Edwards Proposes Anti-terror Group

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Edwards Proposes Anti-terror Group

Post by revol.ution » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:02 am

Not sure if anyone saw this or not. Looks like they are wanting to centralize everything in spying. Besides, it would be almost impossible for reliabilities sake.

http://www.nytimes.com/2007/09/09/us/po ... ref=slogin
September 9, 2007

John Edwards, the Democratic presidential candidate, introduced a plan to combat global terrorism by having nations cooperate to share financial, police, customs and immigration intelligence to detect potential terrorist plots.

In an address Friday in Lower Manhattan, Mr. Edwards said that if elected president, he would form a Counterterrorism and Intelligence Treaty Organization to help the authorities to track and shut down terrorist cells.

“We saw the promise of a new multilateral approach just a couple of days ago in Germany,” Mr. Edwards said, referring to the arrests of three men there who were suspected of plotting attacks on American interests. “We must be able to coordinate similar operations throughout the world — in the Middle East, Asia, Africa and anywhere in the world the terrorists may attack.”

He clarified that membership in the treaty group would be contingent upon the willingness of each nation to combat terrorism actively.

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Post by Gixxer » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:07 am

and by nations he means israel

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Post by Ry » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:16 am

anti-terror groupl lol they can start with the CIA followed by Blackwater
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Post by revol.ution » Wed Oct 03, 2007 1:19 am

that is what I was thinking too. :lol:

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Post by ect » Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:08 am

Seymour Hersh: 'Jewish Money Controls Presidental Candidates'

AMY GOODMAN: Sy Hersh, I wanted to switch gears for the last question, and this has to do with it not just being Republicans who are sounding a drumbeat for war. The three leading Democratic presidential candidates -- Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Edwards -- have all declared no options off the table. This is a clip from last week’s Democratic debate. It was the day the Senate approved a controversial resolution calling on the State Department to designate the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corps a terrorist organization. At the debate, Democratic presidential hopeful Mike Gravel bitterly criticized Hillary Clinton for voting in favor.

MIKE GRAVEL: This is fantasy land. We're talking about ending the war. My god, we’re just starting a war right today. There was a vote in the Senate today. Joe Lieberman, who authored the Iraq resolution, has authored another resolution, and it is essentially a fig leaf to let George Bush go to war with Iran. And I want to congratulate Biden for voting against it, Dodd for voting against it, and I’m ashamed of you, Hillary, for voting for it. You're not going to get another shot at this, because what’s happened, if this war ensues, we invade, and they're looking for an excuse to do it. And Obama was not even there to vote.

TIM RUSSERT: Senator Clinton, I want to give you a chance to respond.


AMY GOODMAN: That was Hillary Clinton laughing. Fifteen seconds, Seymour Hersh. Your response?

SEYMOUR HERSH: Money. A lot of the Jewish money from New York. Come on, let's not kid about it. A significant percentage of Jewish money, and many leading American Jews support the Israeli position that Iran is an existential threat. And I think it’s as simple as that. When you’re from New York and from New York City, you take the view of -- right now, when you’re running a campaign, you follow that line. And there’s no other explanation for it, because she’s smart enough to know the downside.

AMY GOODMAN: And Obama and Edwards?

SEYMOUR HERSH: I -- you know, it’s shocking. It’s really surprising and shocking, but there we are. That’s American politics circa 2007.

http://www.democracynow.org/article.pl? ... 02/1438251
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Post by Ian » Wed Oct 03, 2007 10:18 am

Maybe we could make a new government body in charge of combating counter-terrorism. And then we could write new laws making people that help terrorists who in turn help national governments be classified as criminals. After that we could enter into an international treaty saying if you don't sign this treaty we will nuke your country. And then we could just add a new ammendment to the Constitiution saying the newer the law, the more wieght it carries against old laws such as the first or second ammendment. By this time we should be living in a fascist, military state for sure, and if not we'll just add a new cabinet-level office for the instituiting a fascist state in place of our old democracy. I can see it now: Bill Kristol, Under-secretary of the Department of American Fascism.

:evil: :evil: :evil:

by the way, good follow up there etc.
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