There seems to be more and more polarization between identitarians and racist. I understand the identitarians see every cop shoots a minority story and freaks out and the racist think all the dindai and kabbabs are flooding Europe. I cant stand either faction but between the two I think the identitarians are worse or more harmful. Racism is pretty much rejected and opposed on every level of power where as identitarian nonsense gets embraced, also the identitarians are racist themselves and their liberal policies hurt minorities more than the racists’ distasteful attitude about bell curves and head sizes. Say what you want but the alt right has a a better sense of humor than the SJW crowd who seem to harboring a mental illness and savior complex. Looking at policies, welfare open borders and job and admissions favoritism have not helped minority groups. They haven’t helped anyone at all. I dont worry about the racist because they have a zero to one chance of gaining any real political power. The SJW crew however already have doctors listing 7 different genders on their forms. They are a nightmare. I just don’t want opposition to them painted as neo Nazis and gun nuts who think every school shooting is “staged” or even a hoax.

It seems like whenever you point out the ridiculousness of the SJW they will label you a racist/sexist/bigot. And any time you wont goose step for the racist they say you’re a cuck and a shill who is also a cultural Marxist bent on white genocide or even better you’re getting paid by some secret agency. What we have here on both sides of the spectrum are judgemental people with group identity. One covets shame the other resentment. Don’t feed the trolls. Have a more nuanced position than blaming ZOG or CIS White Males, for all the world’s ills.