The Gathering Storm

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The Gathering Storm

Post by rory5 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:34 pm

I'll let the vid speak for itself.


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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by rory5 » Fri Mar 02, 2012 5:45 pm

Had to add this one, a new Farage


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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by Ry » Fri Mar 02, 2012 7:08 pm

Pat was making sense.

All I can say is I said the EU was a disaster from its inception.
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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by ledskof » Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:43 pm


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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by ledskof » Sat Mar 03, 2012 8:55 pm

How do you prevent democracy from turning into the exact same thing every democracy in history has turned into? Which is basically an oligarchical enslavement organization.

Democracy rewards evil people who are willing to lie their way into getting elected. You'd assume that the public would be smart enough to stop electing liars. Instead, not only do they elect known liars, or somehow just not realize these obvious liars are liars, but they justify electing even the people they KNOW are liars because they feel they have to choose whoever is the least awful of the liars. That pretty much sounds like nothing but insanity to me.

So given that Democracy rewards evil people who are willing to lie their way into government control, and that mega businesses cares about the health of their business without any connection to right&wrong, how do you stop a Democracy from becoming an oligarchy? How do you stop a Democracy from becoming nothing but an enslavement organization, ran by quasi-private businesses who are now your real leaders. And if you believe any of this freemason, illuminati, occult organization, black pope theories (which I do not), then how do you prevent every Democracy from becoming a Dictatorship? If all business have to do is either start their own media company, or form a media company to start infiltrating government and creating the revolving door, how do you prevent the propaganda? If a country has a public education system that teaches children to be subservient citizens who never question the government for 14+ years of their mentally defining childhood and early adulthood (going to govt church basically), how do you stop people from eventually just being authority worshiping, democracy disintegrating, govt taxed live stock.

Democracy is stupid.

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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by Ry » Sun Mar 04, 2012 1:50 am

Democracy works in most of Asia. The problem with people electing liars and shit heads is cultural more than political. Fanatical Jews took over mass media at the invention of TV which was the tale end of WWII and requires too much explaining, needless to say the new MIC created by WII and the zionist both needed the holocaust myth to stay alive. It is this grip over mass media that allows the worst among us to constantly be elected. That is what is wrong with American Democracy.

As the internet breaks open the media monopoly we will slow see a lot more Rno Pauls in the future. the writing is on the wall. Its just not fast enough for me.
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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by ledskof » Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:52 am

So the Democracy in Asian countries isn't slowly stripping away freedom?
They aren't full of revolving door, collusion, anti-citizen political favors, lobbying, lying politicians, and propaganda?
The media isn't connected to the government?
The schools teach citizens to question the government?

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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by Ry » Sun Mar 04, 2012 4:04 am

They aren't in constant war and some have as high as 90% middle class. The shittiest aspects in places like Japan and Hong Kong Singapore South Korea etc are because of US influence. There wouldn't be a North Korea without the Korean War and it wouldn't be boxed into the position it is in with out the US leadership. Japan wouldn't have 51 pointless bases or be forced to pay 70% of their cost.

Im going to make a video series on Japan. To show what a free country it is. I did a short one once drinking beer in the middle of the day in the middle of the city and saying hello to the cops. Im going to do a whole series of them to show shit you'd get arrested for in the US or couldn't exist in the US. Go talk to McDonalds Employees making 15 dollars an hour etc. I'll start it next week end. I already made a list with another american guy of stuff we want to show. You're going to be so angry. 0 dollar ambulance ride.

Yesterday I got on a train to to Ikoma and there was a pack of cigarettes on the seat. I asked the guys on both sides of it if it was their's they both said no. On the way home I got the same train back to go home. I walked through each train cart just in case and there it was in the same spot untouched an un opened pack of cigarettes that someone had dropped.
You just can't do that on a subway in the US you just can't.
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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by ledskof » Sun Mar 04, 2012 2:27 pm

If the balance of power in the world was different, military companies would be more lucrative in Japan.
Japanese govt is influenced by business just like every other democracy.
They have the same crony capitalism problem of every other democracy.
They have the same revolving door problem that we bitch about in the US.
Japan has continued to increase govt control of investments, strip economic freedoms, and strip personal freedoms, like every other democracy.
Just like every other democracy, their is collusion between the government, banks, and business, and all 3 profit while the citizens pay.
The Bank of Japan has the same problems as every other central banks and continues to influence the govt to legislate less oversight of the Bank.
Even though the government debt is mostly national, it is still debt that the govt owes to banks and citizens have to pay back, including the deferment to future citizens who either haven't been born, or don't pay taxes yet. I think it's great that it's national debt, instead of giving foreign governments increased influence over the country the way the US has with its debt, but it's still influence that banks have over the country. Maybe peoples eyes will pop open a little when the debt reaches a quadrillion yen soon.

The last 2 decades make it clear that things are declining in Japan just like every other Democracy has historically. So what, that it hasn't reached the same level as western democracies. They deserve praise for not attacking other countries, not taking cigarettes off subway seats, and being able to drink beer walking down the road. But it doesn't mean we should ignore what's happening to them; The inevitable decline of democracy. It isn't the government that keeps Japan from declaring war really is it? It isn't the government that keeps Japanese people from taking cigarettes out of the subway? Just because the government hasn't made it illegal to drink beer down the street doesn't mean that it can't be stripped away when the politicians decide to do it, almost certainly as a response to the businesses they represent deciding they are losing profits because of it, or they decide it's a better secure state without it, or some other nonsense. It's not like every freedom that the US has ever lost is still present in Japan.

Everyone in the world knows that with governments (democracy is not excluded) it is a constant battle waged against citizens to take away their freedoms. Does anyone truly not realize this? They might just looks at the increased surveillance and say "well, that's just what happens, govt intrude into our lives." If that's what govts do and will continue to do it forever, what is the fucking destination?


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Re: The Gathering Storm

Post by Ry » Mon Mar 05, 2012 3:05 am

Strip what personal freedoms?

adults are treated like adults. you dont need a quazillion permits to open a business you dont need anything to sell lemonade it is not "like anywhere else". Japan has more economic freedom and way more personal freedom than the US. Not every nation is at war nor wants to be. Not every culture is run by a cult of death centered on resentment and hate. The stratificaiton of wealthy is not even remotely the same.
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