ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theories

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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Ry » Thu Sep 01, 2011 2:36 am

I'm going to go o n radio about this.
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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Ry » Thu Sep 01, 2011 3:00 am

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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Ry » Thu Sep 01, 2011 9:10 am

The ADL is a racist Zionist organization pretending to be a Jewish organization. They are nothing but a group of chicken little smear artist trying to protect Israel from criticism by labeling everything they don't like as anti-Semitic.
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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by PlutoCharon » Thu Sep 01, 2011 4:32 pm ... ?id=236118

Jerusalem Post picked it up... They mention Ry and WBD....

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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Ry » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:27 pm

For example, one video, titled “War by Deception,” made by Ryan Dawsom, purports that “9/11 was the new Pearl Harbor that the neo-cons yearned for. It was 9/11 that acted as the catalyst for both war and sweeping pre-written legislation to create a security panic state which stripped away civil liberties and constitutional rights for the sake of the military industrial complex.”
How is what I said anti-semitic? In fact that quote doesn't even mention Israel either. I think they are equating Neocons with zionist which they equate to "the Jews."
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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Ry » Thu Sep 01, 2011 7:34 pm

JPOST recently wrote a report titled, “Ten years after 9/11, anti-Semitic conspiracies 'still going strong', quoting a release from the Anti-Defamation League, an American organization that touts itself as an anti-racist group.
I take issue with this article because I was personally named in the ADL's accusations of anti-Semitism. I took strong offense to this accusation, both because I am a vocal opponent of racism, and because I do not agree with the ADL's long-standing tactic of smearing critics of Israel as Jew-haters. Furthermore, I was placed in a list of white supremacists who genuinely are racist – a strange place to put me, as I am half-Native American and a strong supporter of indigenous rights, both here in the United States as well as in Israel/Palestine.

The ADL takes issue with a film I put together, called War By Deception. The name of the film itself comes from the motto of the Mossad. My film does not target anyone for being Jewish, nor do I make several of the ridiculous claims that the ADL accuses me of making. Rather, it addresses very publically available facts and news stories, such as the arrest of various Israeli individuals in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks who turned out to be Mossad agents. This story was openly covered in the Jewish Daily Forward and the Boston Globe. Likweise, it addresses the influence of pro-Israel lobbying groups like AIPAC pushing the United States to war, echoing the claims of prominent American professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer, U.S. Congressman Paul Findley, and others.

I know that many of these views, especially those regarding the September 11th attacks, can be controversial, but a free society must be open to controversy. Outside of the September 11th attacks, the State of Israel has indeed attacked the United States in the past, during the Lavon Affair in 1954 and the USS Liberty Bombing in 1967. Nobody denies these events, and Israel took full blame for both.

Furthermore, even if I am mistaken in my views, the fact remains that my criticism of Israel is based on what Israel is doing – not Israel's Jewish character. I wonder, if I said these same things about North Korea, would the ADL accuse me of hating Asians? For the ADL to accuse me of anti-Semitism simply cheapens the accusation against genuine anti-Semites, such as others named in their list.

Abe Foxman of the ADL writes, "One of the saddest outcomes of 9/11 is that despite the fact that this national tragedy that brought Americans together, there remains this small group of vocal bigots who, nearly a decade later, are still seeking to promote and sell their own sinister agenda of blaming Jews and Israel.”

Outside of again conflating criticism of Israel with racial hatred, this is a strange stance for the ADL to take considering their own record in the aftermath of 9/11. The ADL has openly joined other Islamophobic and anti-Arab groups in the United States in condemning the construction of an Islamic Center in the vicinity of Ground Zero, as if to suggest that all Muslims are somehow to blame for the attacks. Rather than promoting tolerance, the ADL seems to accept the scapegoating of minorities in America.

Their record goes further. The ADL defended Rep. Bob Dornan (R-Calif.), who called a Russian journalist a “disloyal, betraying little Jew” in 1986, because Dornan had a long history of supporting Israel. Apparently support for Israeli policy – including Israeli racism against Palestinians– is more important to the ADL than condemning genuine anti-Jewish sentiment.

The ADL also has a long history of denying the Armenian genocide as per maintaining friendship between Israel and Turkey, which has only changed recently. In the early 1990's, the ADL was also caught spying on other anti-racist groups, such as the NAACP, the National Lawyer's Guild, the American Civil Liberties Union, and others.

The ADL takes issue with my belief that Israel today is an Apartheid state regarding its treatment of Palestinians – a belief held not only by Nelson Mandela and Desmond Tutu, who lived under and fought against Apartheid in South Africa, but by many genuine critics of racism even in Israel.

One particular line that the ADL has taken issue with may just about say it all: "9/11 was the new Pearl Harbor that the neo-cons yearned for. It was 9/11 that acted as the catalyst for both war and sweeping pre-written legislation to create a security panic state which stripped away civil liberties and constitutional rights for the sake of the military industrial complex. "

To the ADL, these comments of mine signal some sort of deep-seated hatred of minorities. To most Americans who are fed up with wars, violations of our constitution, and empire, these lines should be a breath of clarity. Maybe that's why my film, War By Deception, has attracted so many views. If people want racism, they won't find it in my film, but they may find it in the ADL's long record of mistakes, scapegoating of Muslims, defense of anti-Jewish Congressmen, and genocide denial.

Ryan Dawson
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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by PlutoCharon » Thu Sep 01, 2011 11:47 pm

Nice response Ry. I'm concerned with the JPost mention of Reuters as a source.... Gonna be a long week...

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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Doronjo » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:07 am

In the movie Defamation, I like what the prominent Rabbi says about the ADL around 30:00.

"I am suspicious when a guy makes a living from a particular situation....He needs to create a problem because he needs a job..."
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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Rio » Fri Sep 02, 2011 9:59 am

I hope that this won't hinder your ability to maintain employment Ry. If these people can't silence you we know they start to go after your career. Good luck.

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Re: ADL mentions WBD, 'Anti-Semitic' 9/11 Conspiracy Theorie

Post by Ry » Fri Sep 02, 2011 10:39 am

well i put a donate button up but i dont think it works that or paypal just sucks. I have heard horra stories
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