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Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 5:59 pm
by Decentralized
"You said it like 6 times. And you are still saying it. You STILL think the supreme court will save you from every bad law passed by the mob. REALLY?! How has that been working for the congress we already have? Preemptive war, torture, aid to Israel. It's all legal. Guess who gives more aid to Israel than our government. Christian churches do. Guess what happens in states if you let those people have direct control of the government."

--No you look you " dumb ass". I never said all laws that have been passed by the supreme court are perfect. But it is how this system works, and most are not willing to throw that away, especially when men & women fought and died for it. Again, separation of church and state prevents your jesus land fantasy crap. I keep telling you that over and over. but like the "dumb ass" you are, you not only do not listen, you don't even bother doing any research.
and another thing, try reading "The Myth of Aid" by michael hudson to get a clue about that!

"Listen dumb ass. Everyone KNOWS the supreme court rules on what is constitutional or not. And I will same the same thing back to you that I have been saying. IT DOESN'T HAVE TO BE UNCONSTITUTIONAL TO BE STUPID AND UNFAIR. Thus NOTHING is preventing mob rule. You only have partial prevention, you are not going to prevent any more than what we already have right now. No one can pass a law that is ruled unconstitutional. That's how it already is NOW. And yet look at how many stupid laws we have and how many other laws that ought to unconstitutional aren't rules as such. Letting the people have a direct democracy only makes it LESS accountable because not only is there no more checks than what we have now, its worse because since the mob is not identifiable there is no one to hold accountable when a stupid law is made. And they can't be replaced. You'd have to wait for the entire culture to change to replace the majority.

My state has this bullshit. That is why people can not drink cocktails in bars. The Christian Right decided they didn't want it, and so instead of them just not doing it, now no one can do it. It comes up for a vote every year to reverse this and every year it fails because the christian right is the mob. The Supreme court can't do jack shit because it's not unconstitutional, it's just dumb."

--The courts decide if it's constitutional or not, then the people vote on it. This doesn't happen very often, only a few states. So if you want to hold someone accountable, you hold accountable those that deemed it constitutional. Not hose that voted on it, the people. We have prostitution and gambling here, don't like it? LEAVE Government is only there to represent what the people want (within the constitution/bill of rights). when a government no longer represents the people, you have fascism, etc

"Who the fuck are you arguing with? yourself? I have never said to get rid of the supreme court or the constitution. How the fuck could you assume or invent that idea when you know Ron Paul is one of the only politicians I support and its because he supports the constitution. By the way the constitution states that laws are made by the three branches of government it lays out. It doesn't say or advocate direct democracy. So you're idea is unconstitutional. It's also irrational and nearly impossible. As I already explained and you ignored. Even the states with 2/3 referendums have them as secondary instruments to the elected government. You simply can't have the public voting on everything."

--I only said that because you keep going on and on about how you don't like the supreme court. I exaggerated to make the point!
The constitution is NOT perfect, it allows for a rich elite to govern over the people, regardless of all laws and what the people want.
but this is a start. a step one. it's not a mad house free for all law making frenzy mob rule that you fantasise about, without looking into.

"Wrong. And the majority of the population after 911 upwards of 90% loved George Bush and thought he was doing a great job. They would have given him anything he wanted. And no one of those things would have been ruled unconstitutional idiot because they were not ruled the way now. The supreme court already has the power to rule a law unconstitutional. Are you that retarded? They SHOULD have ruled the war and patriot act unconstitutional but they didn't. And they wouldn't no matter who made the law the congress or the public.

And just because I think your system that you learned about from Mike Gravel is stupid does not mean that I support how or system is now. Were it up to me, there would be no federal government at all. If you look at what Paul supports mainly all he would be doing is STOPPING the bad things government does. They don't have to do anything. If they would stay out of economics, trade, etc and do nothing but prevent fraud etc then everyone would be better off.

The problem with the government is that it is selected by the ignorant mob. Intelligent people are a minority. In a democracy all one has to do is play up to the ignorant horde and ignore intelligent people. And so it doesn't work and won't work until people are no longer ignorant. But because the pentagon controls the press and educational facilities they can assure a stupid public.

Our public is STUPID. And letting them create laws is even dumber than letting them select one of their own to do it for them. At least when a representative of the mob screws up, everyone can see who he was and how he voted and move to remove him. At least it is possible. You can't do shit when the tyrant of the majority can vote in secret and do whatever it wants. And Do not say for the 7th time the supreme court would stop all the bad laws. It won't and you also seem to not understand that there are rules that ware perfectly constitutional that are still harmful, retarded, and unjust. "

--People are not as dumb as your fragile ego wishes them to be. Sure america was duped with a false flag. and because of people like you that do not wish to ever remove the power from them and force them to abide to the laws. It will happen again!
Why do you keep calling the courts a mob rule? The people can not vote on anything until it has been approved by the courts. They are the mob that makes the rules. The people in some states can only vote on what the courts have already deemed as legal. Of course everything can be contested, which happens a lot. But this is moving forward, the people like having a voice that counts.
So your opinion on what is already taking place without you. means very little to me. I just find it funny when "dumb asses" attack something without looking into how it works first!

"Ok you like direct democracy would like to have a vote on that? Would you like me to make a poll as to who is more informed Ry or decentralized? Because you will lose so bad that the only person that will vote for you is you. That's because this site isn't the mob. To have even found this site you have to at least read and have an interest in politics and that knocks out 80% of the general public.

--yeah make a poll on your own website LMAO!
and I'll make a poll on gnosticmedia, and we can both pull out are poll cocks and measure them.
You'll lose because we have over a 100 thousands subs. Not to mention the guest cover more than you ever have, will, and or are capable of.
but I am so not interested in your stupid polls.
The point was you call your fellow americans, which you are one. You call them all stupid and dumb for not looking into things before they vote on them. I made the point of that's exactly what you are doing in concerning Constitutional Direct Democracy. I wasn't out to have some ego man fest with you, punk!

"No it wouldn't be cool because the people would shoot it down. The press branded him crazy. The mob chose Obama. The congress however has passed HR1207 out of the house with over 300 supporters. People are too easily led by the press which can reach them all at once where as a counter argument can not be made unless you also have the press. That's why the neocons going on TV and talking down the end the fed bill has no effect because it's not up to the people to vote on it. In congress the way we have it now a minority CAN visit each one of them and present the counter arguments. And that's what happened. And the bill has passed the house. The ignorant mob that is run by fear who would vote down such a bill because the TV said so, doesn't have the where-with-all or intelligence to meet with congress and present a case. Thus a small kind of filter exist cutting away the bottom third of the pool who are easily led by once speech but who don't have the means to come to DC or write a letter etc."

-The polls I saw show that the people would vote to audit the FED, so you failed again, no surprise there.
TV wants you to believe americans are stupid. Yet america runs the world (pretty close)

"With the Arabs, we cannot tell the Arabs to get lost. The Arabs are important. They have a lot of oil under their control. We cannot flaunt the Arabs and say, get lost. We must protect our oil. It is called ``our oil.'' At the same time, there is a strong constituency for never offending Israel." -Ron Paul (showing his zionist imperialistic colors)

"Once we have a strong economy, we'll want open borders, because we'll need those workers" Ron Paul (at a Texas rally in 08)

Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 12:43 am
by Raider
Decentralized wrote:Raider,

Constitution/bill of rights

leave me alone with the taste of anarchy hype do nothing nonsense communism
COMMON LAW. As distinguished from the Roman Law, the modern law, the canon law, and other systems...As distinguished from law created by the enactment of "LEGISLATURES", the common law comprises the body of those principles and rules of action, relating to the government and security of persons and "PROPERTY", which derive their authority solely from usages and customs of immemorial antiquity. - Black's Law Dictionary Volume 3 -

COMMUNISM. A name given to proposed systems of life or social organization based upon the fundamental principle of the non-existence of "PRIVATE PROPERTY" and of a community of goods in a society. - Black's Law Dictionary Volume 3 -

DEMOCRACY. That form of government in which the sovereign power resides in and exercised by the whole body of free citizens.- Black's Law Dictionary Volume 3 -

:hmm: What is a citizen?

CITIZEN. A member of a free city or jural society, possessing all the rights and "PRIVILEGES" which can be enjoyed by any "PERSON" "UNDER" its constitution and "GOVERNMENT", and "SUBJECT" to the corresponding duties.- Black's Law Dictionary Volume 3 -

:hmm: What is a person and a subject?

PERSON. The term is, however, more extensive than man. It my include artificial beings, as corporations; a country. Persons are the "SUBJECT" of rights and duties; and, as a "SUBJECT" of a right, the person is the "OBJECT" of the correlative duty, and conversely.- Black's Law Dictionary Volume 3 -

SUBJECT. One that owes allegiance to a sovereign and is governed by his laws.- Black's Law Dictionary Volume 3 -

I could go on for days decoding their legalese, but this bores me.

Common law is not Anarchy or Communism as I have proved. Common Law is in fact the Law of, "No Man or Woman can harm another Man or Woman's property, rights or commit fraud in their contracts". Common Law is being responsible and liable for all your actions.

So if you want to be a "Citizen" and be a "Subject" to "Their" laws...... :hmm:


Ry wrote: Would you like me to make a poll as to who is more informed Ry or decentralized?
I vote for Ry.

Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 1:39 am
by Decentralized

My apologies, you reminded me of an anarchist i don't like with your first statement. I assumed you're an anarchist, which there are tons of different types, none of which i like, in an over general way. And seeing how Ryan doesn't want the people to have any say whatsoever, I would assume he's not an anarchist. Like idiots like protein view who makes fake accounts, pretends to be asian girls and all types, and then argues with himself, and others, with fake names. Cute and fun, perhaps for some. (just a heads up on the type of people this site adores)

As for your obsession with property. I don't measure success by how much one can hoard- money, resources, property -in a world of abundance. I actually feel that is one of the root problems.

So what's it going to be raider. You going to look into, and think on constitutional direct democracy. Or just fluff it off, and play stupid nit pick word dictionary games completely avoiding the topic?

Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 9:28 am
by ledskof
He's not playing "nit pick word dictionary games". He's trying to educate you on the terms that you misuse.

Don't slander people on the board.

Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 11:16 am
by Decentralized
ledskof wrote:He's not playing "nit pick word dictionary games". He's trying to educate you on the terms that you misuse.

Don't slander people on the board.

And he was wrong. I said the constitution protects the rights of minorities. and it does. end of story

Don't tell me what to do. Especially since your cult leader and everyone else has been slandering me in their ego fests right from the start.

Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 2:54 pm
by Raider
Decentralized, I wish no malice towards you.

My obsession as you have claimed is not about how much property I have or how much other men and women have, it is about Life, Liberty and Property. All men and women have the right to the fruits of their labor and no other man or woman can take that away from them. Government steals property and calls it taxes or they have a Central Bank(Corporation) print fiat notes bringing down the value of that note, which is once again stealing(as if stealing the gold and silver back in 1933 & 34 was not enough, but I digress). If the constitutional direct democracy is your truth, have at it. I will just leave you with what I originally posted.
Raider wrote:Both you guys bring up some great points. Here is my truth.

1. Whereas it is my understanding that the geographical area of Planet Earth commonly known as the united States of America is a Common Law jurisdiction.

2. Common Law, which applies to all men and women on Planet Earth, dictates that we are all born free to do what we choose for ourselves, provided that we do not infringe the rights to life, freedom and property of another.

3. All Acts are statutes restricted in scope and are limited to members and employees of government.

4. A statute is defined as a legislated rule of society which has been given the force of law.

5. A society is defined as a community of Men and Women joined by mutual consent to deliberate, determine and act for a common goal or purpose.

6. Men and Women born anywhere on Planet Earth have a natural and unalienable right to self-determination, and can, at any time, choose to revoke or deny their consent to be governed.

7. I am not a child, but a fully grown adult Man, who operates with a sound mind, diligent responsibility and maximum freedom, therefore, I do not recognize any perceived obligation to ask permission to engage in lawful and peaceful activities, under any circumstances whatsoever.

8. Living freely in peace is within my community’s standards and does not create any loss, injury, damage or liability or breach the peace, in any way whatsoever.


Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:00 pm
by Decentralized

I have no truth. Truth is a constant change.

I see the people voting for medical marijuana as a good thing, as i do with them voting on many issues that effect their lives. (within the constitution, so as to not ever have any sort of mob rule)

I'd rather have people vote on issues, and not idol worship some ignorant politician as IF he's the messiah come to save you and all your eggs in one basket. I see dangers in that, especially when said idol worshippers didn't fully research the scum they idolise. But nevertheless, i would never want to take away their right to vote for them.

Raider, if the US went on a gold/silver standard. At one trillion a year in trade deficits (created by unbalanced trade ie free market austrian nonsense capitalist greed make the fastest buck as possible with a debt that will never be paid, whilst empowering the FED and foreign central banks) at one trillion a year in trade debts, you run our of gold/silver real fast. Not to mention you do not have enough gold to pay the current debt. Not to mention there is so much fiat out there, that by switching to gold, you reduce the value of gold by 400%
Gold/solver is not the answer to your problems, far from it in fact. The golden rule is: He who has the gold makes the rules.

Fair balanced regulated trade, removes the power from the FED. nothing else. And it creates jobs here at the same time. whist giving one a strong economy (fiat, or w/e way one goes, sound money is fine, but you cannot ever have sound money with the outrages 36 year trade debts the US has.)

I can go on and on, but I did like your first statement :)

Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:11 pm
by Decentralized
ps. I have read Eustace Mullins (RIP) before, amongst many others.
I say that in regards to stealing the gold to finance the ww's

Re: it be cool if Ron Paul wrote up some good legislation

Posted: Thu Mar 18, 2010 4:27 pm
by Decentralized

Taxes are a must (including property tax) You cannot take so much for granted and not ever have to pay a dime for the services.

I would be open to those that do not live in cities and towns, those that are out in the boon docks all on their own, uses no government/state anything (water, clean air, electricity, roads, schools, etc etc) To not have pay. (i feel that number wold be so low, that it may not exist at all)

I find people like the Brown's to be greedy mislead fools