Eddie Bravo music

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-YUd7oqPCGk&feature=youtu.be https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vF5oFlsLhBU&feature=youtu.be https://youtu.be/OIHOwkwm0ow https://youtu.be/wcX_Gd47hdA

By |2016-09-09T20:41:54-07:00September 9, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Ban Netanyahu from entering Australia

https://www.change.org/p/ban-netanyahu-from-entering-australia-ban-netanyahu-from-entering-australia The war criminal Prime Minister of the Apartheid state of Israel that operates in violation of international law, occupying illegally the West Bank and Golan Heights, illegally annexing East Jerusalem, maintaining an illegal siege upon Gaza and continuing to expand upon its illegal racial colonies (Jewish Zionist only settlements) [...]

By |2016-09-08T03:12:24-07:00September 8, 2016|Blog|0 Comments

Kirk Sorensen Thorium a solution for nuclear power

日本では原子力をどうするべきかについて議論があります。国民は3月11日の津波の後から原子力について心配をしています。日本は化石燃料の99%を輸入しています。そして、自然エネルギーを原子力の代わりにするには十分な力を提供しません。しかし発電所が水の近くに建設される必要がなかった場合はどうですか?それが高い圧力を必要としないならば、どうですか?使われる材料が核爆弾を造る事が出来なかったらどうですか?そして、それがウラニウムまたはプルトニウムより多くのエネルギーを提供すれば、どうですか? トリウム・エネルギーは安全で効率的にこれらを提供することができます。There is a debate in Japan about what to do with nuclear power. The public is afraid of nuclear energy after the March 11th tsunami. A lot a fear-mongering media greatly exaggerated the disaster of Fukushima. Japan imports 99% of its fossil fuels and green energy doesn’t provide enough [...]

By |2021-02-24T11:59:11-08:00September 3, 2016|Other|0 Comments

Five reasons U.S. aid to Israel is a bad investment

https://www.irmep.org/5reasons.asp Five reasons U.S. aid to Israel is a bad investment By Grant F. Smith, Director of Research, IRmep, August 30, 2016 Israel and its U.S. lobby are pressing President Barack Obama to sign an executive agreement pledging $45-$50 billion in military and other support to Israel over a ten-year [...]

By |2016-09-02T21:22:42-07:00September 2, 2016|Report|0 Comments

Palestine conflict totally distorted by US media

http://www.ancreport.com/blog/palestine-conflict-totally-distorted-us-media/It is hard for some people to understand the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It is hard for them to understand why it is such an important issue for people outside of that region.The reason it is hard to people not already familiar with the history and nature of the conflict to learn [...]

By |2016-09-02T08:40:12-07:00September 2, 2016|Report|0 Comments


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