Jonestown assualting Ron Paul and the liberty movement

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Jonestown assualting Ron Paul and the liberty movement

Post by Ry » Tue Jun 12, 2012 11:42 am

Talk about a planned coordinated effort by the pseudo alt media attack Ron Paul. Alex Jones and the fear-monger silly flock were just waiting to use Rand Paul's rather irrelevant remarks on Fox to wage a baby out with the bath water assault on Ron Paul. They already tainted 911 truth with crazy, now they are turning their brainwashed youth on Dr Paul because another person said they endorsed Romney. Lots of idiots endorse Romney so what. It has nothing to do with Ron Paul's thoughts and Actions. Not a damn thing has changed. We are going to Tampa and doing it with as many delegates as possible. I guess they can't talk about Syria anymore or Yemen
1 because they don't really understand it and
2 because they are not kosher enough topics.
3 they'd have to re-tell all to crap they said about Egypt and they can't make a full pictures because just vaguely screaming CIA/MI6/Mossad/NWO are behind everything really is about as exploratory as saying "they did it" and explains nothing.
4 they've jumped the shark invited youtube girls on to come talk to them who have no more than 6k views or so but hey if they're pretty then its news.
5 Webster Tarpley is a statist fan of FDR and Lincoln and Hamilton and big government and belong to the hey shit on everyone trust no one the elite run every aspect of the world so just give up and submit crowd. Like religion they are selling fear and doom, because its sells, not just that it is believed it actually sells and in makes money. He thinks cutting government spending is savage. He also wrongly asserts that Ron Paul would cut food stamps which is NOT part of Paul's cuts and also ignores the fact that the reason healthcare prices are so high is because of government. Paul is not cutting food stamps, he then starts comparing Libertarians to Hitler. Tarpley's real beef is with libertarians and he continually groups Ron Paul and Rand Paul together when they are not the same whatsoever. His position is food stamps or genocide. Governemnt nanny state or nazi germany, what a starwman. Government subsidies are why school, health, food, prices are high and governemnt is why it is hard to stat a business to compete with the established franchises.

These people see a sinister conspiracy under every rock. They're the McCarthys of conspiracy, but only those which rely on emotion and not reason or a whole picture. lol so the stories in the Bible are real but a plane didn't hit the pentagon... you know what you call that, well I means besides dumb, it's called a total lack of critical thinking. A missile leads back generically to the US government, a Plane outfitted to be remote lead back to Dov and thus back to Israel, as do the people caught filming the first plane hitting, and the people busted in a truck full of bombs. But see over on Kosher Jones you can't go there. Just scream about Bavarians, ancient orders, hand signals, mind control ,weather control, earthquake machines, symbols on money, the devil, have guest come on and talk about shape shifters, aliens whatever so long as you avoid reality and give Israel a pass on everything you can as well as actual grounded geopolitics with real people and names and documentation, and at the same time drown 911 truth the iraq war etc etc with tons and tons of crazy.

Bravo all you sheep that fall for that jonestown kook-aid. Turning on Dr. Paul. Listen to Tardpley in that video he is clearly anti-libertarian, because he is a statist. He wants to associate Ron paul via degrees of Kevon Bacon to Neocons like Kristol. He thinks the liberty movement has holy books by austrian economists as if a free market system couldn't possibly just make sense. And so when Rand Paul goes and makes an ass of himself and remember Rand Paul is NOT Ron Paul and never has been, Tarpley takes that morphs it into Ron Paul, and promotes all the same rumors and lies as has been planted by the Neocons and mass media. Jones has done little but rotate his sources for parroting, he used to parrot Mars and Watts and even lol promoted Fetzer before he went even too crazy for Jones, and now its Tarpley an anti-liberty statist who fundementally believes in big government.
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Re: Jonestown assualting Ron Paul and the liberty movement

Post by Rio » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:13 pm

Ry wrote:4 they've jumped the shark invited youtube girls on to come talk to them who have no more than 6k views or so but hey if they're pretty then its news.
Who are the youtube girls coming on the Alex Jones show? I haven't been following the drama, or the Ron/Rand Paul nonsense. Personally, I don't know why Rand Paul made it a point to announce his support for Romney, but whatever, we always knew he was a neo-con shill anyways.

AJ is a provacatuer, and he did the same thing with Debra Medina back in 2010. All you have to do to see that this guy is just a shill provacatuer is to check the clips of him disrupting the Austin gun rights rally.

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Re: Jonestown assualting Ron Paul and the liberty movement

Post by Ry » Tue Jun 12, 2012 12:18 pm

chicks from the daily Paul they had on forget their names but well meaning yet not the sharpest political actuivist and infowars of course just ate them alive, talk about setting up strawmen.
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Re: Jonestown assualting Ron Paul and the liberty movement

Post by TheJoker » Tue Jun 12, 2012 6:59 pm

Make it a video Ry. Fuck Alex go after Retardpley and use clips from that interview with Kokesh.

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Re: Jonestown assualting Ron Paul and the liberty movement

Post by Int'l man of mystery » Tue Jun 12, 2012 9:31 pm

Ry wrote:5 Webster Tarpley is a statist fan of FDR and Lincoln and Hamilton and big government and belong to the hey shit on everyone trust no one the elite run every aspect of the world so just give up and submit crowd.
Such a crowd would, I think, be properly referred to as "fatalists".

Statists and fatalists are in agreement on 1 thing: submission to authority. The former desires it while the latter believes in giving in to it.

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Re: Jonestown assualting Ron Paul and the liberty movement

Post by Ry » Wed Jun 13, 2012 9:48 am

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