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Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:20 pm
by Zulfiqar
I've listened to Alex Jones's radio show the past month or so, and i've heard him mention Israel more than once. Talked about Mossad, Israeli false flags, calling Israel a terrorist state. He's never mentioned Zionism specifically, but he has been pretty vocal against Israel as of late.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:24 pm
by Ricky
Yes he is getting braver. As more people speak out and he sees there is nothing to fear he will talk about it more. Alos he has lost viewers because he didn't talk about Israel enough and went out of his way to avoid it. I'd like to know his response to the 911 All Roads paper. Why not connect 911 with Israel as well has the Niger forgeires, AIPAC etc all the things that led us into Iraq were not just lies they were lies told by the pNAC authors and those men were/are dual citizens with Israel and did these things for Israeli interests. Nothing is more sacred in the media than Israel, nothing. This video clip is just going to push Alex to talk about Israel more because he will have to prove he can do it. In the past the times he talked the most about Israel corrolate with the dates that WRH linked to the 911 Iraq PNAC All Roads Lead to Israel paper. That was pointed out to me and proven my some of my friends on myspace who were actively blogging the whole thing without my knowledge.

Posted: Fri Sep 07, 2007 9:27 pm
by Ricky
Let's make it a goal to get him to say Palestine is under an illegal military occupation and that Israel is building a wall INTO Palestine not on their boarder but around their illegal racial settlements.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 5:10 am
by ect
AntiNeocons wrote:Show her occupation 101 it is even better.
I agree. Peace, Prop, prom, is a little slanted to show a newbie, imo.

You have to introduce in baby steps or they curl up into fetal position.

That is why Jones can be used for that purpose, although, there is better.

Why start someone off on cults and 911, when you can go straight for anti-war, wich appeals to a wider audience. Once you get your foot in, push that door WIDE open.

After decades of psychological terror and brainwashing, you must learn to speak to Americans in a language they understand and have the patience for them to absorb the truth in small doses, so that they can construct a new cognition that depends on an already constructed worldview that is based on incorrect information. It's embarassing, and people don't like to feel that way. The more you're able to ease that transition, the easier and stronger the acceptance of that new interpretation will be.

They will either shut their pie holes, stop supporting ethnofascism, or have the courage to speak up and learn how to recognize and not be bullied by hasbara intellectual terrorism.

Wait for your opportunity, lay a subtle trail of breadcrumbs, and learn to use language surreptitiously with people you believe want to understand.

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 9:18 am
by Rio
Zulfiqar wrote:I've listened to Alex Jones's radio show the past month or so, and i've heard him mention Israel more than once. Talked about Mossad, Israeli false flags, calling Israel a terrorist state.
I have to admit I listen to him frequently because he covers a wide variety of things and also because I live in Tejas. He's stepped up on Israel criticism as of late, especially when it relates to the upcoming Iran was, but he has yet to link Zionism to Iraq and 9/11 which is a shame and injustice to his listeners.

A Good Newbie Vid

Posted: Sat Sep 08, 2007 7:28 pm
I just posted this vid, in the 911 thread.
try it out on your recalcitrant friends...
(please get pass the introduction part) :lol: ... &plindex=3

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 1:03 am
by Eroberer
What got the ball rolling for me was finding Rule by Secrecy by Jim Marrs in the fiction section of my high school library. I thought it was a novel, so curious as to what it was about, I picked it up. Upon discovering that it was not fiction (some may disagree, and I am not sure what to believe from it now) I wondered why it was placed there. Some months later I went and checked it out and read it. To go from zero to that book was quite something. After that I began to investigate illuminati, 9/11, and so forth and landed on Alex Jones site a couple of years later. Gateway is the perfect word to described Jones. I read the stuff on his sites for a couple of years and began to find dissent from some people about his lack of questioning Israel's actions. I then happened to find this site, I believe it was through the infowars forum through a link posted by aaron mann. I have been reading here since early this year and am glad such a place exists.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 10:08 am
by Ry
Alex says some stupid shit like everything about the illuminati which a few years ao he went on and on about. He still says stupid shit about Masonic symbols or that Video games make people go braindead and cancer viruses are in the food. Cancer is a condition of a cell it is not a virus. Evil hand signals and all the Christian rhetoric and crap.

However if you ignore all that crap and just stick to there were bombs in the buildings on 911 then he is fine. I have nott heard Alex say anything about the "illuminati" for a long time. He is finally starting to say the Neocons and is talking about them in a very general way. I don't buy the argument that people are not ready to handle Zionism the guy talks about man made weather control, calls global warming a hoax and says TV and video games can hypnotize people. That's some pretty far out there stuff. I think he is just a chicken shit to talk about the Zionist because then his ultra Christian sponsors would pull out and can his show. That and I dont think he has really connected it yet.

Basically Alex is good for all the teenagers and or Adult Christians (who would be on the same metal level as a high schooler) and he is entertaining. But when it comes to Iraq, Israel, Russia, South America, Japan (he claimed Japanese people eat babies one time) or anything that is not Texas or America then the guy does not have a clue. He doesn't mention the occupation in Palestine and the only things said about Iraq are widely reported anyway. And He actually preaches the Neocon lines when it comes to Russia and Asia, and forget about Africa they dont even count. Only Protestant nations matter.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 11:20 am
by Ry
actually most the GE stuff is in veggies mainly corn and soy.

Posted: Sun Sep 09, 2007 4:07 pm
by IrrigatedPancake
Have you ever considered writing something for Most who read those articles are probably AJ listeners, so that could be a pretty efficient way of trying to expose them to the next level.