Email I got on birds and illegals

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Post by ledskof » Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:25 pm

lol. Do you actually know any illegals? Not all illegals are trying to become legals. They know what they're doing.

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Post by ledskof » Sat Jul 05, 2008 6:46 pm

Ohhhh I see what you are saying. You mean anyone who actually wants to enter the country should be able to. right?

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Post by IrrigatedPancake » Sat Jul 05, 2008 7:01 pm


Go down 4 posts.
Last edited by IrrigatedPancake on Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:43 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Phys » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:00 pm

Immigrants can't change your situation or decide what taxes you pay. The whole, "they're driving up our taxes" argument is very weak! The government levies taxes.
You must not live in the southwest. I live in Texas and I feel the effects. Canada illegals isnt a problem for Texas or the Southwest so I'm not sure how the North feels about it.
Please don't tell illegals what to do. You've never walked a day in their shoes. Illegals are just as powerless to change their government as we are trying to change our government and stop wars.
I can assure you. I m very aware of the issues that face illegals. My responses are in the best interested of all people.
You want illegals to pay a fair share of the costs? Legalize them and I'm sure they'll be more than happy too! Give 'em social security cards, green cards and driver's licenses. Stop telling them to go back home. They want to contribute to this country.
We can take everyone regardless of motive. I dont say send them all back.

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Post by Ry » Sat Jul 05, 2008 11:02 pm

Mexico make 30% less than what it did before NAFTA. Im so tired of explaining this shit go to my yuoutube page and look up the older videos for one on NAFTA. thtas the root of the problem.
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Post by IrrigatedPancake » Sun Jul 06, 2008 12:41 am

Ry, more of your articles/rants should be on
Really good info. is getting lost in a sea of posts.

I did not see a YouTube video on NAFTA, but this old post goes into it.
Ry Post #7 (2005) wrote: ... .php?t=658
(scroll down to post #7)


NAFTA and US agribusiness (free market my ass)

Ok so the Hype about NAFTA in the 80s was it would be a win win situation for Mexico and the US. The US would get cheaper good thus allowing its consumers to save money and up their standards of living in return Mexico would get a flood of businesses to create jobs yatta yatta yatta.

Turns out that was All crap…

What it really did (and what we knew it would do) was allowed the giant US agribusisnes (which you all know acts as a medium to subsidize drug companies. See this
link if you don’t know about that, and scan down for drug companies.)

US agribusiness has nearly endless government backing so when they move into Mexico, Mexican farms can not compete with the American’s government assisted monopoly. This drives the Mexican farmers out of business and off the farms and into the cites, by the millions. That massive population shift drives down the wages and destroys any labor movements. Mexico City is the largest in population density in the world.

Then the US corporate companies move into the newly populated cities and get super cheap labor, and in desperation many Mexicans try to flee to the US. And after farmers are driven out and the land monopolized by the US’s agribusiness, the US can start leasing out parts of that farm land it doesn’t need since it can easily import crops from the US farms. So they hand the land over to more US corporations, creating corporate towns by having the giants start driving out local markets. Thus the US controls the production and distribution of food. You all know how Walmarts work on destroying small businesses and business diversity/competition. Well, multiply that by 10 and you Got Mexico under NAFTA.

In facts today wages have dropped 30 percent from the levels they were at Pre-NAFTA. The Mexican poverty rate has doubled. When you undermined the work force by flooding the cities from monopolizing the agriculture with our communist practices os farm subsidies you drive down wages, which in turn drives down consumerism in general because people have no expendable income. This drys up the market allowing a concentration of wealth and a monopoly over products. The wealthy simply don’t sell the goods in Mexico, they manufacture their good their with the cheap labor and then sell them in the US. But they keep the prices high, and why not? Just because they are saving on manufacturing doesn’t mean they have to pass the savings on the US consumers. No, they just keep the increase in the profits for themselves.

And with Bush’s tax cuts for the wealthy, they aren’t even paying taxes. As Businesses close in Mexico because the money supply is tight (from banks) and because the wages are low since workers are so replaceable, there are less jobs. This causes wages to drop even more as people are willing to work for less since it is hard to find pay at all. It just keeps cycling. Meanwhile Mexico has to pay off debts for the US’ foods form their agribusinesses. Mexico can’t pay it so what do they do? they lease away more of their land to US corporations.

The poverty has many effects, it leads to drug use and crime and feeds into another huge US business and that’s the jail-and-court system which feeds on the drug war.. but that’s too big of a tangent. I could go on and on about all of this but to get to another point. This State orchestrated induced poverty and cheap labor causes racism. As people unaware of the market manipulations in Mexico assume that Mexico is in poverty and has all these problems because Mexicans live there.

Riding on the wave of resentment and frustration are also racist Mexican groups who blame not the American and Mexican governments for their ills but instead they blame white people, they blame 'Americans'. Group like La Rasa (the race) and others just add to more anti-Mexican racism. Equally stupid non-Mexicans react to these groups and Mexican immigrants. They blame The Mexicans for their problems rather than the Mexican and American governments.

ON the US side of it Americans are losing manufacturing jobs not to mention its our taxes sunsidizing the giant agribusinesses which allow them to out compete all the agriculture in Mexico and else where. This is the danger of creating super state sponsored monopolies, these type of economic land games have been official aristocratic plans since the time of land-lords and serfs.

NAFTA is the real enemy folks. GW and his Neocons are the real source of the problem. Start reading about it.
Last edited by IrrigatedPancake on Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:25 am, edited 1 time in total.

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Post by Ry » Sun Jul 06, 2008 1:20 am

wow that was an old ass post you found.

I think the youtube rant is named like rant number 7 or something

Basically the US sude gets government backing so it takes over the food business which in turn is an pipe to other businesses, and the Mexicans get wiped out all that excess labor floods the cities and drives dfown wages the next step is to jump the border. its by design and its wrong.

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Post by Colby » Wed Jul 09, 2008 7:20 am

Mexicans are not 'birds.' I know you didn't write or necessarily support the poem Ry, but it's pretty damn racist if you ask me. These anti-immigrant emails always appeal to racism and white supremacy (via cultural supremacy) Why don't we just talk about leaving bread crumbs out for the 'cockroaches'. (Hotel Rwanda anyone?) Equating desperate people with mindless instinct-driven animals while making the Anglo-cultured man the benevolent bird feeder is degrading and takes away from the real issues at hand.

The line about immigrants getting handouts and free food is utter bullshit and once again, takes away from the issue.

Cultural arguments against bilingualism come from white supremacy and collectivism. Nobody who lives on this continent has a legitimate claim on 'culture' except the indigenous people.

Building a wall won't help, removing welfare programs won't even help. The only thing that will help is solving the root problem of corporate control over impoverished regions and empowering Mexicans in Mexico so they don't want to FLEE (they're not just leaving willy-nilly.)

It is possible to be understanding and compassionate about this issue while enforcing the law and ensuring that legal immigrants are rewarded for going through the proper channels. Please, I know that this isn't a big trend on this board, but in general, I wish everyone would stop making this an Anglo vs. Latino argument. That is just another distraction from the real fight, which is the global fight of the serfs against the corporate lords.

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Post by Ian » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:05 pm

Kraig wrote:Social programs are a drain on society, period. It doesn't matter if you were born in Mexico or the US or anywhere, if you mooch of welfare for years and years you are fucking over every honest worker in your community.


This is the problem! It makes abosolutly no difference if thise guy is legal or not, in this case he is. This is destroying our society, among many other things. We reward people for fucking up and failing at life, what kind of society should we expect by those standards?

Illegal aliens have become the scapegoat for this and other problems when it is all really the government at fault.
Yep. That's all that needed to be said. Case closed.
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Post by Dissent » Wed Jul 09, 2008 1:58 pm

Colby wrote:Mexicans are not 'birds.' I know you didn't write or necessarily support the poem Ry, but it's pretty damn racist if you ask me. These anti-immigrant emails always appeal to racism and white supremacy (via cultural supremacy) Why don't we just talk about leaving bread crumbs out for the 'cockroaches'. (Hotel Rwanda anyone?) Equating desperate people with mindless instinct-driven animals while making the Anglo-cultured man the benevolent bird feeder is degrading and takes away from the real issues at hand.

The line about immigrants getting handouts and free food is utter bullshit and once again, takes away from the issue.

Cultural arguments against bilingualism come from white supremacy and collectivism. Nobody who lives on this continent has a legitimate claim on 'culture' except the indigenous people.

Building a wall won't help, removing welfare programs won't even help. The only thing that will help is solving the root problem of corporate control over impoverished regions and empowering Mexicans in Mexico so they don't want to FLEE (they're not just leaving willy-nilly.)

It is possible to be understanding and compassionate about this issue while enforcing the law and ensuring that legal immigrants are rewarded for going through the proper channels. Please, I know that this isn't a big trend on this board, but in general, I wish everyone would stop making this an Anglo vs. Latino argument. That is just another distraction from the real fight, which is the global fight of the serfs against the corporate lords.
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