Just like the over focus on the buildings with 911 people over focus on the bullets and shots with JFK and RFK. And they are ignoring all the other evidence around both cases. Some don’t even ask the most basic questions.

If Oswald just happened to work in the building where the motorcade would pass and a shot could be fired then who hired him and how did he get the idea to move to Dallas from New Orleans a month before the shooting and randomly decide as a former marine to conveniently go get a job in a Building storing school books Which happened to be on the Kennedy motorcade route? I’m gonna answer that. Also if he’s a patsy as he claimed, the only way to make him be in the right building is to have him work there. This kind of commonsense questioning all gets lost in the Alex Jonesing of the event. Alex promotes the lie about Executive Order 11110 limiting the federal reserve. That was a myth promotes by conspiracy researcher Jim Mars and parroted by Griffin. All one has to do to debunk that is go read the order. The order passed by the way and LBJ never reversed it. Alex’s other claim was a death bed confession from Howard Hunt which amounted to nothing more than “we” plotted to kill the president. Cord Meyer, and Philips were named. They’ve been named by many JFK researchers of that faction. The confession however is nothing but a descriptive list of a bunch of guys often brought up among the MANY enemies on Kennedy. There are no details at all of who did what or anything. It does appear as his wife stated that his sons were just as crooked as their dad and tried to coach him and capitalize on his death. That one of hte sons was a jonestowner says enough right there and he got basic information wrong about JFK something that an insider like Howard Hunt wouldn’t do but a jonestowner would.

Another popular video about JKF says there were 8 shooters and a volley of bullets, claims his brain was removed among other ridiculous assertions, and dumps the whole thing on Johnson. This is the loose change equivalent of JFK films. Like Oliver Stone there is not one mention of the mafia, or the Israelis at all.

The worst info on JFK comes from the same people who made the worst info on 911 and that’s Jim Fetzer who has done everything form blame JFK’s driver to his wife. He’s the same guy who is in denial of any planes being used on 911 and who wrongly said Atta’a bag was left behind in a car. This disinfo is less damaging than the Jonestown info however because its so far over the top that it just isn’t effective. what it does though is it shift the jonestown nonsense away form the edges and towards the middle by being something crazier than what jones says.

If Sirhan was waiting in the pantry area then how did he know bobby was going to exit that way. And who got bobby to go that way? WB made the call. Where did Sirhan buy his gun? Etc no one asked the most basic things. They get distracted by Garrison and Oliver Stone type Hollywood nonsense. Seriously after all RFK to fight Israel and he ends up shot by a Palestinian… really?

I can not wait to clear the nonsense from the air and make these Kennedy films. I just need 3 or 4 months to knock out a film detailing what happened to Bobby and actually that film has to be done first as it is going to help unravel who did what and why to Jack as well.

please donate to this campaign to DC as all proceeds made over the amount will be saved for the Kennedy films. https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/extended-stay-to-cover-anti-aipac-conference/x/3986066