; <br /><br />It wasn't until just before the war began that Mohamed El Baradei, IAEA director-general, told the UN Security Council on March 7 that his team and 'outside experts', had worked out that ' these documents ... are in fact not authentic'.</td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody"><br /><br />Now that must be embarrassing. Be nice if the mainstream media would report that. Now are you ready to get pulled out of the rabbit hole some more? I will come back to just who forged these documents. (Ahmad Chalabi , Francis Brookes, Dewey Clarridge, and <span style="font-weight: bold">Michael Ledeen</span>. ) First let's see how they got into the president's hands. Bush said, these well known false claims, as if they were true in his State of the Union Address. It has now been called is infamous 16 words, which he could be impeached for <span style="font-weight: bold">if</span> we had an actual opposition party. <br /><br />The disinformation was stove piped straight to Cheney/Bush by a little known shadow government called the OSP: the Office of Special Plans, headed under Cheney and Rumsfeld and a pack of Zionists underlings, yes the same ones who co-authored PNAC's papers and the Clean Break for Israel paper. <br /><br />In an attempt to shut up people who tried to tell the public that the uranium claim was a lie, and as a means to prevent the CIA from catching who forged the documents, and as a means to once again undermine the US's ability to track nuclear weapons thus creating wiggle room to lie about Iran, a clandestine CIA agent and her front company BJA was uncovered when journalists from the NY Times and CNN were purposely slipped information by Cheney's Chief of Staff, Lewis Libby and Presidential advisor Karl Rove. To unravel all of this please go <br /><a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=550" target="_blank">here</a> <br /><br />We now have Libby <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/americas/4885100.stm" target="_blank">admitting</a> that Bush and Cheney authorized him to leak the information, yet another offense they could both be impeached for were we to have a functional Republic. Remember that Libby was also a co-author of PNAC and worked with Wolfowitz under Cheney in Bush the first's presidency. Interesting isn't it? <br /><br />Don't worry it gets worse. Notice that this is something that Richard Perle got in trouble for in the past. Perle has resigned from his position in the Department of Defense. He did so just after AIPAC's headquarters was physically raided by the FBI, how coincidental. What is AIPAC? Well AIPAC would be Israel's largest lobby. (In reality it is a <span style="font-weight: bold">Zionist</span> lobby and it does not benefit Israel per-se, it benefits the MIC). A man working for Perle in the DOD named Larry Franklin has gotten sentenced to <a href="http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/world/americas/4633120.stm" target="_blank">12 years in jail</a> for passing off top secret documents to AIPAC who in turn gave them to the Israeli government through the Israeli embassy in DC. Go read about that scandal <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=270" target="_blank">here</a> <br /><br />So Israel has been caught spying on the US <span style="font-weight: bold">again</span> what is new other than the fact that a foreign government can get caught spying in the US in a time of war and the Media will not report it. Just imagine if it had been Iranian spies instead of Jews, and how big this story would be. Also imagine that were attacking Iran's enemies and were following a war plan written off of Iranian policy papers and a disproportionate number of the authors were all Iranian Americans who were still in government and had dual citizenship to Iran. Ha ha not a chance but you see Israel can get away with it because <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1348" target="_blank">Israel is a cash cow for the Military-Industrial-Complex.</a> <br /><br />Corporations have obviously profiteered from the wars, that should be clear to captain obvious. But did they write, implement, and use deception to start this war or was that the Zionists? Who got caught spying on the US, Halliburton or Israel? Israel that is who. The profiteering is a by product of the war as in any war. They are all in bed together because of overlapping interests between the military related corporations and the Zionists. Zionism which allows a standing army to invade Palestine in order to protect illegal racial colonies of religious fanatics who think GOD gave them the land they bulldozed and shot children for in order to steal it... <br /><br />However, just how the Hell do they get away with it? Well they are free from any and all criticism because they play the two cards which an over-socialized liberal can not see through. They play the race card and the religion card, a double whammy. If you say the J word it is over, even if Israel has an illegal military occupation and sets up racially segregated colonies into Palestine, kills kids, knocks down homes of civilians and attacks them with a military and runs a brutal police state which is causing a backlash of terrorism on Israeli people. The Zionists are the real racist, engaging in ethnic cleansing in the name of defense and calling <span style="font-weight: bold">any</span> opposition terrorists. They are creating terrorism by engaging in it themselves. <br /><br /><div><object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000" codebase="http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shoc ... n=6,0,40,0" width="425" height="350"><param name="width" value="425" /><param name="height" value="350" /><param name="src" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/RoWoQ9pqNbo" /><param name="wmode" value="transparent" /><embed type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="425" height="350" src="http://www.youtube.com/v/RoWoQ9pqNbo" wmode="transparent"></embed></object></div><br /><br /><a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RoWoQ9pqNbo" target="_blank">Video link</a> Israel can do ANYTHING and the press will not mention. But then again just who owns our press and our banks?... <br /><br />One of the arguments that people express or at least struggle with, who do not believe 911 was an inside job, is the question of the media. They cannot believe that no one in the media would talk about it. Well Anyone who knows jack about the Israeli Palestine conflict knows how much the US media, lies, distorts, and omits information in order to push the Zionists' aims. <br /><br />This site has this video up in the "best of section," I highly recommend seeing <br /><br /><a href="http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid ... propaganda" target="_blank">"Peace Propaganda and the Promised Land"</a> to learn more about the relationships between Israel and the US media. Visit our video section and watch all those films. <span style="font-style: italic">For the record Google has reset this counter on this video many times. It was number 31 with millions views now down to 700,000 plus.</span> I also recommend the film <a href="../../anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?t=8706">Occupation 101</a><br /><br />What people need to realize is <span style="font-weight: bold">what is behind the Media</span>. <br /><br />--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /><span style="font-size: 16px; line-height: normal"><span style="font-weight: bold">The MEDIA</span></span> <br /><br />Well the major networks are all owned by different corporations. <br />These corporations have vested interest in the largest umbrella corporation on earth, the Military industrial complex, or one might say the industries involved in weapons manufacturing, reconstruction, energy, ect everything that has a pay check tied to the allocation of money to the military. Corporations have "Boards of Directors." However the same people may serve on multiple "Board of Directors" for different corporations, and they do as I will explain. <br /><br />For Example <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbia_B ... ing_System" target="_blank">CBS</a> is owned by Viacom so is MTV, VH1, and Nickelodeon. It's not just the news but the sitcoms and such as well that are part of the propaganda. Viacom is owned by Sumner Redstone. (originally Murray Rothstein) <span style="font-weight: bold"><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CNN" target="_blank">CNN</a></span> is owned by AOl-TimeWarner. <span style="font-weight: bold">War</span>ner Brothers is owned by Gerald Levin <span style="font-weight: bold">who is also part of the Trilateral commission. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_as ... _by_Disney" target="_blank">ABC</a></span> is owned by Disney. Disney (at the time of 911 and the start of the war) was run by Michael Eisner. <span style="font-weight: bold"><a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/News_Corporation" target="_blank">Fox</a></span> is owned by the Rupert Murdoch News Corporation. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NBC_Universal" target="_blank">MSNBC</a> is obviously influenced by Microsoft who holds 18% of the company but it was founded by none other than the corporate welfare sucking G.E. (who is deeply invested in the Israeli occupation). GE Universal is run by Edgar Bronfman, Jr the son of Edgar Bronfman president of the World Jewish Congress. <br /><br />Members of the Board of Directors of these corporations sit on the BOD of the weapons manufactures and mega companies like Texaco, Chevron, Boeing, Lockheed, Citigroup, Rockwell Automation, Chase, Worldcom, JP Morgan, Halliburton etc. <br /><br />Some are even in the government. For Example Chevron/Texaco <a href="http://www.chevron.com/news/unocal_agreement/" target="_blank">merged with Unocal</a> who got the largest and first no-bid contracts from Afghanistan. The Secretary of State Condoleeza Rice, <a href="http://www.opensecrets.org/bush/cabinet ... t.rice.asp" target="_blank">was on the Board of Directors</a> for Chevron/Texaco. They even named an oil tanker after her. <br /><img src="http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/CRoiltanker.jpg" border="0" /> <br /><br />Lets look at some of this mess. <br /><span style="font-weight: bold">BOEING</span> <br /><br /><a href="http://www.forbes.com/finance/mktguidea ... deId=56403" target="_blank">John H. Biggs</a> sits on the board of directors for both Boeing and JP Morgan & Chase. How nice to direct both a company and two banks. <a href="http://corporate.disney.go.com/corporat ... ryson.html" target="_blank">John E. Bryson</a> is on the BOD with Boeing and also He is a director of The Walt Disney Company, who owns ABC. <a href="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linda_Z._Cook" target="_blank">Linda Z. Cook</a> the CEO of Shell is also on the BOD of Boeing. [<a href="http://www.boeing.com/corp_gov/board_directors.html" target="_blank">more on boeing here</a> disgusting ihow interwoven they all are isn't it?] <br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold">Lockheed</span> <br />Lockheed is comprised of mainly ex-military and x-government employees in the defense industry. They got caught in the 70s financing the right-wing party the LDP in Japan who has open connections ot the Yakuza the Mafia times 100. Check out the Kodama Lackheed incident. ("Rokkeido jiken") They paid this mobster Kodama of the Kanto-kai and ties to the Yamaguchi-gume Yakuza wing (the largest one) 2 million in 1976 dollars to swing contracts for Lockheed. Lockheed's president at the time Carl Kotchian was forced to report in detail the company's long history secret payments to Kodama. It's a well known scandal in Japan as it was so disgraceful that 1)the Japanese government is full of mafia and 2) they got money from the very same company that built the planes that dropped the atomic bombs on Japan. <br /><a href="http://www.crimelibrary.com/gangsters_o ... uza/3.html" target="_blank">more here</a> This was Japan's Watergate. But you wont hear about it in any standard history text books. Lockheed was busted bribing the Prime minister (Kakuei Tanaka) both the ministries of transportation and industry as well as setting up a $50,000 kickback to the president of All Nippon Airways for each plane sold. -* <br /><br />Dick (45 million in Halliburton) Cheney's wife was on the BOD of Lockheed until 2001! Unbelievable, and Lockheed for the past 7 years in a row has gotten the largest government contracts normally tens of billions. Here is a list from 2005 back to 2000. As you can see Boein is in second every year. <br /><br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold">Top 20 Defense contracts for 2005</span> <br /><span style="font-size: 10px; line-height: normal"><br />1 Lockheed Martin Corp. $20 billion <br />2 Boeing Co. 18.8 billion <br />3 Northrop Grumman Corp. 13.7 billion <br />4 General Dynamics Corp. 11.1 billion <br />5 Raytheon Co. 9.4 billion <br />6 Halliburton Co. 5.9 billion <br />7 United Technologies Corp. 4.9 billion <br />8 L-3 Communications Holdings 4.8 billion <br />9 Carlyle Group 2.7 billion <br />10 SAIC 2.7 billion <br />11 BAE Systems 2.6 billion <br />12 General Electric Co. 2.5 billion <br />13 Computer Sciences Corp. 2.4 billion <br />14 Humana Inc. 2.2 billion <br />15 Textron Inc. 2.1 billion <br />16 Occupational Health Services 2 billion <br />17 ITT Industries 1.9 billion <br />18 Triwest Healthcare Alliance Co. 1.8 billion <br />19 URS Corp. 1.5 Billion <br />20 Bechtel Group Inc. 1.5 billion <br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold">Top 20 defense contracts for 2004</span> <br /><br />Lockheed Martin Corporation $20,690,912,117 <br />The Boeing Company $17,066,412,718 <br />Northrup Grumman Corporation $11,894,090,277 <br />General Dynamics Corporation $9,563,280,236 <br />Raytheon Company $8,472,813,918 <br />Halliburton Company $7,996,793,706 <br />United Technologies Corporation $5,056,937,646 <br />Science Applications International $2,450,781,108 <br />Computer Sciences Corporation $2,390,806,128 <br />Humana, INC $2,372,078,226 <br />L-3 Communications Holding, INC $2,260,292,852 <br />BAE Systems PLC $2,192,647,377 <br />Health Net, INC $1,899,824,940 <br />General Electric Company, INC $1,822,720,199 <br />Bechtel Group, INC $1,742,470,267 <br />Bell Boeing Joint Program $1,539,815,440 <br />ITT Industries, INC $1,539,742,075 <br />Electronic Data Systems Corp $1,538,272,307 <br />Honeywell International, INC $1,462,914,723 <br />Carlyle Group $1,442,680,416 <br /><br /><br /><span style="font-weight: bold">Top 10 defense contracts in 2002 before the Iraq war.</span> <br /><br />1 Lockheed Martin Corp. $17.0 billion <br />2 Boeing Co. $16.6 billion <br />3 Northrop Grumman Corp. $8.7 billion <br />4 Raytheon Co. $7.0 billion <br />5 General Dynamics Corp. $7.0 billion <br />6 United Technologies Corp. $3.6 billion <br />7 Science Applications International Corp. $2.1 billion <br />8 TRW Inc. $2.0 billion <br />9 Health Net, Inc. $1.7 billion <br />10 L-3 Communications Holdings, Inc. $1.7 billion <br /><br />As you can See every Year Lockheen Martain is at the top by a large gap followed by Boeing and Northrop Grumman Corporation. Notice that Carlyle and General Electric and Halliburton are in there as well. We are giving them BILLIONS, actually tens of Billions Almost as much as what Churches send to Israel. Please now read <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2847" target="_blank">this</a> <br /><br />I got these figures from their own fricking websites. Go ahead and comb them with a fine tooth comb. These are not secrets. This is right out in the open. These are not secret societies, these are companies in the MIC who profiteer from war and who own our mass media. <br /><br />Lets look at number 3 Northrop Grumman Corp. <br /><br />They also have a hand in glove relationship with the government. They have been in the government. <br /><br />Vic Fazio <br />Senior Advisor at Northrop <br /><br /></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">"Vic Fazio served as a Member of Congress for 20 years representing California's third congressional district. During that time, he served as a member of the Armed Services, Budget and Ethics Committees and was a member of the House Appropriations Committee where he served as Subcommittee Chair or ranking member for 18 years</td></tr></tbody></table><p><span class="postbody"><a href="http://www.northropgrumman.com/who_we_a ... o_bod.html" target="_blank">source</a> <br /><br />Kevin Sharner and Philip Frost both on the BOD at Northrop are or have been on the BOD of major Pharmaceutical companies. <br /><br />It just gets more nasty the more you look <br /><br />I will let you look up the rest on your own. Just grab some of the names from these list and look at their BODs. Needless to say they are all one happy corporate killing family. Nothing makes them more money than warfare. And nothing is currently a larger cash cow than the Zionist occupation of Palestine which also has the financing of super right wing Christian churches who get the benefit of air time from the networks for preaching the message that is best for the warmongers and investing their money into their stocks. More on that whole mess and the iron triangle etc <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=658" target="_blank">here</a> <br /><br />Multi-national corporations run our press and government. They tie back to the privately owned central banks. long story short the MSM is full of shit. <br /><br />More on the MIC, <a href="http://www.senate.gov/legislative/LIS/r ... vote=00261" target="_blank">Defense spending</a> <br /><br />Our senate voted on the new bill for Defense spending 100 for and 0 against it. That's 100% for giving more money to the MIC and ZERO opposition. Some interesting parts I found: <br /><br />(Sec. 8024) Authorizes DOD to incur obligations of up to $350 million for DOD military compensation, construction projects, and supplies and services in anticipation of receipts of contributions from the government of Kuwait. -<a href="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z ... @L&summ2=m&" target="_blank">source</a> <br /><br />(Sec. 8082) Earmarks specified RDT&E funds for producing Arrow missile components in the United States and Arrow missile components and missiles in Israel to meet <span style="font-weight: bold">Israel's defense requirements.</span> -<a href="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z ... @L&summ2=m&" target="_blank">source</a> <br /><br />There was this Amendment, but it got rejected. <br /><br />S.AMDT.4875 to H.R.5631 To increase by $200,000,000 the amount appropriated or otherwise made available by title IX for the purpose of supplying needed humanitarian assistance to the innocent Lebanese and Israeli civilians who have been affected by the hostilities between Hezbollah and the Government of Israel. <br /><br />8/3/2006 Amendment SA 4875 ruled out of order by the chair -<a href="http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/bdquery/z?d109:HR5631:" target="_blank">source</a> click Amendments and go to the very bottom of the page. <br /><br />They can spend money to build missile but not to help civilians wounded or left homeless by missiles Israel used on a civilian population in Lebanon. The Amendment said Israeli and Lebanese civilians the problem being Lebanon had 2.5 billion damages and Israel specifically targeted civilian areas where as Hezbollah didn't. <br /><br />And nothing is covered with more of a bias than the occupation of Palestine. <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=4213" target="_blank">THE KEY ISSUE</a>. Watch a long <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1716" target="_blank">film on that here</a> or a short film <br /><a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=2736" target="_blank">here</a> <br /><br />911 was a spring board for these on going wars. You already know why the press wont touch it. So WHO do you think took part in 911???</span></p><p><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody">It is crucial to understand how the media is a mouth peice for the MIC and that the government serves as a medium for them to grant our money via tax collection and inflation (bonds from the bank) to themselves with non-bid contracts coupled with insider trading, and countless pork. Every "reconstruction" contract in Iraqcame with a shadow contract for some private security firm to protect it. These projects are worth billions. The US has spent 950 Billion in Iraq, together with the billions given to Israel that is a trillion dollars spent on death.</span></span></p><p><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody">--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- <br /><br />Let's jump back to Iraq. The media has not covered crucial aspect of the war in Iraq either. The televised press still has not mentioned AIPAC's spy ring yet they have reported outright lies about Iraq and Iran. There has also been no mention of the Niger Forgeries or the deeper aspects of the Plame affair that being why Bush ordered her ousted and how did Jeff Gannon (male hooker working for a fake news agency) make reference to internal government memos about it?! Where is the US press that could simply explain in one sentence that the wall Israel is building is not even on their boarder but cuts into Palestine? Where was the US's coverage of the mk77 dropped all over Fallujah? How about the obvious theater like <a href="http://www.informationclearinghouse.inf ... le2842.htm" target="_blank">production</a> of the toppling of the Saddam statue in Iraq that British press could report in the same language and yet the Majority of Americans remain blissfully in the dark about it. There have been so many lies, not just about war....</span></span></p><p><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody">But at this point with carriers in place and the surge in place and the Democrats giving Bush 659 billion for the next war and another 100 billion for the current ones, I would settle on preventing war with Iran rather than the </span></span><font face="Arial" size="2">ambitious goal of withdrawing from Iraq.</font><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"> <br /></span></span></p><p><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody">----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rewind let's look at 911 itself.</span></span></p><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><strong><font size="4">The Hijackers</font></strong></span></span><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"></span></span></span><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"></span></span></span><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"> <p><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody">I have to talk about the hijackers for a minute. I cross referenced reports from the FBI's own account of the 19 alleged hijackers and a <a href="http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/hijackers.html" target="_blank">report</a> from <a href="http://www.whatreallyhappened.com/" target="_blank">Mike Rivero</a> on the living hijackers with a <a href="http://www.antiwar.com/justin/pf/p-j031302.html" target="_blank">piece</a> on the Israeli spy ring by <a href="http://www.anti/war/justin/" target="_blank">Justin Raimondo</a>. As it turns out at least 7 hijackers are still alive and were victims of identity theft (8 if you include Atta which I do as I will explain) now I would increase that number to ten. After 911 the official story from ABCNNBCBS FOX was that hijackers were in cells in Florida and New Jersey. Now it came out early by Raimondo and many researchers that Israeli agents were living next door to the said hijackers in Florida including the supposed ring leader Mohamed Atta. (who apparently can tellaport). It is also know that the Mossad agents busted in a white van in New York worked for a Mossad front Urban Moving Systems which was raided by police who took more than 12 computer hard drives. <br /><br />Well the Mossad front (whose own fled back to Israel) was located in Weehawken New Jersey just across the water from NYC. At least three of the said Hijackers in 911 lived in Fort Lee New Jersey, Salem Alhazmi, his older brother Nawaf and Hani Hanjour. Fort Lee NJ is less than 3 miles from the Weehawken address. Hani Hanjour was supposed to be the pilot who crashed flight 77 into the pentagon. Here is where it drops down to a Scooby Doo level dectection story. Salem Alhazmi was said to have shared a room with Hanjour in Fort Lee. Early on it was reported by the MSM that Salem was caught on security camera footage at Dullas airport (guess who ran security there) as he was stopped after setting off a metal detector and searched. That is VERY interesting becaise Salem Alhazmi is still alive and works in Saudi Arabia. We know for a fact that he is alive the BBC interviewed him and it was <a href="http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/main.jh ... widen23.xm" target="_blank">reported</a> in British papers. He said his passport and identity had been stolen 3 year prior when he was in Egypt further more the man has never even been the the United States! So just who was rooming with Hanjour and who was on the film at Dullas? It doesn't make since. And if Hanjour's roommate was a frame why shouldn't believe that evidence trail left to finger Hanjour was not also a frame as well as Salem's brother Nawaf? That would make it 10 of the 19 hijackers who could not have been part of 911. However the Israeli Mossad was working just a couple miles away and in Florida it was not even that far. So who is fond of stealing passports? The Mossad. I ask you to recall the <a href="../../anti-neocons/viewtopic.php?t=4912" target="_blank">story of Zev Brakan</a>. Who worked next to the hijacker cells in NJ and FL? The Mossad. Who sent the anthrax letters and from where? They came from New Jersey and we know at least who acquired the Anthrax if not who mailed it, a Zionist American Philip Zack who tried to frame an Egyptian. Funny Atta was also Egyptian. The USS Liberty attack was initially blamed on Egypt. The Lavon affair was blamed on Egypt. And the FBI tried to frame an Egyptian for the first WTC bombing but he recorded their conversation telling him he was only part of a drill. Wow sounds like 7/7 doesn't it. For the record I predicted 7/7 three days prior and mysteriously my websites were deleted. <br /><br />So we have over 200 Israelis busted in a "Art Student" spy ring and 12 computers, a Mossad celebration busted up by police on 911, who were filming the whole thing. A group of Zionist move in quickly with the pre-written Patriot Act and the creation of the department of Homeland Security, PNAC members on the 911 commission, a dual citizen cabal in the DoD that lied us into war and all this transparent mythology about the 19 hijackers. One might ask why did the Mossad frame people who were alive and why didn't they at least try to kill <span style="font-style: italic">all</span> of them before their pasties turned up alive. Ha they didn't even worry about it. Israel enjoys total immunity from the US media and they know it. Just look at this recent attack on a "nuclear" site in Syria which didn't even exist. The press is not going to say anything. Israel already build racial colonies in Palestine and they get away with that. They murdered Hariri as I pointed out in ironclad fashion in the Lebanon documentary and they got away with that. They definitely knowingly attacked an American ship the USS Liberty and they got away with that. Its been 40 years since then and the truth can't make it past websites and foreign media. It is a nightmare. </span></span></span></p><p><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody">What Really Happened? Super Zionist Dov <a href="http://www.onlinejournal.com/artman/pub ... 1047.shtml" target="_blank">Zakheim</a> whose company investigated the first WTC bombing, acquired Boeing planes and outfitted them with remote control capacity. The so called hijackers were never on those planes. The Israeli Mossad which had a massive spy ring as well as gathered blackmail from phone taps on politicians were the ones who created the smoke screen and posed as Arab terrorist for those they had stolen identities from. They went out of their way to leave a trail to their list of 19 and even went to flight schools posing as their patsies, that is why they lived next door to where the patsies were supposed to be. As soon as 911 happened the media read its prepared package. The pre-written Patriot Act and Homeland security branch were created by Zionists and run by Zionists. The Anthrax letter were mail and blamed on Araba and then falsely linked to Saddam. The attack itself was blamed on Bin Laden who died in December that year. The Zionist moles in the media hyped up each PNAC talking point like it was true and backed by evidence. The US went to war with Iraq. Their next plan was Lebanon and then Syria according to the Clean Break Paper but it can not be done without facing Iran. The Hariri murder was a false flag blamed on Syria then changed to Palestine and as a result Syria pulled its troops out of Lebanon from the pressure. After the Syrians were removed Israel thought they could invade and they did but they were repelled by Hezbollah. Next on the agenda is attacking Iran and the excuse as Libby wrote to Miller is Iran's non-existent nuclear weapons program.</span></span></span></p></span></span></span><span class="postbody"><span class="postbody"><strong><font size="4">The ATTA story is a smoking gun</font></strong>. <br /><span style="font-weight: bold">Answering some common questions.</span> <br /><br />Here is a question you may have asked yourself. If 911 was an inside job (and I believe it was) then why was there so much prior knowledge of the attacks? Granted it was ignored, but how could there be intelligence of an Al Qaeda ring in the US and all those pilots going to flight schools and the warning about Bin Laden wanted to attack America if the said hijackers didn't do it (which is evident by some of them still being alive) ? <br /><br />Why risk them getting busted if they were patsies? Since the hijackers didn't do it how was there any evidence of them planning an attack that they didn't do and obviously didn't even know about considering they were going to get the blame? <br /><br />Furthermore if the government really did 911 then why leak information about your own patsies and look like incompetent fools when the warnings were ignored? <br /><br />The prior knowledge arguments have evidence. They do two things. They make the Bush administration look incompetent for not acting on supplied information but it also looks like the attacks could have been prevented had Bush and co only read the memos they were being given. What that does is make it appear like the attack was done by Arab terrorists. The Democrats naturally jumped all over this a chance to make Republicans look bad yet still blame 911 of Arab terrorists. <br /><br />Someone was dropping hints and information to imply that the terrorists were Arabs and mainly from Saudi Arabia. Why did they frame Saudi Arabia if it was a frame and they were patsies then why not use at least one Iraqi after all that is who they wanted to attack and did attack after 911. Why Saudi Arabia? <br /><br />The answer is clear when you understand who really carried out 911. The Israeli Mossad and their Neocon moles and the blackmail controlled shills. So let's put some facts together. Someone obviously wanted to pin the 911 terrorists attacks on Muslim Arabs. <br /><br />One of the most laughable parts of the 911 story was the FBI <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewt ... 3372#23372" target="_blank">finding Atta's unburned passport</a> two blocks away from the twin towers.</span> What a crock. Atta's pass port had been reported stolen in 1999 magically that missing and stolen pas port is the same one that was found at ground zero. Geee someone must have put it there for the FBI to find in order to implicate Muslim Arab terrorists. <br /><br />Who could that be? Who got caught on 911 in a white van that had traces of explosives in it and worked for a moving company which turned out to be a front for the Israeli Mossad? (Note that the address of this front was raided by police and the evidence linking Israel to 911 is Classified. 5 Israeli agents got caught and the first thing out of their mouths was <br /></span><p><span class="postbody"></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote"><span style="font-style: italic">"We are Israelis. We are not your problem. Your problems are our problems. The Palestinians are your problem."</span></td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody"><br />Gosh an English speaking x-military explosives expert cheering and taking pictures of the WTC burning towers in in NY on 911 who worked for a fake moving company in the Mossad driving a van that had a hit with bomb sniffing dogs and over 4 thousand dollars stuffed in a sock is nothing to be concerned about. Sivan Kurzberg could still say with a straight face. "It wasn't me, blame the Palestinians." <br /><br />Shortly after 911 we had two different Anthrax letters trying to blame 911 on the Arabs. One read</span></p><p><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">"You cannot stop us. We have this anthrax. You die now. Are you afraid? Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great." </td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody">and the other read </span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">This is next. Take Penacilin now. Death to America. Death to Israel. Allah is great."</td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody"><br /><br />Death to America and Death to Israel. Gee, I wonder who really wrote it? Might it be Israel? <br /><br />Rudi Dekkers was Atta's or someone pretending to be Atta's flight instructor in Florida. Note that we know the The Israeli Mossad was living next door to Atta in Florida (supposedly monitoring him). <br /><br />Now Rudi Dekkers discovered that Atta could not speak German. Mohamed Atta lived in Hamburg Germany yet suddenly he must have forgotten ohw to speak German. Dekkers a Dutch citizen tried to converse with Atta who stared at him and had to ignore him eventually leaving for Boston. <br /><br /></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">This is eerily similar to the way in which Zacharias Moussaoui (the so-called "20th hijacker") became "belligerent" when his Minnesota flight instructor tried to speak to him in French (his first language), at the beginning of that course. The Minnesota Star Tribune reported on December 21, 2001: <a href="http://ancreport.com/forum/viewtopic.php?t=1329" target="_blank">also here</a></td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody"><br /><br />"The real Atta would have been able to respond to his instructor's German small talk and the real Moussaoui would have been able to respond to his instructor's French small talk." <a href="http://www.apfn.org/apfn/WTC_STF.htm" target="_blank">quoted from here</a> <br /><br />Well SOMEBODY was trying to create information about Arab Hijackers training for 911. SOMEBODY was living next to their partner Atta framer. No wonder Atta was seen so many times on the casino ships with Jack Abramoff. He was not Atta he was the Mossad's own boy. They killed the real Atta. <br /><br />SOMEBODY left his passport at ground zero and then somebody wrote letters for the anthrax attacks steering Americas rage onto Israel's enemies. <br /><br />Back to the Saudi question. So why there? To understand this one would have to be aware of the foiled Mossad plot in Mexico. To be brief the OIl rich Mexico was being set up to ally with the US by way of another false flag operation. But the plot was foiled and the Israelis busted with Hand grenades and TNT. I really encourage you to get my book Welcome to the USSA. Cut oil off from the Sauds.... Blame the Anthrax attacks on an Egyptian... invent false Al Qaeda connections with Iraq... say Osama is in Afghanistan.... cook up lies about Iran having nukes or making peole wear yellow satrs... Someone is not at war with terrorists but with Israel's enemies. We KNOW they lied about Iraq. I assure you Bin Laden is already dead. And We know they are lying about 911. <br /><br />The question no longer remains who did it? We know the specific names. We know who made the OSP and wrote PNAC who put the bombs in the towers and when and I gave a good theory as to why and how it was covered up by showing how the press works.</span></p></span></span></span><span class="postbody"><br />------------------------------------------------------------------------------ <br /><strong>FOLLOW THE OIL</strong> <br /><br />You can see from the partial list I made of government contracts and Boards of directors, how the scam works between the MIC, Media conglomerates, and the banks. They profit from lying to you. Always follow the money and the motives. And in this day and age, follow the oil too. <br /><br />The first proposed oil pipeline to be opened in Iraq was set to go to Tel Aviv Israel. <a href="http://www.guardian.co.uk/Iraq/Story/0, ... 50,00.html" target="_blank">Here</a> is where they planned it ten days before the end of the war. And <a href="http://www.haaretz.com/hasen/pages/ShAr ... aifa+Mosul" target="_blank">here</a> is where they planned setting up another oil pipeline to Israel, this one going to Haifa. And they now pump oil from <a href="http://www.atimes.com/atimes/Middle_East/ED04Ak01.html" target="_blank">Mosul to Hiafa</a> Golly gee, that is interesting why was all the oil planned to go to Israel? <br />Oh it gets worse. The US sends oil to Israel from Iraq then <a href="http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ ... DFB88F.htm" target="_blank">buys it</a> from Israel. <br /><br /></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">One of Israel's largest oil marketing firms has won a multi-million dollar tender to supply fuel to US troops in Iraq. According to a IsraelNationalNews.com report, the tender awarded to Sonol gasoline company, along with its foreign partner Morgantown International, is valued at $70-80 million. The company is expected to supply the US forces with 25 million litres of fuel each month. The tender was issued by the US-based KDR Company, a subsidiary of Halliburton, which has been entrusted with the majority of US military contracts in Iraq</td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody"><a href="http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ ... DFB88F.htm" target="_blank">source</a> <br /><br />Israel takes US aid and buys oil from Iraq at 20% less than the cost it gets it from Russia and then sells it to the US and is also awarded contracts by the US government. <br /><br />Well Israel did have an oil problem. <br /></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">According to the Energy Information Administration (EIA), a statistical agency of the US Department of Energy, Israel produces almost no oil and imports nearly all its oil needs (around 237,000 barrels a day in 2002). Traditionally, major oil import sources have included Egypt, the North Sea, West Africa and Mexico</td></tr></tbody></table><span class="postbody"></span><table border="0" cellspacing="1" cellpadding="3" width="90%" align="center"><tbody><tr><td><span class="genmed"><strong>Quote:</strong></span></td></tr><tr><td class="quote">Information provided by the EIA states that in April 2003, there was some discussion of "reopening" the old oil pipeline from Mosul in Northern Iraq to the Israeli port of Haifa on its northern Mediterranean coast. <br /><br />The line, which was built in the 1930s, carried 100,000 barrels a day at its peak, but has been closed since Israel's establishment in 1948. <br /><br />The reopening of this pipeline is, on the other hand, reported as being able to "solve Israel's energy crisis at a stroke". <br /></td></tr></tbody></table><p><span class="postbody"><a href="http://english.aljazeera.net/NR/exeres/ ... DFB88F.htm" target="_blank">Source</a> <br /><br />But that is not all. They took oil from Kirkuk where 40% of Iraq's oil is and Hafar al Batin, Al Basrah (Basara) and Mosul too. Here is a map of where Iraq's oil is going. <br /><img src="http://www.nogw.com/images/israeli_pipelines_lg.jpg" border="0" /> <br /><br />It's a war for oil the left shouts. "No blood for oil" they say. Yeh that's true, 'no blood for oil' going to Israel, while our own ga
Vulgas vult decepi.

the common people wish to be deceived. -- Phaedrus

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Post by Ry » Sat Oct 27, 2007 1:35 am

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