Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

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Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by Gixxer » Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:44 pm

so as the pessimist that I am I don't even think Ron Paul will get the republican nomination. Whether it be Obama or a republican a status quo candidate will be president in 2012 , what are we going to if(when) that happens? riot? revolt? resist? should I start buying weapons and training with them? I really have no idea.

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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by bruno718 » Wed Jun 08, 2011 6:50 pm

i think when (if) he loses the GOP primary we have to pressure him into running as an independent and try to get enough people to support him so he can get into the debates and be able to take on obama head on. if that works we'll move from there. if that doesn't work, then .... either gotta leave the country, heavily invest in metals/guns, or try to get off the grid somehow, or . . . shit just enjoy your life. dunno what to tell you. if they keep pushing ahead with more inflation and more war things aren't going to be pretty and a lot of people are going to die regardless of how they try to prepare.

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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by dicktater » Wed Jun 08, 2011 7:10 pm

If Obama wins, we're ...

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opinion of a day; but a series of oppressions, begun at a
distinguished period and pursued unalterably through every
change of ministers, too plainly prove a deliberate, systematic
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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by Ry » Wed Jun 08, 2011 8:50 pm

If he doesn't win I say raise the confederate flag only this time northern and western states are welcome to join the rebellion.
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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by Verbos » Thu Jun 09, 2011 10:17 pm

The elections have been rigged for a long time now. People have to come up with a new kind of vote.
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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by general hoke » Fri Jun 10, 2011 10:58 am

everybody move to canada smoke lots of pot everybody move to canada right now we can bum rush the border guard before he and his dog ever knew it...
bang bang bang bang
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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by Illusion85 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 12:56 pm

then we keep on standing up against this bull shit and hope more people wake up

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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by bruno718 » Fri Jun 10, 2011 2:06 pm

Illusion85 wrote:then we keep on standing up against this bull shit and hope more people wake up

its not about being violent and overthrowing the government. it's about waking up the people around us so we can withdraw our consent from this bs.

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Re: Whats the plan if Ron Paul doesn't win

Post by PlutoCharon » Fri Jun 10, 2011 4:06 pm

Waking people up aint easy. Maybe if gas was $20 a gallon, facebook/twitter went down, something like that. People might be will to do something

Fox News and CNN and the rest of the MSM don't give Dr. Paul a fair chance and that's sad because it doesn't reflect reality. Few people knew who he was in '08 and now everybody knows who he is. The MSM doesn't have much influence among the under 40 crowd anyways and I know quite a few people who surprised me in saying that they would vote for Paul.

The other Republican contenders and potentials are a joke. Romney is a Mormon meaning he is a philo-semitic Jew/Israel lover who wears special underwear and will have a 1st, 2nd, 3rd, etc. lady. No way. Newt Gingrich? Why even bother? I like Gary Johnson but he is way too liberal for the Republicans. Herman Cain doesn't stand a chance because he is black and conservatives are still very racist. Giuliani will probably declare candidacy on 9/11 and again not stand a chance because 9/11 is not a good platform to run on.

Then there is the other potential Palin. The scary thing about the sheeple in our country is that they would vote for Palin if she somehow became the Republican candidate. In a Palin vs. Obama matchup, I have no idea but Palin sadly would have a chance. Then I WOULD storm Canada. To live there

In all other match-ups, BO is probably a lock for re-election. Except for Paul. Remember, many Paul supporters jumped on the Obama bandwagon during the actual election (since Paul was out). The MSM mistakenly doesn't put a lot of faith into the youth of today as far as actually going to the polls. The difference is I believe they will in 2012 because of twitter/facebook and because a lot of them graduated without employment and have impossible-to-pay student loan debt. Expect the youth to be louder this time around.

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