Japanese TV fosters pointless prejudice towards Korea

Of course this is (state) TV it's not the opinions of ordinary people. But they accuse Korea of always copying Japan. Holy projection. 물론 이것은 보통 사람들의 의견이 아닌 단지 TV일뿐이다. 그러나 그들은 한국이 항상 일본을 카피한다고 고발하고 있다. 이것이야말로 심리적투영이다. 勿論これは普通の人の意見ではなく単なるTV番組である。しかし彼らは韓国がいつも日本をコピーしていると告発している。これは心理学における投影といえる。

By |2020-06-28T08:24:38-07:00June 28, 2020|Report|0 Comments

Sut Jhally is not gong to the LA screening.

Apparently the liberal professor doesn't like my opinions about the Civil War and WWII. What a jack ass. I already spent money for international flights and a venue. This chickenshit actually called me anti-Semitic for interviewing people he doesn't like. I've interviewed three revisionist ever, David Cole, Germar Rudolf, and [...]

By |2020-06-28T08:19:49-07:00June 28, 2020|Report|0 Comments

100% Correct about the 28 pages

I predicted everything that congress just released in the formerly redacted 28 page section of the Senate investigation into 911 naming all the names too Omar Bayoumi Osama Basnan etc. This is the US senate's own investigation with FBI documents that they hid from 2002 to now and I uncovered [...]

By |2020-06-28T08:15:00-07:00June 28, 2020|Report|0 Comments

ANC news letter

If you get an email request from gopher asking you to join a subscription to ANC it is real. It is not spam. All ANC members and Patreon supporters are getting the option to join a news letter written by me.

By |2020-06-28T08:14:59-07:00June 28, 2020|Report|0 Comments

ANC shirts on sale

Here is how it works. If we get orders for fifty shirts or more then the shirts will be printed and mailed out. We have 14 days to reach this goal. There are several colors to choose from.If we don't reach the goal then you don't lose any money but [...]

By |2020-06-28T08:04:43-07:00June 28, 2020|Report|0 Comments

Online store works now

http://www.ancreport.com/shop/you guys already get the audiobook just for being on Patreon. I wanted to post a store link though because my brothers Ebook about a naval battle in the Civil War is up. The description is on the page.

By |2020-06-28T07:54:53-07:00June 28, 2020|Report|0 Comments

Watch HellStorm on ANC Report

http://www.ancreport.com/documentary/hellstorm-2/I'm not promoting white nationalists. They can kiss my ass. I am allowing a film about German suffering to be seen. That some racist assholes advocate it for completely different reasons and motives does negate the very real suffering of Germans post war. And same goes for Japan. You don't [...]

By |2020-06-28T07:46:57-07:00June 28, 2020|Report|0 Comments


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