U.S. Veterans Returning Home To Unemployment

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Re: U.S. Veterans Returning Home To Unemployment

Post by 600ccdevil » Sun Mar 28, 2010 8:10 pm

"That's who supports war though, a bunch of wimpy people who get a thrill out of blowing the crap out of someone..."

There is so much truth in that statement. I always found it odd that most of the people who were so pro-war would never fight themselves. It reminds me of the guy who sits in front of his TV for Monday night football, screaming at the screen. He wants to tell the players how they should be playing the game and say "I would do it this way" but you will never see their ass on that field. It's easy to promote death when your not the one doing the killing.

And thank you Ry and all the others for not giving in to the patriotic bullshit and actually protesting the wars.

"Staff Sergeant Jimmy Massey was a hard-core, some say "gung-ho," Marine."

I'm sorry but I can't stand the Marines. Every Marine I have met seems to be brain dead. Most of the time when you hear about civilians being killed intentionally it is the Marines. That famous video of them double tapping a guy that was already down, Marine. The video of the guy saying that killing gives him a thrill, Marine. The video of the soldier throwing a puppy off a cliff, Marine. The other famous video of the double tap in Fallujah, Marine. The Army has a few nut bags but it seems like all the Marines are nut bags. Every one of them that I have met is blindly violent....and not so bright. When we were in Iraq we had a company or two of Marines stationed on our FOB (Forward Operating Base). One day we started taking mortar fire; The Army guys ran for cover, The Marines ran outside and pointed their weapons into the air.....I'm dead serious.

FYI: Double Tap is a military term for shooting a person who has already been disabled and is no longer a threat. It is a crime under the Geneva Convention. The Army was very straight forward on this; Any soldiers caught double tapping would be tried for murder. The problem is most people won't turn their buddy in.
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Re: U.S. Veterans Returning Home To Unemployment

Post by Drew J » Mon Apr 12, 2010 11:56 pm

600 I just hope you're not like this retard who says he will fire on American citizens with guns if he has to.

http://www.ancreport.com/forum/v ... 20&t=21412

Further updates have been added at Oxley's Unhived Mind. Lots of others on the internet handed this guy his stupid ass before he took down his first article, and eventually his second.
http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived ... opic=29782
Buck the neocons. Fuck 'em too.

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Re: U.S. Veterans Returning Home To Unemployment

Post by Apricot » Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:37 am

Drew J wrote:600 I just hope you're not like this retard who says he will fire on American citizens with guns if he has to.

http://www.ancreport.com/forum/v ... 20&t=21412

Further updates have been added at Oxley's Unhived Mind. Lots of others on the internet handed this guy his stupid ass before he took down his first article, and eventually his second.
http://z10.invisionfree.com/The_Unhived ... opic=29782
What the heck Drew, you couldn't find a better lead in for your links :?
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Re: U.S. Veterans Returning Home To Unemployment

Post by 600ccdevil » Tue Apr 13, 2010 12:43 am

People like him are sickening. I doubt he even cares about the country or anything really. People like him just thrive on violence and death. They'll take any excuse to murder under the legal protection. After all, war is nothing but legal murder. Some times war is necessary to defend good; 99% of the time it's just an excuse to murder and make money. People like him constantly push for war and conflict to satisfy their own sick animalistic need for death. It doesn't matter what the situation is, they can think of a reason to start killing. It's the same with all the Republicans who think Liberals should be shot. It's all just a deep rooted desire for death and destruction. Our society is no more advanced then the Dark Ages, we just have more technology now.

"What the heck Drew, you couldn't find a better lead in for your links :?"

Hahaha I was thinking that too! It is an eye catcher though. Straight and to the point :P
"There are over 550 million firearms in worldwide circulation. That's one firearm for every twelve people on the planet. The only question is: How do we arm the other 11?"

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Re: U.S. Veterans Returning Home To Unemployment

Post by Ian » Tue Apr 13, 2010 10:14 am

http://original.antiwar.com/rick-fisk/2 ... -own-risk/
Even if we could get them home and out of harm’s way, what sort of citizens have we created? If one were to judge by the number of news stories relating violent crimes involving Iraq war veterans, our ability to reintegrate them back into society looks pretty bleak. Nearly 1 in 5 suffer from PTSD, and many are crippled or suffer from serious brain injuries.

The common thread among war supporters in the media can be charitably described as insincere. It is easy to boast that U.S. soldiers are blameless, unerring freedom fighters who have again defended ourfreedoms. It is much harder to drop the sickening patronization and face the damage that will be felt by veterans and civilians alike for the next generation.

When many come home to jobs in our towns and cities as law enforcement agents, how will they treat the citizens in their jurisdiction? Will every civilian be viewed with the same amount of suspicion, distrust, and callousness shown the Iraqi civilians? Will the veterans escalate to violence at the slightest hint of protest because they have been encouraged to do this in Iraq?
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